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Phagocytosis has been used to characterize on a functional basis leukocytes adhered to the aortic endothelium of the rat. After intravenous administration of particles, phagocytosis was observed microscopically in esterase-positive leukocytes adhered to the endothelium in whole mounts of aorta. PolybeadR blue and red, 0.5 and 1 μm particle size, were inadequate because they were insufficiently colored to be identified individually at 400. Fluoresbritetm YG 0.25 and 0.50 μm at doses of 0.2 and 2 ± 0.3 m1/100 g, respectively, produced endothelial lesions. The same occurred with Monastral blue BR (MbB) at 0.3 ml/100 g, red iron at 2 ± 16 mg/100 g and India ink at different concentrations depending on the supplier. At lower particle doses, lesions were not found. Deferoxamine mesylate 1.5 mg/100 g intravenous and allopurinol 5 mg/100 g intraperitoneal administered before the particles diminished the number and intensity of lesions. In none of the cases studied was the percentage of phagocytic cells greater than 50%. Clearance curves of MbB and Fluoresbritetm indicated rapid disappearance of particles from the blood. Results indicate that administration of particulate suspensions is not a good method for characterizing the phagocytic leukocytes adhering to the aortic endothelium because low doses produce rapid clearance of particles, thus impeding sufficient leukocyte loading, and higher doses produce endothelial lesions that often impair reliable counting of the adhering leukocytes.  相似文献   
The genus Mycobacterium is composed of species with widely differing growth rates ranging from approximately three hours in Mycobacterium smegmatis to two weeks in Mycobacterium leprae. As DNA replication is coupled to cell duplication, it may be regulated by common mechanisms. The chromosomal regions surrounding the origins of DNA replication from M. smegmatis, M. tuberculosis, and M. leprae have been sequenced, and show very few differences. The gene order, rnpA-rpmH-dnaA-dnaN-recF-orf-gyrB-gyrA, is the same as in other Gram-positive organisms. Although the general organization in M. smegmatis is very similar to that of Streptomyces spp., a closely related genus, M. tuberculosis and M. leprae differ as they lack an open reading frame, between dnaN and recF, which is similar to the gnd gene of Escherichia coli. Within the three mycobacterial species, there is extensive sequence conservation in the intergenic regions flanking dnaA, but more variation from the consensus DnaA box sequence was seen than in other bacteria. By means of subcloning experiments, the putative chromosomal origin of replication of M. smegmatis, containing the dnaA-dnaN region, was shown to promote autonomous replication in M. smegmatis, unlike the corresponding regions from M. tuberculosis or M. leprae.  相似文献   
Acyl Group Migrations in 2-Monoolein   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Acyl migration in 2-monoolein dissolved in solvents under conditions common in lipid modification reactions has been studied. The effects on acyl migration of solvent, incubation temperature, water activity, polar additives and solid additives have been investigated. Extensive acyl migration occured in aliphatic hydrocarbons and water-miscible alcohols under dry conditions. The acyl migration rate could be decreased in several nonpolar solvents by adding a small amount of water or an alcohol. Increasing water activity had no effect in isooctane, but decreased the acyl migration rate dramatically in methyl tert-butyl ether and methyl isobutyl ketone. Several commonly used enzyme supports catalysed acyl migration, showing that supports with surface charges could catalyse acyl migration.  相似文献   
Pieces of callus obtained from seedlings of Digitalis purpureawere grown on solid Murashige-Skoog's medium supplemented with1 mg liter–1 BA and 0.1 mg liter–1 IAA or NAA, withor without phenobarbital (40 mg liter–1). The replacementof the natural auxin IAA by the synthetic auxin NAA increasedcallus growth and inhibited organogenesis, whereas the additionof phenobarbital had the opposite effect. Morphometric measurementsrevealed a high ratio of vacuole to cytoplasm (v/v) in calluscells. This ratio was affected by the different treatments inthe same way as the fresh weight. The activity of mitochondrialcytochrome P450scc (the enzyme that provides the precursor,pregnenolone, for the biosynthesis of cardenolide in foxgloveplants) was detected in the relevant fraction of callus grownunder all experimental conditions, and its activity was increasedby the addition of phenobarbital. The different treatments testedincreased the cardenolide content and quantifiable amounts ofdigitoxin were detected in all callus tissues. It is of specialinterest that phenobarbital added to the culture medium increasedthe accumulation of digitoxin. The mechanism affecting the developmentand production of cardenolide in callus tissues of D. purpureaby phenobarbital and the replacement of IAA by NAA is discussed. (Received July 18, 1994; Accepted December 14, 1994)  相似文献   
The life-history parameters reproduction rate, developmental time and age specific survival of the western flower thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae], were determined on susceptible and resistant cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes. Both newly emerged andF. occidentalis females of mixed ages showed a substantial reduction (36 to 50%) of the reproduction rate on all resistant genotypes, in particular after the second day. On the resistant genotypes 9127 and 9140,F. occidentalis had a prolonged developmental period. This was primarily due to a prolongation of the second larval stage. On all resistant genotypes,F. occidentalis suffered from high (82 to 97%) preadult mortality, predominantly at the second larval stage. It is conclude that the resistant genotypes do not cause an immediate intoxication of adult nor preadult thrips stages.  相似文献   
During early embryogenesis of the nematode Parascaris univalens (2n=2) the processes of chromatin diminution and segregation of the germ and somatic cell lineages take place simultaneously. In this study we analyzed the nucleolar cycle in early embryos, both in germinal and somatic blastomeres, by means of silver staining and antibodies against the nucleolar protein fibrillarin. We observed an identical nucleolar cycle in both types of blastomeres, hence, the chromatin diminution process has no effect on the nucleolar cycle of somatic blastomeres. We report the existence of outstanding differences between this cycle and those previously reported during early embryogenesis of other species. There is a true nucleolar cycle in early embryos that shows a peculiar nucleolar disorganization at prophase, and a preferential localization of prenucleolar bodies only on the euchromatic regions during nucleologenesis. Moreover, fibrillarin does not form a perichromosomal sheath in metaphase or anaphase holocentric chromosomes, probably owing to their special centromeric organization. The number and location of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in the chromosomal complement have been determined using silver impregnation, chromomycin A3/distamycin A staining, and fluorescent in situ hybridization using an rDNA probe. There are only two NORs, one per chromosome, and these are lost in blastomeres after chromatin diminution. Moreover, the constant presence of two nucleoli in somatic blastomeres suggests that NORs are not affected during the fragmentation of euchromatic regions when this process occurs.  相似文献   
The ability of Salmonella typhimurium to interact with host cells is largely dependent on the function of a type III protein-secretion system encoded at centisome 63 of its chromosome. We have shown here that two targets of this protein-secretion system, SipB and SipC, are translocated into cultured intestinal Henle-407 cells. Translocation required the function of the type III secretion apparatus, as an S. typhimurium strain carrying a mutation in invA , which encodes an essential component of this system, failed to translocate the Sip proteins. Null mutations in the genes encoding SipB, SipC or SipD, prevented protein translocation, indicating that these proteins are involved in the translocation process. In contrast, mutations in sipA and sptP , which also encode secreted proteins, did not interfere with the translocation of SipC, indicating that only a subset of targets of the type III secretion system act as translocases. Externally or internally localized bacteria could direct protein translocation into Henle-407 cells as this process occurred in the presence of cytochalasin D at a concentration that prevented bacterial entry, or in the presence of gentamicin added shortly after bacterial internalization at a concentration that killed extracellular Salmonella . These results indicate that protein translocation into host cells may be a universal function of all type III secretion systems.  相似文献   
Abstract: Identification of A1 adenosine receptors (A1Rs) in a tumor cell line derived from rat pituitary (GH4 cells) was performed by ligand binding and immunological experiments. Subsequently, the involvement of A1Rs in the regulation of calcium conductance was studied in these cells. The agonist N 6-( R )-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine ( R -PIA) did not modify the intracellular calcium basal levels, whereas it inhibited the increase produced by 15 m M KCl depolarization. The antagonist 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine led to the opening of voltage-dependent cell surface calcium channels in the absence of exogenous KCl. The channels were of the L type because the effect was abolished by calciseptine and by verapamil. These results suggest that endogenous adenosine exerts a tonic inhibitory effect on calcium transport. This was confirmed by the high adenosine concentration found in cell supernatants (up to 1 µ M ) and by the calcium mobilization produced by exogenously added adenosine deaminase. In depolarizing conditions, the calcium peak in the presence of adenosine deaminase was reduced when cells were preincubated with R -PIA, thus suggesting that A1R activation regulates the intensity of depolarization. These results demonstrate that adenosine is an important regulator of the physiological state of pituitary tumor cells by modulating, in an autocrine manner, the activity of L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels.  相似文献   
Different species of the bristletail genus Lepismachilis were collected in 14 localities in Italy and Spain and an allozyme electrophoretic survey was carried out to estimate the degree of genetic variability and differentiation at intra- and interspecific levels. Four morphological species were initially identified (L osellai, L. y-signata, L. affinis, L. targionii), but the electrophoretic analysis demonstrated the presence of two additional species among the individuals of L. targionii (Lepismachilis spl and sp2). The validity of these species and their differentiation from L targionii were demonstrated by the fixation of alternative allelic patterns at several loci (7 in Lepismachilis spl and 8 in Lepismachilis sp2), coupled with fixed, previously undetected, morphological differences. In addition, Lepismachilis sp2 was sympatric with L. targionii in three collecting sites, where the fixation of alternative allelic patterns unequivocally demonstrated reproductive isolation. Genetic variability did not seem to be correlated with local ecological factors, and differences between species should rather be explained by different historical factors. Low levels of gene flow, estimated with two different indirect methods, were observed in L. targionii and L. y-signata, and were due to high levels of structuring among populations. Genetic differentiation among conspecific populations was not correlated to their geographical arrangement and the presence of loci fixed for different alleles among them suggested that stochastic factors (such as genetic drift) may have played a role in determining genetic differentiation of geographically isolated populations. Genetic divergence values indicated that the six species are well differentiated and allozyme profiles were diagnostic for all of them. On the other hand, allozyme data did not provide adequate information to resolve evolutionary relationships among the species, nor did they confirm the validity of the two subgenera (Lepismachilis and Berlesilis) in which the genus Lepismachilis is traditionally divided.  相似文献   
Congenital syphilis has been diagnosed very seldom in ancient populations. The case that we examined comes from San Jeronimo's Church (17th and 18th centuries AD; Mexico City). Coffin 43 contained an incomplete skeleton of an approximately 2-year-old infant. The pathological lesions of this skeleton include bilateral osteochondritis, diaphyseal osteomyelitis, and osteitis and/or periostitis on the long bones. The radiographic appearance depicts symmetrical osteomyelitic foci, particularly at the proximal extremity of both tibiae (Wimberger's sign). The skull exhibits hydroceph-aly and periosteal changes on the vault, and the unerupted upper incisors evince dental hypoplasia and other pathological alterations reminiscent of Hutchinson's incisors. All these features strongly suggest a case of early Congenital syphilis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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