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Very little is known about the combined effects of low doses of heavy metals and radiation. However, such “multiple stressor” exposure is the reality in the environment. In the work reported in this paper, fish were exposed to cobalt 60 gamma irradiation with or without copper or aluminum in the water. Doses of radiation ranged from 4 to 75 mGy delivered over 48 or 6 h. Copper doses ranged from 10 to 80 μg/L for the same time period. The aluminum dose was 250 μg/L. Gills and skin were removed from the fish after exposure and explanted in tissue culture flasks for investigation of bystander effects of the exposures using a stress signal reporter assay, which has been demonstrated to be a sensitive indicator of homeostatic perturbations in cells. The results show complex synergistic interactions of radiation and copper. Gills on the whole produce more toxic bystander signals than skin, but the additivity scores show highly variable results which depend on dose and time of exposure. The impacts of low doses of copper and low doses of radiation are greater than additive, medium levels of copper alone have a similar level of effect of bystander signal toxicity to the low dose. The addition of radiation stress, however, produces clear protective effects in the reporters treated with skin-derived medium. Gill-derived medium from the same fish did not show protective effects. Radiation exposure in the presence of 80 μg/L led to highly variable results, which due to animal variation were not significantly different from the effect of copper alone. The results are stressor type, stressor concentration and time dependent. Clearly co-exposure to radiation and heavy metals does not always lead to simple additive effects.  相似文献   
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common cause of chronic childhood disability and encompasses a number of disease subgroups. In this study we have focused on systemic JIA (sJIA), which accounts for approximately 11% of UK JIA cases. This study reports the investigation of three members of the IL10 gene family as candidate susceptibility loci in children with sJIA. DNA from 473 unaffected controls and 172 patients with sJIA was genotyped for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in IL19 and IL20 and two SNPs in IL10. We examined evidence for association of the four SNPs by single marker and haplotype analysis. Significant differences in allele frequency were observed between cases and controls, for both IL10-1082 (p = 0.031) and IL20-468 (p = 0.028). Furthermore, examination of the haplotypes of IL10-1082 and IL20-468 revealed greater evidence for association (global p = 0.0006). This study demonstrates a significant increased prevalence of the low expressing IL10-1082 genotype in patients with sJIA. In addition, we show a separate association with an IL20 polymorphism, and the IL10-1082A/IL20-468T haplotype. The two marker 'A-T' haplotype confers an odds ratio of 2.24 for sJIA. This positive association suggests an important role for these cytokines in sJIA pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Colors and odors are associated; for instance, people typically match the smell of strawberries to the color pink or red. These associations are forms of crossmodal correspondences. Recently, there has been discussion about the extent to which these correspondences arise for structural reasons (i.e., an inherent mapping between color and odor), statistical reasons (i.e., covariance in experience), and/or semantically-mediated reasons (i.e., stemming from language). The present study probed this question by testing color-odor correspondences in 6 different cultural groups (Dutch, Netherlands-residing-Chinese, German, Malay, Malaysian-Chinese, and US residents), using the same set of 14 odors and asking participants to make congruent and incongruent color choices for each odor. We found consistent patterns in color choices for each odor within each culture, showing that participants were making non-random color-odor matches. We used representational dissimilarity analysis to probe for variations in the patterns of color-odor associations across cultures; we found that US and German participants had the most similar patterns of associations, followed by German and Malay participants. The largest group differences were between Malay and Netherlands-resident Chinese participants and between Dutch and Malaysian-Chinese participants. We conclude that culture plays a role in color-odor crossmodal associations, which likely arise, at least in part, through experience.  相似文献   
The ferrichrome-iron receptor of Escherichia coli K-12 encoded by the fhuA gene is a multifunctional outer membrane receptor with an Mr of 78,000. It is required for the binding and uptake of ferrichrome and is the receptor for bacteriophages T5, T1, phi 80, and UC-1 as well as for colicin M. The fhuA gene was cloned into pBR322, and the recombinant plasmid pGC01 was mutagenized by the insertion of 6-base-pair TAB (two amino acid Barany) linkers into CfoI and HpaII restriction sites distributed throughout the coding region. A library of 18 TAB linker insertions in fhuA was generated; 8 of the mutations were at CfoI sites and 10 were at HpaII sites. All mutations inserted a hexamer that encoded a unique SacI site. A large deletion in fhuA was also isolated by TAB linker mutagenesis. Except for the deletion mutant, all of the linker insertion mutant FhuA proteins were found in the outer membrane in amounts similar to those found in the wild type. Five of the linker insertion mutants were susceptible to cleavage by endogenous proteolytic activity: a second FhuA-related band that migrated at approximately 72 kilodaltons could be detected on Coomassie blue-stained gels and on Western blots (immunoblots) by using a carboxy terminus-specific anti-peptide antibody. Receptor functions were measured with the mutated genes present in a single copy on the chromosome. Some of the receptors conferred wild-type phenotypes: they demonstrated growth promotion by ferrichrome and the same efficiency of plating as that of wild-type FhuA; killing by colicin M was also unaffected. Several mutants were altered in their sensitivities to the lethal agents. TAB linker insertions after amino acids 69 and 128 abolished all receptor functions. Phage T5 id not bind to these mutant FhuA proteins in detergent extracts. The deletion mutant was also defective in all FhuA functions. Sensitivity to the lethal agents of cellsl that expressed mutant FhuAs with insertions after amino acids 59 and 135 was reduced by several orders of magnitude. Insertion at other selected sites decreased some or all receptor functions only slightly. An insertion after amino acid 321 selectively eliminated ferrichrome growth promotion. Finally, a strain carrying a mutant fhuA gene on the chromosome in which the linker insertion occurred after amino acid 82 showed a tonB phenotype. These subtle perturbations that were introduced into the FhuA protein resulted in changes in its stability and in the binding and uptake of its cognate ligands.  相似文献   
The effect of various factors upon prostaglandin (PG) production by the osteoblast was examined using osteoblast-rich populations of cells prepared from newborn rat calvaria. Bradykinin and serum, and to a lesser extent, thrombin, were also shown to stimulate PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF (the hydration product of PGI2) secretion by the osteoblastic cells. Several inhibitors of prostanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, indomethacin, dazoxiben and nafazatrom, were tested for their effects on the calvarial cells. All inhibited PGE2 and PGI2 (the major arachidonic acid metabolites of these cells) production with half-maximal inhibition by all four substances occuring at approximately 10−7 M. For dazoxiben and nafazatrom, this was in contrast to published results from experiments which have indicated that the compounds stimulated PGI2 production. Finally, since the osteoblasts is responsive to bone-resorbing hormones, these were tested. Only epidermal growth factor (EGF) was shown to modify PG production. At early time EGF stimulated PGE2 release, however, the predominant effect of the growth factor was an inhibition of both PGE2 and PGI2 production by the osteoblastic cells. The present results suggest that the bone-resorbing hormones do not act to cause an increase in PG by the esteoblast and that any increase in PG production by these cells may be in response to vascular agents  相似文献   
Anmdr1 hammerhead was introduced into two adriamycin-selected multi-drug resistant human lung cell lines both of which over-express p-glycoprotein. Expression of the ribozyme resulted in a decrease inmdr1 mRNA expression and an increase in drug sensitivity in both cell lines. This would suggest that the use of specific ribozymes may represent an effective and specific approach in order to restore cellular sensitivity towards anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   
The serine palmitoyl transferase inhibitor myriocin potently suppresses the development of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene knockout (apoE(-/-)) mice fed a high-fat diet. This is associated with reduced plasma sphingomyelin (SM) and glycosphingolipid levels. Furthermore, oral administration of myriocin decreases plasma cholesterol and triglyceride (TG) levels. Here, we aimed to determine whether myriocin could inhibit the progression (or stimulate the regression) of established atherosclerotic lesions and to examine potential changes in hepatic and plasma lipid concentrations. Adult apoE(-/-) mice were fed a high-fat diet for 30 days, and lesion formation was histologically confirmed. Replicate groups of mice were then transferred to either regular chow or chow containing myriocin (0.3 mg/kg/day) and maintained for a further 60 days. Myriocin significantly inhibited the progression of established atherosclerosis when combined lesion areas (aortic sinus, arch, and celiac branch point) were measured. Although the inhibition of lesion progression was observed mainly in the distal regions of the aorta, regression of lesion size was not detected. The inhibition of lesion progression was associated with reductions in hepatic and plasma SM, cholesterol, and TG levels and increased hepatic and plasma apoA-I levels, indicating that the modulation of pathways associated with several classes of atherogenic lipids may be involved.  相似文献   
Cyclophilin 40, a divergent loop cyclophilin first identified in association with the estrogen receptor α, contains a C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain through which it shares structural identity with FK506-binding protein 52 (FKBP52) and other partner cochaperones in steroid receptor-heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) complexes. By dynamically competing for Hsp90 interaction, the cochaperones allow the receptors to establish distinct Hsp90-chaperone complexes, with the potential to exert tissue-specific control over receptor activity. Cyclophilin 40 regulates Hsp90 ATPase activity during receptor-Hsp90 assembly. Functional deletion of the cyclophilin 40 yeast homologue, Cpr7, adversely affected estrogen receptor α and glucocorticoid receptor activity that could be fully restored, either with wild type Cpr7 or Cpr7 with a cyclophilin domain lacking isomerase activity. We draw parallels with the mechanism already established for FKBP52 and propose that the cyclophilin 40 divergent loop interfaces with a contact surface on the steroid receptor ligand-binding domain to achieve an optimal orientation for receptor activity.  相似文献   
Cassette mutagenesis was used to synthesize an Escherichia coli expression library of unique phosphorylation sites. The cassette encodes a central serine residue surrounded by every combination of Ala, Arg, Gln, Glu, Gly, and Pro residues over a 7-residue segment (a total of 6(7) approximately 2.8 x 10(5) sequences). The cassette was inserted into the gene of a suitable carrier protein and expressed in E. coli with the T7 expression system, and the resultant library was subjected to solid-phase protein phosphorylation assays on nitrocellulose filters. When the library was screened with TPK1 delta, the modified catalytic subunit of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cAMP-dependent protein kinase, individual colonies that expressed substrates for this kinase were identified. By DNA sequencing through the cassette region of positive clones, the consensus recognition sequence for TPK1 delta was deduced and found to conform with the well-established substrate selectivity of its mammalian homolog (Arg-Arg-Xaa-Ser). Because a large number of clones can be sequenced rapidly, and the positions of invariant residues composing a recognition site identified, this approach may be useful as a general screen of protein kinase substrate selectivity.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to reconcile a popular view of the Bushmen or San of southern Africa with reality. Following an analysis of the assumed relationships of living hunter-gatherers with their Pleistocene forebears and modem neighbors, the identity of the San is explored using archaeological and historical evidence. Finally an alternative view of modern San, consistent with this evidence, is proposed.  相似文献   
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