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Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), an autosomal recessive neurological dysfunction that severely impairs motor coordination and reduction of life expectancy in humans, is caused by a deficiency in frataxin, a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein. Recently, a frataxin ortholog has been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana, named AtFH, with a transit peptide for localization in mitochondria and 65% sequence identity with human frataxin (Busi et al. FEBS Lett 576:141–144, 2004). Complementation of S. cerevisiae mutant strain Δyfh1 deficient in frataxin with AtFH, proved that the plant isoform is a functional protein, able to restore normal respiration and growth rates in the mutant yeast (Busi et al. FEBS Lett 576:141–144, 2004). AtFH is localized in mitochondria as its animal counterparts (Busi et al. Plant J 48:873–882, 2006); it is expressed mainly in flowers and developing embryos and it is an essential protein, since the knocking out of AtFH gene causes arrest of embryo development at the globular stage (Vazzola et al. FEBS Lett 581:667–672, 2007). A T-DNA insertional A.thaliana mutant showing a greater than 50% reduction of AtFH protein content, named atfh-1, has impaired activity of two mitochondrial enzymes possessing [Fe-S] clusters: aconitase and succinate dehydrogenase (Busi et al. Plant J 48:873–882, 2006). The results obtained in the last ten years on animal systems can contribute, without any doubt, to the elucidation of the role of frataxin in plant mitochondria; however, mitochondria of photosynthetically active cells, differently from animal ones, are not the major source of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which could suggest possible differences in function between plant and animal frataxin.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial carriers are a family of proteins that transport metabolites, nucleotides, and cofactors across the inner mitochondrial membrane thereby connecting cytosolic and matrix functions. The essential cofactor coenzyme A (CoA) is synthesized outside the mitochondrial matrix and therefore must be transported into mitochondria where it is required for a number of fundamental processes. In this work we have functionally identified and characterized SLC25A42, a novel human member of the mitochondrial carrier family. The SLC25A42 gene (Haitina, T., Lindblom, J., Renström, T., and Fredriksson, R., 2006, Genomics 88, 779–790) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. Its transport properties, kinetic parameters, and targeting to mitochondria demonstrate that SLC25A42 protein is a mitochondrial transporter for CoA and adenosine 3′,5′-diphosphate. SLC25A42 catalyzed only a counter-exchange transport, exhibited a high transport affinity for CoA, dephospho-CoA, ADP, and adenosine 3′,5′-diphosphate, was saturable and inhibited by bongkrekic acid and other inhibitors of mitochondrial carriers to various degrees. The main physiological role of SLC25A42 is to import CoA into mitochondria in exchange for intramitochondrial (deoxy)adenine nucleotides and adenosine 3′,5′-diphosphate. This is the first time that a mitochondrial carrier for CoA and adenosine 3′,5′-diphosphate has been characterized biochemically.The mitochondrial carrier family, or the solute carrier family 25 (SLC25),3 comprises a large group of proteins that transport a variety of substrates across the inner mitochondrial membrane and, in a few cases, across other membranes (1, 2). Common structural features of the mitochondrial carrier family members consist in a tripartite structure (three repeats of ∼100 amino acids), the presence of two transmembrane α-helices separated by hydrophilic loops in each repeat, and the presence of a signature motif at the C terminus of the first helix in each repeat (Ref. 3 and references therein). The SLC25 family is by far the largest of the currently known 43 SLC families. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome contains 35 members, that of Arabidopsis thaliana 58, and the human genome at least 48 SLC25 members. Until now, nearly 30 members and isoforms of this family have been identified in humans. These include the uncoupling protein and the carriers for ADP/ATP, phosphate, 2-oxoglutarate/malate, citrate, carnitine/acylcarnitine, dicarboxylates, ornithine and other basic amino acids, oxodicarboxylates, deoxynucleotides and thiamine pyrophosphate, aspartate-glutamate, glutamate, S-adenosylmethionine, ATP-Mg/Pi, pyrimidine nucleotides, and adenine nucleotides in peroxisomes (see Ref. 1 for a review and Refs. 48). The present investigation was undertaken to identify the function of SLC25A42, a novel member of the SLC25 family recently found in the human genome (9). SLC25A42 is 318 amino acids long and is highly expressed in virtually all tissues, in most at higher levels than many other SLC25 family members (9).In this study we provide direct evidence that SLC25A42 is a mitochondrial transporter for CoA and PAP. SLC25A42 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified, reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles, and shown to transport CoA, dephospho-CoA, PAP, and (deoxy)adenine nucleotides with high specificity and by a counter-exchange mechanism. The main function of SLC25A42 is probably to catalyze the entry of CoA into the mitochondria in exchange for adenine nucleotides and PAP.  相似文献   
Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) such as XIAP, cIAP1, and cIAP2 are upregulated in many cancer cells. Several compounds targeting IAPs and inducing cell death in cancer cells have been developed. Some of these are synthesized mimicking the N-terminal tetrapeptide sequence of Smac/DIABLO, the natural endogenous IAPs inhibitor. Starting from such conceptual design, we generated a library of 4-substituted azabicyclo[5.3.0]alkane Smac-mimetics. Here we report the crystal structure of the BIR3 domain from XIAP in complex with Smac037, a compound designed according to structural principles emerging from our previously analyzed XIAP BIR3/Smac-mimetic complexes. In parallel, we present an in silico docking analysis of three Smac-mimetics to the BIR3 domain of cIAP1, providing general considerations for the development of high affinity lead compounds targeting three members of the IAP family.  相似文献   
The studies and the researches carried out in the last years on the Palaeolithic site of Isernia La Pineta have brought to consider in new way the activities realized by the human group that lived the basin of Isernia during the Middle Pleistocene offering an important key of interpretation of the behavioural strategies of the prehistoric man. The analysis of the exploitation of the raw material has confirmed the presence on the site of two different lithotypes: flint and limestone; the lithological dichotomy is related to the functional dichotomy of the raw material that seems to have conditioned the activities of the human group in different areas of the site. The necessity to deepen the study on the limestone has derived from the evidence brought to light in the last excavation campaigns of a remarkable concentration of the flaked limestone pebbles and the flake scars in some areas of the explored archeosurfaces, particularly on the 3a and on the overlooking layers. The present study has the purpose to explain the characteristics of the limestone finds both in reference to the raw material and to its state of preservation both to the technotypological evidences and its spatial distribution with the purpose to better understand the modalities of the exploitation of the raw material. The information collected until today have permitted to obtain a precise knowledge of the environmental context and the territorial resources exploited by the human group showing an opportunistic capability to find the most advantageous behavioural solution for the necessities of subsistence.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 is naturally resistant to the toxic metalloid tellurite, but the mechanisms of resistance are not known. In this study we report the isolation of a KF707 mutant (T5) with hyperresistance to tellurite. In order to characterize the bacterial response and the pathways leading to tolerance, we utilized Phenotype MicroArray technology (Biolog) and a metabolomic technique based on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The physiological states of KF707 wild-type and T5 cells exposed to tellurite were also compared in terms of viability and reduced thiol content. Our analyses showed an extensive change in metabolism upon the addition of tellurite to KF707 cultures as well as different responses when the wild-type and T5 strains were compared. Even in the absence of tellurite, T5 cells displayed a “poised” physiological status, primed for tellurite exposure and characterized by altered intracellular levels of glutathione, branched-chain amino acids, and betaine, along with increased resistance to other toxic metals and metabolic inhibitors. We conclude that hyperresistance to tellurite in P. pseudoalcaligenes KF707 is correlated with the induction of the oxidative stress response, resistance to membrane perturbation, and reconfiguration of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   
Sphingolipids such as ceramides (Cers) play important roles in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and cell cycle regulation. An increased Cer level is linked to the cytotoxic effects of several chemotherapeutics. Various selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors induce anti-proliferative effects in tumor cells. We addressed the possible interaction of the selective COX-2 inhibitors, coxibs, with the sphingolipid pathway as an explanation of their anti-proliferative effects. Sphingolipids were measured using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Treatment of various cancer cell lines with celecoxib significantly increased sphinganine, C(16:0)-, C(24:0)-, C(24:1)-dihydroceramide (dhCer) and led to a depletion of C(24:0)-, C(24:1)-Cer in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, whereas other coxibs had no effect. Using (13)C,(15)N-labeled l-serine, we demonstrated that the augmented dhCers after celecoxib treatment originate from de novo synthesis. Celecoxib inhibited the dihydroceramide desaturase (DEGS) in vivo with an IC(50) of 78.9 +/- 1.5 muM and increased total Cer level about 2-fold, indicating an activation of sphingolipid biosynthesis. Interestingly, inhibition of the sphingolipid biosynthesis by specific inhibitors of l-serine palmitoyltransferase diminished the anti-proliferative potency of celecoxib. In conclusion, induction of de novo synthesis of sphingolipids and inhibition of DEGS contribute to the anti-proliferative effects of celecoxib.  相似文献   
Performance enhancing agents (PEAs) are illegally used in cattle and other meat producing species to increase food conversion and lean meat production. Due to the very short breeding cycle, veal calves represent the meat producing bovine category mostly subjected to illicit treatments. These chemical agents are difficult to detect by conventional analytical approaches due to the employment of synergistic formulations at very low dosage and given the use of uncharacterized novel compounds. Such a scenario has fostered a strong interest in the discovery of functional molecular biomarkers for the detection of growth promoting agents in meat producing species. A multivariate MALDI-TOF-MS proteomics platform has been developed using bovine serum samples. Analytical performances have been thoroughly evaluated in order to enable reproducible profiles from 10 μL sera samples. We propose univariate and multivariate discrimination models capable to identify calves undergoing illicit treatments. In particular, we found a strong discrimination power associated with a polypeptide fragment from β2-glycoprotein-I. We provide a fundamental proof of concept in the potential application of MALDI-TOF-MS proteomics profiling in the food safety control.  相似文献   
Jost (Ecology, 88:2427–2439, 2007) recently showed that the Shannon diversity is the only standard diversity measure that can be partitioned into meaningful independent alpha and beta components when plot weights are unequal. This conclusion is very disappointing if one wants to calculate the beta diversity of unequal weighted plots using a parametric measure with varying sensitivities to the occurrence of rare and abundant species. To overcome this impasse, at least partially, in this paper, I propose a parametric measure of beta diversity that is based on the combination of Shannon’s entropy with Hurlbert’s ‘expected species diversity’. Unlike most parametric measures of diversity, the proposed index has a clear probabilistic interpretation, allowing at the same time a multiplicative partition of diversity into independent alpha and beta components for unequally weighted plots.  相似文献   


In the cardiovascular system, laminar shear stress (SS) is one of the most important source of endothelial protecting signals. Physical and chemical agents, however, including ionising radiations and anticancer drugs, may injure endothelial cells determining an increase in oxidative stress and genotoxic damage. Whether the SS protective function remains intact in the presence of strong oxidants or DNA damage is currently unclear.

Methods and Results

To investigate this aspect a series of experiments were performed in which HUVEC were exposed to sub-lethal doses of the radio-mimetic compound Bleomycin (Bleo; 10 µg/ml) which generated free radicals (ROS) without significantly compromising cell survival. Remarkably, the application of a SS of 12 dyne/cm2 did not protect endothelial cells but markedly accelerated apoptosis compared to controls kept in static culture and in the presence of Bleo. Experiments with the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor GW274150 significantly reduced the SS-dependent apoptosis indicating that the production of NO was relevant for this effect. At molecular level, the ataxia-telangectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase, the homeodomain-interacting protein kinase-2 (HIPK2) and p53 were found activated along a pro-apoptotic signalling pathway while p21waf1,cip1,sdi1 was prevented from its protective action. RNA interference experiments revealed that HIPK2 and p53 were both important for this process, however, only the forced expression p21waf1,cip1,sdi1 fully restored the SS-dependent pro-survival function.


This study provides the first evidence that, in the presence of genotoxic damage, laminar flow contributes to endothelial toxicity and death and identifies molecular targets potentially relevant in endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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