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(Co)variance components and further genetic parameters of boar semen characteristics and reproductive traits were estimated using the REML procedure applied to multi-trait animal models. The calculations were based on data from 210,733 ejaculates stemming from 2862 AI boars and collected from 1990 to 1997 in insemination stations for boars in the Czech Republic. Equal model equations for all traits included the AI station and the breed or breed combination as fixed effects, the interval between two collections for the boar as covariable and the animal and residual effects as random effects. The following heritabilities were estimated: semen volume 0.58, sperm concentration 0.49, progressive motion of spermatozoa 0.38, abnormal spermatozoa 0.34, number of total spermatozoa 0.42, number of insemination doses 0.40, number of piglets born alive 0.08, total number of piglets born 0.05 and conception rate 0.29. Heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated on average values for each boar.  相似文献   
In Mediterranean environments, gully erosion is responsible for large soil losses. It has since long been recognized that slopes under vegetation are much more resistant to soil erosion processes compared to bare soils and improve slope stability. Planting or preserving vegetation in areas vulnerable to erosion is therefore considered to be a very effective soil erosion control measure. Re-vegetation strategies for erosion control rely in most cases on the effects of the above-ground biomass in reducing water erosion rates, whereas the role of the below-ground biomass is often neglected or underestimated. While the above-ground biomass can temporally disappear in semi-arid environments, roots may still be present underground and play an important role in protecting the topsoil from being eroded. In order to evaluate the potential of plant species growing in Mediterranean environments to prevent shallow mass movements on gully or terrace walls, the root reinforcement effect of 25 typical Mediterranean matorral species (i.e. shrubs, grasses herbs, small trees) was assessed, using the simple perpendicular model of Wu et al. (Can Geotech J 16:19–33, 1979). As little information is available on Mediterranean plant root characteristics, root distribution data were collected in SE-Spain and root tensile strength tests were conducted in the laboratory. The power root tensile strength–root diameter relationships depend on plant species. The results show that the shrubs Salsola genistoides Juss. Ex Poir. and Atriplex halimus L. have the strongest roots, followed by the grass Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv. The shrubs Nerium oleander L. and the grass Avenula bromoides (Gouan) H. Scholz have the weakest roots in tension. Root area ratio for the 0–0.1 m topsoil ranges from 0.08% for the grass Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss to 0.8% for the tree Tamarix canariensis Willd. The rush Juncus acutus L. provides the maximum soil reinforcement to the topsoil by its roots (i.e. 304 kPa). Grasses also increase soil shear strength significantly (up to 244 kPa in the 0–0.1 m topsoil for Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv.). The shrubs Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. and Anthyllis cytisoides L. are increasing soil shear strength to a large extent as well (up to 134 and 160 kPa respectively in the 0–0.10 m topsoil). Whereas grasses and the rush Juncus acutus L. increase soil shear strength in the topsoil (0–0.10 m) to a large extent, the shrubs Anthyllis cytisoides (L.), Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss., Salsola genistoides Juss. Ex Poir. and Atriplex halimus L. strongly reinforce the soil to a greater depth (0–0.5 m). As other studies reported that Wu’s model overestimates root cohesion values, reported root cohesion values in this study are maximum values. Nevertheless, the calculated cohesion values are used to rank species according to their potential to reinforce the soil.  相似文献   
The determination of C-terminal peptide sequence is critical since the C-terminal peptide contains biologically relevant information and often undergoes post-translational processing. Another important application is in estimating purity of the biopharmaceuticals, especially for determining the presence of ragged processed ends and for N-terminally blocked polypeptides and proteins. In this paper, different isotope coding strategies in combination with reversed phase chromatography (RPC) coupled with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) were evaluated to detect the C-terminal peptide from proteolytic digests. These were (i) O18 (ii) acylation and (iii) esterification based isotope coding strategies. Using reversed phase chromatography, the C-terminal peptide was resolved from other internal peptides. The isotope coding approaches specifically rendered a characteristic MS signature to the C-terminal peptide, thereby facilitating its detection. The unique MS signature, along with accurate mass data for the C-terminal peptide was found to be sufficient for its detection and identification. The advantages and limitations of the three approaches will be discussed.  相似文献   
Tumors create a heterogeneous acidic microenvironment which assists their growth and which must be taken into account in the design of drugs and their delivery. In addition, the acidic extracellular pH (pHe) is itself exploited in several experimental techniques for drug delivery. The way the acidity is created is not clear. We report here the spatial organization of key proton-handling proteins in C6 gliomas in rat brain. The mean profiles across the tumor rim of the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1, and the lactate-H+ cotransporter MCT1, both showed peaks. NHE1, which is important for extension and migration of cells in vitro, showed a peak 1.55 times higher than in extratumoural tissue at 0.33 mm from the edge. MCT1 had a broader peak, further into the tumor (maximum 1.76 fold at 1.0 mm from the edge). In contrast, MCT4 and the carbonic anhydrase CAIX, which are associated with hypoxia, were not significantly upregulated in the rim. The spatial distribution of MCT4 was highly correlated with that of CAIX, suggesting that their expression is regulated by the same factors. Since protons extruded by NHE1 diffuse away through extracellular clefts, NHE1 requires a continuous source of intracellular protons. From the stoichiometries of metabolic pathways that produce or consume H+, and the greater availability of glucose compared to oxygen in most parts of a tumor, we support the classic view that most of the net proton efflux from C6 gliomas originates in glycolytic formation of lactate and H+ inside the tumor, but add that some lactate is taken up into cells in the rim on MCT1, and some lactate diffuses away, leaving its associated protons available to re-enter cells for extrusion on NHE1. Therapeutic inhibition of NHE1, MCT1 or CAIX is predicted to affect different parts of a tumor.  相似文献   
Phage Mu-1 and a thermoinducible derivative, Mu-1 cts 62 were inserted into the broad host range R factor RP4. These hybrid plasmids were transferred by conjugation to a phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum GMI 1000 and a legume-root nodule bacterium Rhizobium meliloti 2011. The Mu genome is transcribed and tranlated in these new hosts: P. solanacearum (RP4:Mu cts) cultures have a spontaneous production of about 5 X 10(5) plaque-forming units ml-1 which is similar to the frequency of spontaneous Mu production in E. coli; the Mu production of R. meliloti is lower (about 10(2) plaque-forming units ml-1).  相似文献   
Peptidyl alpha-amidation activity in bovine adrenal medulla has been localized in chromaffin granules by density gradient centrifugation. The activity was found to be both soluble and membrane-associated. Both enzymatic activities were stimulated by the addition of Cu2+ and ascorbate. The pH maximum for alpha-amidation in the chromaffin granules in pH 8.0-8.5. By gel filtration, the soluble enzyme activity appeared as a protein of approx. 40 kDa. It is suggested that this enzyme is involved in the carboxyl-terminal amidation of metorphamide, amidorphin and neuropeptide Y.  相似文献   
Nine markers from the pericentromeric region of chromosome 17 were typed in 16 British and five South African families with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). The markers--p17H8, pHHH202, and EW204--were linked to NF1 at recombination fractions less than 1%. No evidence of locus heterogeneity was detected. Inspection of recombinant events in families informative for several markers suggests that the NF1 gene is located between the markers EW301 (cen-p11.2) and EW206 (cen-q12) and possibly distal to pHHH202 (q11.2-q12).  相似文献   
The effect of Dobutamine (a beta 1-adrenergic agonist) and Terbutaline (a beta 2-adrenergic agonist) on exocrine pancreatic secretion was studied in anaesthetized rabbits, simultaneously controlling pancreatic blood flow and blood pressure. The secretion of fluid and ions (bicarbonate, sodium and potassium) was unaffected by the infusion of Dobutamine (8 micrograms.kg-1.min-1) or Terbutaline (10 micrograms.kg-1.min-1). Neither were pancreatic blood flow or mean blood pressure altered. Dobutamine or Terbutaline depress the function of the acinar cells, amylase secretion being more affected by the action of Terbutaline. The results show that beta 1 and beta 2-adrenergic stimulation has no effect on the ductular cells but does decrease the secretion by the acinar cells.  相似文献   
Summary A single injection of -interferon (-IFN) (30 000 units/mouse), a major biological modifier of natural killer (NK) cytolytic activity, strongly stimulated NK activity in normal mice, as expected, while the same treatment did not statistically alter the NK response in cyclophosphamide (CY)-suppressed animals.We investigated the possibility of thymosin 1 cooperating with -IFN in boosting NK activity in CY-suppressed animals.The results show that treatment with thymosin 1 (200 g/kg) for 4 days, followed by a single injection of -IFN 24 h before testing, strongly restored NK activity in CY-suppressed mice. Thymosin 1 was, moreover, able to accelerate the recovery rate of NK activity in bone marrow reconstituted murine chimeras.Taken together the data support the concept that the synergic effect between thymosin 1 and -IFN could be the result of effects on differentiation of the NK lineage at different levels.  相似文献   
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