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The assessment of population structure and genetic diversity is crucial for the management and conservation of threatened species. Natural and artificial barriers to dispersal (i.e., gene flow) increase populations’ differentiation and isolation by reducing genetic exchange and diversity. Freshwater ecosystems are highly fragmented because of human activities. Threatened species with small population sizes are more sensitive to habitat fragmentation effects. Here, we investigate the genetic population structure and gene flow among seven populations of Aphanius sophiae in the Kor Basin by using sequences of the complete Cyt b gene and otolith morphometry. The Cyt b gene showed low level of genetic variation, only 4.12% of the identified sites were variable, and 2.42% were parsimony informative. Overall, haplotype diversity was low to moderate and nucleotide diversity was low to extremely low. Fish populations exhibited high levels of genetic differentiation, suggesting limited gene flow among them. These differences were obtained not only among geographically distant populations, but also among neighboring localities. Genetic population structure was supported by the AMOVA analysis and by the haplotype network (only one of 21 haplotypes were shared by two localities). Otolith morphometric analysis was in agreement with genetic results, the two most distant and isolated populations were clearly separated, and genetically close populations showed less differences in morphometry. A significant pattern of isolation by distance was also detected among A. sophiae populations, with genetic distance more correlated with hydrological distance than with geographic distance. Results suggested that limited gene flow due to habitat fragmentation is an important factor contributing to genetic structuring and to the loss of genetic variation of A. sophiae populations. Aphanius sophiae population structure seems to be the result of habitat fragmentation and water pollution, but other factors such as introduced species should be considered. Given the high degree of genetic structuring, the definition of conservation groups is of particular importance for A. sophiae, which should be considered endangered according to the IUCN criteria. Conservation plans must recognize the genetic independence of populations and manage separately preventing the loss of locally adapted genotypes.  相似文献   
Caveolin-1 (Cav1), a structural protein required for the formation of invaginated membrane domains known as caveolae, has been implicated in cholesterol trafficking and homeostasis. Here we investigated the contribution of Cav1 to apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) cell surface binding and intracellular processing using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from wild type (WT) or Cav1-deficient (Cav1(-/-)) animals. We found that cells expressing Cav1 have 2.6-fold more apoA-I binding sites than Cav1(-/-) cells although these additional binding sites are not associated with detergent-free lipid rafts. Further, Cav1-mediated binding targets apoA-I for internalization and degradation and these processes are not correlated to cholesterol efflux. Despite lower apoA-I binding, cholesterol efflux from Cav1(-/-) MEFs is 1.7-fold higher than from WT MEFs. Stimulation of ABCA1 expression with an LXR agonist enhances cholesterol efflux from both WT and Cav1(-/-) cells without increasing apoA-I surface binding or affecting apoA-I processing. Our results indicate that there are at least two independent lipid binding sites for apoA-I; Cav1-mediated apoA-I surface binding and uptake is not linked to cholesterol efflux, indicating that membrane domains other than caveolae regulate ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   
This report describes a new case of true cyclopia with otocephaly and additional brain malformations (alobar holoprosencephaly). This is a very rare occurrence involving lack of cleavage of the prosencephalon and disturbed development of the first branchial arch. An inductive defect of the prechordal mesoderm is considered as the cause for this malformation, which is a part of agnathia-holoprosencephaly complex.  相似文献   
The authors report a case of type III Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) of the lung in a stillborn with ultrasound and pathological findings. CCAM is an unusual morphological entity and the solid pattern (type III) is the rarest. Antenatal demonstration may allow to salvage these infants by surgical removal in immediate postnatal period.  相似文献   
Sperm samples may be used for assisted reproductive technologies (e.g., farmed or endangered species) or as a source of haploid DNA or sperm-specific RNA. When ejaculated spermatozoa are not available or are very difficult to obtain, as is the case for most wild endangered species, the epididymides of dead animals (e.g., animals that have been found dead, shot by hunters or poachers, or that that require euthanasia in zoological collections) can be used as a source of sperm. Such epididymal sperm samples are usually contaminated with cellular debris, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and sometimes also bacteria. These contaminants may be sources of reactive oxygen species that damage spermatozoa during freezing or contribute undesired genetic material from diploid cells. We used single-layer centrifugation through a colloid formulation, Androcoll-C, to successfully separate wolf epididymal spermatozoa from contaminating cells and cellular debris in epididymal samples harvested from carcasses. Such a procedure may potentially be applied to epididymal sperm samples from other species.  相似文献   
Limnebius alibeii sp. n. is described from the Moroccan Atlas. The new species is closely related to L. fretalis Peyerimhoff, from which can be separated for its slightly smaller size and the structure of the aedeagus.  相似文献   
The global decline of freshwater mussels can be partially attributed to their complex life cycle. Their survival from glochidium to adulthood is like a long obstacle race, with juvenile mortality as a key critical point. Mass mortality shortly after entering into a juvenile state has been reported in both wild and captive populations, thus weakening the effective bivalve population. A similar phenomenon occurs during metamorphosis in natural and hatchery populations of juvenile marine bivalves. Based on a morphological analysis using scanning electron microscopy of newly formed juveniles of the freshwater species Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) (Margaritiferidae) and Unio mancus Lamarck (Unionidae), we show that a second metamorphosis, consisting of drastic morphological changes, occurs that leads to suspension feeding in place of deposit feeding by the ciliated foot. We hypothesize that suspension feeding in these two species improves due to a gradual development of several morphological features including the contact between cilia of the inner gill posterior filaments, the inner gill reflection, the appearance of the ctenidial ventral groove and the formation of the pedal palps. Regardless of the presence of available food, a suspension feeding mode replaces deposit feeding, and juveniles unable to successfully transition morphologically or adapt to the feeding changes likely perish.  相似文献   
The Eocene–Oligocene transition (EOT) climatic turnover is modelled in the Ebro Basin using CLAMP and analysing the Sarral (Priabonian) and the Cervera (Rupelian) floras. The results show a drop of temperature and an increase in seasonality and precipitation. The changes in temperature and seasonality follow the trend described for the EOT in southern Europe; however, the increase in precipitation is the opposite of what would be expected. This increase might be related to the stratigraphic location of the Sarral Priabonian leaf bed within a dry stage of a precession cycle, whereas the Cervera Rupelian leaf bed would be located within the wet stage of a similar cycle. CLAMP combined with sedimentology, taphonomy and palaeoecology reveals that precession cycles would produce a shift in the habitat of certain plants during the EOT, with the Lauraceae being limited to riparian communities during the Priabonian of Sarral to grow in small laurisilvas during the Rupelian of Cervera.  相似文献   
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