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Although lipid signaling has been shown to serve crucial roles in mammals and plants, little is known about this process in filamentous fungi. Here we analyze the contribution of phospholipase D (PLD) and its product phosphatidic acid (PA) in hyphal morphogenesis and growth of Epichloë festucae and Neurospora crassa, and in the establishment of a symbiotic interaction between E. festucae and Lolium perenne. Growth of E. festucae and N. crassa PLD deletion strains in axenic culture, and for E. festucae in association with L. perenne, were analyzed by light-, confocal- and electron microscopy. Changes in PA distribution were analyzed in E. festucae using a PA biosensor and the impact of these changes on the endocytic recycling and superoxide production investigated. We found that E. festucae PldB, and the N. crassa ortholog, PLA-7, are required for polarized growth and cell fusion and contribute to ascospore development, whereas PldA/PLA-8 are dispensable for these functions. Exogenous addition of PA rescues the cell-fusion phenotype in E. festucae. PldB is also crucial for E. festucae to establish a symbiotic association with L. perenne. This study identifies a new component of the cell-cell communication and cell fusion signaling network for hyphal morphogenesis and growth of filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
Knowledge of how animal species use food resources available in the environment can increase our understanding of many ecological processes. However, obtaining this information using traditional methods is difficult for species feeding on a large variety of food items in highly diverse environments. We amplified the DNA of plants for 306 scat and 40 soil samples, and applied an environmental DNA metabarcoding approach to investigate food preferences, degree of diet specialization and diet overlap of seven herbivore rodent species of the genus Ctenomys distributed in southern and midwestern Brazil. The metabarcoding approach revealed that these species consume more than 60% of the plant families recovered in soil samples, indicating generalist feeding habits of ctenomyids. The family Poaceae was the most common food resource retrieved in scats of all species as well in soil samples. Niche overlap analysis indicated high overlap in the plant families and molecular operational taxonomic units consumed, mainly among the southern species. Interspecific differences in diet composition were influenced, among other factors, by the availability of resources in the environment. In addition, our results provide support for the hypothesis that the allopatric distributions of ctenomyids allow them to exploit the same range of resources when available, possibly because of the absence of interspecific competition.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms underlying community assembly helps to define success and susceptibility to biological invasions. Here, we explored phytoplankton community assembly following niche and neutral paradigms and using a trait-based approach. Under the hypothesis that the morphology-based functional groups (MBFG) clusters species with similar niche, we analysed how trait-related differences in fitness influence dominance of an invasive species. This was based on literature review, field data and model simulations. We predict that invading species can be dominant if: 1) do not belong to the local MBFG but use unexploited areas of the niche, or 2) belong to the resident MBFG but exhibit a higher fitness due to a particular combination of traits. The invasive dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides was used as the model species to evaluate these hypotheses, its morphological (e.g. volume) and physiological (e.g. growth rates) traits were compared with species from the same (V: photosynthetic flagellates) and different (VII: colonial cyanobacteria) MBFG. Fitness was estimated using models parametrized with MBFG rates (R*, ability to draw down phosphate) under different environmental conditions (i.e. flushing). Results contributed to support both hypotheses. First, the alternation of C. furcoides and cyanobacteria dominance was explained by the use of different niches. Secondly, species from MBFG V were dominant under similar environments. Within this group V C. furcoides showed higher fitness under low flushing and high predation, advantage provided by a distinctive combination of traits. The application of trait-based approaches to represent the niche and estimate fitness along environmental gradients was useful to evaluate community assembly and can be used to predict the dominance of microbial species invasions.  相似文献   
The biology of trees that grew in high‐latitude forests during warmer geological periods is of major interest in understanding past and future ecosystem dynamics. As we study the different plants that composed these forests, it becomes possible to make comparisons with ecosystem processes that occur today. Here we describe a silicified late Permian (Lopingian) glossopterid (seed fern) trunk from Skaar Ridge, central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica, with evidence of glossopterid rootlets growing into its wood. The specimen is interpreted as a nurse log similar to those seen in some extant forests. Together with evidence of glossopterid roots growing within the lacunae of older roots, this new specimen suggests the existence of facilitative interactions among the glossopterid trees that dominated the high‐latitude forests of Gondwana during the late Permian. More generally, the existence of self‐facilitation might have favoured the expansion of glossopterids within various environments, especially those at high palaeolatitudes, during the Permian icehouse to greenhouse transition.  相似文献   

OXIDATION PATHWAYS OF EXTRAMITOCHONDRIAL PIRIDINE COENZYMES. I. - ON THE « IN VIVO » EFFICIENCY OF THE ASCORBATE-DEYHDROASCORBATE SYSTEM. — An evaluation of the efficiency in vivo of the AA-DHA couple as an electron carrier system has been attempted, by measuring after short time of anaerobiosis the rate of the increase of AA and of the dicrease of DHA in etiolated pea internode segments and in potato tuber disks. The changes of reduced glutathione (GSH) contents as induced by anaerobiosis or by the addition of DHA to the incubation medium were also followed.

In the pea segments anaerobiosis induced a significant increase of AA and a corresponding decrease of DHA. These changes were almost completed after 10 minutes from starting anaerobiosis. The value (extrapolated to 0 time) of the initial rate of DHA desappearance under anaerobiosis was taken as representing the rate of DHA reduction to AA « in vivo », under aerobic conditions. As this rate — in a steady state situation — corresponds to that of the inverse process of oxidation of AA to DHA, this value should give and indication on the « in vivo » efficiency of the AA-DHA system as an electron carrier in respiration. As some AA was probably reoxidized to DHA in the very short period required to kill the tissue, the value of the AA DHA turnover thus calculated is probably somewhat lower than the real one.

According to the present work, the oxidative turnover of the AA-DHA system would results of 0,7 micromoles/g. fr. weght/h. for the pea internode tissues and of 0,9 micromoles/g. fr. weght?h for the potato tuber (aged disks). These values would account for 5% of total oxygen uptake, in the former, and for 3% in the latter material.

The very high AA/DHA ratio usually prevailing in living cells suggests that the contents in DHA (and thus the activity of the AA oxidizing systems) is a limiting factor for the efficiency of the AA-DHA system as an electron carrier. This view is supported also by experiments in which DHA (at pH 5) was fed to pea internode segments and to potato tuber disks : as the presence of DHA into the medium induced — under anaerobiotic conditions — a rapid increase of the level of AA in both types of materials. In aerobiosis uptake and reduction of DHA to AA was evident in the potato tuber tissue, while it appeared very scarce in the pea internodes. As an interpretation of this behaviour it is suggested that, in aerobiosis, the very active and probably surface localized ascorbic acid oxidase of the pea tissue re-oxidises the AA formed from reduction of the DHA fed; an accumulation of DHA into the cells would follow, and this excess of DHA would inhibit the enzyme GSH-DHA reductase. This enzyme, in fact, appears, from « in vitro » experiments, to be strongly inhibited by DHA when the DHA/GSH ratio becomes higher than 1. On the other hand, the same hypothesis is also supported by the finding that the addition of DHA to the medium induces a significant drop in the GSH level (probably due to its oxidation to GSSG) only under those conditions in which DHA is absorbed and reduced to AA; that is, in the pea internodes, under anaerobiosis, and in the potato disks, under both anaerobiosis and aerobiosis. These results are also taken as confirming the indication from the enzymatic data that GSH is acting, in vivo as a reducing agent for DHA. The results of this investigation are thus interpred as showing that a comparatively small, but by no means negligeable fraction of respiration is mediated, in higher plant tissues such as those of the pea stem and the potato tuber, by and electron transfer system including glutathione and the ascorbate-dehydroascorbate couple. The efficiency of this system in the materials investigated appears to account for 3–5% of the total 02 uptake (minimum value). As enzyme systems transferring electrons from TPNH to ox. glutathione are widely distributed and generally very active in higher plant tissues, it is suggested that the sequence TPNH-GSH-AA/DHA - O2 is probably of considerable importance in mediating the reoxidation of extramitochondrial trophosphoridine nucleotide and thus in permitting the operation of the TPN requiring pentose phosphate pathway of respiration.  相似文献   
Neutrophil recruitment is essential in clearing pneumococcal infections. The first step in neutrophil extravasation involves the interaction between P‐selectin on activated endothelium and P‐Selectin Glycoprotein 1 (PSGL‐1) on neutrophils. Here, we identify pneumococcal Zinc metalloproteinase C as a potent inhibitor of PSGL‐1. ZmpC degrades the N‐terminal domain of PSGL‐1, thereby disrupting the initial rolling of neutrophils on activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Furthermore, mice infected with wild‐type strain in the model of pneumococcal pneumonia showed lower lungs neutrophil infiltration compare to animals infected with ZmpC mutant. In addition, we confirmed the association of zmpC with serotype 8 and 11A and found it to be associated with serotype 33F as well. In conclusion, wereport PSGL‐1 as a novel target for ZmpC and show that ZmpC inhibits neutrophil extravasation during pneumococcal pneumonia.  相似文献   
Sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (SV) is a powerful first-principle technique for the study of protein interactions, and allows a rigorous characterization of binding stoichiometry and affinities. A recently introduced commercial fluorescence optical detection system (FDS) permits analysis of high-affinity interactions by SV. However, for most proteins the attachment of an extrinsic fluorophore is an essential prerequisite for analysis by FDS-SV. Using the glutamate receptor GluA2 amino terminal domain as a model system for high-affinity homo-dimerization, we demonstrate how the experimental design and choice of fluorescent label can impact both the observed binding constants as well as the derived hydrodynamic parameter estimates for the monomer and dimer species. Specifically, FAM (5,6-carboxyfluorescein) was found to create different populations of artificially high-affinity and low-affinity dimers, as indicated by both FDS-SV and the kinetics of dimer dissociation studied using a bench-top fluorescence spectrometer and Förster Resonance Energy Transfer. By contrast, Dylight488 labeled GluA2, as well as GluA2 expressed as an EGFP fusion protein, yielded results consistent with estimates for unlabeled GluA2. Our study suggests considerations for the choice of labeling strategies, and highlights experimental designs that exploit specific opportunities of FDS-SV for improving the reliability of the binding isotherm analysis of interacting systems.  相似文献   
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