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Genus Enterovirus (Family Picornaviridae,) consists of twelve species divided into genetically diverse types by their capsid protein VP1 coding sequences. Each enterovirus type can further be divided into intra-typic sub-clusters (genotypes). The aim of this study was to elucidate what leads to the emergence of novel enterovirus clades (types and genotypes). An evolutionary analysis was conducted for a sub-group of Enterovirus C species that contains types Coxsackievirus A21 (CVA-21), CVA-24, Enterovirus C95 (EV-C95), EV-C96 and EV-C99. VP1 gene datasets were collected and analysed to infer the phylogeny, rate of evolution, nucleotide and amino acid substitution patterns and signs of selection. In VP1 coding gene, high intra-typic sequence diversities and robust grouping into distinct genotypes within each type were detected. Within each type the majority of nucleotide substitutions were synonymous and the non-synonymous substitutions tended to cluster in distinct highly polymorphic sites. Signs of positive selection were detected in some of these highly polymorphic sites, while strong negative selection was indicated in most of the codons. Despite robust clustering to intra-typic genotypes, only few genotype-specific ‘signature’ amino acids were detected. In contrast, when different enterovirus types were compared, there was a clear tendency towards fixation of type-specific ‘signature’ amino acids. The results suggest that permanent fixation of type-specific amino acids is a hallmark associated with evolution of different enterovirus types, whereas neutral evolution and/or (frequency-dependent) positive selection in few highly polymorphic amino acid sites are the dominant forms of evolution when strains within an enterovirus type are compared.  相似文献   
David W. Kikuchi  William L. Allen  Kevin Arbuckle  Thomas G. Aubier  Emmanuelle S. Briolat  Emily R. Burdfield-Steel  Karen L. Cheney  Klára Daňková  Marianne Elias  Liisa Hämäläinen  Marie E. Herberstein  Thomas J. Hossie  Mathieu Joron  Krushnamegh Kunte  Brian C. Leavell  Carita Lindstedt  Ugo Lorioux-Chevalier  Melanie McClure  Callum F. McLellan  Iliana Medina  Viraj Nawge  Erika Páez  Arka Pal  Stano Pekár  Olivier Penacchio  Jan Raška  Tom Reader  Bibiana Rojas  Katja H. Rönkä  Daniela C. Rößler  Candy Rowe  Hannah M. Rowland  Arlety Roy  Kaitlin A. Schaal  Thomas N. Sherratt  John Skelhorn  Hannah R. Smart  Ted Stankowich  Amanda M. Stefan  Kyle Summers  Christopher H. Taylor  Rose Thorogood  Kate Umbers  Anne E. Winters  Justin Yeager  Alice Exnerová 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2023,36(7):975-991
Prey seldom rely on a single type of antipredator defence, often using multiple defences to avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of multiple defences in a prey. However, a prey may use multiple defences to protect itself during a single predator encounter. Such “defence portfolios” that defend prey against a single instance of predation are distributed across and within successive stages of the predation sequence (encounter, detection, identification, approach (attack), subjugation and consumption). We contend that at present, our understanding of defence portfolio evolution is incomplete, and seen from the fragmentary perspective of specific sensory systems (e.g., visual) or specific types of defences (especially aposematism). In this review, we aim to build a comprehensive framework for conceptualizing the evolution of multiple prey defences, beginning with hypotheses for the evolution of multiple defences in general, and defence portfolios in particular. We then examine idealized models of resource trade-offs and functional interactions between traits, along with evidence supporting them. We find that defence portfolios are constrained by resource allocation to other aspects of life history, as well as functional incompatibilities between different defences. We also find that selection is likely to favour combinations of defences that have synergistic effects on predator behaviour and prey survival. Next, we examine specific aspects of prey ecology, genetics and development, and predator cognition that modify the predictions of current hypotheses or introduce competing hypotheses. We outline schema for gathering data on the distribution of prey defences across species and geography, determining how multiple defences are produced, and testing the proximate mechanisms by which multiple prey defences impact predator behaviour. Adopting these approaches will strengthen our understanding of multiple defensive strategies.  相似文献   
Two types of vaccine-derived polioviruses have been recently designated to emphasize the different origins of the evolved viruses: circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPV) associated with outbreaks of paralytic disease and strains isolated from chronically infected immunodeficient individuals (iVDPV). We describe here a type 3 VDPV (PV3/EST/02/E252; later E252) isolated from sewage collected in Tallinn, Estonia, in October 2002. Due to aberrant properties in subtyping, the virus was subjected to detailed characterization. Partial genomic sequencing suggested that the closest relative was the oral vaccine strain PV3/Sabin, but the two virus strains shared only 86.7% of the 900 nucleotides (nt) coding for the capsid protein VP1. Phylogenetic analysis of the nearly complete genome [nt 19 to poly(A)] revealed multiple nucleotide substitutions throughout the genome and a possible Sabin 3/Sabin 1-recombination junction site in the 2C coding region. A calculation based on the estimated mutation frequency of the P1 region of polioviruses suggested that the E252 virus might have replicated in one or more individuals for approximately 10 years. No persons chronically excreting poliovirus are known in Estonia. Amino acid substitutions were seen in all known antigenic sites, which was consistent with the observed aberrant antigenic properties of the virus demonstrated by both monoclonal antibodies and human sera from vaccinated children. In spite of the apparent transmission potential, no evidence was obtained for circulation of the virus in the Estonian population.  相似文献   
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are valuable tools for ecological and evolutionary studies. In non-model species, the use of SNPs has been limited by the number of markers available. However, new technologies and decreasing technology costs have facilitated the discovery of a constantly increasing number of SNPs. With hundreds or thousands of SNPs potentially available, there is interest in comparing and developing methods for evaluating SNPs to create panels of high-throughput assays that are customized for performance, research questions, and resources. Here we use five different methods to rank 43 new SNPs and 71 previously published SNPs for sockeye salmon: FST, informativeness (In), average contribution to principal components (LC), and the locus-ranking programs BELS and WHICHLOCI. We then tested the performance of these different ranking methods by creating 48- and 96-SNP panels of the top-ranked loci for each method and used empirical and simulated data to obtain the probability of assigning individuals to the correct population using each panel. All 96-SNP panels performed similarly and better than the 48-SNP panels except for the 96-SNP BELS panel. Among the 48-SNP panels, panels created from FST, In, and LC ranks performed better than panels formed using the top-ranked loci from the programs BELS and WHICHLOCI. The application of ranking methods to optimize panel performance will become more important as more high-throughput assays become available.  相似文献   
Ionizing radiation is a known human carcinogen that can induce a variety of biological effects depending on the physical nature, duration, doses and dose-rates of exposure. However, the magnitude of health risks at low doses and dose-rates (below 100mSv and/or 0.1mSvmin(-1)) remains controversial due to a lack of direct human evidence. It is anticipated that significant insights will emerge from the integration of epidemiological and biological research, made possible by molecular epidemiology studies incorporating biomarkers and bioassays. A number of these have been used to investigate exposure, effects and susceptibility to ionizing radiation, albeit often at higher doses and dose rates, with each reflecting time-limited cellular or physiological alterations. This review summarises the multidisciplinary work undertaken in the framework of the European project DoReMi (Low Dose Research towards Multidisciplinary Integration) to identify the most appropriate biomarkers for use in population studies. In addition to logistical and ethical considerations for conducting large-scale epidemiological studies, we discuss the relevance of their use for assessing the effects of low dose ionizing radiation exposure at the cellular and physiological level. We also propose a temporal classification of biomarkers that may be relevant for molecular epidemiology studies which need to take into account the time elapsed since exposure. Finally, the integration of biology with epidemiology requires careful planning and enhanced discussions between the epidemiology, biology and dosimetry communities in order to determine the most important questions to be addressed in light of pragmatic considerations including the appropriate population to be investigated (occupationally, environmentally or medically exposed), and study design. The consideration of the logistics of biological sample collection, processing and storing and the choice of biomarker or bioassay, as well as awareness of potential confounding factors, are also essential.  相似文献   
The maximum temperature for growth (Tmax) was determined for pure and mixed cultures of acidophilic thiobacilli. The experimental system was based on incubating the cultures in liquid media exposed to a linear temperature gradient. The Tmax values varied within the range of 36.1 to 43.6°C.  相似文献   
Archaeoglobus fulgidus is a hyperthermophilic sulphate-reducing archaeon. It has an optimum growth temperature of 83 degrees C and is described as a strict anaerobe. Its genome lacks any homologue of canonical superoxide (O2.-) dismutases. In this work, we show that neelaredoxin (Nlr) is the main O2.- scavenger in A. fulgidus, by studying both the wild-type and recombinant proteins. Nlr is a 125-amino-acid blue-coloured protein containing a single iron atom/molecule, which in the oxidized state is high spin ferric. This iron centre has a reduction potential of +230 mV at pH 7.0. Nitroblue tetrazolium-stained gel assays of cell-soluble extracts show that Nlr is the main protein from A. fulgidus which is reactive towards O2.-. Furthermore, it is shown that Nlr is able to both reduce and dismutate O2.-, thus having a bifunctional reactivity towards O2.-. Kinetic and spectroscopic studies indicate that Nlr's superoxide reductase activity may allow the cell to eliminate O2.- quickly in a NAD(P)H-dependent pathway. On the other hand, Nlr's superoxide dismutation activity will allow the cell to detoxify O2.- independently of the cell redox status. Its superoxide dismutase activity was estimated to be 59 U mg-1 by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase assay at 25 degrees C. Pulse radiolysis studies with the isolated and reduced Nlr proved unambiguously that it has superoxide dismutase activity; at pH 7.1 and 83 degrees C, the rate constant is 5 x 106 M-1 s-1. Besides the superoxide dismutase activity, soluble cell extracts of A. fulgidus also exhibit catalase and NAD(P)H/oxygen oxidoreductase activities. By putting these findings together with the entire genomic data available, a possible oxygen detoxification mechanism in A. fulgidus is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions on the efficiency of the plasmid transformation of lysozyme-treated Streptococcus lactis protoplasts were compared. A 33-megadalton plasmid, pLP712, coding for lactose fermentation and a 6.5-megadalton plasmid, pGB301, coding for erythromycin and chloramphenicol resistance were used as model plasmids, and S. lactis MG1614 was the recipient. Replacing Mg2+ with Ca2+ in the transformation buffer was found to increase transformant frequency more than 10-fold with both plasmids.  相似文献   
Incorporating historical tissues into the study of ecological, conservation and management questions can broaden the scope of population genetic research by enhancing our understanding of evolutionary processes and anthropogenic influences on natural populations. Genotyping historical and low-quality samples has been plagued by challenges associated with low amounts of template DNA and the potential for pre-existing DNA contamination among samples. We describe a two-step process designed to (i) accurately genotype large numbers of historical low-quality scale samples in a high-throughput format and (ii) screen samples for pre-existing DNA contamination. First, we describe how an efficient multiplex preamplification PCR of 45 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can generate highly accurate genotypes with low failure and error rates in subsequent SNP genotyping reactions of individual historical scales from sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Second, we demonstrate how the method can be modified for the amplification of microsatellite loci to detect pre-existing DNA contamination. A total of 760 individual historical scale and 182 contemporary fin clip samples were genotyped and screened for contamination. Genotyping failure and error rates were exceedingly low and similar for both historical and contemporary samples. Pre-existing contamination in 21% of the historical samples was successfully identified by screening the amplified microsatellite loci. The advantages of automation, low failure and error rates, and ability to multiplex both the preamplification and subsequent genotyping reactions combine to make the protocol ideally suited for efficiently genotyping large numbers of potentially contaminated low-quality sources of DNA.  相似文献   
We establish a TaqMan-based assay panel for genotyping single-nucleotide polymorphisms in rainbow trout and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We develop 22 novel single-nucleotide polymorphism markers based on new steelhead sequence data and on assays from sister taxa. Additionally, we adapt 154 previously developed markers to the TaqMan platform. At the beginning of this study, 59 SNPs with TaqMan assays were available to the scientific community. By adding 176 additional TaqMan assays to this number, we greatly expand the biological applications of TaqMan genotyping within both population genetics and quantitative genetics.  相似文献   
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