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 The influence of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus on phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) uptake of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) plants was studied in a pot experiment under controlled environmental conditions. The plants were grown for 10 weeks in pots containing sterilised calcareous soil with two levels of Fe supply. The soil was inoculated with rhizosphere microorganisms only or with rhizosphere microorganisms together with an AM fungus (Glomus mosseae [Nicol. & Gerd.] Gerdemann & Trappe). An additional small soil compartment accessible to hyphae but not roots was added to each pot after 6 weeks of plant growth. Radiolabelled P and Fe were supplied to the hyphae compartment 2 weeks after addition of this compartment. After a further 2 weeks, plants were harvested and shoots were analysed for radiolabelled elements. In both plant species, P uptake from the labelled soil increased significantly more in shoots of mycorrhizal plants than non-mycorrhizal plants, thus confirming the well-known activity of the fungus in P uptake. Mycorrhizal inoculation had no significant influence on the concentration of labelled Fe in shoots of peanut plants. In contrast, 59Fe increased in shoots of mycorrhizal sorghum plants. The uptake of Fe from labelled soil by sorghum was particularly high under conditions producing a low Fe nutritional status of the plants. These results are preliminary evidence that hyphae of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus can mobilise and/or take up Fe from soil and translocate it to the plant. Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   
New material of early growth stages of the Silurian (Llandovery) trilobite Acernaspis is described. Pre-adult ontogenetic stages of this genus closely resemble adults of the post-Llandovery genus ***Ananaspis. A heterochronic descent of Ananaspis from Acernaspis is proposed. ***Ananaspis is interpreted as pae-domorphic, having arisen largely through neoteny. Neotenic changes already appear in the lineage in the last Acernaspis species, and Ananaspis then underwent continuous ncotcnic change throughout its known Silurian history. ▭ Heterochrony, neoteny, Silurian, Trilobita, Phacopidae, Acernaspis. Ananaspis.  相似文献   
Within the Cyperoideae, which comprise all Cyperaceae except the Mapanioideae, several questions of homology are discussed and reinterpreted based on results of our SEM and LM floral ontogenetic studies. In all species studied, spikelets are interpreted as being indeterminate, with spirally to distichously arranged glumes, each subtending (or not) a flower. Floral development starts with the formation of two lateral stamen primordia, simultaneously with, or followed by the formation of a third, abaxial stamen primordium. Perianth parts, if present, originate only after the formation of the androecium, simultaneously with the appearance of an annular ovary primordium, surrounding a central ovule primordium. Perianth parts vary in number and morphology, and, where present, perianth development follows a general pattern. Three (or two) stigma primordia are formed on the top of the rising ovary wall. In dimerous gynoecia, stigma primordia originate either dorsiventrally, resulting in a laterally flattened ovary/nutlet, or laterally, resulting in a dorsiventrally flattened ovary/nutlet. We conclude that in all species studied the spikelet and floral development occurs according to a general, scirpoid, ontogenetic pattern, which we illustrate using new spikelet and floral ontogenetic results in Eleocharis palustris and other species. Spikelet and floral ontogeny in species with apparently deviating morphologies, can be traced back to the general ontogenetic pattern.
Resumen  Varias preguntas sobre homología para las Cyperoideae, que incluyen todas las Cyperaceae excepto las Mapanioideae, se discuten e interpretan con base en estudios de ontogenia floral realizados con SEM y LM. En todas las especies estudiadas, las espiguillas son indeterminadas con glumas arregladas en espiral o dicotomicamente, cada una sosteniendo (o no) una flor. El desarrollo floral comienza con la formación de dos primordios estaminales laterales, simultáneamente con o seguido por la formación del tercer primordio estaminal abaxial. Si se desarrollan las partes del perianto, se originan solo después de la formación del androceo, simultáneamente con el desarrollo del primordio anular del ovario que envuelve al primordio central del óvulo. Cuando están presentes las partes del perianto, varían en número y morfología y el desarrollo sigue un patrón general. Se forman tres (o dos) primordios del estigma en el ápice de la pared del ovario en desarrollo. En gineceos dímeros, los primordios de los estigmas se originan dorsiventralmente resultando en una nuececilla/ovario comprimido lateralmente, o se originan lateralmente, resultando en una nuececilla/ovario comprimido dorsiventralmente. Concluimos que, tanto el desarrollo floral, como el de las espiguillas en todas las especies estudiadas, siguen un patrón ontogenético general scirpoide que se ilustra con los resultados obtenidos para Eleocharis palustris y otros especies. La ontogenia floral y de las espiguillas en especies con morfologías aparentemente atípicas, puede estar reducida al patrón ontogenetico general.


For membrane proteins, lipids provide a structural framework and means to modulate function. Paired connexin hemichannels form the intercellular channels that compose gap junction plaques while unpaired hemichannels have regulated functions in non-junctional plasma membrane. The importance of interactions between connexin channels and phospholipids is poorly understood.


Endogenous phospholipids most tightly associated with purified connexin26 or connexin32 hemichannels or with junctional plaques in cell membranes, those likely to have structural and/or modulatory effects, were identified by tandem electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry using class-specific interpretative methods. Phospholipids were characterized by headgroup class, charge, glycerol-alkyl chain linkage and by acyl chain length and saturation. The results indicate that specific endogenous phospholipids are uniquely associated with either connexin26 or connexin32 channels, and some phospholipids are associated with both. Functional effects of the major phospholipid classes on connexin channel activity were assessed by molecular permeability of hemichannels reconstituted into liposomes. Changes to phospholipid composition(s) of the liposome membrane altered the activity of connexin channels in a manner reflecting changes to the surface charge/potential of the membrane and, secondarily, to cholesterol content. Together, the data show that connexin26 and connexin32 channels have a preference for tight association with unique anionic phospholipids, and that these, independent of headgroup, have a positive effect on the activity of both connexin26 and connexin32 channels. Additionally, the data suggest that the likely in vivo phospholipid modulators of connexin channel structure-function that are connexin isoform-specific are found in the cytoplasmic leaflet. A modulatory role for phospholipids that promote negative curvature is also inferred.


This study is the first to identify (endogenous) phospholipids that tightly associate with connexin channels. The finding that specific phospholipids are associated with different connexin isoforms suggests connexin-specific regulatory and/or structural interactions with lipid membranes. The results are interpreted in light of connexin channel function and cell biology, as informed by current knowledge of lipid-protein interactions and membrane biophysics. The intimate involvement of distinct phospholipids with different connexins contributes to channel structure and/or function, as well as plaque integrity, and to modulation of connexin channels by lipophilic agents.  相似文献   


RNA interference is a gene regulatory mechanism that employs small RNA molecules such as microRNA. Previous work has shown that HIV-1 produces TAR viral microRNA. Here we describe the effects of the HIV-1 TAR derived microRNA on cellular gene expression.


Using a variation of standard techniques we have cloned and sequenced both the 5' and 3' arms of the TAR miRNA. We show that expression of the TAR microRNA protects infected cells from apoptosis and acts by down-regulating cellular genes involved in apoptosis. Specifically, the microRNA down-regulates ERCC1 and IER3, protecting the cell from apoptosis. Comparison to our cloned sequence reveals possible target sites for the TAR miRNA as well.


The TAR microRNA is expressed in all stages of the viral life cycle, can be detected in latently infected cells, and represents a mechanism wherein the virus extends the life of the infected cell for the purpose of increasing viral replication.  相似文献   
中国野生印支虎及其猎物种群状况的野外实地研究一直处于空白。本研究使用足迹鉴别法、粪堆计数法,首次对西双版纳尚勇自然保护区野生印支虎种群数量现状及该区域内的虎猎物种群状况进行了调查研究。结果显示:2004 ~ 2009 年间,确认西双版纳保护区存在3 只成年印支虎个体(2 雌1 雄),西双版纳尚勇保护区拥有比较丰富的有蹄类种群,其中虎的主要猎物:水鹿平均密度为7.63 (7.40 ~ 9.23)只/ km2 ;赤麂平均密度为17. 39 (11.33 ~24.94)只/ km2 ,野猪平均密度为10.26 (7.69 ~ 14.51) 只/ km2 ,该区域虎猎物生物量为1 715. 74 kg/ km2 。本研究还探讨了该区域印支虎种群的保护前景以及中国境内开展虎种群调查的适用办法等。  相似文献   


Application of plasmid DNA for immunization of food-producing animals established new standards of food safety. The addition of foreign products e.g. pDNA into the food chain should be carefully examined to ensure that neither livestock animals nor consumers develop unpredicted or undesirable side-effects.


A quantitative real-time PCR (QRTPCR) methodology was developed to study the biodistribution and persistence of plasmid DNA vaccine pDNAX (pVAX-Hsp60 TM814) in mice and beef cattle. The linear quantification range and the sensitivity of the method was found to be 10 – 109 copies per reaction (500 ng/gDNA) and 3 copies per reaction, respectively.


Persistence of pDNAX in mice muscle tissue was restricted to injection site and the amount of pDNAX showed delivery formulation dependent (naked pDNA, electroporation, cationic liposome complexes) and mouse age-dependent clearance form injection site but pDNAX was still detectable even after 365 days. The QRTPCR analysis of various muscle tissue samples of vaccinated beef bulls performed 242–292 days after the last revaccination proved that residual pDNAX was found only in the injection site. The highest plasmid levels (up to 290 copies per reaction) were detected in the pDNAX:CDAN/DOPE group similarly to mice model. No pDNA was detected in the samples from distant muscles and draining lymph nodes.


Quantitative real-time PCR (QRTPCR) assay was developed to assess the residual pDNA vaccine pVAX-Hsp60 TM814 in mice and beef cattle. In beef cattle, ultra low residual level of pDNA vaccine was only found at the injection site. According to rough estimation, consumption of muscles from the injection site represents almost an undetectable intake of pDNA (400 fg/g muscle tissue) for consumers. Residual plasmid in native state will hardly be found at measurable level following further meat processing. This study brings supportive data for animal and food safety and hence for further approval of pDNA vaccine field trials.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Serological tests to detect antibodies specific to Plasmodium vivax could be a valuable tool for epidemiological studies, for screening blood donors in areas where the malaria is not endemic and for diagnosis of infected individuals. Because P. vivax cannot be easily obtained in vitro, ELISA assays using total or semi-purified antigens are rarely used. Based on this limitation, we tested whether recombinant proteins representing the 19 kDa C-terminal region of the merozoite surface protein-1 of P. vivax (MSP119) could be useful for serological detection of malaria infection. METHODS: Three purified recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli (GST-MSP119, His6-MSP119 and His6-MSP119-PADRE) and one in Pichia pastoris (yMSP119-PADRE) were compared for their ability to bind to IgG antibodies of individuals with patent P. vivax infection. The method was tested with 200 serum samples collected from individuals living in the north of Brazil in areas endemic for malaria, 53 serum samples from individuals exposed to Plasmodium falciparum infection and 177 serum samples from individuals never exposed to malaria. RESULTS: Overall, the sensitivity of the ELISA assessed with sera from naturally infected individuals was 95%. The proportion of serum samples that reacted with recombinant proteins GST-MSP119, His6-MSP119, His6-MSP119-PADRE and yMSP119-PADRE was 90%, 93.5%, 93.5% and 93.5%, respectively. The specificity values of the ELISA determined with sera from healthy individuals and from individuals with other infectious diseases were 98.3% (GST-MSP119), 97.7% (His6-MSP119 and His6-MSP119-PADRE) or 100% (yMSP119-PADRE). CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that for the Brazilian population, an ELISA using a recombinant protein of the MSP119 can be used as the basis for the development of a valuable serological assay for the detection of P. vivax malaria.  相似文献   
Two structural classes of dual alpha4beta1/alpha4beta7 integrin antagonists were investigated via solid-phase parallel synthesis. Using an acylated amino acid backbone, lead compounds containing biphenylalanine or tyrosine carbamate scaffolds were optimized for inhibition of alpha4beta1/VCAM and alpha4beta7/MAdCAM. A comparison of the structure-activity relationships in the inhibition of the alpha4beta7/MAdCAM interaction for substituted amines employed in both scaffolds suggests a similar binding mode for the compounds.  相似文献   
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