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Modifications in rabbit sperm plasma membranes during epididymal passage and after ejaculation were investigated by used of three lectins: concanavalin A (Con A); Ricinus communis I (RCA(I)); and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). During sperm passage from caput to cauda epididymis, agglutination by WGA drastically decreased, and agglutination by RCA(I) slightly decreased, although agglutination by Con A remained approximately unchanged. After ejaculation, spermatozoa were agglutinated to a similar degree or slightly less by Con A, WGA, and RCA(I), compared to cauda epididymal spermatozoa. Ultrastructural examination of sperm lectin-binding sites with ferritin- lectin conjugates revealed differences in the densities of lectin receptors in various sperm regions, and changes in the same regions during epididymal passage and after ejaculation. Ferritin-RCA(I) showed abrupt changes in lectin site densities between acrosomal and postacrosomal regions of sperm heads. The relative amounts of ferritin-RCA(I) bound to heads of caput epididymal or ejaculated spermatozoa. Tail regions were labeled by ferritin RCA(I) almost equally on caput and cauda epididymal spermatozoa, but the middle-piece region of ejaculated spermatozoa was slightly more densely labeled than the principal-piece region, and these two regions on ejaculated spermatozoa were labeled less than on caput and cuada epididymal spermatozoa. Ferritin-WGA densely labeled the acrosomal region of caput epididymal spermatozoa, although labeling of cauda epidiymal spermatozoa was relatively sparse except in the apical area of the acrosomal region. Ejaculated spermatozoa bound only a few molecules of ferritin-WGA, even at the highest conjugate concentrations used. Caput epididymal, but not cauda epididymal or ejaculated spermatozoa, bound ferritin-WGA in the tail regions. Dramatic differences in labeling densities during epididymal passage and after ejaculation were not found with ferritin-Con A.  相似文献   
We describe the isolation and characterization of alfalfa-nodulating rhizobia from acid soils of different locations in Central Argentina and Uruguay. A collection of 465 isolates was assembled, and the rhizobia were characterized for acid tolerance. Growth tests revealed the existence of 15 acid-tolerant (AT) isolates which were able to grow at pH 5.0 and formed nodules in alfalfa with a low rate of nitrogen fixation. Analysis of those isolates, including partial sequencing of the genes encoding 16S rRNA and genomic PCR-fingerprinting with MBOREP1 and BOXC1 primers, demonstrated that the new isolates share a genetic background closely related to that of the previously reported Rhizobium sp. Or191 recovered from an acid soil in Oregon (B. D. Eardly, J. P. Young, and R. K. Selander, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:1809–1815, 1992). Growth curves, melanin production, temperature tolerance, and megaplasmid profiles of the AT isolates were all coincident with these characteristics in strain Or191. In addition to the ability of all of these strains to nodulate alfalfa (Medicago sativa) inefficiently, the AT isolates also nodulated the common bean and Leucaena leucocephala, showing an extended host range for nodulation of legumes. In alfalfa, the time course of nodule formation by the AT isolate LPU 83 showed a continued nodulation restricted to the emerging secondary roots, which was probably related to the low rate of nitrogen fixation by the largely ineffective nodules. Results demonstrate the complexity of the rhizobial populations present in the acidic soils represented by a main group of N2-fixing rhizobia and a second group of ineffective and less-predominant isolates related to the AT strain Or191.  相似文献   
A differential equation model of vegetative growth of the soyabean plant (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. ‘Ransom’)was developed to account for plant growth in a phytotron systemunder variation of root temperature and nitrogen concentrationin nutrient solution. The model was tested by comparing modeloutputs with data from four different experiments. Model predictionsagreed fairly well with measured plant performance over a widerange of root temperatures and over a range of nitrogen concentrationsin nutrient solution between 0.5 and 10.0 mmol in the phytotron environment. Sensitivity analyses revealedthat the model was most sensitive to changes in parameters relatingto carbohydrate concentration in the plant and nitrogen uptakerate. Key words: Glycine max (L.) Merrill, dry matter, nitrogen uptake, partitioning, photosynthesis, respiration, sensitivity analysis  相似文献   
General ecophenotypic patterns, of particular interest when they apply to all, or most, taxa of the group concerned, can never be demonstrated until after monophyletic taxa have been recognized, that is, until after the initial stages of phylogeny construction have been carried out. In criticizing certain dalmanellid phylogenies, and based in large part on a study of five 'species subgroups'. Hurst & Watkins (1978; Geologica et Palaeontologica 12 ) postulate ecophenotypic patterns for Isorthis , and Hurst (1978; Palaeontology 21 ) postulates general patterns of ecophenotypic variation for dalmanellid brachiopods. These patterns may be invalid for four reasons: (1) Univariate and 'bivariate' statistical analysis of the samples used to define the five subgroups reveals no significant differences between subgroups, or vertical trends, for the very morphological characters claimed to exhibit the ecophenotypic patterns; (2) Hurst & Watkins' discriminant function analysis contains procedural errors and its results are ambiguous; (3) several of the five subgroups represent mixtures of unrelated taxa; (4) in recognizing the alleged patterns, Hurst & Watkins ignored contrary evidence from many taxa (and from many dalmanellid studies). □ Brachiopoda, Dalmanellidae, Silurian, ecology, evolution, systematics.  相似文献   
Root morphology, shoot morphology, and water uptake for Agavedeserti and Ferocactus acanthodes of various sizes were studiedusing allometric relationships (y = axb) and a previously developedwater uptake model. Shoot surface area increased with shootvolume with an exponent b of 0.75 for both species. Root lengthand the ground area explored by the roots increased with shootsurface area with b's of 0.72 for A. deserti and 0.92 for F.acanthodes. Various sized individuals had about the same ratioof root length to explored ground area, with higher values occurringfor A. deserti. Predicted water uptake averaged over the exploredground area was approximately constant over a 104-fold rangein shoot surface area, suggesting that shoot size confers nointraspecific competitive advantage for water uptake. For theroot lengths per explored ground area observed in the field,water uptake was predicted to be 85 per cent of maximal; wateruptake could be increased by the production of more rain roots.When differences in shoot volume were accounted for by allometry,small plants had relatively less shoot surface area and relativelymore root length per shoot volume than did large plants, whichmay be important for the water relations of seedling establishment. Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, allometry, desert succulents, root distribution, root length, seedling growth, seedling establishment, shoot surface area, shoot volume, water uptake  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We used recent developments in theoretical population ecology to construct basic models of common loon (Gavia immer) demography and population dynamics. We parameterized these models using existing survival estimates and data from long-term monitoring of loon productivity and abundance. Our models include deterministic, 2-stage, density-independent matrix models, yielding population growth-rate estimates (λ) of 0.99 and 1.01 for intensively studied populations in our Wisconsin, USA, and New Hampshire, USA, study areas, respectively. Perturbation analysis of these models indicated that estimated growth rate is extremely sensitive to adult survival, as expected for this long-lived species. Also, we examined 20 years of count data for the 2 areas and evaluated support for a set of count-based models of population growth. We detected no temporal trend in Wisconsin, which would be consistent with fluctuation around an average equilibrium state but could also result from data limitations. For New Hampshire, the model set included varying formulations of density dependence and partitioning of stochasticity that were enabled by the annual sampling resolution. The best model for New Hampshire included density regulation of population growth and, along with the demographic analyses for both areas, provided insight into the possible importance of breeding habitat availability and the abundance of nonbreeding adults. Based on these results, we recommend that conservation organizations include nonbreeder abundance in common loon monitoring efforts and that additional emphasis be placed on identifying and managing human influences on adult loon survival.  相似文献   
Net uptake of by non-nodulated soybean plants [Glycme max(L ) Merr cv Ransom] growing in flowing hydroponicculture was measured daily during a 63 d period of reproductivedevelopment between the first florally inductive photopenodand late seed growth Removal of from a replenished solution containing 10 mol m was determined by ion chromatography Uptake of continued throughout reproductive development The net uptakerate of cycled between maxima and minima with a periodicity of oscillation of 3 to 7 d during the floralstage and about 6 d during the fruiting stage. Coupled withincreasing concentrations of carbon and C:N ratios in tissues,the oscillations in net uptake rates of are evidence that the demand for carbohydrate by reproductiveorgans is contingent on the availability of nitrogen in theshoot pool rather than that the demand for nitrogen followsthe flux of carbohydrate into reproductive tissues. Key words: Nitrate uptake rate, carbon-nitrogen partitioning, Glycme max (L ) Merrill  相似文献   
Carbon Dioxide Effects on Carbohydrate Status and Partitioning in Rice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has beenrising and is predicted to reach double the present concentrationsometime during the next century. The objective of this investigationwas to determine the long-term effects of different CO2 concentrationson carbohydrate status and partitioning in rice (Oryza sativaL cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in outdoor,naturally sunlit, environmentally controlled growth chamberswith CO2 concentrations of 160, 250, 330, 500, 660, and 900µmolCO2 mol1 air. In leaf blades, the priority between the partitioningof carbon into storage carbohydrates or into export changedwith developmental stage and CO2 concentration. During vegetativegrowth, leaf sucrose and starch concentrations increased withincreasing CO2 concentration but tended to level off above 500µmolmol–1 CO2. Similarly, photosynthesis also increased withCO2 concentrations up to 500µmol mol–1 and thenreached a plateau at higher concentrations. The ratio of starchto sucrose concentration was positively correlated with theCO2 concentration. At maturity, increasing CO2 concentrationresulted in an increase in total non-structural carbohydrate(TNC) concentration in leaf blades, leaf sheaths and culms.Carbohydrates that were stored in vegetative plant parts beforeheading made a smaller contribution to grain dry weight at CO2concentrations below 330µmol mol–1 than for treatmentsat concentrations above ambient Increasing CO2 concentrationhad no effect on the carbohydrate concentration in the grainat maturity Key words: CO2 enrichment, starch, sucrose  相似文献   
The Neotropical catfishes of the genus Auchenipterus Valenciennes (1840) are reviewed. The genus is hypothesized to be a monophyletic assemblage on the basis of the shared presence of grooves in the ventral surface of the head that accommodate adducted mental barbels. A possible second synapomorphy, the presence of papillae on the dorsal and medial surface of the ossified maxillary barbel of mature males, is tentatively advanced pending discovery of adult males of three species. Contrary to previous hypotheses which considered Auchenipterus to consist of a maximum of five species, we recognize 11 species, including two previously undescribed forms, A. britskii and A. menezesi: Auchenipterus is broadly distributed through the Rio Orinoco, Rio Amazonas, and Rio de La Plata basins, and the coastal drainages of the Guianas, with one species in the Rio Pindare-Mirim and Rio Parnaiba basins of northeastern Brazil. Auchenipterus nuchalis, previously thought to be broadly distributed across the range of the genus, is found to rather have a restricted distribution in the eastern portions of the Amazon basin, the lower portions of the Rio Tocantins, and lower courses of some rivers in Suriname and French Guiana. Citations of A. nuchalis from elsewhere in the range of the genus are of other species. Euanemus Müller & Troschel (1842) and Ceratocheilus Miranda Ribeiro (1918) are considered synonyms of Auchenipterus. Euanemus colymbetes Müller & Troschel (1842) is considered a synonym of Auchenipterus (fen/ata Valenciennes (1840), and A. paysanduanus Devincenzi (1933) is placed into the synonymy of A. nigripinnis Boulenger (1895). A neotype is designated for Hypopthalmus nuchalis Spix & Agassiz (1829). Lectotypes are designated for Euanemus colymbetes and Auchenipterus nigripinnis.  相似文献   
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