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Larvae of the land-crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, Latreille. weremaintained in 24 different combinations of salinity and temperaturefrom the time of hatching. Survival to the first crab occurredin salinities of 15–45 p.p.t., 25° and 30°C. Durationof the five zoeal and one megalops stages was similar in salinitiesof 20–40 p.p.t., but at 15 and 45 p.p.t. a greater periodof time was required for total development. Mortality of allthe larvae at 20°C suggests that temperature plays a moreimportant role in survival and distribution of the larvae ofC. guanhumi than salinity. Increments of size in crabs during the first seven post-larvalmolts were similar in salinities of 5–35 p.p.t., 25°C,but in fresh water increase in size at the time of molting wasreduced. Although there was no apparent relationship betweenfrequency of molting and salinities of 5–35 p.p.t., theduration of intermolt was reduced in crabs maintained in freshwater, and survival was also lower. From the present study there is no indication that the morphologicaland physiological processes that are associated with adaptationof the adult crab to the terrestrial environment are initiatedduring larval development. Although the adult crabs have successfullypenetrated the terrestrial environment, the pelagic larvae arestill subject to the numerous ecological variables of the estuarineand marine environments.  相似文献   
Abstract: Fecal nitrogen (FN) has been applied widely as an index of dietary quality in studies of nutritional ecology of free-ranging and captive vertebrate herbivores, particularly ruminants. Three related articles in the Journal of Wildlife Management (JWM; Leslie and Starkey 1985, 1987; Hobbs 1987) have been cited (n = 150) in 87 publications and 39 peer-reviewed journals. The critique by Hobbs (1987) and the reply by Leslie and Starkey (1987) on limitations and appropriate applications of FN have been used to justify use of FN or negate its value as a nutritional proxy. We undertook a retrospective analysis of FN applications since 1985, largely because we sensed that methodological cautions noted in the 3 JWM publications were not being followed, leading to faulty conclusions and management applications, and that application protocols needed updating. From January 1986 through July 2007, the 107 species-by-continent applications of FN, citing the 3 JWM publications singly or in any combination, were diverse; FN was used in various ways on 5 continents and for 50 wild and domestic species. Cumulative rates of departure from recommended FN applications increased in recent years, largely in studies that compare different species while failing to fully acknowledge that differences likely reflected digestive capabilities rather than differences in some aspect of dietary intake. Post-1985 research on plant secondary compounds (e.g., tannins) has refined limitations to the application of FN, permitting more straightforward protocols than were possible in 1985. Although use does not necessarily reflect value, the number of published applications during the past 22 years indicates that peer reviewers from a variety of scientific disciplines view FN as a suitable proxy for nutritional status, which can be used to contrast study units when carefully defined by the study design. Any index can have shortcomings, and there are still circumstances when application of FN is problematic. Precise prediction of intake with FN under field conditions is still hampered by inherent variability, but contrasts of comparable study units and species can be appropriate. Published protocols for FN, as amended herein, should be adhered to, and conclusions are strengthened by the use of multiple nutritional indices.  相似文献   
Historical and Life History Factors in the Biogeography of Mayflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Cladistic analysis of mayflies suggests that dispersalwas very asymmetrical after the new land connection betweenNorth and South America. Twenty-one genera apparently movedfrom South to North and Central America, but there is good evidencefor only one North American genus moving into the south. Testablepredictions are possible once the boreal (Laurasian) or austral(Gondwanian) designations are made. For example, Paracloeodes,a genus of austral origin, was predicted to be found in SouthAmerica, and in North America in warm rivers north and eastof its known distribution. These predictions have been confirmed.Other characteristics of tropical mayflies, such as length oflarval period and emergence and mating patterns, may be usedto predict habitats and characteristics of present North Americangenera. Merger events and consequent dispersal of organismshave profound influences on distributional patterns, and fromsuch information, biologically useful generalities can be made.  相似文献   
Ethylene is an important regulator of plant growth, development and responses to environmental stresses. Arabidopsis perceives ethylene through five homologous receptors that negatively regulate ethylene responses. RTE1, a novel gene conserved in plants, animals and some protists, was recently identified as a positive regulator of the ETR1 ethylene receptor. Here, we genetically analyze the dependence of ETR1 on RTE1 in order to obtain further insight into RTE1 function. The function of RTE1 was found to be independent and distinct from that of RAN1, which encodes a copper transporter required for ethylene receptor function. We tested the ability of an rte1 loss-of-function mutation to suppress 11 etr1 ethylene-binding domain mis-sense mutations, all of which result in dominant ethylene insensitivity due to constitutive signaling. This suppression test uncovered two classes of etr1 mutations -RTE1-dependent and RTE1-independent. The nature of these mutations suggests that the ethylene-binding domain is a possible target of RTE1 action. Based on these findings, we propose that RTE1 promotes ETR1 signaling through a conformational effect on the ethylene-binding domain.  相似文献   
Exposure to the environmental contaminant 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) results in a variety of pathological lesions in humans via activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway. It has become apparent that this pathway interacts with a variety of signaling pathways that are believed to be involved in mediating TCDD/AhR biological effects. Our hypothesis is that TCDD mediates these pathological lesions by directly altering the expression of genes involved in matrix deposition and remodeling and that the retinoic acid signaling pathway is involved in modulating TCDD-induced effects. Therefore, we examined the effect of TCDD and all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1, interstitial collagenase), one of the proteolytic enzymes that degrade type I collagen, in normal human keratinocytes. The data show that TCDD exposure results in increased MMP-1 expression in keratinocytes that is further enhanced by co-treatment with all-trans retinoic acid. TCDD-induced expression of MMP-1 appears to be mediated through two AP-1 elements in the proximal promoter of the MMP-1 gene. However, retinoic acid-mediated induction of keratinocyte MMP-1 is a result of both promoter activation and increased mRNA stability. These findings are the first to demonstrate TCDD-induced expression of MMP-1 and to demonstrate interactions between the TCDD/AhR and retinoic acid pathways on MMP-1 expression.  相似文献   
In-house use consumer test data from four studies dealing with three pairs of household products and a pair of antiperspirant products were examined for significant carry-over (product usage order) effects, which would confound the analysis of treatment (product) effects. In each study, two products were compared using a two-period crossover design. One hundred twenty panelists participated in each study. A forced choice preference scale or a 9-point hedonic scale was used to obtain responses from various sensory attributes. In all studies, the estimates of carry-over effects were not significant at the 5% level. Transformation of hedonic scale data into preference dichotomy also gave estimates of carry-over effects which were not significant at the 5% level, but led to a loss of test sensitivity for detecting treatment differences. The authors recommend that all comparative crossover design studies in sensory evaluation be monitored for carry-over effects and that statistically determined sample size should be used to reduce the possibility of obtaining significant carry-over effects.  相似文献   
The onset of incubation varies in birds, with many species beginning incubation prior to clutch completion. Here we examine whether early onset is more likely to occur during high temperatures, a critical prediction of the egg-viability hypothesis, which suggest that birds begin incubation prior to clutch completion in order to maintain egg-viability. We examined onset of incubation in tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor at two locations at the extremes of their breeding range, Alaska and Tennessee. A majority of individuals (68%) began incubation prior to clutch completion. While females in Tennessee were more likely to begin incubation early, there was no difference between sites when differences in temperatures inside nestboxes were controlled in analyses. Rather, early onset of incubation was predicted by the proportion of daily temperatures above physiological zero during laying, a critical prediction of the egg viability hypothesis. Both warm weather and early onset led to shorter incubation periods and increased levels of hatching asynchrony. We found no effect of timing of nesting, female body condition index or clutch size on the probability of beginning incubation prior to clutch completion. Our results are consistent with the egg viability hypothesis, not consistent with a threshold clutch size rule, and do not support the hurry-up hypothesis, that individuals breeding later in the season would begin incubation early to reduce the time spent nesting. Overall, our results suggest that broad scale geographic differences in incubation behaviour may be explained by individual-level responses to environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The fixing-staining mixture consisted of 1 part of 2% aqueous OsO4 and 3 parts of 3% Nal in distilled water. Fresh lungs were cut into 2 mm slices and immersed in this solution for 24 hr at room temperature. Controls were fixed in buffered OsO4 alone. Selective staining of type II alveolar cells was shown by the OsOt-NaI mixture but was absent in the controls. No additional staining of the sections was required, and the selectivity was readily observable in either paraffin or Araldite sections by light microscopy and in Araldite sections by electron microscopy  相似文献   
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