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The Porifera (sponges) are often regarded as the oldest, extant metazoan phylum, also bearing the ancestral stage for most features occurring in higher animals. The absence of chitin in sponges, except for the wall of peculiar resistance bodies produced by a highly derived fresh-water group, is puzzling, since it points out chitin to be an autapomorphy for a particular sponge family rather than the ancestral condition within the metazoan lineage. By investigating the internal proteinaceous (spongin) skeleton of two demosponges (Aplysina sp. and Verongula gigantea) using a wide array of techniques (Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), Raman, X-ray, Calcofluor White Staining, Immunolabeling, and chitinase test), we show that chitin is a component of the outermost layer (cuticle) of the skeletal fibers of these demosponges. FTIR and Raman spectra, as well as X-ray difractograms consistently revealed that sponge chitin is much closer to the alpha-chitin known from other animals than to beta-chitin. These findings support the view that the occurrence of a chitin-producing system is the ancestral condition in Metazoa, and that the alpha-chitin is the primitive form in animals.  相似文献   
PCOS is known to be associated with an increased risk of T2DM and has been proposed to share a common genetic background with T2DM. Recent studies suggest that the Calpain-10 gene (CAPN10) is an interesting candidate gene for PCOS susceptibility. However, contradictory results were reported concerning the contribution of certain CAPN10 variants, especially of UCSNP-44, to genetic predisposition to T2DM, hirsutism, and PCOS. By means of MALDI-TOF MS technique, we genotyped an expanded single nucleotide polymorphism panel, including the CAPN10 UCSNP-44, -43, -56, ins/del-19, -110, -58, -63, and -22 in a sample of 146 German PCOS women and 606 population-based controls. Statistical analysis revealed an association between UCSNP-56 and susceptibility to PCOS with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.91 (95% CI=1.51-5.61) for women carrying an AA genotype compared with GG. As expected, the 22-genotype of the ins/del-19 variant, which is in high linkage disequilibrium (r2=0.98) with UCSNP-56, was also significantly associated (OR=2.98, 95% CI=1.55-5.73). None of the additionally tested variants alone showed any significant association with PCOS. A meta-analysis including our study (altogether 623 PCOS cases and 1,224 controls) also showed significant association only with ins/del-19. The most common haplotype TGG3AGCA was significantly associated with a lower risk for PCOS (OR=0.487, P=0.0057). In contrast, the TGA2AGCA haplotype was associated with an increased risk for PCOS (OR=3.557, P=0.0011). By investigating a broad panel of CAPN10 variants, our results pointed to an allele dose-dependent association of UCSNP-56 and ins/del-19 with PCOS.  相似文献   
We performed a rapid response investigation to evaluate the presence and distribution of amphibian pathogens in Madagascar following our identification of amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Bd) and ranavirus in commercially exported amphibians. This targeted risk-based field surveillance program was conducted from February to April 2014 encompassing 12 regions and 47 survey sites. We simultaneously collected amphibian and environmental samples to increase survey sensitivity and performed sampling both in wilderness areas and commercial amphibian trade facilities. Bd was not detected in any of 508 amphibian skin swabs or 68 water filter samples, suggesting pathogen prevalence was below 0.8%, with 95% confidence during our visit. Ranavirus was detected in 5 of 97 amphibians, including one adult Mantidactylus cowanii and three unidentified larvae from Ranomafana National Park, and one adult Mantidactylus mocquardi from Ankaratra. Ranavirus was also detected in water samples collected from two commercial amphibian export facilities. We also provide the first report of an amphibian mass-mortality event observed in wild amphibians in Madagascar. Although neither Bd nor ranavirus appeared widespread in Madagascar during this investigation, additional health surveys are required to disentangle potential seasonal variations in pathogen abundance and detectability from actual changes in pathogen distribution and rates of spread. Accordingly, our results should be conservatively interpreted until a comparable survey effort during winter months has been performed. It is imperative that biosecurity practices be immediately adopted to limit the unintentional increased spread of disease through the movement of contaminated equipment or direct disposal of contaminated material from wildlife trade facilities. The presence of potentially introduced strains of ranaviruses suggests that Madagascar''s reptile species might also be threatened by disease. Standardized population monitoring of key amphibian and reptile species should be established with urgency to enable early detection of potential impacts of disease emergence in this global biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   
Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase; EC synthesizes the starch precursor, ADP-glucose. It is a rate-limiting enzyme in starch biosynthesis and its activation by 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3PGA) and/or inhibition by inorganic phosphate (Pi) are believed to be physiologically important. Leaf, tuber and cereal embryo AGPases are highly sensitive to these effectors, whereas endosperm AGPases are much less responsive. Two hypotheses can explain the 3PGA activation differences. Compared to leaf AGPases, endosperm AGPases (i) lack the marked ability to be activated by 3PGA or (ii) they are less dependent on 3PGA for activity. The absence of purified preparations has heretofore negated answering this question. To resolve this issue, heterotetrameric maize ( Zea mays L.) endosperm and potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber AGPases expressed in Escherichia coli were isolated and the relative amounts of enzyme protein were measured by reaction to antibodies against a motif resident in both small subunits. Resulting reaction rates of both AGPases are comparable in the presence but not in the absence of 3PGA when expressed on an active-protein basis. We also placed the potato tuber UpReg1 mutation into the maize AGPase. This mutation greatly enhances 3PGA sensitivity of the potato AGPase but it has little effect on the maize AGPase. Thirdly, lysines known to bind 3PGA in potato tuber AGPase, but missing from the maize endosperm AGPase, were introduced into the maize enzyme. These had minimal effect on maize endosperm activity. In conclusion, the maize endosperm AGPase is not nearly as dependent on 3PGA for activity as is the potato tuber AGPase.  相似文献   


Minimally invasive spine surgery requires placement of the skin incision at an ideal location in the patient's back by the surgeon. However, numerous fluoroscopic x-ray images are sometimes required to find the site of entry, thereby exposing patients and Operating Room personnel to additional radiation. To minimize this exposure, a radiopaque localizer grid was devised to increase planning efficiency and reduce radiation exposure.


The radiopaque localizer grid was utilized to plan the point of entry for minimally invasive spine surgery. Use of the grid allowed the surgeon to accurately pinpoint the ideal entry point for the procedure with just one or two fluoroscopic X-ray images.


The reusable localizer grid is a simple and practical device that may be utilized to more efficiently plan an entry site on the skin, thus reducing radiation exposure. This device or a modified version may be utilized for any procedure involving the spine.  相似文献   
The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is a small lagomorph of the western United States that specializes in sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitat. Intensive habitat loss and modification have increased the vulnerability of pygmy rabbit populations, but the current geographic distribution and population status remain unclear. To aid in detection and population monitoring, we developed a species identification test that uses mitochondrial DNA species-specific primers to distinguish among six sympatric lagomorph species using DNA isolated from faecal pellets. Applying this test, we successfully identified the species of origin for all pellet samples that produced a positive PCR result (77% of 283 pellets collected). Pellets collected during the winter (December-February) had higher PCR success rate (93%) than pellets collected at other times of the year (72%). This test, using non-invasive genetic sampling of faecal pellets, provides an efficient method for assessing site occupancy and distribution of pygmy rabbits and other lagomorphs across large geographic areas.  相似文献   
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