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Fatal human respiratory disease associated with influenza A subtype H5N1 has been documented in Hong Kong, and more recently in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. We previously demonstrated that patients with H5N1 disease had unusually high serum levels of IP-10 (interferon-gamma-inducible protein-10). Furthermore, when compared with human influenza virus subtype H1N1, the H5N1 viruses in 1997 (A/Hong Kong/483/97) (H5N1/97) were more potent inducers of pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. tumor necrosis factor-a) and chemokines (e.g. IP-10) from primary human macrophages in vitro, which suggests that cytokines dysregulation may play a role in pathogenesis of H5N1 disease. Since respiratory epithelial cells are the primary target cell for replication of influenza viruses, it is pertinent to investigate the cytokine induction profile of H5N1 viruses in these cells.


We used quantitative RT-PCR and ELISA to compare the profile of cytokine and chemokine gene expression induced by H5N1 viruses A/HK/483/97 (H5N1/97), A/Vietnam/1194/04 and A/Vietnam/3046/04 (both H5N1/04) with that of human H1N1 virus in human primary alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells in vitro.


We demonstrated that in comparison to human H1N1 viruses, H5N1/97 and H5N1/04 viruses were more potent inducers of IP-10, interferon beta, RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in primary human alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. Recent H5N1 viruses from Vietnam (H5N1/04) appeared to be even more potent at inducing IP-10 than H5N1/97 virus.


The H5N1/97 and H5N1/04 subtype influenza A viruses are more potent inducers of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in primary human respiratory epithelial cells than subtype H1N1 virus. We suggest that this hyper-induction of cytokines may be relevant to the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of DNA sequence evolution on RNA secondary structures and compensatory mutations. Models of the secondary structures of Drosophila melanogaster 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and of the complex between 2S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNAs have been drawn on the basis of comparative and energetic criteria. The overall AU richness of the D. melanogaster rRNAs allows the resolution of some ambiguities in the structures of both large rRNAs. Comparison of the sequence of expansion segment V2 in D. melanogaster 18S rRNA with the same region in three other Drosophila species and the tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans morsitans) allows us to distinguish between two models for the secondary structure of this region. The secondary structures of the expansion segments of D. melanogaster 28S rRNA conform to a general pattern for all eukaryotes, despite having highly divergent sequences between D. melanogaster and vertebrates. The 70 novel compensatory mutations identified in the 28S rRNA show a strong (70%) bias toward A-U base pairs, suggesting that a process of biased mutation and/or biased fixation of A and T point mutations or AT-rich slippage-generated motifs has occurred during the evolution of D. melanogaster rDNA. This process has not occurred throughout the D. melanogaster genome. The processes by which compensatory pairs of mutations are generated and spread are discussed, and a model is suggested by which a second mutation is more likely to occur in a unit with a first mutation as such a unit begins to spread through the family and concomitantly through the population. Alternatively, mechanisms of proofreading in stem-loop structures at the DNA level, or between RNA and DNA, might be involved. The apparent tolerance of noncompensatory mutations in some stems which are otherwise strongly supported by comparative criteria within D. melanogaster 28S rRNA must be borne in mind when compensatory mutations are used as a criterion in secondary-structure modeling. Noncompensatory mutation may extend to the production of unstable structures where a stem is stabilized by RNA- protein or additional RNA-RNA interactions in the mature ribosome. Of motifs suggested to be involved in rRNA processing, one (CGAAAG) is strongly overrepresented in the 28S rRNA sequence. The data are discussed both in the context of the forces involved with the evolution of multigene families and in the context of molecular coevolution in the rDNA family in particular.   相似文献   
Despite their importance to host health and development, the communities of microorganisms associated with humans and other animals are characterized by a large degree of unexplained variation across individual hosts. The processes that drive such inter-individual variation are not well understood. To address this, we surveyed the microbial communities associated with the intestine of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, over developmental time. We compared our observations of community composition and distribution across hosts with that predicted by a neutral assembly model, which assumes that community assembly is driven solely by chance and dispersal. We found that as hosts develop from larvae to adults, the fit of the model to observed microbial distributions decreases, suggesting that the relative importance of non-neutral processes, such as microbe-microbe interactions, active dispersal, or selection by the host, increases as hosts mature. We also observed that taxa which depart in their distributions from the neutral prediction form ecologically distinct sub-groups, which are phylogenetically clustered with respect to the full metacommunity. These results demonstrate that neutral processes are sufficient to generate substantial variation in microbiota composition across individual hosts, and suggest that potentially unique or important taxa may be identified by their divergence from neutral distributions.  相似文献   
We sampled populations of forest-floor dwelling cave and ground wētā using footprint tracking tunnels and spotlight transect counts in southern beech forest, New Zealand. Samples were compared to estimates of wētā density based on mark–recapture estimates from 25?m2 enclosures. Both activity indices captured variability in cave wētā in time and space, were strongly correlated with each other, and have the potential for monitoring cave wētā activity levels. Comparisons between indices and cave wētā density estimates were equivocal, as recapture rates were too low to calculate high-resolution density estimates. We also found that cave wētā counts had a curved relationship increasing with temperature, and a negative relationship with increasing shrub and woody debris cover. Based on these preliminary results, tracking tunnels could be a viable method of monitoring cave wētā as they appear more efficient than transect counts and are relatively inexpensive. However, further calibration trials are needed to determine if indices mirror robust population density estimates.  相似文献   
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