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The voltage-gated proton channel exists as a dimer, although each protomer has a separate conduction pathway, and when forced to exist as a monomer, most major functions are retained. However, the proton channel protomers appear to interact during gating. Proton channel dimerization is thought to result mainly from coiled-coil interaction of the intracellular C-termini. Several types of evidence are discussed that suggest that the dimer conformation may not be static, but is dynamic and can sample different orientations. Zn2+ appears to link the protomers in an orientation from which the channel(s) cannot open. A tandem WT-WT dimer exhibits signs of cooperative gating, indicating that despite the abnormal linkage, the correct orientation for opening can occur. We propose that C-terminal interaction functions mainly to tether the protomers together. Comparison of the properties of monomeric and dimeric proton channels speaks against the hypothesis that enhanced gating reflects monomer-dimer interconversion.Key words: voltage-gated proton channels, voltage gating, voltage-sensing domains, phagocytes, coiled-coil, oligomerization, proton currents, pH, dimerization, C-terminus  相似文献   
Gangliosides in the range of 0.1-0.4 mM inhibited the UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine:GM3, N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase (EC of chicken retina. Other lipids such as phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, sulfatides, and phosphatidic acid in concentrations similar to those of gangliosides did not affect the enzyme activity significantly. GM3 has an inhibition capability slightly less than that of gangliosides with two or three sialyl groups in their molecules, while asialo-GM1 is clearly less inhibitory. The inhibitory effect of a constant amount of GT1 ganglioside was higher at low concentrations of membrane preparation, but the inhibition was similar at different concentrations of the substrates GM3 or UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine and at all incubation times studied. The added gangliosides were found attached to the membranes. In this attached state they may act either as substrate or inhibitor. The inhibitory effect of gangliosides was not apparent when a mixture of Triton CF 54-Tween 80 was added to the incubation medium at concentrations greater than 0.33%.  相似文献   
The presence in the 100,000 g supernatant of rat brain homogenate of an inhibitor of the sialyltransferase has been confirmed. It is also present in chicken and bovine brain and in other rat and bovine organs. The inhibitor has been purified, a preparation with a specific activity 130-fold higher than that of the original 100,000 g supernatant of brain being obtained. It runs as a single peak in polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis; when run in the presence of SDS, two components appeared. The apparent Mr of the components were 14,800 and 22,400. The inhibitor has been characterized as a heat-stable protein of acidic nature. It has effect on the glycolipid and the glycoprotein sialyltransferase activities but has no effect on the galactosaminyltransferase activity.  相似文献   
In this work, we have studied (a) the contents of gangliosides, glycoproteins, and phospholipids of the vesicle and plasma membrane fractions from brains of anesthetized and control rats and chickens and (b) the labeling of gangliosides and glycoproteins in the retina ganglion cell layer and optic tectum of urethane-anesthetized and control chickens after intraocular injection of a labeled N-acetylneuraminic acid precursor and the distribution of the label after subcellular fractionation. We found an increase in the content of gangliosides relative to protein in the vesicle fraction of both anesthetized rats and chickens relative to their controls. Other values were not affected by anesthesia. These results do not reflect a faster synthesis of gangliosides stimulated by urethane, because their rate of labeling was diminished in anesthetized animals. During the 4-h period after the animals were injected intraocularly with the radioactive precursor, the highest values of ganglioside-specific radioactivity were found in the vesicle fraction of control and anesthetized animals; at longer intervals, the specific radioactivity of the vesicle and plasma membrane fractions became rather similar. These data are in accordance with previous studies from this laboratory suggesting that the synthesis of the carbohydrate chain of gangliosides is regulated by the physiological demands made by the neurotransmitting system.  相似文献   
1. After injection of [6-(3)H]glucosamine into 8-day-old rats it was found that all the major brain gangliosides and their sialyl groups were labelled at essentially the same rate, except the hematoside, which was the least labelled. In 18-day-old rats it was found that the two major gangliosides with the sialyl (2-->8)-sialyl linkage, and their sialyl groups were more labelled than the hematoside, the Tay-Sachs ganglioside, the other two major gangliosides and their respective sialyl groups. 2. No difference was found in any of the cases studied between the specific radioactivities of the neuraminidase-resistant and -labile sialyl groups belonging to the same ganglioside. The same was found for the specific radioactivities of the galactosyl groups proximal and distal to the ceramide moiety of total brain gangliosides from rats injected with [U-(14)C]glucose. From this it was concluded that partial turnover of the ganglioside molecule does not occur. 3. A model for the synthesis of gangliosides is presented that accounts for results from previous experiments in vitro and the lack of precursor-product relationships observed in experiments in vivo.  相似文献   
Abstract: Tubulin was tyrosinated in slices and in extracts of brain of rats of 3, 25, and 120 days of age by successive incorporation of [14C]tyrosine and [3H]-tyrosine, respectively. The release of the incorporated amino acid was measured by using tubulinyl-tyrosine carboxypeptidase, carboxypeptidase A, and tubulin-tyrosine ligase. With the carboxypeptidases no differences in either the rates or the extents of the release of tyrosine between these two differently labeled tubulins were found. Differences were found when the detyrosination was catalyzed by the ligase and these were attributed to a higher inactivation of tubulin labeled in slices than of that labeled in extracts.  相似文献   
陈钟芳  舒加 《生理学报》1993,45(2):103-110
本文对移植的5-HT神经元从蛛网膜下腔跨软脊膜迁移进入脊髓作了初步研究。将含有5-HT细胞的胚胎中缝核组织小块或神经细胞悬浮液作为移植物,以5-HT免疫组织化学方法跟踪移植细胞,结果如下:(1)在低胸水平横切脊髓,10d后,横断脊髓内的5-HT纤维消失。(2)横切脊髓(方法同上)后,立即将中缝核组织小块移植在胸腰段脊髓的蛛网膜下腔,一月后.在横断脊髓内出现5-HT阳性神经元和纤维。5-HT纤维能在灰白质内延伸。(3)脊髓横断后,若以中缝核的细胞悬浮液代替组织小块,作上述移植,则在移植区附近的灰质内出现大量的5-HT阳性神经元。这些神经元在灰质内的分布范围与神经细胞悬浮液在蛛网膜下腔的移植范围相一致。迁入神经元能在灰质内重新形成5-HT阳性纤维网。(4)经上述移植后,灰质内出现的5-HT阳性纤维随远离细胞体而变得稀疏。白质内的5-HT阳性纤维远比灰质内稀少。本实验结果表明:移植在脊髓蛛网膜下腔的脑干5-HT细胞能跨软脊膜迁移进入脊髓。  相似文献   
The phylogenetic position of the phylum Haplosporidia among other protists was investigated with the complete 16S-like rRNA gene sequences from two species in the phylum: Haplosporidium nelsoni, a parasite of oysters, and Minchinia teredinis, a parasite of shipworms. Because the lack of obvious morphological homologies with other protists hampered decisions regarding taxonomic composition for sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, the complete sequences for these two haplosporidians were directed as search queries to the blast/ncbi.nlm.nih.gov electronic mail server. The results of this heuristic similarity search provided a basis for constructing a preliminary higher-taxonomic-level analysis comparing the haplosporidians with species from the slime molds, fungi, algae, amoebae, ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans. Maximum parsimony yielded equivocal results, whereas transversionally weighted parsimony suggested an affinity with the alveolates (i.e., the ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans). Multiple alignment of the two haplosporidian sequences against 17 taxa in a secondary analysis focusing on the alveolates and subsequent parsimony analysis placed the phylum Haplosporidia as a monophyletic group within the Alveolata and as a taxon of equal rank with the other three alveolate phyla. The precise placement within the Alveolata was sensitive to weighting.   相似文献   
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