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The high-yield expression of a neutralizing epitope from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) on the surface of a plant virus and its immunogenicity are presented. The highly conserved ELDKWA epitope from glycoprotein (gp) 41 was expressed as an N-terminal translational fusion with the potato virus X (PVX) coat protein. The resulting chimeric virus particles (CVPs), purified and used to immunize mice intraperitoneally or intranasally, were able to elicit high levels of HIV-1-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies. Furthermore, the human immune response to CVPs was studied with severe combined immunodeficient mice reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (hu-PBL-SCID). hu-PBL-SCID mice immunized with CVP-pulsed autologous dendritic cells were able to mount a specific human primary antibody response against the gp41-derived epitope. Notably, sera from both normal and hu-PBL-SCID mice showed an anti-HIV-1-neutralizing activity. Thus, PVX-based CVPs carrying neutralizing epitopes can offer novel perspectives for the development of effective vaccines against HIV and, more generally, for the design of new vaccination strategies in humans.  相似文献   
Marine nitrogen fixation: what's the fuss?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biological nitrogen fixation is a much more important process in the nitrogen cycle of the oceans than previously thought. Further, nitrogen fixation may have an influence on the capacity of the oceans to sequester carbon. A greater diversity of marine nitrogen fixers has also been uncovered but their quantitative significance remains to be determined.  相似文献   
The metabolism of D-[U-14C]glucose and the incorporation of [methyl-3H]thymidine by aerobic and anaerobic marine sediment microbes exposed to 1 to 1,000 ppm anthracene, naphthalene, p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and pentachlorophenol were examined. Cell-specific rates of [14C]glucose metabolism averaged 1.7 X 10(-21) and 0.5 X 10(-21) mol/min per cell for aerobic and anaerobic sediment slurries, respectively; [3H]thymidine incorporation rates averaged 43 X 10(-24) and 9 X 10(-24) mol/min per cell for aerobic and anaerobic slurries, respectively. Aerobic sediments exposed to three of the organic pollutants for 2 to 7 days showed recovery of both activities. Anaerobic sediments showed little recovery after 2 days of pre-exposure to the pollutants. We conclude that (i) anaerobic sediments are more sensitive than aerobic sediments to pollutant additions; (ii) [3H]thymidine incorporation is more sensitive to pollutant additions than is [14C]glucose metabolism; and (iii) the toxicity of the pollutants increased in the following order: anthracene, p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, naphthalene, and pentachlorophenol.  相似文献   
We describe a simple, precise, and sensitive experimental protocol for direct measurement of N(inf2) fixation using the conversion of (sup15)N(inf2) to organic N. Our protocol greatly reduces the limit of detection for N(inf2) fixation by taking advantage of the high sensitivity of a modern, multiple-collector isotope ratio mass spectrometer. This instrument allowed measurement of N(inf2) fixation by natural assemblages of plankton in incubations lasting several hours in the presence of relatively low-level (ca. 10 atom%) tracer additions of (sup15)N(inf2) to the ambient pool of N(inf2). The sensitivity and precision of this tracer method are comparable to or better than those associated with the C(inf2)H(inf2) reduction assay. Data obtained in a series of experiments in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea showed excellent agreement between (sup15)N(inf2) tracer and C(inf2)H(inf2) reduction measurements, with the largest discrepancies between the methods occurring at very low fixation rates. The ratio of C(inf2)H(inf2) reduced to N(inf2) fixed was 4.68 (plusmn) 0.11 (mean (plusmn) standard error, n = 39). In these experiments, the rate of C(inf2)H(inf2) reduction was relatively insensitive to assay volume. Our results, the first for planktonic diazotroph populations of the Baltic, confirm the validity of the C(inf2)H(inf2) reduction method as a quantitative measure of N(inf2) fixation in this system. Our (sup15)N(inf2) protocols are comparable to standard C(inf2)H(inf2) reduction procedures, which should promote use of direct (sup15)N(inf2) fixation measurements in other systems.  相似文献   
Aging, aphidicolin, serum deprivation and cytochalasin B induce a decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis, an increase in cell flattening (cell surface increase) and an extension of the cytoplasmic microtubular complex (CMTC). Age and experimental conditions affect the protein content of the cell, but there is no relationship between cell morphology and cell protein content. Serum deprivation, aphidicolin and cytochalasin B are more effective on DNA synthesis and cytoplasmic actin complex (CAC) of late than of early fibroblasts. Despite these facts, the cell morphology of late cells is fairly stable and is not affected by experimental conditions, which exert an “aging effect” upon the cell morphology in earlier cultures. Colchicine acts upon the CMTC, cell morphology and DNA synthesis at all ages of the cultures. It also induces disruption of the CAC, the intensity of the disruption depending on both the length of the treatment and the age of the culture: the sensitivity of the actin-microfilaments to colchicine increases with the mitotic age of the cells. We suggest that the microtubular integrity is needed, but not sufficient, to preserve the organization of the CAC into microfilaments. We propose a logical model comprising feedback loops between the number of the mitotic cycles, the rate of DNA synthesis, the extention rate of the plasma membranes and CMTC in normal fibroblasts. CMTC is associated, in this model, with the expression of negative or positive controls, depending on the grade of its extension (Fig. 9).  相似文献   
This study tested the hypothesis that subsets of human T helper cells can orchestrate leukocyte adhesion to synovial fibroblasts (SFbs), thus regulating the retention of leukocytes in the joints of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients. Several cell types, such as monocytes/macrophages, granulocytes, T and B lymphocytes, SFbs and osteoclasts participate in joint tissue damage JIA. Among T cells, an enrichment of classic and non-classic Th1 subsets, has been found in JIA synovial fluid (SF), compared to peripheral blood (PB). Moreover, it has been shown that IL-12 in the SF of inflamed joints mediates the shift of Th17 lymphocytes towards the non-classic Th1 subset. Culture supernatants of Th17, classic and non-classic Th1 clones, have been tested for their ability to stimulate proliferation, and to induce expression of adhesion molecules on SFbs, obtained from healthy donors. Culture supernatants of both classic and non-classic Th1, but not of Th17, clones, were able to induce CD106 (VCAM-1) up-regulation on SFbs. This effect, mediated by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, was crucial for the adhesion of circulating leukocytes on SFbs. Finally, we found that SFbs derived from SF of JIA patients expressed higher levels of CD106 than those from healthy donors, resembling the phenotype of SFbs activated in vitro with Th1-clones supernatants. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that classic and non-classic Th1 cells induce CD106 expression on SFbs through TNF-α, an effect that could play a role in leukocytes retention in inflamed joints.  相似文献   
The inhibition of nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction by acetylene (C2H2) in saltmarsh sediment was temporary; we investigated this phenomenon and possible causes. The reduction of N2O in the presence of C2H2 was biological. N2O consumption in the presence of C2H2 began when nitrate concentration became very low. The time course of N2O consumption after periods of N2O accumulation was unaffected by initial nitrate concentrations between 16 and 200M, or C2H2 concentrations between 10 and 100% of the gas phase. Sulfide had no effect on the kinetics of N2O reduction in the presence of C2H2. In more dilute slurries of saltmarsh sediments and in estuarine sediment, N2O persisted in the presence of C2H2 unless sufficient organic carbon was added to deplete nitrate. In saltmarsh sediments, the rate of N2O consumption in the presence of C2H2 was not changed by preincubation with C2H2. Initial positive rates of N2O production in the presence of C2H2 occurred only when the block was apparently effective (i.e., at nitrate concentrations greater than about 5–10M) and appeared to represent a valid estimate of denitrification. Conversely, and in agreement with previous studies, concentrations of NO3 below these levels resulted in reduced efficiency of C2H2 blockage of N2O reductase.  相似文献   
The herpes simplex virus transactivator Vmw65 assembles into a multicomponent protein-DNA complex along with the octamer binding protein Oct-1. Using affinity chromatography on columns conjugated with purified Vmw65 fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli, we demonstrate that a cellular factor, distinct from Oct-1, binds to Vmw65 in the absence of target DNA and is necessary for Vmw65-mediated complex assembly with Oct-1.  相似文献   
An inducible mammalian amber suppressor: propagation of a poliovirus mutant   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We describe a general protocol for controlled gene amplification, which allows conditional expression of high levels of amber suppressor activity in monkey kidney cells, and we demonstrate its use in the genetic analysis of animal viruses by the generation and propagation of the first nonsense mutant of poliovirus. A human amber suppressor tRNASer gene linked to the SV40 origin of replication and a second DNA carrying a temperature-sensitive SV40 large T antigen gene were cotransfected into monkey cells. Cell lines having stably integrated the DNAs were isolated. Shifting the cells from the nonpermissive temperature to a lower permissive temperature caused the amplification of the suppressor tRNA gene, which resulted in suppression efficiencies at amber codons of 50%-70%, as measured by suppression of an amber codon in the E. coli chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. A mutant of poliovirus, in which a serine codon in the replicase gene was converted to an amber codon, was efficiently propagated on the suppressor-positive cell lines. The mutant virus reverted to wild-type by a single base change to a serine codon at a frequency of approximately 2.5 x 10(-6), surprisingly low for a RNA genome.  相似文献   
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