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Human rhinovirus serotype 1A (HRV1A) binds more strongly to the mouse low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) than to the human homologue (M. Reithmayer, A. Reischl, L. Snyers, and D. Blaas, J. Virol. 76:6957-6965, 2002). Here, we used this fact to determine the binding site of HRV1A by replacing selected ligand binding modules of the human receptor with the corresponding ligand binding modules of the mouse receptor. The chimeric proteins were expressed in mouse fibroblasts deficient in endogenous LDLR and LDLR-related protein, both used by minor group HRVs for cell entry. Binding was assessed by virus overlay blots, by immunofluorescence microscopy, and by measuring cell attachment of radiolabeled virus. Replacement of ligand binding repeat 5 of the human LDLR with the corresponding mouse sequence resulted in a substantial increase in HRV1A binding, whereas substitution of repeats 3 and 4 was without effect. Replacement of human receptor repeats 1 and 2 with the murine homologues also increased virus binding. Finally, murine receptor modules 1, 2, and 5 simultaneously introduced into the human receptor resulted in HRV1A binding indistinguishable from mouse wild-type receptor. Thus, repeats 1 and/or 2 and repeat 5 are involved in HRV1A attachment. Changing CDGGPD in the acidic cluster of module 5 in the human receptor to CDGEAD present in the mouse receptor led to substantially increased binding of HRV1A, indicating an important role of the glutamate residue in HRV1A recognition.  相似文献   
In a study with rats it was determined whether dietary magnesium concentration affects plasma esterase activities. The feeding of a diet with 0.01% (w/w) instead of 0.04% magnesium reduced plasma magnesium concentration by 50%. Plasma total esterase, arylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities were significantly decreased in the magnesium-deficient rats. In rats fed a diet containing 0.02% magnesium, plasma magnesium concentration was lowered by 30%, and group mean plasma total esterase activity was decreased, but not the activities of arylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase.  相似文献   
The membrane bound aa(3)-type quinol:oxygen oxidoreductase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Acidianus ambivalens, which thrives at a pH of 2.5 and a temperature of 80 degrees C, has several unique structural and functional features as compared to the other members of the heme-copper oxygen reductase superfamily, but shares the common redox-coupled, proton-pumping function. To better understand the properties of the heme a(3)-Cu(B) catalytic site, a resonance Raman spectroscopic study of the enzyme under a variety of conditions and in the presence of various ligands was carried out. Assignments of several heme vibrational modes as well as iron-ligand stretching modes are made to serve as a basis for comparing the structure of the enzyme to that of other oxygen reductases. The CO-bound oxidase has conformations that are similar to those of other oxygen reductases. However, the addition of CO to the resting enzyme does not generate a mixed valence species as in the bovine aa(3) enzyme. The cyanide complex of the oxidized enzyme of A. ambivalens does not display the high stability of its bovine counterpart, and a redox titration demonstrates that there is an extensive heme-heme interaction reflected in the midpoint potentials of the cyanide adduct. The A. ambivalens oxygen reductase is very stable under acidic conditions, but it undergoes an earlier alkaline transition than the bovine enzyme. The A. ambivalens enzyme exhibits a redox-linked reversible conformational transition in the heme a(3)-Cu(B) center. The pH dependence and H/D exchange demonstrate that the conformational transition is associated with proton movements involving a group or groups with a pK(a) of approximately 3.8. The observed reversibility and involvement of protons in the redox-coupled conformational transition support the proton translocation model presented earlier. The implications of such conformational changes are discussed in relation to general redox-coupled proton pumping mechanisms in the heme-copper oxygen reductases.  相似文献   
Pinto  Paulo  Rosado  Joana  Morais  Manuela  Antunes  Isabel 《Hydrobiologia》2004,516(1-3):191-214
A sampling programme was developed in three stream types, of siliceous geology, from the south of Portugal (small and mid-sized lowland streams and small-sized median altitude streams). The samples were taken according to the AQEM site protocol procedure, keeping transport and depositional habitats samples separated. In each stream type, at least 13 sites were studied over a gradient of organic pollution (pre-classification). The benthic macroinvertebrates were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. A Detrended Correspondence Analysis of macroinvertebrate communities identified a gradient of organic pollution strongly related to the first axis. This ordination allowed the establishment of classes of organic pollution using the Kmeans software (post-classification). Metrics based on the macroinvertebrate communities (tolerance, richness, composition and trophic structure) were computed and tested for correlation with the gradient of organic pollution (first axis of DCA). Most of the selected metrics were able to discriminate the four quality classes (high, good, moderate and poor) of ecological status. A multimetric index, integrating ASPT′ index, Trichoptera families and percentage of Gasteropoda, Oligochaeta and Diptera, is proposed to assess the ecological status of Portuguese southern siliceous basins.  相似文献   
Somatolactin (SL) is a pituitary hormone belonging to the growth hormone–prolactin family and is produced in the intermediate lobe of teleosts. The SL gene was isolated from a sea bream genomic library and found to be composed of 5 exons distributed within a 9-kb length of DNA. Sequence analysis of the proximal promoter region showed the presence of a classical TATA box located 59 bp upstream from the initial start ATG codon, 5 consensus sequences corresponding to the Pit-1 binding element, and a putative CREB site. In CHO cells cotransfected with the DNA from 2 plasmids, one encoding sea bream Pit-1 under Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat regulation and one encoding the SL promoter driving the expression of luciferase, Pit-1 was found to enhance the expression of luciferase. Only one Pit-1 binding site was necessary for enhancement. Analysis by immunoblots of in vitro culture of pituitaries of Sparus aurata showed that several agents, including estradiol, verapamil, and phorbol myristate acetate, had different inhibitory effects on SL and growth hormone released to the culture medium.  相似文献   
Eukaryotes regulate the effective dosage of their ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, expressing fewer than half of the genes at any one time. Likewise, genetic hybrids displaying nucleolar dominance transcribe rRNA genes inherited from one parent but silence the other parental set. We show that rRNA gene dosage control and nucleolar dominance utilize a common mechanism. Central to the mechanism is an epigenetic switch in which concerted changes in promoter cytosine methylation density and specific histone modifications dictate the on and off states of the rRNA genes. A key component of the off switch is HDT1, a plant-specific histone deacetylase that localizes to the nucleolus and is required for H3 lysine 9 deacetylation and subsequent H3 lysine 9 methylation. Collectively, the data support a model in which cytosine methylation and histone deacetylation are each upstream of one another in a self-reinforcing repression cycle.  相似文献   
Tendons are composed of collagen and other molecules in a highly organized hierarchical assembly, leading to extraordinary mechanical properties. To probe the cross-links on the lower level of organization, we used a cantilever to pull substructures out of the assembly. Advanced force probe technology, using small cantilevers (length <20 microm), improved the force resolution into the sub-10 pN range. In the force versus extension curves, we found an exponential increase in force and two different periodic rupture events, one with strong bonds (jumps in force of several hundred pN) with a periodicity of 78 nm and one with weak bonds (jumps in force of <7 pN) with a periodicity of 22 nm. We demonstrate a good correlation between the measured mechanical behavior of collagen fibers and their appearance in the micrographs taken with the atomic force microscope.  相似文献   
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