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Human rhinovirus serotype 1A (HRV1A) binds more strongly to the mouse low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) than to the human homologue (M. Reithmayer, A. Reischl, L. Snyers, and D. Blaas, J. Virol. 76:6957-6965, 2002). Here, we used this fact to determine the binding site of HRV1A by replacing selected ligand binding modules of the human receptor with the corresponding ligand binding modules of the mouse receptor. The chimeric proteins were expressed in mouse fibroblasts deficient in endogenous LDLR and LDLR-related protein, both used by minor group HRVs for cell entry. Binding was assessed by virus overlay blots, by immunofluorescence microscopy, and by measuring cell attachment of radiolabeled virus. Replacement of ligand binding repeat 5 of the human LDLR with the corresponding mouse sequence resulted in a substantial increase in HRV1A binding, whereas substitution of repeats 3 and 4 was without effect. Replacement of human receptor repeats 1 and 2 with the murine homologues also increased virus binding. Finally, murine receptor modules 1, 2, and 5 simultaneously introduced into the human receptor resulted in HRV1A binding indistinguishable from mouse wild-type receptor. Thus, repeats 1 and/or 2 and repeat 5 are involved in HRV1A attachment. Changing CDGGPD in the acidic cluster of module 5 in the human receptor to CDGEAD present in the mouse receptor led to substantially increased binding of HRV1A, indicating an important role of the glutamate residue in HRV1A recognition.  相似文献   
Morphine is a poor inducer of micro-opioid receptor (MOR) internalization, but a potent inducer of cellular tolerance. Here we show that, in contrast to full agonists such as [D-Ala(2)-MePhe(4)-Gly-ol]enkephalin (DAMGO), morphine stimulated a selective phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal residue 375 (Ser(375)). Ser(375) phosphorylation was sufficient and required for morphine-induced desensitization of MOR. In the presence of full agonists, morphine revealed partial agonistic properties and potently inhibited MOR phosphorylation and internalization. Upon removal of the drug, DAMGO-desensitized receptors were rapidly dephosphorylated. In contrast, morphine-desensitized receptors remained at the plasma membrane in a Ser(375)-phosphorylated state for prolonged periods. Thus, morphine promotes terminal MOR desensitization by inducing a persistent modification of Ser(375).  相似文献   
Tissue cultures of Nicotiana tabacum were utilized to investigate the mechanisms associated with host specificity and non-host incompatibility in mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi. They were tested for expression of resistance to different species of mycorrhizal fungi and to a fungal pathogen of tobacco, Thielaviopsis basicola , by monitoring the production of callose, phenolic compounds and peroxidases in dual cultures. Tobacco cells reacted to the presence of all the mycorrhizal fungi with callose deposits, whereas callose was nearly always absent in tobacco cells inoculated with their pathogen T. basicola. The broad-host range ectomycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Lac-caria laccata and Suilhis granulatus elicited less intense responses than did Hymenoscyphus ericae. The results obtained for phenolic production and peroxidase activity were consistently similar to those obtained for callose deposition. They showed that H. ericae , an endomycorrhizal symbiont of Ericaceae, was highly incompatible with tobacco cells and that the tobacco pathogen T. basicola did not elicit strong reactions in the cells of its host. In this paper, the possibility of utilizing callus cultures as a simple model system to study both the different degrees of compatibility and the early events of recognition between mycorrhizal fungi and their host or non-host plants is discussed.  相似文献   
Mutations in the survival of motor neuron (SMN) gene are the major cause of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The SMN gene encodes a 38-kDa protein that localises in the cytoplasm and in nuclear bodies termed Gemini of coiled bodies (gems). When visualised by immunofluorescence microscopy, gems often appeared either in close proximity to, or entirely overlapping with coiled (Cajal) bodies (CBs) implying a possible functional relationship between these nuclear domains. With the aim of identifying subnuclear compartments corresponding to gems, we have investigated the intranuclear localisation of SMN and of its interacting protein Gemin2 by immunoelectron microscopy in cultured cells and in liver cells of hibernating dormouse. These antigens are highly enriched in round-shaped electron-dense fibro-granular clusters (EFGCs), which also display a biochemical composition similar to gems visualised by immunofluorescence microscopy. Our data reveal a novel SMN/Gemin2 containing nuclear domain and support the idea that it represents the structural counterpart of gems seen in the light microscope.  相似文献   
Pinto  Paulo  Rosado  Joana  Morais  Manuela  Antunes  Isabel 《Hydrobiologia》2004,516(1-3):191-214
A sampling programme was developed in three stream types, of siliceous geology, from the south of Portugal (small and mid-sized lowland streams and small-sized median altitude streams). The samples were taken according to the AQEM site protocol procedure, keeping transport and depositional habitats samples separated. In each stream type, at least 13 sites were studied over a gradient of organic pollution (pre-classification). The benthic macroinvertebrates were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. A Detrended Correspondence Analysis of macroinvertebrate communities identified a gradient of organic pollution strongly related to the first axis. This ordination allowed the establishment of classes of organic pollution using the Kmeans software (post-classification). Metrics based on the macroinvertebrate communities (tolerance, richness, composition and trophic structure) were computed and tested for correlation with the gradient of organic pollution (first axis of DCA). Most of the selected metrics were able to discriminate the four quality classes (high, good, moderate and poor) of ecological status. A multimetric index, integrating ASPT′ index, Trichoptera families and percentage of Gasteropoda, Oligochaeta and Diptera, is proposed to assess the ecological status of Portuguese southern siliceous basins.  相似文献   
In a study with rats it was determined whether dietary magnesium concentration affects plasma esterase activities. The feeding of a diet with 0.01% (w/w) instead of 0.04% magnesium reduced plasma magnesium concentration by 50%. Plasma total esterase, arylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities were significantly decreased in the magnesium-deficient rats. In rats fed a diet containing 0.02% magnesium, plasma magnesium concentration was lowered by 30%, and group mean plasma total esterase activity was decreased, but not the activities of arylesterase and butyrylcholinesterase.  相似文献   
L-Arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase (Lad1) of the cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic fungus Hypocrea jecorina (anamorph: Trichoderma reesei) has been implicated in the catabolism of L-arabinose, and genetic evidence also shows that it is involved in the catabolism of D-xylose in xylitol dehydrogenase (xdh1) mutants and of D-galactose in galactokinase (gal1) mutants of H. jecorina. In order to identify the substrate specificity of Lad1, we have recombinantly produced the enzyme in Escherichia coli and purified it to physical homogeneity. The resulting enzyme preparation catalyzed the oxidation of pentitols (L-arabinitol) and hexitols (D-allitol, D-sorbitol, L-iditol, L-mannitol) to the same corresponding ketoses as mammalian sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), albeit with different catalytic efficacies, showing highest k(cat)/K(m) for L-arabinitol. However, it oxidized galactitol and D-talitol at C4 exclusively, yielding L-xylo-3-hexulose and D-arabino-3-hexulose, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of Lad1 showed that it is a member of a terminal clade of putative fungal arabinitol dehydrogenase orthologues which separated during evolution of SDHs. Juxtapositioning of the Lad1 3D structure over that of SDH revealed major amino acid exchanges at topologies flanking the binding pocket for d-sorbitol. A lad1 gene disruptant was almost unable to grow on L-arabinose, grew extremely weakly on L-arabinitol, D-talitol and galactitol, showed reduced growth on D-sorbitol and D-galactose and a slightly reduced growth on D-glucose. The weak growth on L-arabinitol was completely eliminated in a mutant in which the xdh1 gene had also been disrupted. These data show not only that Lad1 is indeed essential for the catabolism of L-arabinose, but also that it constitutes an essential step in the catabolism of several hexoses; this emphasizes the importance of such reductive pathways of catabolism in fungi.  相似文献   
Abuja PM  Zenz A  Trabi M  Craik DJ  Lohner K 《FEBS letters》2004,566(1-3):301-306
The effects of a mammalian cyclic antimicrobial peptide, rhesus theta defensin 1 (RTD-1) and its open chain analogue (oRTD-1), on the phase behaviour and structure of model membrane systems (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, DPPC and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol, DPPG) were studied. The increased selectivity of RTD-1 for anionic DPPG over zwitterionic DPPC was shown by differential scanning calorimetry. RTD-1, at a molar peptide-lipid ratio of 1:100, induced considerable changes in the phase behaviour of DPPG, but not of DPPC. The main transition temperature, Tm, was unchanged, but additional phase transitions appeared above Tm. oRTD-1 induced similar effects. However, the effects were not observable below a peptide:lipid molar ratio of 1:50, which correlates with the weaker biological activity of oRTD-1. Small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering revealed for DPPG the appearance of additional structural features induced by RTD-1 above Tm, which were interpreted as correlated lamellar structures, with increased order of the fatty acyl side chains of the lipid. It is proposed that after initial electrostatic interaction of the cationic rim of the peptide with the anionic DPPG headgroups, leading to stabilized lipid-peptide clusters, the hydrophobic face of the peptide assists in its interaction with the fatty acyl side chains eventually leading to membrane disruption.  相似文献   
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