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30S ribosomal protein S4 contains a single cysteine residue at position 31. We have selectively cleaved the peptide bond adjacent to this residue using the reagent 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoic acid. The two resultant fragments were purified. The smaller S4-fragment (1-30) was found to be incapable of interacting with 16S RNA directly. This fragment also is not incorporated into a particle reconstituted from 16S RNA and 20 purified proteins with S4 missing. In contrast, the large S4-fragment (31-203) appears to be fully functional in ribosome assembly. Replacement of S4 with this fragment in the reconstitution reaction leads to a complete 30S ribosome containing all 30S proteins. This particle has a full capacity to bind poly U but has lost all activity for poly U directed phe-tRNA binding. We therefore propose that the N-terminus of protein S4 is not critical for ribosome assembly but is essential for tRNA binding.  相似文献   
Impaired formation of the intrahepatic biliary network leads to cholestatic liver diseases, which are frequently associated with autoimmune disorders. Using a chemical mutagenesis strategy in zebrafish combined with computational network analysis, we screened for novel genes involved in intrahepatic biliary network formation. We positionally cloned a mutation in the nckap1l gene, which encodes a cytoplasmic adaptor protein for the WAVE regulatory complex. The mutation is located in the last exon after the stop codon of the primary splice isoform, only disrupting a previously unannotated minor splice isoform, which indicates that the minor splice isoform is responsible for the intrahepatic biliary network phenotype. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated nckap1l deletion, which disrupts both the primary and minor isoforms, showed the same defects. In the liver of nckap1l mutant larvae, WAVE regulatory complex component proteins are degraded specifically in biliary epithelial cells, which line the intrahepatic biliary network, thus disrupting the actin organization of these cells. We further show that nckap1l genetically interacts with the Cdk5 pathway in biliary epithelial cells. These data together indicate that although nckap1l was previously considered to be a hematopoietic cell lineage-specific protein, its minor splice isoform acts in biliary epithelial cells to regulate intrahepatic biliary network formation.  相似文献   
Most classical models for the movement of organisms assume that all individuals have the same patterns and rates of movement (for example, diffusion with a fixed diffusion coefficient) but there is empirical evidence that movement rates and patterns may vary among different individuals. A simple way to capture variation in dispersal that has been suggested in the ecological literature is to allow individuals to switch between two distinct dispersal modes. We study models for populations whose members can switch between two different nonzero rates of diffusion and whose local population dynamics are subject to density dependence of logistic type. The resulting models are reaction–diffusion systems that can be cooperative at some population densities and competitive at others. We assume that the focal population inhabits a bounded region and study how its overall dynamics depend on the parameters describing switching rates and local population dynamics. (Traveling waves and spread rates have been studied for similar models in the context of biological invasions.) The analytic methods include ideas and results from reaction–diffusion theory, semi-dynamical systems, and bifurcation/continuation theory.  相似文献   
Exposure to microgravity elevates blood pressure and flow in the head, which may increase intracranial volume (ICV) and intracranial pressure (ICP). Rhesus monkeys exposed to simulated microgravity in the form of 6 degrees head-down tilt (HDT) experience elevated ICP. With humans, twenty-four hours of 6 degrees HDT bed rest increases cerebral blood flow velocity relative to pre-HDT upright posture. Humans exposed to acute 6 degrees HDT experience increased ICP, measured with the tympanic membrane displacement (TMD) technique. Other studies suggest that increased ICP in humans and cats causes measurable cranial bone movement across the sagittal suture. Due to the slightly compliant nature of the cranium, elevation of ICP will increase ICV and transcranial distance. Currently, several non-invasive approaches to monitor ICP are being investigated. Such techniques include TMD and modal analysis of the skull. TMD may not be reliable over a large range of ICP and neither method is capable of measuring the small changes in intracranial volume that accompany changes in pressure. Ultrasound, however, may reliably measure small distance changes that accompany ICP fluctuations. The purpose of our study was to develop and evaluate an ultrasound technique to measure transcranial distance changes during HDT.  相似文献   
The gamma subunit of the human T lymphocyte T3 antigen is rapidly phosphorylated on serine residues in vivo during the initiation of T cell activation by a polyclonal mitogen (Phaseolus vulgaris phytohemagglutinin), an activator of protein kinase C (phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate), and an elevator of intracellular calcium (ionomycin). The sites of phosphorylation were identified by comparing tryptic peptide analyses of T3 gamma chains labeled in vivo with various synthetic peptides, corresponding to portions of the cytoplasmic domain of the gamma chain that had been labeled in vitro using purified protein kinase C. Two sites, serines 123 and 126, were phosphorylated in response to ionomycin, whereas a single site, serine 126, was phosphorylated when T lymphocytes were stimulated by P. vulgaris phytohemagglutinin or when protein kinase C was directly activated by phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. Immune activation of T cells via the protein kinase C pathway thus induces phosphorylation of a single site on the T3 gamma chain, namely serine 126.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship between Y-chromosome abnormalities and gonadal differentiation was investigated in six phenotypic females with a 46,XY karyotype and one patient with ambiguous genitalia secondary to apparently nonmosaic 46,XY mixed gonadal dysgenesis. No alterations were found in the Y chromosomes of six of these individuals by the use of either cytogenetic or molecular techniques. Cytogenetic analysis with high-resolution G-banding and Q-banding revealed a small deletion in the short arm of the Y chromosome in one female patient with some features of Turner syndrome. Southern hybridization with Y-specific probes showed a loss of DNA within deletion intervals 1, 2, and 3 of the Y chromosome. A new Y-chromosome-specific DNA probe that hybridizes to deletion interval 3 is described.  相似文献   
Cyanophora paradoxa is a flagellated protozoan which possesses unusual, chloroplast-like organelles referred to as cyanelles. The psbE and psbF genes, which encode the two apoprotein subunits of cytochrome b-559, have been cloned from the cyanelle genome of C. paradoxa. The complete nucleotide sequences of these genes and their flanking sequences were determined by the chain-termination, dideoxy method. The psbE gene is composed of 75 codons and predicts a polypeptide of 8462 Da that is seven to nine residues smaller than most other psbE gene products. The psbF gene consists of 43 codons and predicts a polypeptide of 4761 Da. Two open reading frames, whose sequences are highly conserved among cyanobacteria and numerous higher plants, were located in the nucleotide sequence downstream from the psbF gene. The first open reading frame, denoted psbI, is composed of 39 codons, while the second open reading frame, denoted psbJ, is composed of 41 codons. The predicted amino acid sequences of the psbI and psbJ gene products predict proteins of 5473 and 3973 Da respectively. These proteins are probably integral membrane proteins anchored in the membrane by a single, transmembrane alpha helix. The psbEFIJ genes are probably co-transcribed and constitute an operon as found for other organisms. Each of the four genes is preceded by a polypurine sequence which resembles the consensus ribsosome binding sequences for Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of protein kinase C (pkC) activation on calcium responses generated through the CD3 and CD2 Ag in both normal peripheral blood-derived T lymphocytes and the leukemic T cell line Jurkat. The data reveal a major difference with respect to the regulation of receptor-mediated calcium responses in these two cells. Thus, the pkC activator phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (Pdbu) enhances calcium responses induced via CD3 and CD2 molecules in normal T cells by accelerating the rate of elevation of intracellular calcium levels and increasing the maximum change in calcium concentration achieved. In contrast, Pdbu inhibits both CD3- and CD2-induced calcium responses in Jurkat cells. Pdbu does not influence calcium responses generated by the guanine nucleotide-binding protein activator, aluminium fluoride, indicating that the effect of pkC occurs at a point proximal to a guanine nucleotide-binding protein regulation of T cell calcium responses.  相似文献   
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