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Bovine leukemia virus (BLV), a retrovirus related to human T-cell leukemia virus types 1 and 2, can induce persistent nonneoplastic expansion of the CD5(+) B-cell population, termed persistent lymphocytosis (PL). As in human CD5(+) B cells, we report here that CD5 was physically associated with the B-cell receptor (BCR) in normal bovine CD5(+) B cells. In contrast, in CD5(+) B cells from BLV-infected PL cattle, CD5 was dissociated from the BCR. In B cells from PL cattle, apoptosis decreased when cells were stimulated with antibody to surface immunoglobulin M (sIgM), while in B cells from uninfected cattle, apoptosis increased after sIgM stimulation. The functional significance of the CD5-BCR association was suggested by experimental dissociation of the CD5-BCR interaction by cross-linking of CD5. This caused CD5(+) B cells from uninfected animals to decrease apoptosis when stimulated with anti-sIgM. In contrast, in CD5(+) B cells from PL animals, in which CD5 was already dissociated from the BCR, there was no statistically significant change in apoptosis when CD5 was cross-linked and the cells were stimulated with anti-sIgM. Disruption of CD5-BCR interactions and subsequent decreased apoptosis and increased survival in antigenically stimulated B cells may be a mechanism of BLV-induced PL.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic tail of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) transmembrane protein gp30 has multiple amino acid motifs that mimic those present in signaling proteins associated with B-cell and T-cell receptors. The proline-rich motif of gp30, PX(2)PX(4-5)P, is analogous to the recognition site of Src homology 3 (SH3) domains of signaling molecules. Using site-directed mutagenesis of an infectious molecular clone of BLV, point mutations were introduced which changed three of the prolines of the motif to alanines. The influence of these mutations on the pathogenicity of BLV was studied in sheep which received either (i) plasmid DNA with provirus containing proline-to-alanine mutations (pppBLV), (ii) plasmid DNA with wild-type provirus (wtBLV), or (iii) transfection reagent alone. Although all of the BLV-injected animals seroconverted at approximately the same time, viral loads at later time points were high in five of five of the wtBLV group and two of five of the pppBLV group but low in three of five of the pppBLV group, as determined by semiquantitative PCR. Viral expression was lower in the pppBLV-transfected sheep, as measured by p24 antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in cultured cells, and serologic titers were lower. Thirty-one months after transfection, four of four wtBLV-transfected sheep had died of leukemia and lymphoma, and all five of the pppBLV-transfected sheep were clinically healthy and had normal peripheral blood lymphocyte counts. These data indicate that the proline-rich motif of gp30 is not required for viral infectivity but is important for high viral load in vivo, suggesting that SH3-mediated gp30 interactions are critical for viral pathogenesis following infection. Absence of interactions with the proline-rich motif may prevent or delay tumorigenesis in sheep.  相似文献   
In B lymphocytes, the down-regulatory phosphatase SHP-1 associates with CD22 and CD32b (also known as FcgammaRIIB) and acts as a critical negative regulator of B-cell receptor signaling. Bovine leukemia virus, a retrovirus of the HTLV/BLV group, causes persistently increased numbers of peripheral blood B lymphocytes, known as persistent lymphocytosis (PL) and, in some animals, progression to B-cell leukemia and/or lymphoma. Here, we show that SHP-1 associates with the bovine leukemia virus transmembrane protein, gp30. This interaction is either direct or indirect. The interaction is dependent on tyrosine phosphorylation, and the interaction increases after cell stimulation with sodium pervanadate. The gp30-SHP-1 interaction is seen in all of the BLV-infected, PL animals tested, but is not seen in uninfected animals or in most BLV-infected, non-PL animals, which do not express significant quantities of gp30. However, one BLV-infected, non-PL animal expressed large quantities of gp30, yet no gp30-SHP-1 interaction was detected, suggesting that there may be other factors in cells from the PL animals that facilitate the gp30-SHP-1 interaction. The association of gp30 and SHP-1 suggests the hypothesis that gp30 may act as a decoy to sequester SHP-1, resulting in up-regulation of B-cell receptor signaling. The implication of this could be a novel mechanism of viral activation of lymphocytes by removal of a down-regulatory phosphatase.  相似文献   
Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy is a new technique used in the surgical treatment of patients with malignant melanoma. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of this approach for patients with melanoma of the lower extremity. Between May of 1994 and June of 1997 at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, 85 consecutive patients with clinical stage I and II melanoma of the lower extremity underwent lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy. These nodes were identified in all 85 patients by intraoperative lymphatic mapping with both radiolymphoscintigraphy and a vital blue dye injection. Eleven patients (12.9 percent) had histologically positive sentinel lymph nodes, and 10 patients underwent inguinal complete lymph node dissections. All 10 patients had no further histologically positive lymph nodes confirmed by subsequent complete dissection. Among 74 patients with histologically negative sentinel lymph nodes, only 2 patients (2.7 percent) developed inguinal nodal metastases during a mean follow-up period of 21.8 months (range, 13.5 to 58.3 months). The sensitivity of lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy in this series was 100 percent and the specificity was 97.3 percent. Therefore, we conclude that the use of lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy can accurately stage patients with melanoma of the lower extremity and provide a rational surgical approach for these patients.  相似文献   
During courtship, visual and chemical signals are often exchanged between the sexes. The proper exchange of such signals ensures intraspecific recognition. We have examined the genetic basis of interspecific differences in male mating behaviour and pheromone concentration between Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia by using Drosophila simulans/D. sechellia introgression lines. Our results show a majority of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) explaining variation in both male mating behaviour and pheromone concentration to be located on the third chromosome. One QTL found on the third chromosome explains variation in time needed to start courtship and copulation as well as time spent courting. The position of such QTL (approximately 84A-88B) with effects on courtship and copulation aspects of mating includes the candidate sex determination gene doublesex (84E5-6) and Voila (86E1-2), a gene that affects male courtship in D. melanogaster. One additional third chromosome QTL explained variation in 7-tricosene pheromone concentrations among males. The interval mapping position of this QTL (approximately 68E-76E) did not overlap with the position detected for differences in mating behaviour and the intervals did not include candidate genes previously identified as having an effect on D. melanogaster cuticular hydrocarbon production. We did not detect any directionality of the effect of Drosophila sechellia allele introgressions in male mating recognition.  相似文献   
A gram-positive bacterial expression vector using Streptococcus gordonii has been developed for expression and secretion, or surface anchoring of heterologous proteins. This system, termed Surface Protein Expression system or SPEX, has been used to express a variety of surface anchored and secreted proteins. In this study, the Mycobacterium xenopi (Mxe) GyrA intein and chitin binding domain from Bacillus circulans chitinase Al were used in conjunction with SPEX to express a fusion protein to facilitate secretion, cleavage, and purification. Streptococcus gordonii was transformed to express a secreted fusion protein consisting of a target protein with a C-terminal intein and chitin-binding domain. Two target proteins, the C-repeat region of the Streptococcus pyogenes M6 protein (M6) and the nuclease A (NucA) enzyme of Staphylococcus aureus, were expressed and tested for intein cleavage. The secreted fusion proteins were purified from culture medium by binding to chitin beads and subjected to reaction conditions to induce intein self-cleavage to release the target protein. The M6 and NucA fusion proteins were shown to bind chitin beads and elute under cleavage reaction conditions. In addition, NucA demonstrated enzyme activity both before and after intein cleavage.  相似文献   
Autism is a syndrome characterized by deficits in language and social skills and by repetitive behaviors. We hypothesized that potential quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to component autism endophenotypes might underlie putative or significant regions of autism linkage. We performed nonparametric multipoint linkage analyses, in 152 families from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange, focusing on three traits derived from the Autism Diagnostic Interview: "age at first word," "age at first phrase," and a composite measure of "repetitive and stereotyped behavior." Families were genotyped for 335 markers, and multipoint sib pair linkage analyses were conducted. Using nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis, we found the strongest QTL evidence for age at first word on chromosome 7q (nonparametric test statistic [Z] 2.98; P=.001), and subsequent linkage analyses of additional markers and association analyses in the same region supported the initial result (Z=2.85, P=.002; chi(2)=18.84, df 8, P=.016). Moreover, the peak fine-mapping result for repetitive behavior (Z=2.48; P=.007) localized to a region overlapping this language QTL. The putative autism-susceptibility locus on chromosome 7 may be the result of separate QTLs for the language and repetitive or stereotyped behavior deficits that are associated with the disorder.  相似文献   
Cantor RS 《Biophysical journal》2002,82(5):2520-2525
Some membrane peptides, such as Alamethicin, form barrel-stave aggregates with a broad probability distribution of size (number of peptides in the aggregate). This distribution has been shown to depend on the characteristics of the lipid bilayer. A mechanism for this influence is suggested, in analogy to earlier work on the effects of changes in bilayer composition on conformational equilibria in membrane proteins, that is based on coupling of shifts in the distribution of lateral pressures in the bilayer to depth-dependent changes in the lateral excluded area that accompanies the formation of an aggregate. Thermodynamic analysis is coupled with a simple geometric model of aggregates of kinked cylindrical peptides and with results of previously calculated lateral pressure distributions to predict the effects of changes in bilayer characteristics on aggregate size distributions, in qualitative agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   
AIMS: To investigate predominant isolates of Bacillus subtilis and B. pumilus in soumbala, a fermented African locust bean condiment, for their ability to degrade African locust bean oil (ALBO). METHODS AND RESULTS: Agar diffusion test in tributyrin and ALBO agar was used for screening of the isolates for esterase and lipase activity, respectively. The quantity and the profile of free fatty acids (FFA) during 72 h of degradation of ALBO by the Bacillus isolates were studied by titration and gas chromatography. The degradation of tributyrin and ALBO was variable among the isolates. Two strains of B. subtilis and two strains of B. pumilus showed significantly higher esterase and lipolytic activities than the others. The degradation ALBO was most pronounced in enriched nutrient agar except for one isolate of B. pumilus degrading ALBO to the same extent regardless of the enrichment. The quantity of FFA released from ALBO by the most lipolytic strains of Bacillus increased mainly between 0 and 24 h and differed among the isolates. The profile of FFA was similar for the Bacillus isolates with oleic acid (C18:2) occurring as the major FFA in all the samples except in samples incubated with B. subtilis B9 where stearic acid (C18) was dominant. CONCLUSION: Bacillus isolates from soumbala showed high strain dependent lipolytic activity against ALBO. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study contributes to the selection of Bacillus strains to be used as starter cultures for controlled production of soumbala.  相似文献   
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