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Studies on meiotic division in coccidial and malarial parasites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypertensive patients were treated with either chlorthalidone or frusemide for periods of two to four months. Reduction in blood pressure was seen with chlorthalidone but not with frusemide. This hypotensive effect appeared to be independent of the natriuretic effect.A significant reduction in total exchangeable potassium (KE) was seen with both agents, but no patient showed adverse symptoms or signs. There was no alteration in maximal urinary concentration or acidification, or in intravenous glucose tolerance or plasma insulin. It is concluded that potassium depletion of this degree does not require replacement therapy on a routine basis in hypertensive patients.  相似文献   
Nuclear division and chromosome cycle in microsporidia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E U Canning 《Bio Systems》1988,21(3-4):333-340
Nuclear division and chromosome cycle of microsporidia are reviewed in the light of recent speculation that the group diverged as an early branch in the eukaryotic line of descent. Microsporidia are primitive eukaryotes with simple cytoplasmic organisation, lacking mitochondria, peroxisomes and a classical Golgi apparatus. The ribosomes resemble prokaryotic ribosomes in size and in having sequences complementary to the eukaryotic 5.8S rRNA contained within their large (23S) ribosomal subunit, rather than a separate 5.8S molecule. Nuclei may be isolated or closely appressed as a diplokaryotic pair which divide synchronously. Mitosis is intranuclear: there are no centrioles but spindle termini are electron dense plaques in pores in the nuclear envelope. Some genera have isolated nuclei throughout the life cycle, while others have diplokaryotic nuclei throughout: meiosis is not known in either of these categories of genera. In contrast, certain polymorphic species, which are transmitted horizontally between copepods and mosquitoes and vertically between generations of mosquitoes, alternate between stages with isolated nuclei and stages with diplokaryotic nuclei. Haploid spores in copepods are infective to mosquito larvae, in which gametogenesis and plasmogamy occur to give diplokaryotic (diploid) stages. Stages remain diplokaryotic through transovarial transmission to the next generation, when an unusual form of meiosis is initiated in both nuclei of the diplokaryon (as indicated by synaptonemal complexes), and mingling of chromosomes occurs when the two nuclei fuse during pachytene.  相似文献   
We report that a monoclonal antibody, HNK-1, identifies specific regions and cell types during primitive streak formation in the chick blastoderm. Immunohistochemical studies show that the cells of the forming hypoblast are HNK-1 positive from the earliest time at which they can be identified. Some cells of the margin of the blastoderm are also positive. The mesoderm cells of the primitive streak stain strongly with the antibody from the time of their initial appearance. In the epiblast, some cells are positive and some negative at pre-primitive-streak stages, but as the primitive streak develops a gradient of staining intensity is seen within the upper layer, increasing towards the primitive streak. At later stages of development, the notochord and the mesenchyme of the headfold are positive, while the rest of the mesoderm (lateral plate) no longer expresses HNK-1 immunoreactivity. This antibody therefore reveals changes associated with mesodermal induction: before induction, it recognizes the 'inducing' tissue (the hypoblast) and reveals a mosaic pattern in the responding tissue (the epiblast); after primitive streak formation, the mesoderm of the primitive streak that results from the inductive interactions expresses the epitope strongly. Affinity purification of HNK-1-related proteins in various tissues was carried out, followed by SDS-PAGE to identify them. The hypoblast, mesoderm and epiblast of gastrulating chick embryos have some HNK-1-related proteins in common, while others are unique to specific tissues. Attempts have been made to identify these proteins using Western blots and antibodies known to recognize HNK-1-related molecules, but none of the antibodies used identify the bands unique to any of the tissues studied. We conclude that these proteins may be novel members of the HNK-1/L2 family, and that they may have a role in cell interactions during early development.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of three species of microsporidia in winter moths, Operophtera brumata (L.), has been used to consolidate taxonomic assessments previously based on light microscopy. The characters formerly used to assign Nosema operophterae Canning, 1960 to a new genus Orthosoma Canning, Wigley & Barker, 1983, namely that the nuclei are isolated and that sporoblasts are separated from ribbon-shaped multinucleate (2, 4, 8 or rarely 12 nuclei) sporonts, were upheld at the ultrastructural level. Development was in contact with the cell cytoplasm but all stages, which must have included meronts, had an electron dense surface coat. Nosema wistmansi Canning, Wigley & Barker, 1983, was found to be ultrastructurally typical of the genus Nosema Naegeli, 1857. An unusual feature of this species was the close association of cysternae of host endoplasmic reticulum with the surface of meronts, an association lost in sporogony. Pleistophora operophterae (Canning, 1960) has been transferred, on ultrastructural criteria, to a new genus Cystosporogenes n.g. Nuclei are isolated; all stages develop in a vesicle bounded by an envelope of enigmatic origin; this envelope persists around the spores as a sporophorous vesicle; division of the sporont within this vesicle is by budding and the number of sporoblasts, and therefore spores, is variable up to about 60.Microsporidia which undergo multisporous sporogony in sporophorous vesicles are now distributed among seven genera. These are: Glugea Thélohan, 1891; Pleistophora Gurley, 1893; Pseudopleistophora Sprague, 1977; Vavraia Weiser, 1977; Baculea Loubès & Akbarieh, 1978; Polydispyrenia Canning & Hazard, 1982 and Cystosporogenes n.g. New genera would appear to be needed for Pleistophora sp. of Sandars & Poinar (1976) and Pleistophora sp. of Percy, Wilson & Burke (1982). ac]19840404  相似文献   
In vitro and in vivo investigations of human microsporidia.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The numerous infections of microsporidia which have been diagnosed in patients with AIDS have revealed the potential of these organisms for establishing themselves when the immune status of the host is compromised. Two species of Encephalitozoon, E. cuniculi and E. hellem, have been diagnosed in man, the former infecting a variety of tissues, the latter restricted to the corneal and conjunctival epithelia. These species are morphologically indistinguishable even at the ultrastructural level but can be separated biochemically. Two human sera were found to react with equal intensity in the ELISA on spores of E. cuniculi and E. hellem purified from in vitro cultures, and gave similar binding patterns in Western blots on SDS-PAGE protein profiles of the two species. This has raised questions about the identity of Encephalitozoon infections diagnosed previously in man. The diagnosis of Enterocytozoon bieneusi, which infects the intestinal enterocytes of AIDS patients and is associated with chronic diarrhoea, requires observation of smears or sections of biopsies or specialist observation of stool preparations. In vitro cultures, which would facilitate the raising of specific antisera, have proved difficult to establish. In vitro and in vivo systems for assaying drugs for microsporidia have revealed that albendazole has a marked effect on parasite numbers and morphology but does not eliminate infection, which resurges when drug pressure is removed.  相似文献   
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