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Abstract The common phage type 193 of Salmonella typhimurium was analyzed with respect to molecular markers of chromosomal genotype. Three profiles of the 16S rRNA genes and seven profiles of the DNA insertion element of IS2 00 were found among tne representative strains of DT193. The IS 200 profiles found within this single phage type were highly diverse, confirming that DT193 is a composite phage type containing several distinct clones and hybrid lines. IS2 00 profiling is thus appropriate both for primary strain discrimination, and for subdivision within certain phage types of S. typhimurium , such as DT193. This rapid molecular definition of clonality will be useful for the epidemiological investigation of food poisoning outbreaks.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of primary amino nitrogen (PAN) in nitrogen regeneration by marine sediments, the distribution and fluxes of PAN in organic-rich coastal sediments off Massachusetts (USA) were investigated. Decreases with depth in the sediment of total organic carbon, organic nitrogen, and PAN contents indicate that organics with C to N ratios of about 6, such as primary amines, are selectively consumed. Near the sediment surface, dissolved PAN (DPAN) accumulates and supports a large DPAN flux into the water column and this flux greatly exceeds the inorganic nitrogen flux. Consumption of C, N, and PAN was investigated using diagenetic equations describing their exponentially decreasing distributions with depth and which included the effects of sediment mixing, sediment accumulation, and consumption, considered to be a first-order reaction rate. Calculations showed that the reaction rate constant for PAN was between 5.1 and 26.1 times faster than that for the utilizable organic N and the depth-integrated consumption of PAN accounted for between 8.6 and 43.9% of the N disappearance rate. These ranges are estimated when sediment accumulation dominates over sediment mixing (the lower values) and when mixing dominates over accumulation (the upper values). Although the magnitude of D is unknown, these calculations indicate that PAN, which comprises less than 2% of the organic N, has an important role in sedimentary nutrient dynamics because of its enhanced reactivity.  相似文献   
The benthic oxygen demand and inorganic nutrient release have been investigated in the coastal zone of the Mid-Atlantic Bight of the United States using in situ and ship-board incubations to estimate fluxes across the sediment-water interface. Oxygen demand ranged from ca. 70 ml m−2 hr−1 nearshore in warm (25°C) muddy sediments to ca. 4 ml m−2 hr−1 in cold (6°C), coarse-grained sediments offshore. Ammonium ion flux was out of the sediments in all but 4 of 29 incubations, while nitrate was often found to be utilized within or on the sediments, decreasing in 10 of 29 incubations. Those locations with fluxes of nitrate out of the sediment had concentrations in the pore water that were generally high, sometimes up to several mM l−1. Nitrate fluxes were always well below those of ammonia, even where high almost equivalent concentrations of both NH4 and NO3 were found at the same locale. On George's Bank only 13 % of total N demand by the phytoplankton was estimated to be supplied by the benthos, whereas in New York Bight the supply amounted to 42 % of the demand. This difference can be attributed to higher pelagic biological and advective (mixing and upwelling) inputs to George's Bank compared to the relatively well stratified New York Bight in late summer and autumn.  相似文献   
The particular virulence of Plasmodium falciparum compared with the other malaria species which naturally infect humans is thought to be due to the way in which the parasite modifies the surface of the infected red cell. Approximately 16 hours into the asexual cycle, parasite encoded proteins appear on the red cell surface which mediate adherence to a variety of host tissues. Binding of infected red cells to vascular endothelium, a process which occurs in all infections, is thought to be an important factor in the pathogenesis of severe disease where concentration of organisms in particular organs such as the brain occurs. Binding to uninfected red cells to form erythrocyte rosettes, a property of some isolates, is linked to disease severity. Here we summarise the data on the molecular basis of these interactions on both the host and parasite surfaces and review the evidence for the involvement of particular receptors in specific disease syndromes. Finally we discuss the relevance of these data to the development of new treatments for malaria.  相似文献   
The fluorescent probe Prodan has been widely used as a probe of model and biological membranes. Its fluorescent maxima in phospholipid bilayers vary as a function of phase state, with maxima at 485 for the liquid crystal Lalpha, 435 nm for the gel L'beta, and 507 nm for the interdigitated gel LbetaI phase, with excitation at 359 nm. These spectral changes have been used for the detection of phase changes among these phases. In the present study, the fluorescent properties and partition coefficients of Prodan in model membranes of phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanols have been studied as a function of lipid phase state and cholesterol content. It is shown that the Prodan spectrum in the presence of cholesterol no longer reflects the known phase state of the lipid; in each phase state, the presence of cholesterol leads to a spectrum with the maximum at 435 nm, characteristic of the noninterdigitated gel phase. The partition coefficient of Prodan into these lipids also varies with the phase state, giving values of 0.35 x 10(4) in the interdigitated gel, 1.8 x 10(4) in the noninterdigitated gel, and 7. 6 x 10(4) in the liquid crystal phase. In the presence of cholesterol these partition coefficients are increased to 13 x 10(4) for the liquid crystal and the gel phase, and 5.1 x 10(4) in the presence of 100 mg/ml ethanol. These results suggest that Prodan has preferential interactions with cholesterol, and is thus not a randomly distributed fluorescent reporter probe in membranes containing cholesterol. These results suggest that Prodan should be used only with great caution in complex lipid mixtures, particularly biological membranes.  相似文献   
G. Rowe  T. J. C. Beebee  T. Burke 《Oikos》2000,88(3):641-651
Although it is widely recognised that spatial subdivision of populations is common in nature, there is no consensus as to how metapopulation dynamics affect genetic diversity. We investigated the genetic differentiation of natterjack toads, Bufo calamita , in three regions of Britain where habitat continuity indicated the likely occurrence of extensive metapopulations. Our intention was to determine whether genetic analysis supported the existence of metapopulation structures, if so of what type, and to identify barriers to migration between subpopulations. Allele frequencies were determined across eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for a total of 24 toad subpopulations at three separate sites. Genetic differentiation was assessed using five measures of genetic distance, notably F ST , R ST , Nei's standard distance D s , Δμ2 and the Cavalli-Sforza chord distance D c . B. calamita exhibited small but significant levels of genetic differentiation between subpopulations in all three study areas, and genetic and geographic distance correlations indicated isolation-by-distance effects in all three cases. The effects on correlation strengths of compensation for positive (sea, rivers, urban development) and negative (pond clusters) barriers to toad migration between the subpopulations in each area were also determined. D c , a measure which assumes that differentiation is caused by drift with negligible mutation effect, yielded the most plausible interpretation of metapopulation structures. Overall the patterns of genetic variation suggested the existence of a mixed metapopulation model for this species, with high levels of gene flow compatible with one version of the classical model but often supported by particularly stable subpopulations as in the mainland-island model.  相似文献   
Two proviruses were cloned from EcoRI-digested DNA extracted from mink cells chronically infected with AKR mink cell focus-forming (MCF) 247 murine leukemia virus (MuLV), using a lambda phage host vector system. One cloned MuLV DNA fragment (designated MCF 1) contained sequences extending 6.8 kilobases from an EcoRI restriction site in the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) to an EcoRI site located in the envelope (env) region and was indistinguishable by restriction endonuclease mapping for 5.1 kilobases (except for the EcoRI site in the LTR) from the 5' end of AKR ecotropic proviral DNA. The DNA segment extending from 5.1 to 6.8 kilobases contained several restriction sites that were not present in the AKR ecotropic provirus. A 0.5-kilobase DNA segment located at the 3' end of MCF 1 DNA contained sequences which hybridized to a xenotropic env-specific DNA probe but not to labeled ecotropic env-specific DNA. This dual character of MCF 1 proviral DNA was also confirmed by analyzing heteroduplex molecules by electron microscopy. The second cloned proviral DNA (designated MCF 2) was a 6.9-kilobase EcoRI DNA fragment which contained LTR sequences at each end and a 2.0-kilobase deletion encompassing most of the env region. The MCF 2 proviral DNA proved to be a useful reagent for detecting LTRs electron microscopically due to the presence of nonoverlapping, terminally located LTR sequences which effected its circularization with DNAs containing homologous LTR sequences. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated the presence of a 104-base-pair direct repeat in the LTR of MCF 2 DNA. In contrast, only a single copy of the reiterated component of the direct repeat was present in MCF 1 DNA.  相似文献   
Increased Efficiency of Transgenic Livestock Production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Production of transgenic livestock by pronuclear microinjection of DNA into fertilized zygotes suffers from the compounded inefficiencies of low embryo survival and low integration frequencies of the injected DNA into the genome. These inefficiencies are one of the major obstacles to the large-scale use of pronuclear microinjection techniques in livestock. We investigated exploiting the properties of recombinase proteins that allow them to bind DNA to generate transgenic animals via pronuclear microinjection. In theory, the use of recombinase proteins has the potential to generate transgenic animals with targeted changes, but in practice we found that the use of RecA recombinase-coated DNA increases the efficiency of transgenic livestock production. The use of RecA protein resulted in a significant increase in both embryo survival rates and transgene integration frequencies. Embryo survival rates were doubled in goats, and transgene integration was 11-fold higher in goats and three-fold higher in pigs when RecA protein-coated DNA was used compared with conventional DNA constructs without RecA protein coating. However, a large number of the transgenic founders generated with RecA protein-coated DNA were mosaic. The RecA protein coating of DNA is straightforward and can be applied to any species and any existing microinjection apparatus. These findings represent significant improvements on standard pronuclear microinjection methods by enabling the more efficient production of transgenic livestock.  相似文献   
The transforming Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) activates signalling on the NF-κB axis through two distinct domains in its cytoplasmic C terminus, namely, CTAR1 (amino acids [aa] 187 to 231) and CTAR2 (aa 351 to 386). The ability of CTAR1 to activate NF-κB appears to be attributable to the direct interaction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), while recent work indicates that CTAR2-induced NF-κB is mediated through its association with TNF receptor-associated death domain (TRADD). LMP1 expression also results in activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) (also known as stress-activated protein kinase) cascade, an effect which is mediated exclusively through CTAR2 and can be dissociated from NF-κB induction. The organization and signalling components involved in LMP1-induced JNK activation are not known. In this study we have dissected the extreme C terminus of LMP1 and have identified the last 8 aa of the protein (aa 378 to 386) as being important for JNK signalling. Using a series of fine mutants in which single amino acids between codons 379 and 386 were changed to glycine, we have found that mutations of Pro379, Glu381, Ser383, or Tyr384 diminish the ability of LMP1 CTAR2 to engage JNK signalling. Interestingly, this region was also found to be essential for CTAR2-mediated NF-κB induction and coincides with the LMP1 amino acid sequences shown to bind TRADD. Furthermore, we have found that LMP1-mediated JNK activation is synergistically augmented by low levels of TRADD expression, suggesting that this adapter protein is critical for LMP1 signalling. TRAF2 is known to associate with TRADD, and expression of a dominant-negative N-terminal deletion TRAF2 mutant was found to partially inhibit LMP1-induced JNK activation in 293 cells. In addition, the TRAF2-interacting protein A20 blocked both LMP1-induced JNK and NF-κB activation, further implicating TRAF2 in these phenomena. While expression of a kinase-inactive mutated NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK), a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase which also associates with TRAF2, impaired LMP1 signalling on the NF-κB axis, it did not inhibit LMP1-induced JNK activation, suggesting that these two pathways may bifurcate at the level of TRAF2. These data further define a role for TRADD and TRAF2 in JNK activation and confirm that LMP1 utilizes signalling mechanisms used by the TNF receptor/CD40 family to elicit its pleiotropic activities.  相似文献   
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