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Atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as clozapine and risperidone, have a high affinity for the serotonin 5-HT(2A) G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), the 2AR, which signals via a G(q) heterotrimeric G protein. The closely related non-antipsychotic drugs, such as ritanserin and methysergide, also block 2AR function, but they lack comparable neuropsychological effects. Why some but not all 2AR inhibitors exhibit antipsychotic properties remains unresolved. We now show that a heteromeric complex between the?2AR and the G(i)-linked GPCR, metabotropic glutamate 2 receptor (mGluR2), integrates ligand input,?modulating signaling output and behavioral changes. Serotonergic and glutamatergic drugs bind the mGluR2/2AR heterocomplex, which then balances Gi- and Gq-dependent signaling. We find that the mGluR2/2AR-mediated changes in Gi and Gq activity predict the psychoactive behavioral effects of a variety of pharmocological compounds. These observations provide mechanistic insight into antipsychotic action that may advance therapeutic strategies for disorders including schizophrenia and dementia.  相似文献   
Voltage-dependent Ca(2+) (Ca(V)1.2) channels are the primary Ca(2+) influx pathway in arterial smooth muscle cells and are essential for contractility regulation by a variety of stimuli, including intravascular pressure. Arterial smooth muscle cell Ca(V)1.2 mRNA is alternatively spliced at exon 1 (e1), generating e1b or e1c variants, with e1c exhibiting relatively smooth muscle-specific expression in the cardiovascular system. Here, we examined physiological functions of Ca(V)1.2e1 variants and tested the hypothesis that targeting Ca(V)1.2e1 modulates resistance size cerebral artery contractility. Custom antibodies that selectively recognize Ca(V)1.2 channel proteins containing sequences encoded by either e1b (Ca(V)1.2e1b) or e1c (Ca(V)1.2e1c) both detected Ca(V)1.2 in rat and human cerebral arteries. shRNA targeting e1b or e1c reduced expression of that Ca(V)1.2 variant, induced compensatory up-regulation of the other variant, decreased total Ca(V)1.2, and reduced intravascular pressure- and depolarization-induced vasoconstriction. Ca(V)1.2e1b and Ca(V)1.2e1c knockdown reduced whole cell Ca(V)1.2 currents, with Ca(V)1.2e1c knockdown most effectively reducing total Ca(V)1.2 and inducing the largest vasodilation. Knockdown of α(2)δ-1, a Ca(V)1.2 auxiliary subunit, reduced surface expression of both Ca(V)1.2e1 variants, inhibiting Ca(V)1.2e1c more than Ca(V)1.2e1b. e1b or e1c overexpression reduced Ca(V)1.2 surface expression and whole cell currents, leading to vasodilation, with e1c overexpression inducing the largest effect. In summary, data indicate that arterial smooth muscle cells express Ca(V)1.2 channels containing e1b or e1c-encoded N termini that contribute to Ca(V)1.2 surface expression, α(2)δ-1 preferentially traffics the Ca(V)1.2e1c variant to the plasma membrane, and targeting of Ca(V)1.2e1 message or the Ca(V)1.2 channel proximal N terminus induces vasodilation.  相似文献   
Multi-spanning membrane protein loops are directed alternately into the cytosol or ER lumen during cotranslational integration. Nascent chain exposure is switched after a newly synthesized transmembrane segment (TMS) enters the ribosomal tunnel. FRET measurements revealed that each TMS is initially extended, but folds into a compact conformation after moving 6-7 residues from the peptidyltransferase center, irrespective of loop size. The ribosome-induced folding of each TMS coincided with its photocrosslinking to ribosomal protein L17 and an inversion of compartmental exposure. This correlation indicates that successive TMSs fold and bind at a specific ribosomal tunnel site that includes L17, thereby triggering structural rearrangements of multiple components in and on both sides of the ER membrane, most likely via TMS-dependent L17 and/or rRNA conformational changes transmitted to the surface. Thus, cyclical changes at the membrane during integration are initiated by TMS folding, even though nascent chain conformation and location vary dynamically in the ribosome tunnel. Nascent chains therefore control their own trafficking.  相似文献   
The choice of food plants often assumes critical importance for a herbivore. Although many studies have investigated host‐plant choice behavior, few have examined preferences (vs. growth and survival) at multiple stages of the life cycle, notwithstanding the importance of identifying the critical stage(s) in an animal’s life history. Fern moths Herpetogramma theseusalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) provide an excellent opportunity to test host‐plant choice at several stages. Fern moth larvae feed on distantly related ferns, sensitive Onoclea sensibilis and marsh fern Thelypteris palustris, and adults oviposit on both species. We examined newly hatched larvae, overwintered larvae and ovipositing females to test hypotheses predicting when host‐plant choice takes place (overwintering and mobility hypotheses: overwintering stage determines choice of substrate vs. most mobile stage chooses) and the basis for choice (optimal oviposition and enemy‐free space hypotheses: resource producing highest fecundity vs. lowest losses to enemies). We also evaluated the hypothesis that host‐associated fitness trade‐offs explain host specialization. Only ovipositing females, the most mobile stage, exhibited a clear preference (for marsh fern), consistent with the mobility hypothesis. However, their preference for marsh fern fits neither the optimal oviposition hypothesis nor the enemy‐free space hypothesis; although some larvae initially grew faster on marsh fern, adults reared from the two ferns did not differ significantly in mass and experienced marginally lower parasitism on sensitive fern. Thus, we found no host‐associated fitness trade‐offs. Overwintering losses in marsh fern plots exceeded those in sensitive fern, and mixed plots supported the most overwintered larvae. Preference for marsh fern suggests that early success drives host‐plant choice, an advantage that later disappears. Temporal variability may prevent closer fits to the hypotheses, because both ferns provide the moths with acceptable resources throughout their life cycles.  相似文献   
The IncA/C plasmids are broad host-range vehicles which have been associated with wide dissemination of CMY-2 among Enterobacteriaceae of human and animal origins. Acquired metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) such as the IMP-type enzymes are increasingly reported in multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria worldwide, particularly in Enterobacteriaceae. We described the complete sequence of the first IMP-4-encoding IncA/C2 plasmid, pIMP-PH114 (151,885 bp), from a sequence type 1 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain that was recovered from a patient who was hospitalized in the Philippines. pIMP-PH114 consists of a backbone from the IncA/C2 plasmids, with the insertion of a novel Tn21-like class 1 integron composite structure (containing the cassette array bla IMP-4-qacG-aacA4-catB3, followed by a class C β-lactamase bla DHA-1 and the mercury resistance operon, merRTPCADE) and a sul2-floR encoding region. Phylogenetic analysis of the IncA/C repA sequences showed that pIMP-PH114 formed a subgroup with other IncA/C plasmids involved in the international spread of CMY-2, TEM-24 and NDM-1. Identical bla IMP-4 arrays have been described among different Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. in China, Singapore and Australia but the genetic context is different. The broad host range of IncA/C plasmids may have facilitated dissemination of the bla IMP-4 arrays among different diverse groups of bacteria.  相似文献   
Various studies have reported the physical and mental health benefits from exposure to “green” neighborhoods, such as proximity to neighborhoods with trees and vegetation. However, no studies have explicitly assessed the association between exposure to “green” surroundings and cognitive function in terms of student academic performance. This study investigated the association between the “greenness” of the area surrounding a Massachusetts public elementary school and the academic achievement of the school’s student body based on standardized tests with an ecological setting. Researchers used the composite school-based performance scores generated by the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) to measure the percentage of 3rd-grade students (the first year of standardized testing for 8–9 years-old children in public school), who scored “Above Proficient” (AP) in English and Mathematics tests (Note: Individual student scores are not publically available). The MCAS results are comparable year to year thanks to an equating process. Researchers included test results from 2006 through 2012 in 905 public schools and adjusted for differences between schools in the final analysis according to race, gender, English as a second language (proxy for ethnicity and language facility), parent income, student-teacher ratio, and school attendance. Surrounding greenness of each school was measured using satellite images converted into the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in March, July and October of each year according to a 250-meter, 500-meter, 1,000-meter, and 2000-meter circular buffer around each school. Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) estimated the impacts of surrounding greenness on school-based performance. Overall the study results supported a relationship between the “greenness” of the school area and the school-wide academic performance. Interestingly, the results showed a consistently positive significant association between the greenness of the school in the Spring (when most Massachusetts students take the MCAS tests) and school-wide performance on both English and Math tests, even after adjustment for socio-economic factors and urban residency.  相似文献   
Elephantiasis of the external genitalia is characterized by lymphedema and thickening of the subcutaneous tissues. This gives the skin an appearance similar to a pachyderm skin. This pathology is invalidating for the patient. Reconstructive surgery is often the only way to restaure aesthetic and functional aspects of the external genitalia. We aim to report a 52 year man with huge penoscrotal elephantiasis who underwent excision and penoscrotal reconstruction at the department of Urology, Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital at Ouagadougou.  相似文献   
The non-visual arrestins, arrestin-2 and arrestin-3, belong to a small family of multifunctional cytosolic proteins. Non-visual arrestins interact with hundreds of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and regulate GPCR desensitization by binding active phosphorylated GPCRs and uncoupling them from heterotrimeric G proteins. Recently, non-visual arrestins have been shown to mediate G protein-independent signaling by serving as adaptors and scaffolds that assemble multiprotein complexes. By recruiting various partners, including trafficking and signaling proteins, directly to GPCRs, non-visual arrestins connect activated receptors to diverse signaling pathways. To investigate arrestin-mediated signaling, a structural understanding of arrestin activation and interaction with GPCRs is essential. Here we identified global and local conformational changes in the non-visual arrestins upon binding to the model GPCR rhodopsin. To detect conformational changes, pairs of spin labels were introduced into arrestin-2 and arrestin-3, and the interspin distances in the absence and presence of the receptor were measured by double electron electron resonance spectroscopy. Our data indicate that both non-visual arrestins undergo several conformational changes similar to arrestin-1, including the finger loop moving toward the predicted location of the receptor in the complex as well as the C-tail release upon receptor binding. The arrestin-2 results also suggest that there is no clam shell-like closure of the N- and C-domains and that the loop containing residue 136 (homolog of 139 in arrestin-1) has high flexibility in both free and receptor-bound states.  相似文献   
Serous ovarian cancer (SEOC) is the deadliest gynecologic malignancy. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNAs which regulate gene expression and protein translation. MiRNAs are also encoded by viruses with the intent of regulating their own genes and those of the infected cells. This is the first study assessing viral miRNAs in SEOC. MiRNAs sequencing data from 487 SEOC patients were downloaded from the TCGA website and analyzed through in-house sequencing pipeline. To cross-validate TCGA analysis, we measured the expression of miR-H25 by quantitative immunofluorescence in an additional cohort of 161 SEOC patients. Gene, miRNA expression, and cytotoxicity assay were performed on multiple ovarian cancer cell lines transfected with miR-H25 and miR-BART7. Outcome analysis was performed using multivariate Cox and Kaplan-Meier method. Viral miRNAs are more expressed in SEOC than in normal tissues. Moreover, Herpetic viral miRNAs (miR-BART7 from EBV and miR-H25 from HSV-2) are significant and predictive biomarkers of outcome in multivariate Cox analysis. MiR-BART7 correlates with resistance to first line chemotherapy and early death, whereas miR-H25 appears to impart a protective effect and long term survival. Integrated analysis of gene and viral miRNAs expression suggests that miR-BART7 induces directly cisplatin-resistance, while miR-H25 alters RNA processing and affects the expression of noxious human miRNAs such as miR-143. This is the first investigation linking viral miRNA expression to ovarian cancer outcome. Viral miRNAs can be useful to develop biomarkers for early diagnosis and as a potential therapeutic tool to reduce SEOC lethality.  相似文献   
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