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Although numerous genetic markers are available for studying chimerism after bone marrow transplantation (BMT), there remains a need for a practical and highly informative method that is applicable in the early posttransplantation period. Using DNA restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLPs), we have evaluated the feasibility of developing a single synthetic oligonucleotide probe to study post-BMT chimerism. We have thus tested three candidate probes, termed O-3315-32, O-3315-80, and O-AY-29, that are homologous to tandemly repetitive sequences. Our results demonstrated donor-specific and recipient-specific fragments in 11 of 11 HLA-matched sibling pairs tested using probes O-3315-32 and O-3315-80. When probe O-AY-29 was used, 14 of 17 sibling pairs showed both donor and recipient markers, one had only a recipient marker, and two were identical. We showed that each of the three synthetic probes was effective in documenting donor marrow engraftment, mixed hematopoietic chimerism, the patient's pre-BMT phenotype (by using cultured skin fibroblasts obtained after BMT), and the origin of the malignant hematopoietic cells (i.e., of donor or recipient origin) in patients who developed recurrent hematologic malignancy following BMT. Compared with the use of cloned genomic probes, there are several important advantages to the use of synthetic oligonucleotide probes in studying post-BMT chimerism. Synthetic probes have absolute hybridization specificity and can be designed to suit the purposes of an individual study, since they have adjustable specificity that can be altered by changes in the length of the probe and by changes in the hybridization temperature. A single synthetic probe analogous to several highly polymorphic loci can have a polymorphism information content sufficiently high so that all but a small percentage of BMT patients could be followed easily; for example, if a probe were complementary to three highly polymorphic unlinked loci, it would discriminate approximately 98% of sibling donor/recipient pairs. This would be accomplished using only one restriction-endonuclease digestion and only one gel electrophoresis. Since other genetic markers, e.g., red blood cell antigens, immunoglobulin allotypes, and chromosome analysis, are not uniformly informative and, in some cases, cannot be used in the early posttransplantation period, the use of synthetic oligonucleotide probes for analysis of DNA RFLP is emerging as the method of choice for studies of post-BMT chimerism. This method will allow for the development of new knowledge that has not been possible with previous methods.  相似文献   
A male infant, whose parents were first cousins, presented at 6 mo of age with hypotonia, microcephaly, and delayed development. He was found to have large amounts of fumaric and succinic acids present in the urine. In lysed cultured skin-fibroblast preparations, the activity of fumarase was found to be 22.7% of that in controls. Cell fractionation by homogenization and by digitonin treatment indicated that the residual activity in the cells of the patient was primarily located in the mitochondrial fraction rather than in the cytosolic fraction. Isoelectric focusing of fibroblast extracts showed that six bands of fumarase activity were discernible in control cell lines, two of them cytosolic with pI's of 5.53 and 5.60 and four of them mitochondrial with a pI of 5.65-6.8. In contrast, isoelectric focusing of fibroblast extracts from the fumarase-deficient patient showed only a single band of activity with a pI corresponding to the mitochondrial type seen in the controls. Immunoprecipitation of proteins with rabbit antifumarase antibody in (35S)-methionine-labeled fibroblasts indicated that a protein of correct size (Mr = 44,000 daltons) corresponding to fumarase was synthesized in similar amounts in both the patients and controls. It is proposed that in the patient's cells a single active species of fumarase that is mitochondrial in location is synthesized. Since it is known that mitochondrial and cytosolic fumarases are encoded by the same gene but differ slightly in amino acid sequence, it is possible that a point mutation might explain these findings.  相似文献   
Wilms tumor, a common childhood renal tumor, occurs in both a heritable and a nonheritable form. The heritable form may occasionally be attributed to a chromosome deletion at 11p13, and tumors from patients with normal constitutional chromosomes often show deletion or rearrangement of 11p13. It has been suggested that a germinal or somatic mutation may occur on one chromosome 11 and predispose to Wilms tumor and that a subsequent somatic genetic event on the normal homologue at 11p13 may permit tumor development. To study the frequency and mechanism of such tumor-specific genetic events, we have examined the karyotype and chromosome 11 genotype of normal and tumor tissues from 13 childhood renal tumor patients with different histologic tumor types and associated clinical conditions. Tumors of eight of the 12 Wilms tumor patients, including all viable tumors examined directly, show molecular evidence of loss of 11p DNA sequences by somatic recombination (four cases), chromosome loss (two cases), and recombination (two cases) or chromosome loss and duplication. One malignant rhabdoid tumor in a patient heterozygous for multiple 11p markers did not show any tumor-specific 11p alteration. These findings confirm the critical role of 11p sequences in Wilms tumor development and reveal that mitotic recombination may be the most frequent mechanism by which tumors develop.  相似文献   
Comparison was made of the frequency of phobias and panic attacks in normal controls and in patients with Tourette syndrome (TS), attention-deficit disorder (ADD), and ADD secondary to a TS gene. For phobias the most significant difference between controls and TS patients was with respect to fear of public transportation (P = .002), followed by fear of being alone (P = .009), fear of being in a crowd (P = .01), fear of being in water (P = .025), fear of animals (P = .04), fear of public speaking (P = .05), and other fears (P = .05). Only 8.5% of controls had more than three simple phobias and none had more than five, whereas 26% of TS patients had more than three (P = .008) and some had as many as 13. As opposed to 19% of TS patients, none of the controls had phobias that interfered with their life (P = .001). Among female TS patients 55.1% had 3-13 phobias, compared with 8.7% of the female controls (P less than .0005). There was no correlation between the ADD score and the number of phobias (r = -.010) and little correlation with the total number of tics (r = .14). Panic attacks were present in 8.3% of the controls and 33% of the TS patients (P = .0008). This frequency increased to 55.2% (P less than .0005) for grade 3 (severe) TS patients. None of the controls, 15.9% of all TS patients (P = .002), and 31% of grade 3 TS patients (P less than .0005) had more than three panic attacks in 1 wk. Total panic-symptom score (12 possible symptoms) was significantly greater than that in the controls in all grades of TS. The presence or absence of ADD had little effect on the total panic-symptom score, but the presence of ADD resulted in a significantly lower average age at onset of panic attacks (8.8 years) compared with those TS patients without ADD (15.4 years) (P = .03). These observations indicate that phobias and panic attacks are a significant part of the symptomatology of TS and provide the first clear indication that phobias and panic attacks can be due to the presence of a major gene.  相似文献   
On two tests of fit for HLA data with no double blanks.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Stevens suggests a test of fit, based on Bernstein's estimators, of the Hardy-Weinberg law for the ABO system. Nam and Gart extend this test to the generalized ABO-like system and apply it to HLA data. When the recessive gene is rare, Huether and Murphy recall Haldane's point that its Bernstein's estimator is negatively biased and go on to suggest novel corrected versions of it. With the identification of more HLA antigens, it is not uncommon to find, in certain populations, that the sample data contain no double blanks; that is, every individual reacts to at least one antigen for a given locus. Gart and Nam give a simple score test of a zero true recessive-gene frequency for such situations. Here we examine the extended test of Stevens as a test of this hypothesis. We find that it is fully efficient for two codominant alleles but that when the number exceeds two its efficiency may be 50% or lower or as high as 100%, depending on the number of alleles and the pattern of gene frequencies. The tests are applied to a set of HLA data.  相似文献   
Two frequently used restriction-enzyme polymorphisms (RFLPs) of coagulant F.IX, TaqI and XmnI, have been examined in five ethnic groups: white Americans, black Americans, East Indians, Chinese, and Malays. There is a distinct "cline" in the frequencies of both polymorphisms, from white Americans to Malays. The rarer type 2 alleles of both polymorphisms, in which middle recognition sites are present--and which in our sample reach their highest frequencies in white Americans--are marginally higher in four groups of Europeans previously reported by others. The frequencies of the rarer alleles are significantly higher in Europeans than in black Americans and East Indians, and these alleles are essentially absent in Chinese and Malays. The frequency of heterozygosity diminishes in the same order, being zero in Malays for both polymorphisms. The polymorphisms are in strong linkage disequilibrium, and in all groups the type 1 allele for TaqI is disproportionately accompanied by the type 1 allele for XmnI. The paucity of type 2 alleles and the low rate of heterozygosity in four non-European groups suggest that the polymorphisms will be of little diagnostic value south of Gibraltar and east of Suez. This prediction is confirmed by the observed haplotype frequencies in the black American and the Oriental groups.  相似文献   
Gaucher disease is due to a deficiency in the activity of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase. Glucocerebrosidase is a lysosomal enzyme that presumably requires a signal peptide for transport across the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and glycosylation for transport into lysosomes. Human glucocerebrosidase cDNA contains two potential ATG start codons in its long open reading frame. The signal peptides that are initiated from each ATG are quite different in their hydrophobicity. We demonstrate that either ATG can function independently to produce active glucocerebrosidase enzyme in cultured fibroblasts. The glucocerebrosidase activity produced from translation products initiated at either ATG is found predominantly in the lysosomes.  相似文献   
Linkage markers at or close to the genes encoding the three major fibrillar collagens were used to analyze the segregation of these loci in six pedigrees with dominantly inherited Marfan syndrome. Four pedigrees were discordant at one of the Type I collagen loci (COL1A2), and, of these, two were discordant at the other Type I locus (COL1A1). The Marfan syndrome also segregated independently of the structural loci for Type II and Type III collagen in these two families. This is evidence against the Marfan syndrome being, in general, due to mutations in the major fibrillar collagen genes.  相似文献   
Restriction-site variation in and around the alpha 1-antitrypsin gene has been studied using two genomic probes. With use of restriction enzymes SstI, MspI, and AvaII, three polymorphic sites have been described with a 4.6-kb probe in the 5' portion of the gene. With use of a 6.5-kb probe, polymorphisms in the coding and 3' regions of the gene have been detected with AvaII, MaeIII, and TaqI. All of these polymorphisms are of sufficiently high frequency to be useful in genetic mapping studies. The polymorphisms with AvaII and MaeIII (6.5-kb probe) are particularly useful for prenatal diagnosis. PI types and M subtypes tend to be associated with specific DNA haplotypes; there are two different types of DNA haplotypes associated with PI M1. The extent of linkage disequilibrium differs throughout the region of the alpha 1-antitrypsin gene.  相似文献   
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