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Abstract One of the current main challenges in transluminal surgery is in obtaining sterile and secure access to the peritoneal cavity. Since the transgastric approach has not fulfilled these requirements up to now, a new transcolonic surgical approach was developed to achieve these objectives and enhance the potential of transluminal surgery. A new set of instruments comprising an endoscopic trocar, a flexible obturator and a modified transanal endoscopic microsurgery device was designed to permit sterile sigmoid access for transcolonic surgery. The set of instruments has already been successfully tested in an experimental in vivo survival study that confirmed safety and sterility as objectives during surgical intervention. The suitability of the instruments for use in the human anatomy was confirmed by a cadaveric study.  相似文献   
Lan L  Chen W  Lai Y  Suo J  Kong Z  Li C  Lu Y  Zhang Y  Zhao X  Zhang X  Zhang Y  Han B  Cheng J  Xue Y 《Plant molecular biology》2004,54(4):471-487
To monitor gene expression profiles during pollination and fertilization in rice at a genome scale, we generated 73,424 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from the green/etiolated shoot and pistil (0-5 h after pollination, 5hP) of rice, which were subsequently used to construct a cDNA microarray containing ca. 10 000 unique rice genes. This microarray was used to analyze gene expression in pistil unpollinated (UP), 5hP and 5DAP(5 days after pollination), anther, shoot, root, 10-day-old embryo (10EM) and 10-day-old endosperm (10EN). Clustering analysis revealed that the anther has a gene-expression profile more similar to root than to pistil and most pistil-preferentially expressed genes respond to pollination and/or fertilization. There are 253 ESTs exhibiting differential expression (e +/- 2-fold changes) during pollination and fertilization, and about 70% of them can be assigned a putative function. We also recovered 20 genes similar to pollination-related and/or fertility-related genes previously identified as well as genes that were not implicated previously. Microarray and real-time PCR analyses showed that the array sensitivity was estimated at 1-5 copies of mRNA per cell, and the differentially expressed genes showed a high correlation between the two methods. Our results indicated that this cDNA microarray constructed here is reliable and can be used for monitoring gene expression profiles in rice. In addition, the genes that differentially expressed during pollination represent candidate genes for dissecting molecular mechanism of this important biological process in rice.  相似文献   
药材甲发育起点温度和有效积温   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李灿  李子忠 《昆虫知识》2007,44(3):379-381
在恒温条件下用新鲜药材甘遂饲养药材甲Stegobium paniceum(L.),测定药材甲各虫态(龄)的发育历期,结果表明,该虫卵、幼虫、蛹、产卵前期及世代发育起点温度分别是5.05,8.45,9.06,8.36和8.01℃,有效积温分别是177.9,745.5,127.9,37.8和1094.1日.度。  相似文献   
Stimulation of plant productivity caused by Agaricus fairy rings has been reported, but little is known about the effects of these fungi on soil aggregation and the microbial community structure, particularly the communities that can bind soil particles. We studied three concentric zones of Agaricus lilaceps fairy rings in Eastern Montana that stimulate western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii): outside the ring (OUT), inside the ring (IN), and stimulated zone adjacent to the fungal fruiting bodies (SZ) to determine (1) soil aggregate proportion and stability, (2) the microbial community composition and the N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity associated with bulk soil at 0–15 cm depth, (3) the predominant culturable bacterial communities that can bind to soil adhering to wheatgrass roots, and (4) the stimulation of wheatgrass production. In bulk soil, macroaggregates (4.75–2.00 and 2.00–0.25 mm) and aggregate stability increased in SZ compared to IN and OUT. The high ratio of fungal to bacteria (fatty acid methyl ester) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity in SZ compared to IN and OUT suggest high fungal biomass. A soil sedimentation assay performed on the predominant isolates from root-adhering soil indicated more soil-binding bacteria in SZ than IN and OUT; Pseudomonas fluorescens and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates predominated in SZ, whereas Bacillus spp. isolates predominated in IN and OUT. This study suggests that growth stimulation of wheatgrass in A. lilaceps fairy rings may be attributed to the activity of the fungus by enhancing soil aggregation of bulk soil at 0–15 cm depth and influencing the amount and functionality of specific predominant microbial communities in the wheatgrass root-adhering soil.  相似文献   
艾比湖区域景观格局空间特征与地表水质的关联分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王小平  张飞  李晓航  曹灿  郭苗  陈丽华 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7438-7452
为进一步明确区域土地利用/覆被—景观格局对河流水质影响的空间尺度。选择新疆艾比湖区域为研究对象,以25个水质采样点为中心,建立5种尺度的河流缓冲区并提取不同尺度下的土地利用/覆被-景观格局数据。首先,通过主成分分析获得水环境的主要水质变量。其次,利用冗余分析(RDA)方法探讨研究区不同宽度缓冲区土地利用/覆被—景观格局对河流水质的影响,获得水质管理的有效缓冲区。最后,引入突变点分析方法进一步寻找导致水质变量沿景观梯度突变的特定位置。结果表明:(1)土地利用/覆被—景观格局在不同宽度缓冲区内对河流水质的影响不同。4 km缓冲区土地利用/覆被—景观格局对区域水质有较强的分异解释能力,因此4 km缓冲区的景观格局合理配置对河流水质管理尤为重要。(2)通过偏RDA分析发现4 km缓冲区中,影响区域水质的主要环境变量为景观水平斑块密度、类型水平耕地斑块密度和森林聚集度。(3)在偏RDA分析的基础上,对4 km缓冲区内的景观指数进行突变点分析研究,发现区域景观水平斑块密度为90—105 m/hm~2,类型水平耕地的斑块密度ED值在90—110 m/hm~2、林草地的AI值在70%—90%,是艾比湖区域水质保护的最佳突变值,该值为艾比湖区域水质保护的阈值。本研究从多个角度对新疆艾比区域的土地利用/覆被—景观格局对区域水质的影响进行定量分析,揭示该地区景观生态变化的规律,为区域景观格局优化和土地合理规划提供理论依据,并对改善"丝绸之路经济带"生态环境、实现资源可持续利用具有重要的现实意义和理论价值。  相似文献   
根系分泌物是植物与土壤间进行物质交换和信息传递的重要载体, 是植物响应外界胁迫的重要途径, 也是构成根际微生态特征的关键因素。根系分泌物与有机污染物的植物修复密切相关, 研究胁迫条件下不同修复潜力植物间根系分泌物的释放特征有助于揭示植物修复的内在机制。该文借助根际袋土培试验研究了苯并[α]芘(BaP)胁迫下5种羊茅属(Festuca)植物根系不同生长期(30-70天)几种低分子量有机物的分泌特征。结果表明: 1) BaP浓度在10.25-161.74 mg·kg-1范围内时, 待试植物能有效地促进土壤中BaP的去除, 其修复潜力依次为苇状羊茅(F. arundinacea) > 草原羊茅(F. chelungkiangnica) ≥ 毛稃羊茅(F. rubra subsp. arctica) ≥ 贫芒羊茅(F. sinomutica) > 细芒羊茅(F. stapfii)。2) BaP胁迫增强了植物根系对可溶性糖的分泌: 随着胁迫强度的增大、胁迫期的延长, 其分泌量变化呈“先升后降”趋势。3) BaP胁迫促进了植物根系低分子量有机酸的释放, 植物的修复潜力越大, 有机酸高峰值出现时的胁迫浓度越高; 组成成分较稳定, 草酸、乙酸、乳酸和苹果酸为主要组分(>97.34%), 在修复潜力较强植物的根系分泌物中检测出微量的反丁烯二酸。4) BaP胁迫对氨基酸种类影响不大, 但对分泌量影响较大。其中, 苏氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸的分泌量随BaP胁迫强度的增强而剧增; 脯氨酸、羟脯氨酸和天冬氨酸近乎以加和效应甚至协同效应的形式参与植物对BaP胁迫的应激反应: 参与应激组分的分泌量随胁迫强度的增强而剧增, 植物的修复潜力越强, 参与的组分越多。可见BaP胁迫下, 5种羊茅属植物根系分泌物中几种低分子量有机物的释放特征与植物自身的修复潜力有关: 修复潜力越强, 释放量越多且成分也越复杂, 并呈现出较强的环境适应性及生理可塑性。  相似文献   
初步研究吸烟对人口腔内常见微生物的影响。制备并分别取不同浓度的尼古丁、烟草浸出液、烟雾提取物,选择几种口腔中常见的微生物作为指示菌,混合培养后,观察并比较其对指示菌生长的影响;并通过采集男性吸烟与不吸烟志愿者漱口水,培养后观察比较2组间细菌种类和数量的差异。高浓度的尼古丁对多数指示菌有不同程度的抑制,低浓度对细菌有一定促进作用;不同浓度的烟草浸出液对指示菌生长的影响表现也不同;各浓度的烟雾提取物对实验菌均有明显抑制作用;对志愿者漱口液中微生物的研究结果表明,吸烟一定程度上改变了口腔微生物的种类和数量。吸烟对口腔微生物生长的影响因微生物种类不同各异。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of arterial aneurysms through increased proteolysis of extracellular matrix proteins. Increased proteolysis due to elevated matrix degrading enzyme activity in the arterial wall may act as a susceptibility factor for the development of coronary aneurysms. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between MMPs and presence of coronary aneurysms. METHODS: Thirty patients with aneurysmal coronary artery disease and stable angina were enrolled into study (Group 1). Fourteen coronary artery disease patients with stable angina were selected as control group (Group 2). MMP-1, MMP-3 and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in peripheral venous blood and matched between the groups. RESULTS: Serum MMP-3 level was higher in patients with aneurismal coronary artery disease compared to the control group (20.23 +/- 14.68 vs 11.45 +/- 6.55 ng/ml, p = 0.039). Serum MMP-1 (13.63 +/- 7.73 vs 12.15 +/- 6.27 ng/ml, p = 0.52) and CRP levels (4.78 +/- 1.47 vs 4.05 +/- 1.53 mg/l, p = 0.13) were not significantly different between the groups. CONCLUSION: MMPs can cause arterial wall destruction. MMP-3 may play role in the pathogenesis of coronary aneurysm development through increased proteolysis of extracellular matrix proteins.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to describe certain morphological characteristics of women soccer players and to examine aspects of training and performance. Twenty-two anthropometric sites were used in measurements of somatotype and body composition; flexibility, agility, anaerobic power, leg muscle power, and dynamic pulmonary functions were used as performance variables. Measurements were made on 17 professional athletes and 17 age-matched sedentary women who acted as controls. The women soccer players showed less fat content and less lean body mass than did the sedentary women. The mean somatotype for the soccer players was 3.07-3.55-2.43 and for the nonathletes was 3.57-3.35-2.90. Anaerobic power, leg muscle power, and agility in the athletes were higher than in the nonathletes, whereas no differences were found in flexibility and pulmonary functions (p > 0.05). The women soccer players showed more significantly mesomorphic, less endomorphic, least ectomorphic components and higher performance level than did the sedentary women.  相似文献   
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