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Retinal degeneration from oxidative damage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paraquat, a herbicide that generates reactive oxygen species, has been used to probe the oxidative defense systems of lung. In this study, we investigated the effects of paraquat in the retina. There was no significant decline in electroretinogram (ERG) a- or b-wave amplitudes after intravitreous injection of 1 mul of 0.5 mM paraquat in C57BL/6 mice, but loss of ERG function occurred after injection of 0.75 or 1 mM paraquat. Histology in paraquat-injected eyes showed condensation of chromatin and thinning of the inner and outer nuclear layers indicating cell death, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated duTP-biotinide end labeling demonstrated that one mechanism of cell death was apoptosis. Fluorescence in the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium after intraocular injection of paraquat followed by perfusion with hydroethidine indicated high levels of superoxide radicals, and oxidative damage was demonstrated by staining for acrolein and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for carbonyl adducts. Paraquat-induced damage to the outer nuclear layer was greater in BALB/c mice than in C57BL/6 mice, suggesting strain differences in the oxidative defense system of photoreceptors and/or other modifier genes. Intravitreous injection of paraquat provides a new model of oxidative damage-induced retinal degeneration that is likely to be useful for testing new antioxidant treatments.  相似文献   
TM601 is a synthetic polypeptide with sequence derived from the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus that has anti‐neoplastic activity. It has recently been demonstrated to bind annexin A2 on cultured tumor and vascular endothelial cells and to suppress blood vessel growth on chick chorioallantoic membrane. In this study, we investigated the effects of TM601 in models of ocular neovascularization (NV). When administered by intraocular injection, intravenous injections, or periocular injections, TM601 significantly suppressed the development of choroidal NV at rupture sites in Bruch's membrane. Treatment of established choroidal NV with TM601 caused apoptosis of endothelial cells and regression of the NV. TM601 suppressed ischemia‐induced and vascular endothelial growth factor‐induced retinal NV and reduced excess vascular permeability induced by vascular endothelial growth factor. Immunostaining with an antibody directed against TM601 showed that after intraocular or periocular injection, TM601 selectively bound to choroidal or retinal NV and co‐localized with annexin A2, which is undetectable in normal retinal and choroidal vessels, but is upregulated in endothelial cells participating in choroidal or retinal NV. Intraocular injection of plasminogen or tissue plasminogen activator, which like TM601 bind to annexin A2, also suppressed retinal NV. This study supports the hypothesis that annexin A2 is an important target for treatment of neovascular diseases and suggests that TM601, through its interaction with annexin A2, causes suppression and regression of ocular NV and reduces vascular leakage and thus may provide a new treatment for blinding diseases such as neovascular age‐related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 855–864, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a major source of blindness caused by a large variety of mutations that lead to the death of rod photoreceptors. After rods die, cones gradually die from progressive oxidative damage. Several types of antioxidant formulations have been shown to reduce cone cell death over a relatively short-time frame, but in order for this strategy to be translated into a new treatment for patients with RP, prolonged effects will be needed. In this study, we determined that orally administered N-acetylcysteine (NAC) reduced cone cell death and preserved cone function by reducing oxidative damage in two models of RP, rd1(+/+) and rd10(+/+) mice. In rd10(+/+) mice, supplementation of drinking water with NAC promoted partial maintenance of cone structure and function for at least 6 months. Topical application of NAC to the cornea also reduced superoxide radicals in the retina and promoted survival and functioning of cones. Since oral and/or topical administration of NAC is feasible for long-term treatment in humans, and NAC has a good safety profile, it is reasonable to consider clinical trials to evaluate the effects of prolonged treatment with NAC in patients with RP.  相似文献   
The polyamines spermidine, spermine, and putrescine are intimately involved in and required for cell growth and proliferation. There are also multiple effects of polyamines on other cellular processes that seem not to be a result of changes in protein expression. It is a daunting task to classify and understand cellular effects of endogenous polyamines. There has been no central hypothesis how these effects can occur or how spermine and spermidine could be targeted to various signal transduction cascades. However, now there is evidence that multiple effects of endogenous polyamines on different cellular processes may involve plasma membrane PI(4,5)P2 and recent evidence of how polyamines could be targeted to specific cellular functions. J. Cell. Physiol. 221: 544–551, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Pairing of homologous chromosomes at meiosis is an important requirement for recombination and balanced chromosome segregation among the products of meiotic division. Recombination is initiated by double strand breaks (DSBs) made by Spo11 followed by interaction of DSB sites with a homologous chromosome. This interaction requires the strand exchange proteins Rad51 and Dmc1 that bind to single stranded regions created by resection of ends at the site of DSBs and promote interactions with uncut DNA on the homologous partner. Recombination is also considered to be dependent on factors that stabilize interactions between homologous chromosomes. In budding yeast Hop2 and Mnd1 act as a complex to promote homologous pairing and recombination in conjunction with Rad51 and Dmc1.  相似文献   
Retinal and choroidal neovascularization   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The unique vascular supply of the retina, the ability to visualize the vasculature in vivo, and the ability to selectively express genes in the retina make the retina an ideal model system to study molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis. In addition, this area of investigation has great clinical significance, because retinal and choroidal neovascularization are the most common causes of severe visual loss in developed countries and new treatments are needed. As a result, interest in ocular neovascularization is rapidly growing and there has been considerable recent progress. Use of genetically engineered mice in recently developed murine models provides a means to investigate the role of individual gene products in neovascularization in two distinct vascular beds, the retinal vasculature and the choroidal vasculature. It appears that angiogenesis in different vascular beds has common themes, but also has tissue-specific aspects. This review summarizes recent progress in the field of ocular neovascularization and the prospects that it provides for the development of new treatments.  相似文献   
Epidemiologic studies have suggested that elderly patients who consumed diets rich in antioxidants throughout their lives are less likely to be afflicted with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This led to the Age-Related Eye Disease Study, which showed that supplements containing antioxidant vitamins and zinc reduce the risk of progression to severe stages of AMD. Despite these data that indirectly implicate oxidative damage in the pathogenesis of AMD, there has not been any direct demonstration of increased oxidative damage in the retinas of patients with AMD. In this study, we used biomarkers of oxidative damage in postmortem eyes from patients with AMD and comparably aged patients without AMD to directly assess for oxidative damage. Sections from 4 eyes with no pathologic features of AMD showed no immunofluorescent staining for markers of oxidative damage, while sections from 8 of 12 eyes with advanced geographic atrophy showed evidence of widespread oxidative damage in both posterior and anterior retina. Only 2 of 8 eyes with choroidal neovascularization and 2 of 16 eyes with diffuse drusen and no other signs of AMD showed evidence of oxidative damage. These data suggest that widespread oxidative damage occurs in the retina of some patients with AMD and is more likely to be seen in patients with advanced geographic atrophy. This does not rule out oxidative damage as a pathogenic mechanism in patients with CNV, but suggests that a subpopulation of patients with geographic atrophy may have a major deficiency in the oxidative defense system that puts the majority of cells in the retina at risk for oxidative damage.  相似文献   
Health organizations worldwide recommend that adults and children minimize intakes of excess energy and salty, sweet, and fatty foods (all of which are highly preferred tastes) and eat diets richer in whole grains, low- and non- fat dairy products, legumes, fish, lean meat, fruits, and vegetables (many of which taste bitter). Despite such recommendations and the well-established benefits of these foods to human health, adults are not complying, nor are their children. A primary reason for this difficulty is...  相似文献   
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