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Bordetella pertussis establishes infection by attaching to epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. One of its adhesins is filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a 500-A-long secreted protein that is rich in beta-structure and contains two regions, R1 and R2, of tandem 19-residue repeats. Two models have been proposed in which the central shaft is (i) a hairpin made up of a pairing of two long antiparallel beta-sheets; or (ii) a beta-helix in which the polypeptide chain is coiled to form three long parallel beta-sheets. We have analysed a truncated variant of FHA by electron microscopy (negative staining, shadowing and scanning transmission electron microscopy of unstained specimens): these observations support the latter model. Further support comes from detailed sequence analysis and molecular modelling studies. We applied a profile search method to the sequences adjacent to and between R1 and R2 and found additional "covert" copies of the same motifs that may be recognized in overt form in the R1 and R2 sequence repeats. Their total number is sufficient to support the tenet of the beta-helix model that the shaft domain--a 350 A rod--should consist of a continuous run of these motifs, apart from loop inserts. The N-terminus, which does not contain such repeats, was found to be weakly homologous to cyclodextrin transferase, a protein of known immunoglobulin-like structure. Drawing on crystal structures of known beta-helical proteins, we developed structural models of the coil motifs putatively formed by the R1 and R2 repeats. Finally, we applied the same profile search method to the sequence database and found several other proteins--all large secreted proteins of bacterial provenance--that have similar repeats and probably also similar structures.  相似文献   
Platinum complexes which are known to react preferentially with guanine (G) and adenine (A) bases of oligonucleotides can be used as tools to analyze their tertiary structures and eventually to cross-link them. However, this requires efficient methods to allow the identification and quantification of the corresponding adducts which have so far been developed only for oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Maxam-Gilbert type digestions cannot be used for RNAs and HPLC techniques would require too large amounts of expensive material for separation and further characterization. We report a method to determine platination sites on oligoribonucleotides based on the cleavage activity of ribonucleases T1 and U2. To test the method, these enzymes were first used under conditions of limited digestion on 5-mer oligoribonucleotides platinated at a single defined purine. The phosphodiester bond on the 3 side of platinated G or A appeared fully resistant to cleavage by ribonuclease T1 or U2, respectively. An inhibitory effect was also observed due to neighboring platinated purines, which decreases with their distance (−2, −1, +1, +2) from the cleavage site and with the enzyme concentration. The method allowed the identification and quantification of the platination sites of a 17-mer oligoribonucleotide, based on the analysis of the mixture of monoplatinated adducts.  相似文献   
Discovering lactic acid bacteria by genomics   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
This review summarizes a collection of lactic acid bacteria that are now undergoing genomic sequencing and analysis. Summaries are presented on twenty different species, with each overview discussing the organisms fundamental and practical significance, nvironmental habitat, and its role in fermentation, bioprocessing, or probiotics. For those projects where genome sequence data were available by March 2002, summaries include a listing of key statistics and interesting genomic features. These efforts will revolutionize our molecular view of Gram–positive bacteria, as up to 15 genomes from the low GC content lactic acid bacteria are expected to be available in the public domain by the end of 2003. Our collective view of the lactic acid bacteria will be fundamentally changed as we rediscover the relationships and capabilities of these organisms through genomics.  相似文献   
NIPP1 is a ubiquitously expressed nuclear protein that functions both as a regulator of protein Ser/Thr phosphatase-1 and as a splicing factor. The N-terminal part of NIPP1 consists of a phosphothreonine-interacting Forkhead-associated (FHA) domain. We show here that the FHA domain of NIPP1 interacts in vitro and in vivo with a TP dipeptide-rich fragment of the splicing factor SAP155/SF3b(155), a component of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle. The NIPP1-SAP155 interaction was entirely dependent on the phosphorylation of specific TP motifs in SAP155. Mutagenesis and competition studies revealed that various phosphorylated TP motifs competed for binding to the same site in the FHA domain. The SAP155 kinases in cell lysates were blocked by the Ca(2+) chelator EGTA and by the cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitor roscovitine. The phosphorylation level of SAP155 was dramatically increased during mitosis, and accordingly the activity of SAP155 kinases was augmented in mitotic lysates. We discuss how the interaction between NIPP1 and SAP155 could contribute to spliceosome (dis)assembly and the catalytic steps of splicing.  相似文献   
Fluorescent in situ hybridization with a 16S rRNA probe specific for Verrucomicrobia was used to (i) confirm the division-level identity of and (ii) study the behavior of the obligate intracellular verrucomicrobium "Candidatus Xiphinematobacter" in its nematode hosts. Endosymbionts in the egg move to the pole where the gut primordium arises; hence, they populate the intestinal epithelia of juvenile worms. During the host's molt to adult female, the endosymbionts concentrate around the developing ovaries to occupy the ovarian wall. Some bacteria are enclosed in the ripening oocytes for vertical transmission. Verrucomicrobia in males stay outside the testes because the tiny spermatozoids are not suitable for transmission of cytoplasmic bacteria.  相似文献   
Here we present a detailed genetic analysis of let-512/vps34 that encodes the Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of the yeast phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Vps34p. LET-512/VPS34 has essential functions and is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues and developmental stages. It accumulates at a perinuclear region, and mutations in let-512/vps34 result in an expansion of the outer nuclear membrane as well as in a mislocalization and subsequent complete lack of expression of LRP-1, a C.elegans LDL receptor normally associated with the apical surface of hypodermal cells. Using a GFP::2xFYVE fusion protein we found that the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns 3-P) product of LET-512/VPS34 is associated with a multitude of intracellular membranes and vesicles located at the periphery, including endocytic vesicles. We propose that LET-512/VPS34 is required for membrane transport from the outer nuclear membrane towards the cell periphery. Thus, LET-512/VPS34 may regulate the secretory pathway in a much broader range of compartments than was previously suggested for the yeast orthologue.  相似文献   
In absence epilepsy, epileptogenic processes are suspected of involving an imbalance between GABAergic inhibition and glutamatergic excitation. Here, we describe alteration of the expression of glutamate transporters in rats with genetic absence (the Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg: GAERS). In these rats, epileptic discharges, recorded in the thalamo-cortical network, appear around 40 days after birth. In adult rats no alteration of the protein expression of the glutamate transporters was observed. In 30-day-old GAERS protein levels (quantified by western blot) were lower in the cortex by 21% and 35% for the glial transporters GLT1 and GLAST, respectively, and by 32% for the neuronal transporter EAAC1 in the thalamus compared to control rats. In addition, the expression and activity of GLAST were decreased by 50% in newborn GAERS cortical astrocytes grown in primary culture. The lack of modification of the protein levels of glutamatergic transporters in adult epileptic GAERS, in spite of mRNA variations (quantified by RT-PCR), suggests that they are not involved in the pathogeny of spike-and-wave discharges. In contrast, the alteration of glutamate transporter expression, observed before the establishment of epileptic discharges, could reflect an abnormal maturation of the glutamatergic neurone-glia circuitry.  相似文献   
We previously documented persistent regulation of erythropoietin (Epo) secretion in mice after a single intramuscular (i.m.) injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector harboring both the tetracycline-dependent transactivator (rtTA) and the Epo cDNA (D. Bohl, A. Salvetti, P. Moullier, and J. M. Heard, Blood 92:1512-1517, 1998). Using the same vector harboring the cynomolgus macaque Epo cDNA instead, the present study evaluated the ability of the tetracycline-regulatable (tetR) system to establish long-term transgene regulation in nonhuman primates. The vector was administered i.m., after which 5-day induction pulses were performed monthly for up to 13 months by using doxycycline (DOX), a tetracycline analog. We show that initial inductions were successful in all individuals and that there was a tight regulation and a rapid deinduction pattern upon DOX withdrawal. For one macaque, regulation of Epo secretion was maintained during the entire experimental period; for the five remaining macaques, secreted Epo became indistinguishable from endogenous Epo upon repeated DOX inductions. We investigated the mechanism involved and showed that, except in the animal in which secretion persisted, delayed humoral and cellular immune responses were directed against the rtTA transactivator protein associated with the reduction of vector DNA in transduced muscles. This study provides some evidence that, when the immune system is not mobilized against the rtTA transactivator, the tetR-regulatable system is able to support long-term transgene regulation in the context of an rAAV in nonhuman primates. In addition, our results suggest potential improvements for vector design.  相似文献   
Mutations of CIAS1 have recently been shown to underlie familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), in three families and one family, respectively. These rare autosomal dominant diseases are both characterized by recurrent inflammatory crises that start in childhood and that are generally associated with fever, arthralgia, and urticaria. The presence of sensorineural deafness that occurs later in life is characteristic of MWS. Amyloidosis of the amyloidosis-associated type is the main complication of MWS and is sometimes associated with FCU. In FCU, cold exposure is the triggering factor of the inflammatory crisis. We identified CIAS1 mutations, all located in exon 3, in nine unrelated families with MWS and in three unrelated families with FCU, originating from France, England, and Algeria. Five mutations--namely, R260W, D303N, T348M, A439T, and G569R--were novel. The R260W mutation was identified in two families with MWS and in two families with FCU, of different ethnic origins, thereby demonstrating that a single CIAS1 mutation may cause both syndromes. This result indicates that modifier genes are involved in determining either a MWS or a FCU phenotype. The finding of the G569R mutation in an asymptomatic individual further emphasizes the importance of such modifier a gene (or genes) in determining the disease phenotype. Identification of this gene (or these genes) is likely to have significant therapeutic implications for these severe diseases.  相似文献   
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