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The Australian Government has sanctioned development of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) abatement methodologies to meet international emissions reduction obligations. Savanna burning emissions abatement methodologies have been available since 2012, and there are currently 72 registered projects covering approximately 32 million ha. Abatement to date has exceeded 4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2‐e) principally through the application of low intensity early dry season fire management to reduce the amount of biomass combusted in higher intensity late dry season (LDS) fires. Savanna burning projects can only be conducted on areas with eligible fire‐prone vegetation fuel types where implementing the improved fire management regime is considered ecologically appropriate. This study assesses the suitability of including tall Acacia shrublands (‘Pindan’) as a new eligible fuel type. These shrublands make up 12% (~2 million ha) of the Kimberley region, Western Australia, where, on average, 32% is fire affected annually, mostly in the LDS. A standard assessment protocol was applied to describe vegetation fuel type structural and pyrolysis characteristics. We show that Pindan (i) can be identified and mapped as a unique tall Acacia shrubland vegetation fuel type, (ii) characterised by a significantly greater shrubby fuel load biomass, and (iii) the conservation status of which would benefit from imposition of strategic prescribed burning programme. Savanna burning projects in the Pindan fuel type could potentially abate up to 24.43 t.CO2e/km2 per year, generating significant income and employment opportunities for predominantly Indigenous land managers in the region.  相似文献   
Estimating species richness using environmental DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The foundation for any ecological study and for the effective management of biodiversity in natural systems requires knowing what species are present in an ecosystem. We assessed fish communities in a stream using two methods, depletion‐based electrofishing and environmental DNA metabarcoding (eDNA) from water samples, to test the hypothesis that eDNA provides an alternative means of determining species richness and species identities for a natural ecosystem. In a northern Indiana stream, electrofishing yielded a direct estimate of 12 species and a mean estimated richness (Chao II estimator) of 16.6 species with a 95% confidence interval from 12.8 to 42.2. eDNA sampling detected an additional four species, congruent with the mean Chao II estimate from electrofishing. This increased detection rate for fish species between methods suggests that eDNA sampling can enhance estimation of fish fauna in flowing waters while having minimal sampling impacts on fish and their habitat. Modern genetic approaches therefore have the potential to transform our ability to build a more complete list of species for ecological investigations and inform management of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Candidate phyla (CP) are broad phylogenetic clusters of organisms that lack cultured representatives. Included in this fraction is the candidate Parcubacteria superphylum. Specific characteristics that have been ascribed to the Parcubacteria include reduced genome size, limited metabolic potential and exclusive reliance on fermentation for energy acquisition. The study of new environmental niches, such as the marine versus terrestrial subsurface, often expands the understanding of the genetic potential of taxonomic groups. For this reason, we analyzed 12 Parcubacteria single amplified genomes (SAGs) from sediment samples collected within the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench, obtained during the Deepsea Challenge (DSC) Expedition. Many of these SAGs are closely related to environmental sequences obtained from deep‐sea environments based on 16S rRNA gene similarity and BLAST matches to predicted proteins. DSC SAGs encode features not previously identified in Parcubacteria obtained from other habitats. These include adaptation to oxidative stress, polysaccharide modification and genes associated with respiratory nitrate reduction. The DSC SAGs are also distinguished by relative greater abundance of genes for nucleotide and amino acid biosynthesis, repair of alkylated DNA and the synthesis of mechanosensitive ion channels. These results present an expanded view of the Parcubacteria, among members residing in an ultra‐deep hadal environment.  相似文献   
Evolutionary reversals, including re-evolution of lost structures, are commonly found in phylogenetic studies. However, we lack an understanding of how these reversals happen mechanistically. A snake-like body form has evolved many times in vertebrates, and occasionally a quadrupedal form has re-evolved, including in Brachymeles lizards. We use body form and locomotion data for species ranging from snake-like to quadrupedal to address how a quadrupedal form could re-evolve. We show that large, quadrupedal species are faster at burying and surface locomotion than snake-like species, indicating a lack of expected performance trade-off between these modes of locomotion. Species with limbs use them while burying, suggesting that limbs are useful for burying in wet, packed substrates. Palaeoclimatological data suggest that Brachymeles originally evolved a snake-like form under a drier climate probably with looser soil in which it was easier to dig. The quadrupedal clade evolved as the climate became humid, where limbs and large size facilitated fossorial locomotion in packed soils.  相似文献   
Theories and models attempt to explain how and why particular plant species grow together at particular sites or why invasive exotic species dominate plant communities. As local climates change and human‐use degrades and disturbs ecosystems, a better understanding of how plant communities assemble is pertinent, particularly when restoring grassland ecosystems that are frequently disturbed. One such community assembly theory is priority effects, which suggests that arrival order of species into a community alters plant–plant interactions and community assembly. Theoretically, priority effects can have lasting effects on ecosystems and will likely be altered as the risk of invasion by exotic species increases. It is difficult to predict how and when priority effects occur, as experimental reconstruction of arrival order is often difficult in adequate detail. As a result, limited experimental studies have explored priority effects on plant community assembly and plant invasions. To determine if and how priority effects affect the success of invasive species, we conducted a greenhouse study exploring how the arrival order of an invasive grass, Bromus tectorum, affects productivity and community composition when grown with native grasses. We found evidence for priority effects, as productivity was positively related to dominance of B. tectorum and was greater the earlier B. tectorum arrived. This suggests that priority effects could be important for plant communities as the early arrival of an invasive species drastically impacted the productivity and biodiversity of our system at the early establishment stages of plant community development.  相似文献   
We measured gill slit fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a measure of developmental noise, in adults of three invertebrate deuterostomes with different feeding modes: the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae (an obligate filter feeder), the enteropneusts Protoglossus graveolens (a facultative filter feeder/deposit feeder) and Saccoglossus bromophenolosus (a deposit feeder). FA was substantially and significantly low in B. floridae and P. graveolens and high in S. bromophenolosus. Our results suggest that the gills of species that have experienced a relaxation of the filter feeding trait exhibit elevated FA. We found that the timing of development of the secondary collagenous gill bars, compared to the primary gill bars, was highly variable in P. graveolens but not the other two species, demonstrating an independence of gill FA from gill bar heterochrony. We also discovered the occasional ectopic expression of a second set of paired gills posterior to the first set of gills in the enteropneusts and that these were more common in S. bromophenolosus. Moreover, our finding that gill slits in enteropneusts exhibit bilateral symmetry suggests that the left‐sidedness of larval cephalochordate gills, and the directional asymmetry of Cambrian stylophoran echinoderm fossil gills, evolved independently from a bilaterally symmetrical ancestor.  相似文献   
Recent advances in artificial intelligence show tremendous promise to improve the accuracy, reproducibility, and availability of medical diagnostics across a number of medical subspecialities. This is especially true in the field of digital pathology, which has recently witnessed a surge in publications describing state-of-the-art performance for machine learning models across a wide range of diagnostic applications. Nonetheless, despite this promise, there remain significant gaps in translating applications for any of these technologies into actual clinical practice. In this review, we will first give a brief overview of the recent progress in applying AI to digitized pathology images, focusing on how these tools might be applied in clinical workflows in the near term to improve the accuracy and efficiency of pathologists. Then we define and describe in detail the various factors that need to be addressed in order to successfully close the “translation gap” for AI applications in digital pathology.  相似文献   
Journal of Computational Neuroscience - Miniature yoked eye movements, fixational saccades, are critical to counteract visual fading. Fixational saccades are followed by a return saccades forming...  相似文献   
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