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Key message

The threshold minimum air temperature driving xylem growth of alpine  Rhododendron aganniphum is lower than that commonly observed at the treeline of conifers.


Understanding how alpine shrubs grow and which environmental factors drive their biomass gain could help to functionally differentiate trees and shrubs. The cambium is the main meristem responsible for wood formation in trees and shrubs. Thus, a better knowledge of cambium growth dynamics in alpine shrubs would allow explaining why shrubs displace trees above the treeline. Here, we aim to investigate the timings and dynamics of xylogenesis and to identify the thermal thresholds controlling the onset of xylem growth of Rhododendron aganniphum, a tall shrub growing above the alpine treeline on the Tibetan Plateau. Timings of xylogenesis and radial growth rates were assessed from anatomical observations of the developing xylem during three growing seasons (2011, 2012, and 2013). The threshold temperature at which xylogenesis had a 0.5 probability of being active was calculated with logistic regressions. The onset of xylogenesis was observed between mid and late June, whereas the end of xylogenesis lasted from mid to late September. Overall, the duration of xylem growth lasted 88–101 days, and 94 % of the ring was formed from June to August. The threshold for the onset of xylem growth was observed at 2.0 ± 0.6 °C for the minimum air temperature, lower than that commonly observed for treeline conifers (ca. 6 °C). This low thermal threshold allows alpine shrubs to have a growing season long enough to complete xylem production and maturation during the warmest summer months. Our results suggest that the time required to complete xylogenesis is critical to understand why shrubs displace trees above the treeline.
Tannic acid-stained microtubules with 12, 13, and 15 protofilaments   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Subunit structure in the walls of sectioned microtubules was first noted by Ledbetter and Porter (6), who clearly showed that certain microtubules of plant meristematic cells have 13 wall protofilaments when seen in cross section. Earlier, protofilaments of microtubular elements had been described in negatively stained material, although exact counts of their number were difficult to obtain. In microtubular elements of axonemes, some success has been achieved in visualizing protofilaments in conventionally fixed and sectioned material (8, 10); much less success has been achieved in identifying and counting protofilaments of singlet cytoplasmic microtubules. By using glutaraldehyde-tannic acid fixation, as described by Misuhira and Futaesaku (7), Tilney et al. (12) studied microtubules from a number of sources and found that all have 13 protofilaments comprising their walls. These authors note that "...the number of subunits and their arrangement as protofilaments appear universal...". Preliminary studies of ventral nerve cord of crayfish fixed in glutaraldehyde-tannic acid indicated that axonal microtubules in this material possess only 12 protofilaments (4). On the basis of this observation, tannic acid preparations of several other neuronal and non-neuronal systems were examined. Protofilaments in microtubules from these several cell types are clearly demonstrated, and counts have been made which show that some kinds of microtubules have more or fewer protofilaments than the usual 13 and that at least one kind of microtubule has an even rather than an odd number.  相似文献   
The cps cluster of Escherichia coli K-12 comprises genes involved in synthesis of capsular polysaccharide colanic acid. Part of the E. coli K-12 cps region has been cloned and sequenced and compared to its Salmonella enterica LT2 counterpart. The cps genes from the two organisms are homologous; in the case of the LT2 genes, with G+C content of 0.61 and codons characteristic of high G+C species, it seems clear that they have been acquired relatively recently by lateral transfer from a high G+C species. The K-12 form of these cps genes is closely related to those of LT2 so must derive from the same high G+C species, but it appears to have transferred much earlier such that random genetic drift has brought P3 (the corrected G+C content of codon base 3) down from 0.77 to 0.64, more than halfway to the E. coli average of 0.57. We estimate, using an equation developed by Sueoka, that the lateral transfer to E. coli took place approximately 45 million years ago. This is the first report we are aware of demonstrating the expected adjustment of P3 after lateral transfer between species with different G+C content DNA.   相似文献   
Ecosystems - Warming-related growth decrease on southern Fagus sylvatica forests has been observed in different regions; however, whether it is a generalized fact or not remains unclear. Here we...  相似文献   
Genes essential for the production of a linear, bacterial (1-->3)-beta- glucan, curdlan, have been cloned for the first time from Agrobacterium sp. ATCC31749. The genes occurred in two, nonoverlapping, genomic fragments that complemented different sets of curdlan( crd )-deficient transposon-insertion mutations. These were detected as colonies that failed to stain with aniline blue, a (1-->3)-beta-glucan specific dye. One fragment carried a biosynthetic gene cluster (locus I) containing the putative curdlan synthase gene, crdS, and at least two other crd genes. The second fragment may contain only a single crd gene (locus II). Determination of the DNA sequence adjacent to several locus I mutations revealed homology to known sequences only in the cases of crdS mutations. Complete sequencing of the 1623 bp crdS gene revealed highest similarities between the predicted CrdS protein (540 amino acids) and glycosyl transferases with repetitive action patterns. These include bacterial cellulose synthases (and their homologs), which form (1-->4)-beta-glucans. No similarity was detected with putative (1-->3)- beta-glucan synthases from yeasts and filamentous fungi. Whatever the determinants of the linkage specificity of these beta-glucan synthases might be, these results raise the possibility that (1-->3)-beta-glucans and (1-->4)-beta-glucans are formed by related catalytic polypeptides.   相似文献   

Key message

Field survey methods influence the assessment of treeline structure and inferences on reconstructed treeline dynamics.


Numerous field studies have described the structure of alpine treeline ecotones encompassing the forest limit and treeline to infer their dynamics in response to climate warming. However, the inferred treeline dynamics may be biased due to the selection of different plot sizes and shapes. Rectangular large plots including the whole treeline ecotone, i.e., encompassing the forest limit and the treeline, and square small plots located at current treeline have been widely used. Nevertheless, little is known about how large a plot must be to capture the main features of treeline structure and dynamics. Here, we investigate this question at Smith fir treelines located in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Six rectangular large treeline plots (30 × 150 m) were sampled and compared with six square small treeline plots (30 × 30 m). Six rectangular plots with lengths shorter than the treeline ecotone span (100–135 m) were also sampled and compared with the other two plot types. Dendrochronology was used to reconstruct the recruitment dynamics of treelines, which were related to summer mean minimum temperatures. Rectangular large plots better captured the main features of recent treeline dynamics such as the abundance of recruits from the 1950s onwards and the establishment of old trees. Therefore, large plots allowed reaching more robust conclusions on treeline dynamics as compared to small plots. On the other hand, smaller rectangular plots revealed similar findings to those inferred from large rectangular plots but with a much lower survey cost. We propose using smaller rectangular plot with its longest side being shorter than the ecotone span as the most reliable and practical method to characterize alpine treeline dynamics.
Ten phenols were selected as natural laccase mediators after screening 44 different compounds with a recalcitrant dye (Reactive Black 5) as a substrate. Their performances were evaluated at different mediator/dye ratios and incubation times (up to 6 h) by the use of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus and Trametes villosa laccases and were compared with those of eight known synthetic mediators (including -NOH- compounds). Among the six types of dyes assayed, only Reactive Blue 38 (phthalocyanine) was resistant to laccase-mediator treatment under the conditions used. Acid Blue 74 (indigoid dye), Reactive Blue 19 (anthraquinoid dye), and Aniline Blue (triarylmethane-type dye) were partially decolorized by the laccases alone, although decolorization was much more efficient and rapid with mediators, whereas Reactive Black 5 (diazo dye) and Azure B (heterocyclic dye) could be decolorized only in the presence of mediators. The efficiency of each natural mediator depended on the type of dye to be treated but, with the only exception being Azure B (<50% decolorization), nearly complete decolorization (80 to 100%) was attained in all cases. Similar rates were attained with the best synthetic mediators, but the reactions were significantly slower. Phenolic aldehydes, ketones, acids, and esters related to the three lignin units were among the best mediators, including p-coumaric acid, vanillin, acetovanillone, methyl vanillate, and above all, syringaldehyde and acetosyringone. The last two compounds are especially promising as ecofriendly (and potentially cheap) mediators for industrial applications since they provided the highest decolorization rates in only 5 to 30 min, depending on the type of dye to be treated.  相似文献   
We report the construction of a cell-based fluorescent reporter for anthrax lethal factor (LF) protease activity using the principle of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). This was accomplished by engineering an Escherichia coli cell line to express a genetically encoded FRET reporter and LF protease. Both proteins were encoded in two different expression plasmids under the control of different tightly controlled inducible promoters. The FRET-based reporter was designed to contain a LF recognition sequence flanked by the FRET pair formed by CyPet and YPet fluorescent proteins. The length of the linker between both fluorescent proteins was optimized using a flexible peptide linker containing several Gly-Gly-Ser repeats. Our results indicate that this FRET-based LF reporter was readily expressed in E. coli cells showing high levels of FRET in vivo in the absence of LF. The FRET signal, however, decreased five times after inducing LF expression in the same cell. These results suggest that this cell-based LF FRET reporter may be used to screen genetically encoded libraries in vivo against LF.  相似文献   
Cyclotides are fascinating microproteins (≈30–40 residues long) with a unique head-to-tail cyclized backbone, stabilized by three disulfide bonds forming a cystine knot. This unique topology makes them exceptionally stable to chemical, thermal and biological degradation compared to other peptides of similar size. Cyclotides have been also found to be highly tolerant to sequence variability, aside from the conserved residues forming the cystine knot, able to cross cellular membranes and modulate intracellular protein–protein interactions both in vitro and in vivo. These properties make them ideal scaffolds for many biotechnological applications. This article provides and overview of the properties of cyclotides and their applications as molecular imaging agents and peptide-based therapeutics.  相似文献   
Freshwater habitats have been identified as one of the largest reservoirs of archaeal genetic diversity, with specific lineages of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) populations different from soils and seas. The ecology and biology of lacustrine AOA is, however, poorly known. In the present study, vertical changes in archaeal abundance by CARD-FISH, quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses and identity by clone libraries were correlated with environmental parameters in the deep glacial high-altitude Lake Redon. The lake is located in the central Spanish Pyrenees where atmospheric depositions are the main source of reactive nitrogen. Strong correlations were found between abundance of thaumarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene, archaeal amoA gene and nitrite concentrations, indicating an ammonium oxidation potential by these microorganisms. The bacterial amoA gene was not detected. Three depths with potential ammonia-oxidation activity were unveiled along the vertical gradient, (i) on the top of the lake in winter–spring (that is, the 0 oC slush layers above the ice-covered sheet), (ii) at the thermocline and (iii) the bottom waters in summer—autumn. Overall, up to 90% of the 16S rRNA gene sequences matched Thaumarchaeota, mostly from both the Marine Group (MG) 1.1a (Nitrosoarchaeum-like) and the sister clade SAGMGC−1 (Nitrosotalea-like). Clone-libraries analysis showed the two clades changed their relative abundances with water depth being higher in surface and lower in depth for SAGMGC−1 than for MG 1.1a, reflecting a vertical phylogenetic segregation. Overall, the relative abundance and recurrent appearance of SAGMGC−1 suggests a significant environmental role of this clade in alpine lakes. These results expand the set of ecological and thermal conditions where Thaumarchaeota are distributed, unveiling vertical positioning in the water column as a key factor to understand the ecology of different thaumarchaeotal clades in lacustrine environments.  相似文献   
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