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Trace metal (Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd) concentrations in the water column and in the liver, muscle and gill tissues of Parachanna obscura and Clarias gariepinus in Agulu Lake, Nigeria, were investigated in June 2014 and compared with WHO and FAO safe limits for water and fish. Hazard index (HI) values were estimated to assess the potential public health risk of consuming contaminated fish. Lead and cadmium exceeded WHO guideline values for drinking water. In most cases, variations in concentration of the metals in organs were liver > muscle > gill. Differences in tissue-specific concentrations between species were not significant, except for zinc in muscles and gills. Cadmium and chromium were not detected in the fish, but lead was above the FAO maximum value for consumption. Hazard index values were below 1, indicating a low risk to public health. However, trace metal contamination in Agulu Lake is increasing.  相似文献   


A haplotype approach to genomic prediction using high density data in dairy cattle as an alternative to single-marker methods is presented. With the assumption that haplotypes are in stronger linkage disequilibrium (LD) with quantitative trait loci (QTL) than single markers, this study focuses on the use of haplotype blocks (haploblocks) as explanatory variables for genomic prediction. Haploblocks were built based on the LD between markers, which allowed variable reduction. The haploblocks were then used to predict three economically important traits (milk protein, fertility and mastitis) in the Nordic Holstein population.


The haploblock approach improved prediction accuracy compared with the commonly used individual single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) approach. Furthermore, using an average LD threshold to define the haploblocks (LD≥0.45 between any two markers) increased the prediction accuracies for all three traits, although the improvement was most significant for milk protein (up to 3.1 % improvement in prediction accuracy, compared with the individual SNP approach). Hotelling’s t-tests were performed, confirming the improvement in prediction accuracy for milk protein. Because the phenotypic values were in the form of de-regressed proofs, the improved accuracy for milk protein may be due to higher reliability of the data for this trait compared with the reliability of the mastitis and fertility data. Comparisons between best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) and Bayesian mixture models also indicated that the Bayesian model produced the most accurate predictions in every scenario for the milk protein trait, and in some scenarios for fertility.


The haploblock approach to genomic prediction is a promising method for genomic selection in animal breeding. Building haploblocks based on LD reduced the number of variables without the loss of information. This method may play an important role in the future genomic prediction involving while genome sequences.  相似文献   
定向进化人α型干扰素基因家族的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用DNA改组(DNAshuffling)技术重组了12种人α型干扰素基因,并结合噬菌体表面呈现(phagedisplay)技术构建了噬菌体干扰素改组文库,采用简便的、功能性的定向竞争筛选方法,获得了比活达1 0×109IU/mg的新型α型基因工程复合干扰素,是目前国际上已投产的α2型干扰素的5倍,具有生产应用前景,上述策略也为其它细胞因子或酶的改造提供了借鉴方法。  相似文献   
A detailed characterization of membrane lipids of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter (R.) sphaeroides was accomplished by thin-layer chromatography coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. Such an approach allowed the identification of the main membrane lipids belonging to different classes, namely cardiolipins (CLs), phosphatidylethanolamines, phosphatidylglycerols (PGs), phosphatidylcholines, and sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDGs). Thus, the lipidomic profile of R. sphaeroides R26 grown in abiotic stressed conditions by exposure to bivalent cobalt cation and chromate oxyanion, was investigated. Compared to bacteria grown under control conditions, significant lipid alterations take place under both stress conditions; cobalt exposure stress results in the relative content increase of CLs and SQDGs, most likely compensating the decrease in PGs content, whereas chromate stress conditions result in the relative content decrease of both PGs and SQDGs, leaving CLs unaltered. For the first time, the response of R. sphaeroides to heavy metals as Co2+ and CrO4 2? is reported and changes in membrane lipid profiles were rationalised.  相似文献   
Circadian rhythmicity in mammals is primarily driven by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), often called the central pacemaker, which converts the photic information of light and dark cycles into neuronal and hormonal signals in the periphery of the body. Cells of peripheral tissues respond to these centrally mediated cues by adjusting their molecular function to optimize organism performance. Numerous systemic cues orchestrate peripheral rhythmicity, such as feeding, body temperature, the autonomic nervous system, and hormones. We propose a semimechanistic model for the entrainment of peripheral clock genes by cortisol as a representative entrainer of peripheral cells. This model demonstrates the importance of entrainer's characteristics in terms of the synchronization and entrainment of peripheral clock genes, and predicts the loss of intercellular synchrony when cortisol moves out of its homeostatic amplitude and frequency range, as has been observed clinically in chronic stress and cancer. The model also predicts a dynamic regime of entrainment, when cortisol has a slightly decreased amplitude rhythm, where individual clock genes remain relatively synchronized among themselves but are phase shifted in relation to the entrainer. The model illustrates how the loss of communication between the SCN and peripheral tissues could result in desynchronization of peripheral clocks.  相似文献   
Spexin is novel biomarker, which plays a potential role in glucose and lipid metabolisms. However, there was paucity of serum spexin levels in obesity and diabetes mellitus subjects. Hence the current study was aimed to find the relationship between the serum spexin levels in type 2 Diabetes mellitus (type 2 DM) with extrapolation of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. A cross-sectional study included 330 participants, subdivided as control (n=110), type 2 DM (n=110) and type 2 DM with CVD groups (n=110). HbA1c, insulin, lipid profile, spexin & leptin including blood pressure and body mass index were analyzed from all the participants. The serum spexin levels (ng/ml) were significantly decreased in type 2 DM (mean ± sd: 0.65 ± 0.03) and type 2 DM with CVD (0.48 ± 0.02) groups compared to the control (0.79 ± 0.03) group (p<0.001). The decreased spexin levels were observed in type 2 DM, and further more decreased in type 2 DM with CVD patients compared to controls indicating that spexin levels could be served as an early prediction of obesity-induced T2DM with CVD risk.  相似文献   
Data from a paper reporting a failure to confirm our report of rapid corticosterone pulses and suggesting that our data were artifactual were reanalyzed and reevaluated. It is shown that these data actually appear to confirm our original report. Artifacts in their procedure tend to introduce smearing that minimizes the observed effect. In addition, their method of data presentation combined with the lack of appropriate data analysis apparently led to their failure to draw the proper conclusions.  相似文献   
A case of r(14) chromosome is described and new information is added to a previously reported patient. The r(14) syndrome is reviewed on the basis of 37 known patients. The major features include prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, mental retardation, seizures, microcephaly, and distinct facial dysmorphism, including elongated face, narrow palpebral fissures, epicanthus, and broad nasal bridge. Other characteristic anomalies found only in some patients are retinal anomalies, lymphoedema of hands and feet, and prones to pulmonary infections.  相似文献   
The paracentric inversion In(3)55Rk on mouse Chromosome 3 (Chr 3) was induced by cesium irradiation. Genetic crosses indicate the proximal breakpoint cosegregates with D3Mit324 and D3Mit92; the distal breakpoint cosegregates with D3Mit127, D3Mit160, and D3Mit200. Giemsa-banded chromosomes show the inversion spans approximately 80% of Chr 3. The proximal breakpoint occurs within band 3A2, not 3B as reported previously; the distal breakpoint occurs within band 3H3. Mice homozygous for the inversion exhibit nephropathy indicative of uricase deficiency. Southern blot analyses of urate oxidase, Uox, show two RFLPs of genomic mutant DNA: an EcoRI site between exons 4-8 and a BamHI site 3' to exon 6. Mutant cDNA fails to amplify downstream of base 844 at the 3' end of exon 7. FISH analysis of chromosomes from inversion heterozygotes, using a cosmid clone containing genomic wild-type DNA for Uox exons 2-4, shows that a 5' segment of the mutated Uox allele on the inverted chromosome has been transposed from the distal breakpoint region to the proximal breakpoint region. Clinical, histopathological, and Northern analyses indicate that our radiation-induced mutation, uox(In), is a putative null.  相似文献   
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