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The products of glnL and glnG are bifunctional regulatory proteins   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Summary The role of the two glnA linked genes, glnL and glnG, in regulation of glnA expression and nitrogen metabolism in Escherichia coli has been studied by analysis of 131 glnL and 164 glnG genetically characterized mutations. A comparison of phenotypes with genetic position was performed for all mutations in glnL and glnG. We determined the ability of mutants to derepress GS, to grow on a variety of nitrogen sources in the absence of glutamine, and to suppress the glutamine requirement caused by a glnF mutation. The results indicate that both glnL and glnG products mediate negative regulation of glnA. The glnG product, but not that of glnL, is required for derepression of glnA. Both glnL and glnG products are required for positive regulation of gene products involved in the utilization of poor nitrogen sources. In each gene, point mutations were found which confer a phenotype dramatically different than that caused by insertion mutations. These point mutations fall into several frequently occurring classes. The phenotypes of these classes suggests that each gene product has bifunctional regulatory properties. Further, each class tends to be located in only a portion of a gene suggesting that the region encoding each function is genetically distinct.The role of glutamine synthetase in the regulation of glnA expression was investigated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on extracts of 38 GlnA- mutants. Results of this analysis argue that glutamine synthetase is not structurally involved in the regulation of glnA expression.  相似文献   
Analysis of strains with deletions of all or part of nif have ordered the Klebsiella pneumoniae genetic loci as thi rbt dal udk gnd rfb has nif shiA. The his-nif plasmids pRD1 and pTM4010 contain the genes gnd rfb his nif shiA.  相似文献   
Studies have shown that human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) is less pathogenic than HIV-1, with a lower rate of disease progression. Similarly, plasma viral loads are lower in HIV-2 infection, suggesting that HIV-2 replication is restricted in vivo in comparison to that of HIV-1. However, to date, in vivo studies characterizing replication intermediates in the viral life cycle of HIV-2 have been limited. In order to test the hypothesis that HIV-2 has a lower replication rate in vivo than HIV-1 does, we quantified total viral DNA, integrated proviral DNA, cell-associated viral mRNA, and plasma viral loads in peripheral blood samples from groups of therapy-na?ve HIV-1-infected (n = 21) and HIV-2-infected (n = 18) individuals from Dakar, Senegal, with CD4(+) T-cell counts of >200/microl. Consistent with our previous findings, total viral DNA loads were similar between HIV-1 and HIV-2 and plasma viral loads were higher among HIV-1-infected individuals. Proportions of DNA in the integrated form were also similar between these viruses. In contrast, levels of viral mRNA were lower in HIV-2 infection. Our study indicates that HIV-2 is able to establish a stable, integrated proviral infection in vivo, but that accumulation of viral mRNA is attenuated in HIV-2 infection relative to that in HIV-1 infection. The differences in viral mRNA are consistent with the differences in plasma viral loads between HIV-1 and HIV-2 and suggest that lower plasma viral loads, and possibly the attenuated pathogenesis of HIV-2, can be explained by lower rates of viral replication in vivo.  相似文献   
The origin of cattle on Chirikof Island, off the coast of Alaska, is not well documented. We assessed genetic differentiation of cattle isolated on Chirikof Island from several breeds commonly used for commercial production in North America including breeds popularly believed to have contributed to the Chirikof Island population. A set of 34 microsatellite loci was used to genotype Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Highland, Limousin, Red Angus, Salers, Shorthorn, Simmental, Tarentaise and Texas Longhorn cattle sampled from North America and the Chirikof Island population. Resulting F(ST) statistics for these loci ranged from 0.06 to 0.22 and on average, 14% of total genetic variation was between breeds. Whether population structure was modelled as a bifurcating tree or genetic network, Chirikof Island cattle appeared to be unique and strongly differentiated relative to the other breeds that were sampled. Bayesian clustering for multiple-locus assignment to genetic groups indicated low levels of admixture in the Chirikof Island population. Thus, the Chirikof Island population may be a novel genetic resource of some importance for conservation and industry.  相似文献   
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathways are required for a wide variety of developmental and homeostatic decisions, and mutations in signaling components are associated with several diseases. An important aspect of BMP control is the extracellular regulation of these pathways. We show that LON-2 negatively regulates a BMP-like signaling pathway that controls body length in C. elegans. lon-2 acts genetically upstream of the BMP-like gene dbl-1, and loss of lon-2 function results in animals that are longer than normal. LON-2 is a conserved member of the glypican family of heparan sulfate proteoglycans, a family with several members known to regulate growth-factor signaling in many organisms. LON-2 is functionally conserved because the Drosophila glypican gene dally rescues the lon-2(lf) body-size defect. We show that the LON-2 protein binds BMP2 in vitro, and a mutant variation of LON-2 found in lon-2(e2140) animals diminishes this interaction. We propose that LON-2 binding to DBL-1 negatively regulates this pathway in C. elegans by attenuating ligand-receptor interactions. This is the first report of a glypican directly interacting with a growth-factor pathway in C. elegans and provides a mechanistic model for glypican regulation of growth-factor pathways.  相似文献   
A simple and convenient strategy has been put forward to fabricate smart fluorescent magnetic wheat germ agglutinin-modified trifunctional nanospheres (WGA-TFNS) for recognition of human prostate carcinoma DU-145 cells which are surface-expressed with sialic acid and N-acetylglucosamine. These TFNS can be easily manipulated, tracked, and conveniently used to capture and separate target cells. The presence of wheat germ agglutinin on the surface of WGA-TFNS was confirmed by FTIR, biorecognition of carboxymethyl chitin-modified quantum dots (CM-CT-QDs), and bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The success in recognizing DU-145 cells by the WGA-TFNS indicates that WGA-TFNS could be applicable.  相似文献   
In the face of increasing cumulative effects from human and natural disturbances, sustaining coral reefs will require a deeper understanding of the drivers of coral resilience in space and time. Here we develop a high‐resolution, spatially explicit model of coral dynamics on Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Our model accounts for biological, ecological and environmental processes, as well as spatial variation in water quality and the cumulative effects of coral diseases, bleaching, outbreaks of crown‐of‐thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris), and tropical cyclones. Our projections reconstruct coral cover trajectories between 1996 and 2017 over a total reef area of 14,780 km2, predicting a mean annual coral loss of ?0.67%/year mostly due to the impact of cyclones, followed by starfish outbreaks and coral bleaching. Coral growth rate was the highest for outer shelf coral communities characterized by digitate and tabulate Acropora spp. and exposed to low seasonal variations in salinity and sea surface temperature, and the lowest for inner‐shelf communities exposed to reduced water quality. We show that coral resilience (defined as the net effect of resistance and recovery following disturbance) was negatively related to the frequency of river plume conditions, and to reef accessibility to a lesser extent. Surprisingly, reef resilience was substantially lower within no‐take marine protected areas, however this difference was mostly driven by the effect of water quality. Our model provides a new validated, spatially explicit platform for identifying the reefs that face the greatest risk of biodiversity loss, and those that have the highest chances to persist under increasing disturbance regimes.  相似文献   
Recent progress in molecular microbial ecology has revealed that traditional culturing methods fail to represent the scope of microbial diversity in nature, since only a small proportion of viable microorganisms in a sample are recovered by culturing techniques. To develop methods to investigate the full extent of microbial diversity, we used a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector to construct libraries of genomic DNA isolated directly from soil (termed metagenomic libraries). To date, we have constructed two such libraries, which contain more than 1 Gbp of DNA. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from one of the libraries indicates that the BAC libraries contain DNA from a wide diversity of microbial phyla, including sequences from diverse taxa such as the low-G+C, gram-positive Acidobacterium, Cytophagales, and Proteobacteria. Initial screening of the libraries in Escherichia coli identified several clones that express heterologous genes from the inserts, confirming that the BAC vector can be used to maintain, express, and analyze environmental DNA. The phenotypes expressed by these clones include antibacterial, lipase, amylase, nuclease, and hemolytic activities. Metagenomic libraries are a powerful tool for exploring soil microbial diversity, providing access to the genetic information of uncultured soil microorganisms. Such libraries will be the basis of new initiatives to conduct genomic studies that link phylogenetic and functional information about the microbiota of environments dominated by microorganisms that are refractory to cultivation.  相似文献   
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