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BackgroundSwallowing dysfunction can lead to recurring aspiration and is frequently associated with chronic symptoms such as cough and wheezing in infants. Our objective was to describe the characteristics of infants with swallowing dysfunction, determine if pulmonary function abnormalities are detectable, and if they improve after therapy.MethodsWe studied 38 infants with a history of coughing and wheezing who had pulmonary function tests performed within two weeks of their diagnosis of swallowing dysfunction. The raised lung volume rapid thoracoabdominal compression technique was used. After 6 months of therapy, 17 of the infants repeated the tests.ResultsInitially, 25 had abnormal spirometry, 18 had abnormal plethysmography, and 15 demonstrated bronchodilator responsiveness. Six months later test were repeated for seventeen patients. Ten patients had continued abnormal spirometry, two patients remained normal, three patients’ abnormal spirometry had normalized, and two patients’ previously normal studies became abnormal. Eight of the 17 patients had continued abnormal plethysmography, six had continued normal plethysmography, and three patients’ normal plethysmography became abnormal. After 6 months of treatment, eight patients demonstrated bronchodilator responsiveness, of which five continued to demonstrate bronchodilator responsiveness and three developed responsiveness. The remainder either continued to be non- bronchodilator responsive (two) or lost responsiveness (three.) The findings of the abnormal tests in most infants tested is complicated by frequent occurrence of other co-morbidities in this population, including gastroesophageal reflux in 23 and passive smoke exposure in 13 of the infants.ConclusionsThe interpretation of lung function changes is complicated by the frequent association of swallowing dysfunction with gastroesophageal reflux and passive smoke exposure in this population. Six months of medical therapy for swallowing dysfunction/gastroesophageal reflux did not significantly improve pulmonary function in these infants. Long-term studies will be necessary to determine which of these changes persists into adulthood.  相似文献   


The microbiome has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of allergic and inflammatory diseases. The mucosa affected by eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is composed of a stratified squamous epithelia and contains intraepithelial eosinophils. To date, no studies have identified the esophageal microbiome in patients with EoE or the impact of treatment on these organisms. The aim of this study was to identify the esophageal microbiome in EoE and determine whether treatments change this profile. We hypothesized that clinically relevant alterations in bacterial populations are present in different forms of esophagitis.


In this prospective study, secretions from the esophageal mucosa were collected from children and adults with EoE, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and normal mucosa using the Esophageal String Test (EST). Bacterial load was determined using quantitative PCR. Bacterial communities, determined by 16S rRNA gene amplification and 454 pyrosequencing, were compared between health and disease.


Samples from a total of 70 children and adult subjects were examined. Bacterial load was increased in both EoE and GERD relative to normal subjects. In subjects with EoE, load was increased regardless of treatment status or degree of mucosal eosinophilia compared with normal. Haemophilus was significantly increased in untreated EoE subjects as compared with normal subjects. Streptococcus was decreased in GERD subjects on proton pump inhibition as compared with normal subjects.


Diseases associated with mucosal eosinophilia are characterized by a different microbiome from that found in the normal mucosa. Microbiota may contribute to esophageal inflammation in EoE and GERD.  相似文献   
Primary cilia start forming within the G1 phase of the cell cycle and continue to grow as cells exit the cell cycle (G0). They start resorbing when cells re-enter the cell cycle (S phase) and are practically invisible in mitosis. The mechanisms by which cilium biogenesis and disassembly are coupled to the cell cycle are complex and not well understood. We previously identified the centrosomal phosphoprotein NDE1 as a negative regulator of ciliary length and showed that its levels inversely correlate with ciliogenesis. Here, we identify the tumor suppressor FBW7 (also known as FBXW7, CDC4, AGO, or SEL-10) as the E3 ligase that mediates the destruction of NDE1 upon entry into G1. CDK5, a kinase active in G1/G0, primes NDE1 for FBW7-mediated recognition. Cells depleted of FBW7 or CDK5 show enhanced levels of NDE1 and a reduction in ciliary length, which is corrected in cells depleted of both FBW7 or CDK5 and NDE1. These data show that cell cycle-dependent mechanisms can control ciliary length through a CDK5-FBW7-NDE1 pathway.  相似文献   
Coffee agroforests may be structurally and floristically complex and may contain a significant fraction of species from biodiverse and threatened tropical montane forest biotas; hence, understanding the dynamics of tropical forest biodiversity in coffee agroecosystems has emerged as a centrally important area of tropical conservation biology research. We conducted a morphospecies analysis on foliage-dwelling beetles collected from coffee plants on four coffee farms in southern Chiapas, Mexico, to characterize variation in the abundance, species richness, and species composition of this mega-diverse taxon in relation to coffee cultivation system, spatio-temporal variation, and predator removal. We constructed thirty-two cages to exclude birds and bats on four farms, each enclosing 7–10 coffee plants and paired with an adjacent uncaged control plot, and then collected beetles from coffee foliage with D-Vac aspirators in each plot once every 3 months for one year.We classified the 2662 beetles collected into 293 morphospecies, representing 42 families of beetles. Extrapolation and interpolation analyses revealed a very high level of species richness, with no plateau and only a slight leveling trend observed in our species accumulation curves. We found that low-shade systems contain equal or higher beetle abundance, lower species richness, more highly homogenized species composition, and higher abundance of coffee berry borer pests on coffee foliage than do high-shade systems. We observed no effect of flying vertebrate exclusion on the coffee foliage beetle assemblage, but did find significant variation in abundance, species richness, and species composition of coffee foliage beetles across seasons and study sites.The increased beetle biodiversity of high-shade coffee cultivation systems has important implications both for the preservation of native biodiversity in coffee growing regions and for the control of agricultural pests such as the coffee berry borer.  相似文献   
[3H]Fluphenazine was used to label both D-1 and D-2 dopamine receptors in mouse striatal membranes. The D-1 and D-2 specific binding of [3H]fluphenazine was discriminated by the dopamine antagonists SCH-23390 (D-1 selective) and spiperone (D-2 selective). Saturation analyses of these two sites yielded a D-1 receptor density in mouse striatum of 1,400 fmol/mg of protein and a D-2 receptor density of 700 fmol/mg of protein. The affinity of [3H]fluphenazine for the D-2 site was slightly greater than for the D-1 site; the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) was 0.7 versus 3.2 nM, respectively. Assay conditions are described that reduce nonspecific binding of [3H]fluphenazine to acceptable levels (35% of total binding at 1 nM [3H]fluphenazine). By comparison of displacement curves from a series of dopaminergic and nondopaminergic ligands, the pharmacological specificity of [3H]fluphenazine binding in mouse striatum was demonstrated to be dopaminergic. Only small amounts of dopamine-specific (apomorphine-sensitive) [3H]fluphenazine binding were found in other brain regions. However, chlorpromazine displaced considerable [3H]fluphenazine from all brain regions, including cerebellum, suggesting the presence of a [3H]fluphenazine binding site with a phenothiazine specificity.  相似文献   
The bactericidal and phagocytic activities of blood neutrophils suspended in uterine washings and the mobilization of neutrophils into the uterine lumen were studied in ovariectomized mares receiving oestradiol benzoate (N = 4), progesterone (N = 4) or oily vehicle (N = 4). Uterine lavage was performed sequentially up to 144 h after induction of endometritis by intrauterine infusion of glycogen (1%). There was no significant difference between the 3 groups in speed of mobilization of neutrophils into the uterus in the first 6 h after infusion but there were significantly more uterine luminal neutrophils in progesterone-treated than in oestradiol-treated mares by 24 h after infusion (P less than 0.01). Uterine washings collected from progesterone-treated mares at 0, 24 and 144 h were significantly worse at promoting bactericidal activity by neutrophils than washings from oestradiol-treated and control mares (P less than 0.001). In oestrogen-treated and control mares bactericidal activity had increased by 144 h but in progesterone-treated mares bactericidal activity remained low. Neither treatment nor time affected the ability of washings to opsonize yeast blastospores. Elevated concentrations of progesterone in plasma were therefore associated with decreased bactericidal activity of neutrophils suspended in uterine washings but the generation of C3b in washings did not appear to be affected by hormone treatment.  相似文献   
Summary The organization of the flagellum abductor muscle and of a scaphognathite levator muscle of the green crab, Carcinus maenas, has been compared quantitatively using light and electron microscopy. These muscles are rhythmically active at relatively high frequencies and for long durations. Fibers of both muscles are interconnected to form fascicles of 50 or more fibers within which there is cytoplasmic continuity. A single muscle is made up of 8–12 fascicles. Individual fibers consist of a peripheral rind of densely packed mitochondria, a thick region of glycogen granules, and myofibrils arranged into scattered central islands. Less than half the volume-density of these muscles is contractile material, the balance being largely mitochondria and glycogen. The fibers within a muscle are structurally similar. They have short sarcomeres (about 2 m), thin to thick filament ratios of about 3:1, and junctions between the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the transverse tubules at the M line. Sarcoplasmic reticulum occupies about 10% of the myofibrillar volume-density. A well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum appears to underlie the capacities of these two muscles for high frequency contraction; extensive mitochondria and glycogen stores should confer fatigue resistance under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
DNA-binding and chromatin localization properties of CHD1.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
CHD1 is a novel DNA-binding protein that contains both a chromatin organization modifier (chromo) domain and a helicase/ATPase domain. We show here that CHD1 preferentially binds to relatively long A.T tracts in double-stranded DNA via minor-groove interactions. Several CHD1-binding sites were found in a well-characterized nuclear-matrix attachment region, which is located adjacent to the intronic enhancer of the kappa immunoglobulin gene. The DNA-binding activity of CHD1 was localized to a 229-amino-acid segment in the C-terminal portion of the protein, which contains sequence motifs that have previously been implicated in the minor-groove binding of other proteins. We also demonstrate that CHD1 is a constituent of bulk chromatin and that it can be extracted from nuclei with 0.6 M NaCl or with 2 mM EDTA after mild digestion with micrococcal nuclease. In contrast to another chromo-domain protein, HP1, CHD1 is not preferentially located in condensed centromeric heterochromatin, even though centromeric DNA is highly enriched in (A+T)-rich tracts. Most interestingly, CHD1 is released into the cytoplasm when cells enter mitosis and is reincorporated into chromatin during telophase-cytokinesis. These observations lend credence to the idea that CHD1, like other proteins with chromo or helicase/ATPase domains, plays an important role in the determination of chromatin architecture.  相似文献   
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