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Previous electron microscope freeze-fracture and tracer studies have revealed that intercellular junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats with inherited retinal dystrophy [5] break down between three and six postnatal weeks [6, 7]. In this study quantitative computer techniques were used to analyze the freeze-fracture changes in the dystrophic RPE. The following parameters were measured: length of tight junctional strands/micron2; number of tight junctional strand anastomoses/micron2; number of gap junctional aggregates/micron2; area of gap junctional aggregates/micron2; and density of background intramembrane particles/micron2. At three postnatal weeks, the dystrophic junctional complex membrane is similar to normal, but at 10 weeks and later there are dramatic decreases in tight junctional strand length/micron2 and number of anastomoses/micron2, as well as in the number/micron2 and area of gap junctions/micron2, while the density of background particles/micron2 is dramatically increased. Correlational analysis revealed that changes in gap and tight junctions were significantly related to each other and to the increase in background particle density. The diameter of background particles within the normal and post-breakdown dystrophic junctions was measured in order to see whether the dispersal of gap and tight junctional particles (8-10 nm) into the surrounding membrane contributes to the increased particle density. These measures showed that background particles in all size ranges were more numerous in the dystrophic RPE, but that the largest increase was in the smallest diameter particles (6-7 nm). Thus, while gap and tight junctional sized particles contribute to the increase, particles from other sources may also be involved. Particle density of apical and basal membranes in the normal and in the 10 week and older dystrophic RPE was analyzed to study the effects of tight junctional breakdown on the distribution of intramembrane particles. These measures showed that particle density was greater basally than apically in the normal RPE and that particle density in both membranes decreased slightly in the dystrophic RPE, but that their ratio remained unchanged. It has been shown previously that even a single intact tight junctional strand is sufficient to maintain differences in particle density between apical and basal surfaces [14, 15] and in the majority of abnormal dystrophic junctional complexes at least one tight junctional strand remains intact.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The Bank Cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus is endemic to the Benguela upwelling ecosystem off southwest Africa and is classified as Endangered owing to a recent large reduction in its number. It is thought that food scarcity, including a decreased abundance of West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii, has been a major driver of the decrease, yet its diet in South Africa is poorly known. We collected 941 pellets regurgitated by Bank Cormorants, at 18 South African breeding colonies during 1975–1985, and 1 523 pellets at 17 colonies during 1995–2002. The species composition of the diet (% numbers) was significantly different between the two periods, with widespread decreases in proportions of rock lobster in the west and of octopus and cuttlefish Sepia spp. at most localities. These taxa were replaced in the diet by fish, including Gobiidae and Clinidae. The pelagic goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus, an important prey of Bank Cormorants in Namibia, was absent from pellets collected in 1975–1985 but common at northern localities from 1995–2002. Composition of the diet by frequency of occurrence was only determined for 1995–2002, when rock lobster was present in 67% of all samples collected, cuttlefish in 39%, and Clinidae in 32%. Data for 1975–1985 and 1995–2002 showed that carapace lengths of rock lobsters eaten by Bank Cormorants averaged 56 mm (range 22–82 mm) and 50 mm (range 22–75 mm), respectively, which compares to the minimum legal size of 75 mm for fisheries in South Africa. This energy- rich prey item was an important constituent of the diet in the winter breeding period.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that ubiquitination of receptors provides an important endosomal sorting signal. Here we report that mammalian class E vacuolar protein-sorting (vps) proteins recognize ubiquitin. Both tumor susceptibility gene 101 (TSG101)/human VPS (hVPS)28 and hepatocyte growth factor receptor substrate (Hrs) cytosolic complexes bind ubiquitin-agarose. TSG101 and hVPS28 are localized to endosomes that contain internalized EGF receptor and label strongly for ubiquitinated proteins. Microinjection of anti-hVPS28 specifically retards EGF degradation and leads to endosomal accumulation of ubiquitin-protein conjugates. Likewise, depletion of TSG101 impairs EGF trafficking and causes dramatic relocalization of ubiquitin to endocytic compartments. Similar defects are found in cells overexpressing Hrs, further emphasizing the links between class E protein function, receptor trafficking, and endosomal ubiquitination.  相似文献   


Primary health services in Cape Town, South Africa.

Study Aim

To compare tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic yield in an existing smear/culture-based and a newly introduced Xpert® MTB/RIF-based algorithm.


TB diagnostic yield (the proportion of presumptive TB cases with a laboratory diagnosis of TB) was assessed using a non-randomised stepped-wedge design as sites transitioned to the Xpert® based algorithm. We identified the full sequence of sputum tests recorded in the electronic laboratory database for presumptive TB cases from 60 primary health sites during seven one-month time-points, six months apart. Differences in TB yield and temporal trends were estimated using a binomial regression model.


TB yield was 20.9% (95% CI 19.9% to 22.0%) in the smear/culture-based algorithm compared to 17.9% (95%CI 16.4% to 19.5%) in the Xpert® based algorithm. There was a decline in TB yield over time with a mean risk difference of -0.9% (95% CI -1.2% to -0.6%) (p<0.001) per time-point. When estimates were adjusted for the temporal trend, TB yield was 19.1% (95% CI 17.6% to 20.5%) in the smear/culture-based algorithm compared to 19.3% (95% CI 17.7% to 20.9%) in the Xpert® based algorithm with a risk difference of 0.3% (95% CI -1.8% to 2.3%) (p = 0.796). Culture tests were undertaken for 35.5% of smear-negative compared to 17.9% of Xpert® negative low MDR-TB risk cases and for 82.6% of smear-negative compared to 40.5% of Xpert® negative high MDR-TB risk cases in respective algorithms.


Introduction of an Xpert® based algorithm did not produce the expected increase in TB diagnostic yield. Studies are required to assess whether improving adherence to the Xpert® negative algorithm for HIV-infected individuals will increase yield. In light of the high cost of Xpert®, a review of its role as a screening test for all presumptive TB cases may be warranted.  相似文献   
Surface growth of an Acinetobacter sp. cultivated under several nutrient regimens was examined by using continuous-flow slide culture, phase-contrast microscopy, scanning confocal laser microscopy, and computer image analysis. Irrigation of attached coccoid stationary-phase Acinetobacter sp. cells with high-nutrient medium resulted in a transition from coccoid to bacillar morphology. Digital image analysis revealed that this transition was biphasic. During phase I, both the length and the width of cells increased. In contrast, cell width remained constant during phase II, while both cell length and cell area increased at a rate greater than in phase I. Cells were capable of growth and division without morphological transition when irrigated with a low-nutrient medium. Rod-shaped cells reverted to cocci by reduction-division when irrigated with starvation medium. This resulted in conservation of cell area (biomass) with an increase in cell number. In addition, the changes in cell morphology were accompanied by changes in the stability of cell attachment. During phase I, coccoid cells remained firmly attached. Following transition in high-nutrient medium, bacillar cells displayed detachment, transient attachment, and drifting behaviors, resulting in a spreading colonization pattern. In contrast, cells irrigated with a low-nutrient medium remained firmly attached to the surface and eventually formed tightly packed microcolonies. It is hypothesized that the coccoid and bacillar Acinetobacter sp. morphotypes and associated behavior represent specialized physiological adaptations for attachment and colonization in low-nutrient systems (coccoid morphotype) or dispersion under high-nutrient conditions (bacillar morphotype).  相似文献   
There has recently been concern that some anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants, such as chlorofluoromethanes, may result in a global reduction in stratospheric ozone. This would undoubtedly increase the level of ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface of the earth. Such an increase in solar ultraviolet irradiation might have important biological consequences. Unifoliate leaves of decapitated soybean plants were exposed to 0, 20, 50, and 90 effective mW m2 UV-BBE (weighted ultraviolet-B irradiance) from special lamps in a greenhouse. The effects of UV-B radiation were examined in leaves at three different ontogenetic stages: bud; one-third expanded, and fully expanded leaves. Leaf area expansion, net photosynthesis, specific leaf weight, chlorophyll concentrations, and acidified methanol extract absorbance were measured during the course of the study. These data revealed several generalizations concerning the relationship between leaf ontogeny and photosynthetic response to UV-B radiation: 1) The rate and duration of leaf expansion are affected by low levels of UV-B irradiation. 2) There appears to be a shift in the ontogenetic sequence of photosynthetic capacity as a function of leaf age. 3) This results in leaves of similar chronological ages being in different physiological stages of maturity.  相似文献   
Enhanced vascular arginase activity impairs endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation by decreasing l-arginine availability to endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase, thereby reducing NO production. Elevated angiotensin II (ANG II) is a key component of endothelial dysfunction in many cardiovascular diseases and has been linked to elevated arginase activity. We determined signaling mechanisms by which ANG II increases endothelial arginase function. Results show that ANG II (0.1 μM, 24 h) elevates arginase activity and arginase I expression in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) and decreases NO production. These effects are prevented by the arginase inhibitor BEC (100 μM). Blockade of ANG II AT(1) receptors or transfection with small interfering RNA (siRNA) for Gα12 and Gα13 also prevents ANG II-induced elevation of arginase activity, but siRNA for Gαq does not. ANG II also elevates active RhoA levels and induces phosphorylation of p38 MAPK. Inhibitors of RhoA activation (simvastatin, 0.1 μM) or Rho kinase (ROCK) (Y-27632, 10 μM; H1152, 0.5 μM) block both ANG II-induced elevation of arginase activity and phosphorylation of p38 MAPK. Furthermore, pretreatment of BAECs with p38 inhibitor SB-202190 (2 μM) or transfection with p38 MAPK siRNA prevents ANG II-induced increased arginase activity/expression and maintains NO production. Additionally, inhibitors of p38 MAPK (SB-203580, 5 μg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) or arginase (ABH, 8 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) or arginase gene knockout in mice prevents ANG II-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction and associated enhancement of arginase. These results indicate that ANG II increases endothelial arginase activity/expression through Gα12/13 G proteins coupled to AT(1) receptors and subsequent activation of RhoA/ROCK/p38 MAPK pathways leading to endothelial dysfunction.  相似文献   
Fine roots of an annual grass, a perennial grass and a perennial shrub were examined. Based on life histories and tissue composition, we expected the greatest root persistence for the shrub and shortest for the annual grass. Roots were observed with minirhizotrons over 2 yr for number, length and diameter changes. A Cox proportional hazard regression correlated root persistence with soil water, depth, diameter and date of production. In 2001, grass roots had similar persistence times, but shrub roots had the shortest. In 2002, the annual had the longest median root persistence, the perennial grass intermediate and the perennial shrub had the shortest. All species responded similarly to the magnitude of seasonal precipitation; root numbers increased with favorable soil moisture and disappeared with drying; fewer, thinner roots at greater soil depths were found in the drier year (2001). Root persistence increased with soil moisture, diameter and earlier appearance in the spring. Plasticity in root morphology and placement was influenced by water availability, yet persistence was surprisingly contrary to expectations.  相似文献   
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