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Human bone marrow stromal cells repond to stimulation by the monokines IL-1 and TNF by producing colony-stimulating factors such as GM-CSF and G-CSF. In this study we show that IL-1α and TNFα act synergistically to stimulate GM-CSF and G-CSF production by cultured marrow stromal cells. We further show that IL-1α and TNFα synergistically stimulate production of GM-CSF and G-CSF by a clonal stroma-derived cell strain. Although IL-1 and TNF share many of the same biological activities, we show that IL-1α and TNFα have an unequal ability to induce myeloid-CSF production by both cultures, with IL-1α being the more potent inducer. We found that induction by IL-1α and TNFα was independent of cell proliferation. The effect of IL-1α and TNFα on production of the two myeloid-CSFs by the clonal cells was significantly greater than the unfractionated passaged stromal cultures, having the greater effect on G-CSF production. The clonally derived stromal cells constitutively produced colony-stimulating activity, in particular GM-CSF, at levels easily detected by ELISA. These findings show that, in addition to the overlapping and additive activities of IL-1α and TNFα, they can interact synergistically. Our findings further suggest that a small subpopulation of stroma cells may be the major producer of G-CSF in the marrow microenvironment during immune response. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
1.  We examined the retinas of 2 species of stomatopods in the superfamily Squilloidea, Cloridopsis dubia and Squilla empusa, and 2 species of the super-family Lysiosquilloidea, Coronis scolopendra and Lysiosquilla sulcata, using microspectrophotometry in the visible region of the spectrum.
2.  Retinas of all species included numerous photostable pigments, such as green reflecting pigment, hemocyanin, colored oil droplets, and vesicles. Both lysiosquilloid species also had intrarhabdomal filters within specialized photoreceptors of the midband.
3.  Squilloid species contained a single visual pigment throughout all photoreceptors, with peak absorption at medium wavelengths (near 515nm). Retinas of lysiosquilloids contained a diversity of visual pigments, with estimated max values ranging from 397 to 551 nm.
4.  Spectral sensitivity functions were estimated for the lysiosquilloid species based on estimates of visual pigment nax, photoreceptor dimensions, and specific absorbances of the visual pigments and intrarhabdomal filters. Ommatidia of midband Rows 1 to 4 contained pairs of narrowly tuned spectral receptors, appropriate for spectral discrimination, while ommatidia of midband Rows 5 and 6, and all peripheral ommatidia, had broad spectral sensitivity functions.
5.  Lysiosquilloid stomatopods have retinas that closely resemble those of gonodactyloids both structurally and in their visual pigment diversity. In contrast, squilloids have retinas that are much simpler. These differences appear to be related to the habitats and activity cycles of species belonging to the 3 major superfamilies of stomatopod crustaceans.
Free-living nematodes are known to ingest food-borne pathogens and may serve as vectors to contaminate preharvest fruits and vegetables. Caenorhabditis elegans was selected as a model to study the effectiveness of sanitizers in killing Salmonella enterica serotype Poona ingested by free-living nematodes. Aqueous suspensions of adult worms that had fed on S. enterica serotype Poona were treated with produce sanitizers. Treatment with 20 μg of free chlorine/ml significantly (α = 0.05) reduced the population of S. enterica serotype Poona compared to results for treating worms with water (control). However, there was no significant difference in the number of S. enterica serotype Poona cells surviving treatments with 20 to 500 μg of chlorine/ml, suggesting that reductions caused by treatment with 20 μg of chlorine/ml resulted from inactivation of S. enterica serotype Poona on the surface of C. elegans but not cells protected by the worm cuticle after ingestion. Treatment with Sanova (850 or 1,200 μg/ml), an acidified sodium chlorite sanitizer, caused reductions of 5.74 and 6.34 log10 CFU/worm, respectively, compared to reductions from treating worms with water. Treatment with 20 or 40 μg of Tsunami 200/ml, a peroxyacetic acid-based sanitizer, resulted in reductions of 4.83 and 5.34 log10 CFU/worm, respectively, compared to numbers detected on or in worms treated with water. Among the organic acids evaluated at a concentration of 2%, acetic acid was the least effective in killing S. enterica serotype Poona and lactic acid was the most effective. Treatment with up to 500 μg of chlorine/ml, 1% hydrogen peroxide, 2,550 μg of Sanova/ml, 40 μg of Tsunami 200/ml, or 2% acetic, citric, or lactic acid had no effect on the viability or reproductive behavior of C. elegans. Treatments were also applied to cantaloupe rind and lettuce inoculated with S. enterica serotype Poona or C. elegans that had ingested S. enterica serotype Poona. Protection of ingested S. enterica serotype Poona against sanitizers applied to cantaloupe was not evident; however, ingestion afforded protection of the pathogen on lettuce. These results indicate that S. enterica serotype Poona ingested by C. elegans may be protected against treatment with chlorine and other sanitizers, although the basis for this protection remains unclear.  相似文献   
The VH domain of anti-influenza neuraminidase antibody NC41, with and without a C-terminal hydrophilic marker peptide (FLAGTM), has been expressed in high yield (15–27 mg/L) inEscherichia coli. Both forms were secreted into the periplasm where they formed insoluble aggregates which were solubilized quantitatively with 2 M guanidine hydrochloride and purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography. The VH-FLAG was composed of three isoforms (pI values of 4.6, 4.9, and 5.3) and the VH molecule was composed of two isoforms with pI values of 5.1 and 6.7; the difference between the VH isoforms was shown to be due to cyclization of the N-terminal glutamine residue in the pI 5.1 isoform. At 20°C and concentrations of 5–10mg/ml the VH domain dimerized in solution and then partly precipitated, resulting in the broadening of resonances in its1H NMR spectrum. Reagents such as CHAPS,n-octylglucoside, and ethylene glycol, which presumably mask the exposed hydrophobic interface of the VH molecule, prevented dimerization of the VH and permitted good-quality NMR spectra on isotope-labeled protein to be obtained.  相似文献   
Tetrapyrrole utilization by Bacteroids ruminocola.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Reduced versus oxidized difference spectra of whole cells and pyridine hemochromogens of heme-requiring isolates of Bacteroides ruminicola are altered when deuteroporphyrin or mesoporphyrin replaces protoheme as a growth factor. During growth in the presence of either deuteroporphyrin or mesoporphyrin, whole cells exhibit peaks at 545 t547, 515 to 518, and 412 to 413 nm. Pyridine hemochromogen spectra confirm the presence of meso -or deuteroheme in cells grown in the presence of meso- or deuteroporphyrin. No evidence was found for the conversion of either meso- or deuteroporphyrin to protoheme. Cells grown in the presence of the manganese of magnesium chelates of protoheme form iron-containing hemes. Neither spontaneous decomposition of noniron metalloporphyrin chelates nor spontaneous formation of hemes from Fe2+ and metal-free porphyrins was detected. Protoheme-synthesizing isolates of B. ruminicola fail to use preformed metal-free porphyrins, but form both protoheme- and deuteroheme-containing cytochromes when grown in the presence of manganese deuteroheme. Versatility in tetrapyrrole utilization by B. ruminicola appears to reflect the ability of the organism to mediate the removal of nonferrous ions and to insert Fe2+ into the tetrapyrrole nucleus. The orgamism also forms functional b-type cytochromes with prosthetic groups other than protoheme.  相似文献   
An assay for pethidine using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with single ion monitoring has been developed for its analysis in the blood of neonates whose mothers received pethidine during childbirth. Concentrations were determined from the height of the peak at m/e 218 derived from pethidine compared with that at m/e 234 derived from the internal standard lignocaine. Results from 10 mothers and their babies show the time-related passage of pethidine across the placenta. The elimination half-life of the drug from neonatal blood was 22.7h compared with 3h in the adult.  相似文献   
Leaf discs from expanding leaves of Rumex patientia L. were exposed to 7 hours of visible plus different levels of ultraviolet radiation in the 290 to 315 nm waveband (UV-B) and then placed in darkness. Leaf disc expansion was reduced and anthocyanin production was increased in discs exposed to moderate or high levels of UV-B radiation when compared to control discs. The possibility that the inhibition of leaf expansion by UV-B radiation might be at least partially phytochrome-mediated was examined by giving discs brief red or far red irradiation following exposure to UV-B radiation. Brief red radiation (R) following treatment with moderate or high UV-B radiation did not alter the pattern of growth or anthocyanin production compared to discs placed in darkness following UV-B treatment. However, a posttreatment with far red radiation (FR) reduced the growth of discs subjected previously to either moderate UV-B or no UV-B irradiation to the level of growth of discs given high UV-B. FR posttreatment also decreased anthocyanin production in discs in moderate and high UV-B treatments. Effects of FR and UV-B radiation apparently do not involve the same mechanism. This was demonstrated by experiments in which FR following the UV-B treatments was in turn followed by R, which reversed the effects of the FR but did not alter the growth inhibition or increased anthocyanin production induced by moderate or high levels of UV-B radiation.  相似文献   
Summary Endosperm protein components from common bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) and related species were extracted with aluminum lactate, pH 3.2, and examined by electrophoresis in the same buffer. Electrophoretic patterns of the albumins and globulins were compared to evaluate the possibility that a particular species might have contributed its genome to tetraploid or hexaploid wheat. Together with protein component mobilities, differential band staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 was employed to test the identity or non-identity of bands. Eight species and 63 accessions, representative of Triticum and Aegilops were tested. Considerable intraspecific variation was observed for patterns of diploid but not for tetraploid or hexaploid species. Patterns of some accessions of Triticum urartu agreed closely with major parts of the patterns of Triticum dicoccoides and T. aestivum. A fast-moving, green band was found in all accessions of T. urartu and of Triticum boeoticum, however, that was not found in those of T. dicoccoides or T. aestivum. This band was present in all accessions of Triticum araraticum and Triticum zhukovskyi. Patterns of Aegilops longissima, which has been suggested as the donor of the B genome, differed substantially from those of T. dicoccoides and T. aestivum. Finally, two marker proteins of intermediate mobility were also observed and may be used to discriminate between accessions of T. araraticum/T. zhukovskyi and those of T. dicoccoides/T. aestivum.  相似文献   
The metabolic function and GM-CSF production rates of adherent human bone marrow stromal cells were investigated as functions of medium and serum feeding rates. A range of medium exchange schedules was studied, ranging from a typical Dexter culture protocol of one weekly medium exchange to a full media exchange daily, which more closely approximates what bone marrow cells experience in situ. Glucose consumption was found to be significantly higher at full daily exchange rate than at any other exchange schedule examined. However, the lactate yield on glucose was a constant, at 1.8 mol/mol, under all conditions considered. Differential serum vs. medium exchange experiment showed that both serum supply and medium nutrients were responsible for the altered behavior at high exchange rates. Glutamine consumption was found to be insignificant under all culture conditions examined. A change in exchange schedule from 50% daily medium exchange to full daily medium exchange after 14 days of culture was found to result in a transient production of GM-CSF and a change in metabolic behavior to resemble that of cultures which had full daily exchange from day one. These results suggest that both stromal cell metabolism and GM-CSF production are sensitive to medium exchange schedules. Taken together, the data presented indicate that attempts to model the function of human bone marrow in vitro may be well served by beginning with medium exchange schedules that more closely mimic the in vivo physiologic state of bone marrow.  相似文献   
Microbial populations associated with the major substrates of the canopy of a single 70 m old-growth Douglas fir were studied to determine potential activities. Seasonal samples from bark, foliage, epiphytic moss, lichens, and litter accumulations were collected to: (a) obtain population data, (b) isolate the major groups of microorganisms present, (c) measure enzymatic activities associated with cellulose and xylan degradation, and (d) examine the potential for nitrogen fixation. We tested 562 bacterial isolates for utilization of 25 compounds associated with the canopy substrates, and for activities in nitrogen and sulfur cycle transformations. Total bacterial populations, reflecting seasonal temperature and moisture conditions, were lowest on bark and foliage [21–266×103 colony-forming units (CFU/g)] and highest on moss and lodged litter (19–610×105 CFU/g). Lichens contained intermediate numbers of bacteria (3.3–270×105 CFU/g). The majority of the bacteria were classified as species ofArthrobacter, Bacillus, Flavobacterium, andXanthomonas. Isolates ofAlcaligenes (Achromobacter), Aeromonas, Chromobacterium, Micrococcus, andPseudomonas were less common. No measurable rates of nitrogen fixation attributable to free-living bacteria were detected by acetylene reduction. Eleven species in six genera of lichens containing a blue-green algal phycobiont showed positive acetylene reduction. One species,Lobaria oregana, accounted for 51% of the total lichen biomass of the canopy. Cellulase and xylanase activity was routinely detected in moss and litter samples, and less frequently in lichens. There was a strong correlation between the two activities for moss (r=0.94) and litter (r=0.81).  相似文献   
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