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It is generally accepted that Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria, does not cytoadhere in the deep capillaries of inner organs and thus this malaria parasite must have evolved splenic evasion mechanism in addition to sequestration. The spleen is a uniquely adapted lymphoid organ whose central function is the selective clearance of cell and other particles from the blood, and microbes including malaria. Splenomegaly is a hallmark of malaria and no other disease seems to exacerbate this organ as this disease does. Besides this major selective clearance function however, the spleen is also an erythropoietic organ which, under stress conditions, can be responsible for close to 40% of the RBC populations. Data obtained in experimental infections of human patients with P. vivax showed that anaemia is associated with acute and chronic infections and it has been postulated that the continued parasitemia might have been sufficient to infect and destroy most circulating reticulocytes. We review here the basis of our current knowledge of variant genes in P. vivax and the structure and function of the spleen during malaria. Based on this data, we propose that P. vivax specifically adhere to barrier cells in the human spleen allowing the parasite to escape spleen-clearance while favouring the release of merozoites in an environment where reticulocytes, the predominant, if not exclusive, host cell of P. vivax, are stored before their release into circulation to compensate for the anaemia associated with vivax malaria.  相似文献   
Forest conservation strategies and plans can be unsuccessful if the new habitat conditions determined by climate change are not considered. Our work aims at investigating the likelihood of future suitability, distribution and diversity for some common European forest species under the projected changes in climate, focusing on Southern Europe. We combine an Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to five Global Circulation Models (GCMs) driven by two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), to produce maps of future climate‐driven habitat suitability for ten categories of forest species and two time horizons. For each forest category and time horizon, ten maps of future distribution (5 GCMs by 2 RCPs) are thus combined in a single suitability map supplied with information about the “likelihood” adopting the IPCC terminology based on consensus among projections. Then, the statistical significance of spatially aggregated changes in forest composition at local and regional level is analyzed. Finally, we discuss the importance, among SDMs, that environmental predictors seem to have in influencing forest distribution. Future impacts of climate change appear to be diversified across forest categories. A strong change in forest regional distribution and local diversity is projected to take place, as some forest categories will find more suitable conditions in previously unsuitable locations, while for other categories the same new conditions will become less suited. A decrease in species diversity is projected in most of the area, with Alpine region showing the potentiality to become a refuge for species migration.  相似文献   
Callejas S  Gutiérrez JC 《Protist》2002,153(2):133-142
Hypotrich ciliates present a macronuclear genome consisting of gene-sized instead of chromosome-sized DNA molecules. Exploiting this unique eukaryotic genome feature, we introduce, for the first time in ciliates, a rapid and easy PCR method using telomeric primers to isolate small complete macronuclear DNA molecules or minichromosomes. Two presumably abundant macronuclear DNA molecules, containing ribosomal genes, were amplified from the Oxytricha (Sterkiella) nova complete genome after using this method, and then were cloned and sequenced. The 5S rDNA sequence of O. (S.) nova is the third one reported among hypotrich ciliates; its primary and secondary structure is compared with other eukaryotic 5S rRNAs. The ribosomal protein S26 gene is the first one reported among ciliates. This "End-End-PCR" method might be useful to obtain similar gene-sized macronuclear molecules from other hypotrich ciliates, and, therefore, to increase our knowledge on ribosomal genes in these eukaryotic microorganisms.  相似文献   
This paper covers genetic and biochemical aspects of mitochondrial bioenergetics dysfunction in hereditary neurological disorders associated with complex I defects. Three types of hereditary complex I dysfunction are dealt with: (i) homozygous mutations in the nuclear genes NDUFS1 and NDUFS4 of complex I, associated with mitochondrial encephalopathy; (ii) a recessive hereditary epileptic neurological disorder associated with enhanced proteolytic degradation of complex I; (iii) homoplasmic mutations in the ND5 and ND6 mitochondrial genes of the complex, cohexistent with mutation in the nuclear PINK1 gene in familial Parkinsonism. The genetic and biochemical data examined highlight different mechanisms by which mitochondrial bioenergetics is altered in these hereditary defects of complex I. This knowledge, besides clarifying molecular aspects of the pathogenesis of hereditary diseases, can also provide hints for understanding the involvement of complex I in sporadic neurological disorders and aging, as well as for developing therapeutical strategies.  相似文献   
Cytometry and flow cytometry were used to study characteristics of fluorescence of the DNA-DAPI complex in nuclei released from different fresh and formaldehyde-fixed pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Lincoln) tissues. The two methods of isolation are compared and discussed as well as their possible use for quantitative analysis of DNA in plant tissues. With fixed tissues it is possible to obtain a number of nuclei sufficient for the flow cytometric analysis, even using small amounts of plant tissue.  相似文献   
Summary In this paper, a study of the relationship between genetic patterns, obtained by the combination of mtDNA-RFLP and PCR-amplified inter-δ sequence DNA polymorphism analysis, and relevant enological phenotypic data (fermentative power, specific productivity, volatile and total acidity) was carried out on Argentinean Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates from north Patagonia. The use of a powerful statistical tool, Generalized Procrustes analysis, allowed us to weigh the relationship for each isolate in particular, denoting a good enough degree of agreement between molecular and physiological data for most of the population analysed. The inclusion of a physiological feature, as the killer sensitivity biotype, within identification methods resulted in a higher degree of discrimination among isolates and in better correlation between both characterizations. The combined use of methods based on molecular polymorphisms and killer biotype could be applied so as not to miss any isolate with differential enological properties in selection protocols.  相似文献   
The use of non-mammalian model organisms, including yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can provide new insights into eukaryotic PCD (programmed cell death) pathways. In the present paper, we report recent achievements in the elucidation of the events leading to PCD that occur as a response to yeast treatment with AA (acetic acid). In particular, ROS (reactive oxygen species) generation, cyt c (cytochrome c) release and mitochondrial function and proteolytic activity will be dealt with as they vary along the AA-PCD time course by using both wild-type and mutant yeast cells. Two AA-PCD pathways are described sharing common features, but distinct from one another with respect to the role of ROS and mitochondria, the former in which YCA1 acts upstream of cyt c release and caspase-like activation in a ROS-dependent manner and the latter in which cyt c release does not occur, but caspase-like activity increases, in a ROS-independent manner.  相似文献   
Thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) is fundamental to energy balance and is also relevant for humans. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) regulate adipogenesis, and, here, we describe a role for BMP8B in the direct regulation of thermogenesis. BMP8B is induced by nutritional and thermogenic factors in mature BAT, increasing the response to noradrenaline through enhanced p38MAPK/CREB signaling and increased lipase activity. Bmp8b(-/-) mice exhibit impaired thermogenesis and reduced metabolic rate, causing weight gain despite hypophagia. BMP8B is also expressed in the hypothalamus, and Bmp8b(-/-) mice display altered neuropeptide levels and reduced phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), indicating an anorexigenic state. Central BMP8B treatment increased sympathetic activation of BAT, dependent on the status of AMPK in key hypothalamic nuclei. Our results indicate that BMP8B is a thermogenic protein that regulates energy balance in partnership with hypothalamic AMPK. BMP8B may offer a mechanism to specifically increase energy dissipation by BAT.  相似文献   
With the emergence of high throughput single cell techniques, the understanding of the molecular and cellular diversity of mammalian organs have rapidly increased. In order to understand the spatial organization of this diversity, single cell data is often integrated with spatial data to create probabilistic cell maps. However, targeted cell typing approaches relying on existing single cell data achieve incomplete and biased maps that could mask the true diversity present in a tissue slide. Here we applied a de novo technique to spatially resolve and characterize cellular diversity of in situ sequencing data during human heart development. We obtained and made accessible well defined spatial cell-type maps of fetal hearts from 4.5 to 9 post conception weeks, not biased by probabilistic cell typing approaches. With our analysis, we could characterize previously unreported molecular diversity within cardiomyocytes and epicardial cells and identified their characteristic expression signatures, comparing them with specific subpopulations found in single cell RNA sequencing datasets. We further characterized the differentiation trajectories of epicardial cells, identifying a clear spatial component on it. All in all, our study provides a novel technique for conducting de novo spatial-temporal analyses in developmental tissue samples and a useful resource for online exploration of cell-type differentiation during heart development at sub-cellular image resolution.  相似文献   
Evidence showing the existence in the inner compartment of rat-heart mitochondria of AKAP121 and associated PKA is presented. Immunoblotting analysis and trypsin digestion pattern show that 90% or more of mitochondrial C-PKA, R-PKA and AKAP121 is localized in the inner mitochondrial compartment, when prepared both from isolated mitochondria or cardiomyocyte cultures. This localization is verified by measurement of the specific catalytic activity of PKA, radiolabelling of R-PKA by (32)P-phosphorylated C-PKA and of AKAP by (32)P-phosphorylated R-PKA and electron microscopy of mitochondria exposed to gold-conjugated AKAP121 antibody.  相似文献   
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