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Engineered microbial cells present a sustainable alternative to fossil-based synthesis of chemicals and fuels. Cellular synthesis routes are readily assembled and introduced into microbial strains using state-of-the-art synthetic biology tools. However, the optimization of the strains required to reach industrially feasible production levels is far less efficient. It typically relies on trial-and-error leading into high uncertainty in total duration and cost. New techniques that can cope with the complexity and limited mechanistic knowledge of the cellular regulation are called for guiding the strain optimization.In this paper, we put forward a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) approach that learns from experiments to tune the metabolic enzyme levels so that the production is improved. Our method is model-free and does not assume prior knowledge of the microbe’s metabolic network or its regulation. The multi-agent approach is well-suited to make use of parallel experiments such as multi-well plates commonly used for screening microbial strains.We demonstrate the method’s capabilities using the genome-scale kinetic model of Escherichia coli, k-ecoli457, as a surrogate for an in vivo cell behaviour in cultivation experiments. We investigate the method’s performance relevant for practical applicability in strain engineering i.e. the speed of convergence towards the optimum response, noise tolerance, and the statistical stability of the solutions found. We further evaluate the proposed MARL approach in improving L-tryptophan production by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using publicly available experimental data on the performance of a combinatorial strain library.Overall, our results show that multi-agent reinforcement learning is a promising approach for guiding the strain optimization beyond mechanistic knowledge, with the goal of faster and more reliably obtaining industrially attractive production levels.  相似文献   
This study analyses the influence of the underwater light climate on the morphometric characteristics of the phytoplankton at the population and community levels. The differences in light conditions across the floodplain were mainly defined by the patchiness of floating macrophytes and humic acids concentration. A morphometric response at the community level to the underwater PAR was registered. Sites with strong light constraints were characterised by non-flagellated organisms or with a small proportion of unicellular flagellates. Short organisms (<10 μm) with a unit volume of less than 1,000 μm3 and a high surface:volume ratio (S/V >2) were the morphotypes related to poorly illuminated environments. Moreover, the organisms showed forms more slender under these limiting conditions. This pattern was different to that registered in well-illuminated sites where longer and larger organisms, with a smaller S/V and frequently flagellated, coexisted with the previously mentioned organisms. The autotrophic picoplankton, the smallest phytoplankton fraction, revealed lower abundances at sites with higher humic substances. Short term morphological changes were additionally studied for the dominant species by means of mesocosm experiments simulating different light climates. Intraspecific morphological plasticity was observed with respect to the filament length and the vacuolization of cells. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Castro  Paula  Freitas  Helena 《Hydrobiologia》2000,428(1):171-177
Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald is a dominant species in the Mondego salt marsh on the western coast of Portugal, and it plays a significant role in estuarine productivity. In this work, leaf litter production dynamics and fungal importance for leaf decomposition processes in Spartina maritima were studied. Leaf fall was highly seasonal, being significantly higher during dry months. It ranged from 42 g m-2 in June to less than 6 g m-2 during the winter. Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, did not differ significantly between standing-decaying leaves and naturally detached leaves. Fungal biomass increased in wet months, with a maximum of 614 g g-1 of ergosterol in January in standing-decaying leaves, and 1077 g g-1 in December, in naturally detached leaves, decreasing greatly in summer. Seasonal pattern of fungal colonization was similar in leaves placed in litterbags on the marsh-sediment surface. However, ergosterol concentrations associated with standing-decaying and naturally detached leaves were always much higher than in litterbagged leaves, suggesting that fungal activity was more important before leaf fall. Dry mass of litterbagged leaves declined rapidly after 1 month (about 50%), mostly due to leaching of soluble organic compounds. After 13 months, Spartina leaves had lost 88% of their original dry weight. The decomposition rate constant (k) for Spartina maritima leaves was 0.151 month-1.  相似文献   
STARCH SYNTHASE4 (SS4) is required for proper starch granule initiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), although SS3 can partially replace its function. Unlike other starch-deficient mutants, ss4 and ss3/ss4 mutants grow poorly even under long-day conditions. They have less chlorophyll and carotenoids than the wild type and lower maximal rates of photosynthesis. There is evidence of photooxidative damage of the photosynthetic apparatus in the mutants from chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and their high levels of malondialdehyde. Metabolite profiling revealed that ss3/ss4 accumulates over 170 times more ADP-glucose (Glc) than wild-type plants. Restricting ADP-Glc synthesis, by introducing mutations in the plastidial phosphoglucomutase (pgm1) or the small subunit of ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (aps1), largely restored photosynthetic capacity and growth in pgm1/ss3/ss4 and aps1/ss3/ss4 triple mutants. It is proposed that the accumulation of ADP-Glc in the ss3/ss4 mutant sequesters a large part of the plastidial pools of adenine nucleotides, which limits photophosphorylation, leading to photooxidative stress, causing the chlorotic and stunted growth phenotypes of the plants.The metabolism of starch plays an essential role in the physiology of plants. Starch breakdown provides the plant with carbon skeletons and energy when the photosynthetic machinery is inactive (transitory starch) or in the processes of germination and sprouting (storage starch). Deficiencies in the accumulation of transitory starch in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) have been described previously, specifically in mutants affected in the plastidial phosphoglucomutase (PGM1) or the small subunit (APS1) of the ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (AGPase). While they are described as “starchless,” they actually contain small amounts of starch (1%–2% of the wild-type levels; Streb et al., 2009) and share similar phenotypic alterations, such as growth retardation when cultivated under a short-day photoregime and increased levels of soluble sugars during the light phase and reduced levels during the night (Caspar et al., 1985; Lin et al., 1988b; Schulze et al., 1991). Carbon partitioning is altered in these plants. As photosynthate cannot be accumulated as starch, it is diverted via hexose phosphates in the cytosol to the synthesis of Suc, which accumulates together with the hexose sugars, Glc and Fru (Caspar et al., 1985). In Arabidopsis, there are five starch synthase isoforms: one granule-bound starch synthase and four soluble starch synthases: SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4. We have described previously an Arabidopsis mutant plant lacking SS3 and SS4 that is also severely affected in the accumulation of starch (Szydlowski et al., 2009). SS4 is involved in the initiation of the starch granule and controls the number of granules per chloroplast (Roldán et al., 2007). The elimination of SS3 in an ss4 background leads to an absence of starch in most of the chloroplasts, despite the fact that SS1 and SS2 are still present and total starch synthase activity is only reduced by 35% (Szydlowski et al., 2009). However, a very small proportion of chloroplasts of this mutant plant contain a single huge starch granule, which is also a characteristic of chloroplasts in the ss4 single mutant (D’Hulst and Mérida, 2012). Thus, like aps1 and pgm1, ss3/ss4 plants contain only small amounts of starch. However, unlike aps1 or pgm1 plants, most of the cells of this mutant have empty chloroplasts, without starch (Szydlowski et al., 2009).In this work, we have analyzed the phenotypic effects of the impaired starch accumulation of ss3/ss4 plants. We show that this mutant displays phenotypic changes that are not found in other mutants with very low levels of starch, such as aps1 or pgm1 plants. We provide evidence that extremely high levels of ADP-Glc accumulate in the ss3/ss4 plants. Using reverse genetics to block the pathway of starch synthesis upstream of the starch synthases reduced the level of ADP-Glc in ss3/ss4 plants and reverted the other phenotypic traits. This suggests that ADP-Glc accumulation is the causal factor behind the chlorotic and stunted growth phenotypes of the ss3/ss4 mutant.  相似文献   
The emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a major medical challenge. Lantibiotics are highly modified bacterially produced antimicrobial peptides that have attracted considerable interest as alternatives or adjuncts to existing antibiotics. Nisin, the most widely studied and commercially exploited lantibiotic, exhibits high efficacy against many pathogens. However, some clinically relevant bacteria express highly specific membrane‐associated nisin resistance proteins. One notable example is the nisin resistance protein that acts by cleaving the peptide bond between ring E and the adjacent serine 29, resulting in a truncated peptide with significantly less activity. We utilised a complete bank of bioengineered nisin (nisin A) producers in which the serine 29 residue has been replaced with every alternative amino acid. The nisin A S29P derivative was found to be as active as nisin A against a variety of bacterial targets but, crucially, exhibited a 20‐fold increase in specific activity against a strain expressing the nisin resistance protein. Another derivative, nisin PV, exhibited similar properties but was much less prone to oxidation. This version of nisin with enhanced resistance to specific resistance mechanisms could prove useful in the fight against antibiotic resistant pathogens.  相似文献   
Genome editing, which is an unprecedented technological breakthrough, has provided a valuable means of creating targeted mutations in plant genomes. In this study, we developed a genomic web tool to identify all gRNA target sequences in the coffee genome, along with potential off-targets. In all, 8,145,748 CRISPR guides were identified in the draft genome of Coffea canephora corresponding to 5,338,568 different sequences and, of these, 4,655,458 were single, and 514,591 were covering exons. The proof of concept was established by targeting the phytoene desaturase gene (CcPDS) using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation technique and somatic embryogenesis as the plant regeneration method. An analysis of the RNA-guided genome-editing events showed that 22.8% of the regenerated plants were heterozygous mutants and 7.6% were homozygous mutants. Mutation efficiency at the target site was estimated to be 30.4%. We demonstrated that genome editing by the CRISPR/Cas9 method is an efficient and reliable way of knocking out genes of agronomic interest in the coffee tree, opening up the way for coffee molecular breeding. Our results also showed that the use of somatic embryogenesis, as the method for regenerating genome-edited plants, could restrict the choice of targeted genes to those that are not essential to the embryo development and germination steps.  相似文献   
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