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Glutathione synthetase (GS) catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of the ubiquitous peptide glutathione from gamma-glutamylcysteine and glycine. The bacterial and eukaryotic GS form two distinct families lacking amino acid sequence homology. Moreover, the detailed kinetic mechanism of the bacterial and the eukaryotic GS remains unclear. Here we have overexpressed Arabidopsis thaliana GS (AtGS) in an Escherichia coli expression system and purified the recombinant enzyme for biochemical characterization. AtGS is functional as a homodimeric protein with steady-state kinetic properties similar to those of other eukaryotic GS. The kinetic mechanism of AtGS was investigated using initial velocity methods and product inhibition studies. The best fit of the observed data was to the equation for a random Ter-reactant mechanism in which dependencies between the binding of some substrate pairs were preferred. The binding of either ATP or gamma-glutamylcysteine increased the binding affinity of AtGS for the other substrate by 10-fold. Likewise, the binding of ATP or glycine increased binding affinity for the other ligand by 3.5-fold. In contrast, binding of either glycine or gamma-glutamylcysteine causes a 6.7-fold decrease in binding affinity for the second molecule. Product inhibition studies suggest that ADP is the last product released from the enzyme. Overall, these observations are consistent with a random Ter-reactant mechanism for the eukaryotic GS in which the binding order of certain substrates is kinetically preferred for catalysis.  相似文献   
Raw fossil material reserves are not inexhaustible and as prices continue to raise it is necessary to find new sources of alternative and renewable energy. Oils from oleaginous field crops (sunflower and rape) with properties close to those of fossil fuel could constitute an alternative source of energy for the production of raw materials. This is the context in which the 18th International Symposium on Plant lipids (ISPL) was held in Bordeaux from 20th to 25th July 2008 at “La Cité Mondiale”. The 18th ISPL gathered 270 researchers from 33 countries. Sixty nine oral communications and 136 posters were presented during the 12 sessions of the Symposium. The sessions have covered all the different aspects of the Plant Lipid field including: Surface lipids: suberin, cutin and waxes, Fatty acids, Glycerolipids, Plant lipids as renewable sources of energy, Seed oils and bioengineering of metabolic pathways, Lipid catabolism, Models for lipid studies: lower plants, micro-organisms and others, Modifications of proteins by lipids, Sphingolipids, sterols and isoprenoids, Lipid signaling and plant stress responses, Lipid trafficking and membrane dynamics, New methods and technologies: functional lipidomics, fluxome, modelling.During the ISPL 2008 Bordeaux, important and new information was reported in the different fields. A selection of these results is presented here.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) somatic embryos have been useful for assaying seed-specific traits prior to plant recovery. Such traits could be assessed more accurately if somatic embryos more closely mimicked seed development. Amino acid supplements, carbon source, and abscisic acid and basal salt formulations were tested in an effort to modify existing soybean embryogenesis histodifferentiation/maturation media to further normalize the development of soybean somatic embryos. The resultant liquid medium, referred to as soybean histodifferentiation and maturation medium (SHaM), consists of FNL basal salts, 3% sucrose, 3% sorbitol, filter-sterilized 30 mM glutamine and 1 mM methionine. SHaM-derived somatic embryos are more similar to seed in terms of protein and fatty acid/lipid composition, and conversion ability, than somatic embryos obtained from traditional soybean histodifferentiation and maturation media.  相似文献   
Aspartate kinase (AK) and homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD) function as key regulatory enzymes at branch points in the aspartate amino acid pathway and are feedback-inhibited by threonine. In plants the biochemical features of AK and bifunctional AK-HSD enzymes have been characterized, but the molecular properties of the monofunctional HSD remain unexamined. To investigate the role of HSD, we have cloned the cDNA and gene encoding the monofunctional HSD (GmHSD) from soybean. Using heterologously expressed and purified GmHSD, initial velocity and product inhibition studies support an ordered bi bi kinetic mechanism in which nicotinamide cofactor binds first and leaves last in the reaction sequence. Threonine inhibition of GmHSD occurs at concentrations (Ki = 160–240 mm) more than 1000-fold above physiological levels. This is in contrast to the two AK-HSD isoforms in soybean that are sensitive to threonine inhibition (Ki∼150 μm). In addition, GmHSD is not inhibited by other aspartate-derived amino acids. The ratio of threonine-resistant to threonine-sensitive HSD activity in soybean tissues varies and likely reflects different demands for amino acid biosynthesis. This is the first cloning and detailed biochemical characterization of a monofunctional feedback-insensitive HSD from any plant. Threonine-resistant HSD offers a useful biotechnology tool for manipulating the aspartate amino acid pathway to increase threonine and methionine production in plants for improved nutritional content.  相似文献   
Potential community effects of nutrient enhancement are a topic of theoretical interest and increasing management concern in coastal marine systems. While increased nutrient levels may lead to increased microalgal production and biomass, studies have provided variable evidence regarding the existence of upward cascade effects on macrofauna. In benthic marine communities, limitation by predation or factors preventing recruitment response may contribute to weak coupling between resource availability and macrobenthos abundances. We conducted blocked nutrient addition and predator exclusion experiments in the intertidal of two estuaries that varied in background nutrient concentrations (Cape Fear and White Oak, southeastern North Carolina). Benthic community comparisons were also made among these and two other North Carolina estuaries to examine correlations in distribution patterns. Cape Fear, which had the highest background nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, also had highest ambient benthic microalgal biomass. There was no significant response of microalgal biomass to local nutrient additions in Cape Fear and only one macrofaunal taxon during one season exhibited abundance responses to nutrient additions. White Oak, with lower background nutrient levels, was characterized by significant microalgal responses to nutrient additions and significant macrofauna abundance responses for 50% of the species examined during summer experiments. However, all of these macrofauna declined in abundance with nutrient enhancement while biomass remained constant or significantly increased with nutrient additions. This suggests a complex response of macrofauna to nutrient additions in this estuary with greater biomass per individual but a corresponding decline in abundances. Top-down/bottom-up interactive effects were observed for haustoriid amphipods, which were uncommon or absent when predators had access, but exhibited strong biomass responses to nutrient enhancement when predators were excluded. These results support a growing body of literature that indicates the importance of background conditions in regulating benthic community responses to nutrient enhancement. However, responses may be complex with biomass per individual rather than densities being the primary response variable for some taxa and predator moderation of responses occurring for some taxa but not others.  相似文献   
Changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle may ameliorate or exacerbate future climatic warming. Research on this topic has focused almost exclusively on abiotic drivers, whereas biotic factors, including trophic interactions, have received comparatively little attention. We quantified the singular and interactive effects of herbivore exclusion and simulated warming on ecosystem CO2 exchange over two consecutive growing seasons in West Greenland. Exclusion of caribou and muskoxen over the past 8 years has led to dramatic increases in shrub cover, leaf area, ecosystem photosynthesis, and a nearly threefold increase in net C uptake. These responses were accentuated by warming, but only in the absence of herbivores. Carbon cycle responses to herbivore exclusion alone and combined with warming were driven by changes in gross ecosystem photosynthesis, as limited differences in ecosystem respiration were observed. Our results show that large herbivores can be of critical importance as mediators of arctic ecosystem responses to climate change.  相似文献   
Sphingolipids are structural components of endomembranes and function through their metabolites as bioactive regulators of cellular processes such as programmed cell death. A characteristic feature of plant sphingolipids is their high content of trihydroxy long-chain bases (LCBs) that are produced by the LCB C-4 hydroxylase. To determine the functional significance of trihydroxy LCBs in plants, T-DNA double mutants and RNA interference suppression lines were generated for the two Arabidopsis thaliana LCB C-4 hydroxylase genes Sphingoid Base Hydroxylase1 (SBH1) and SBH2. These plants displayed reductions in growth that were dependent on the content of trihydroxy LCBs in sphingolipids. Double sbh1 sbh2 mutants, which completely lacked trihydroxy LCBs, were severely dwarfed, did not progress from vegetative to reproductive growth, and had enhanced expression of programmed cell death associated-genes. Furthermore, the total content of sphingolipids on a dry weight basis increased as the relative amounts of trihydroxy LCBs decreased. In trihydroxy LCB-null mutants, sphingolipid content was approximately 2.5-fold higher than that in wild-type plants. Increases in sphingolipid content resulted from the accumulation of molecular species with C16 fatty acids rather than with very-long-chain fatty acids, which are more commonly enriched in plant sphingolipids, and were accompanied by decreases in amounts of C16-containing species of chloroplast lipids. Overall, these results indicate that trihydroxy LCB synthesis plays a central role in maintaining growth and mediating the total content and fatty acid composition of sphingolipids in plants.  相似文献   
A new species of fossil wood, Paraphyllanthoxylon alabamense, is described from silicified logs collected in Macon and Elmore counties from the Tuscaloosa Group, Cretaceous, Cenomanian-Turonian Stage. All of the logs examined from this area have the same general characteristics and are placed in the new species. Paraphyllanthoxylon alabamense shows many characteristics intermediate between the two previously described species but it is not identical with either of them. This wood is probably not identical with any living type but it resembles certain members of the Anacardiaceae, Buseraceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Sapindaceae. The large size and abundance of logs of Paraphyllanthoxylon alabamense suggest that it was a dominant Cretaceous forest tree.  相似文献   
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