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Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive, multiple malformation/mental retardation syndrome with an estimated incidence among individuals of European ancestry of 1 in 20000 to 1 in 30000. It is caused by inactivity of the enzyme 7-dehydrosterol-delta(7)-reductase, which catalyses the terminal transformation in cholesterol synthesis. Patients show not only an increased level of 7-dehydrocholesterol in blood and tissues, but also increased 8-dehydrocholesterol because of the presence of an active delta(8)-delta(7) isomerase. A major consequence of these biochemical abnormalities is the alteration of normal embryonic and fetal somatic development causing postnatal abnormalities of growth, learning, language and behavior. While deficient cholesterol during early development is the primary cause of central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities and retardation, we questioned whether neurosteroids could also be involved since they can have a profound influence on behavioral characteristics. Disordered neurosteroidogenesis would be expected in SLOS and could be caused by a deficiency in classical neurosteroid synthesis secondary to cholesterol deficiency, or by synthesis from 7- and 8-dehydrocholesterol of novel neurosteroids with delta(7) or delta(8) unsaturation which may have altered activity compared with conventional neurosteroids. In particular we sought analogues of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, pregnenolone sulfate and the pregnanolone epimers. We targeted urine from post-pubertal females, as this type of sample would be most likely to yield identifiable amounts of the pregnanolone metabolites of progesterone. Analysis by GC/MS of urinary steroids excreted by post-pubertal females confirmed the presence of neurosteroid-like compounds in SLOS patient's urine. Even though the new neuroactive steroids identified were unlikely to have been formed in the brain, it is likely that mechanisms for their synthesis are operable in this organ.  相似文献   
Spider silk is made and spun in a complex process that tightly controls the conversion from soluble protein to insoluble fiber. The mechanical properties of the silk fiber are modulated to suit the needs of the spider by various factors in the animal's spinning process. In the major ampullate (MA) gland, the silk proteins are secreted and stored in the lumen of the ampulla. A particular structural fold and functional activity is determined by the spidroins' amino acid sequences as well as the gland's environment. The transition from this liquid stage to the solid fiber is thought to involve the conversion of a predominantly unordered structure to a structure rich in beta-sheet as well as the extraction of water. Circular dichroism provides a quick and versatile method for examining the secondary structure of silk solutions and studying the effects of various conditions. Here we present the relatively novel technique of synchrotron radiation based circular dichroism as a tool for investigating biomolecular structures. Specifically we analyze, in a series of example studies on structural transitions induced in liquid silk, the type of information accessible from this technique and any artifacts that might arise in studying self-assembling systems.  相似文献   
Little is known about the molecular bases underlying the virulence of diffusely adhering Escherichia coli (DAEC) harbouring the Afa/Dr family of adhesins. These adhesins recognize as receptors the GPI-anchored proteins CD55 (decay-accelerating factor, DAF) and CD66e (carcinoembryonic antigen, CEA). CD66e is a member of the CEA-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAM) family, comprising seven members. We analysed the interactions of Afa/Dr DAEC with the CEACAMs using CEACAM-expressing CHO and HeLa cells. The results demonstrate that only E. coli expressing a subfamily of Afa/Dr adhesins, named here Afa/Dr-I, including Dr, F1845 and AfaE-III adhesins, bound onto CHO cells expressing CEACAM1, CEA or CEACAM6. Whereas all the Afa/Dr adhesins elicit recruitment of CD55 around adhering bacteria, only the Afa/Dr-I subfamily elicits the recruitment of CEACAM1, CEA and CEACAM6. In addition, although CEACAM3 is not recognized as a receptor by the subfamily of Afa/Dr adhesins, it is recruited around bacteria in HeLa cells. The recruited CEACAM1, CEA and CEACAM6 around adhering bacteria resist totally or in part a detergent extraction, whereas the recruited CEACAM3 does not. Finally, the results show that recognition of CEA and CEACAM6, but not CEACAM1, is accompanied by tight attachment to bacteria of cell surface microvilli-like extensions, which are elongated. Moreover, recognition of CEA is accompanied by an activation of the Rho GTPase Cdc42 and by a phosphorylation of ERM, which in turn elicit the observed cell surface microvilli-like extensions.  相似文献   
New evidence has enabled the identification of novel specific inhibitors of porcine pancreatic elastase with potential for action in vivo. The basis for optimization of activity in this series of derivatives of alanylproline, and the relationship of elastase inhibition to the binding mode, is discussed.  相似文献   
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is caused by deficiency in the terminal step of cholesterol biosynthesis, which is catalyzed by 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7). The disorder exhibits several phenotypic traits including dysmorphia and mental retardation with a broad range of severity. Pathogenesis of SLOS is complex due to multiple roles of cholesterol and may be further complicated by unknown effects of aberrant metabolites that arise when 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), the substrate for DHCR7, accumulates. A viable mouse model for SLOS has recently been developed, and here we characterize cholesterol metabolism in this model with emphasis on changes during the first few weeks of postnatal development. Cholesterol and 7-DHC were measured in "SLOS" mice and compared with measurements in normal mice. SLOS mice had measurable levels of 7-DHC at all ages tested (up to 1 year), while 7-DHC was below the threshold for detection in normal mice. In perinatal to weaning age SLOS mice, cholesterol and 7-DHC levels changed dramatically. Changes in brain and liver were independent; in brain cholesterol increased several fold while 7-DHC remained relatively constant, but in liver cholesterol first increased then decreased again while 7-DHC first decreased then increased. In older SLOS animals the ratio of 7-DHC/cholesterol, which is an index of biochemical severity, tended to approach, but not reach, normal. While these mice provide the best available genetic animal model for the study of SLOS pathogenesis and treatment, they probably will be most useful at early ages when the metabolic effects of the mutations are most dramatic. To correlate any experimental treatment with improved sterol metabolism will require age-matched controls. Finally, determining the mechanism by which these "SLOS" mice tend to normalize may provide insight into the future development of therapy.  相似文献   
The cell surface receptor Notch is required during Drosophila embryogenesis for production of epidermal precursor cells. The secreted factor Wingless is required for specifying different types of cells during differentiation of tissues from these epidermal precursor cells. The results reported here show that the full-length Notch and a form of Notch truncated in the amino terminus associate with Wingless in S2 cells and in embryos. In S2 cells, Wingless and the two different forms of Notch regulate expression of Dfrizzled 2, a receptor of Wg; hairy, a negative regulator of achaete expression; shaggy, a negative regulator of engrailed expression; and patched, a negative regulator of wingless expression. Analyses of expression of the same genes in mutant N embryos indicate that the pattern of gene regulations observed in vitro reflects regulations in vivo. These results suggest that the strong genetic interactions observed between Notch and wingless genes during development of Drosophila is at least partly due to regulation of expression of cuticle patterning genes by Wingless and the two forms of Notch.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: We introduce the iRMSD, a new type of RMSD, independent from any structure superposition and suitable for evaluating sequence alignments of proteins with known structures. RESULTS: We demonstrate that the iRMSD is equivalent to the standard RMSD although much simpler to compute and we also show that it is suitable for comparing sequence alignments and benchmarking multiple sequence alignment methods. We tested the iRMSD score on 6 established multiple sequence alignment packages and found the results to be consistent with those obtained using an established reference alignment collection like Prefab. AVAILABILITY: The iRMSD is part of the T-Coffee package and is distributed as an open source freeware (http://www.tcoffee.org/).  相似文献   
The APDB webserver uses structural information to evaluate the alignment of sequences with known structures. It returns a score correlated to the overall alignment accuracy as well as a local evaluation. Any sequence alignment can be analyzed with APDB provided it includes at least two proteins with known structures. Sequences without a known structure are simply ignored and do not contribute to the scoring procedure. AVAILABILITY: APDB is part of the T-Coffee suite of tools for alignment analysis, it is available on www.tcoffee.org. A stand-alone version of the package is also available as a freeware open source from the same address.  相似文献   
New World squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.) have high circulating cortisol levels but normal electrolytes and blood pressures. The goal of the present study was to gain insight into adaptive mechanisms used by Bolivian squirrel monkeys to minimize the effects of high cortisol on mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activity and electrolyte and water balance. Aldosterone levels in serum from 10 squirrel monkeys were 17.7 +/- 3.4 ng/dl (normal range in humans, 4 to 31 ng/dl), suggesting that squirrel monkeys do not exhibit a compensatory increase in aldosterone. The squirrel monkey MR was cloned and expressed in COS-7 cells and found to have similar responsiveness to cortisol and aldosterone as human MR, suggesting that squirrel monkey MR is not inherently less responsive to cortisol. To determine whether altered metabolism of cortisol might contribute to MR protection in squirrel monkeys, serum and urinary cortisol and cortisone were measured, and a comprehensive urinary corticosteroid metabolite profile was performed in samples from anesthetized and awake squirrel monkeys. The levels of cortisone exceeded those of cortisol in serum and urine, suggesting increased peripheral 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 activity in squirrel monkeys. In addition, a significant fraction (approximately 20%) of total corticosteroids excreted in the urine of squirrel monkeys appeared as 6beta-hydroxycortisol, compared with that in man (1%). Therefore, changes in cortisol metabolism likely contribute to adaptive mechanisms used by Bolivian squirrel monkeys to minimize effects of high cortisol.  相似文献   
In rodent brown adipose tissue, the beta-adrenergic signaling is believed, by an action on PGC-1alpha, to control UCP1 expression and mitochondriogenesis. We addressed this hypothesis using beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)-adrenoceptor knockout (beta-less) brown adipocytes in primary culture. In these cells: (a) proliferation and differentiation into multilocular cells were normal; (b) UCP1 mRNA expression was dramatically decreased (by 93%), whereas PGC-1alpha and mtTFA mRNA expressions were not; (c) UCP1, PGC-1alpha and COX IV protein expressions were decreased by 97%, 62% and 22%, respectively. Altogether the data show a dissociation between the control of UCP1, which is mostly beta-adrenoceptor-dependent and that of PGC-1alpha and of mitochondriogenesis which are not.  相似文献   
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