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Ralstonia metallidurans CH34, a soil bacterium resistant to a variety of metals, is known to reduce selenite to intracellular granules of elemental selenium (Se(0)). We have studied the kinetics of selenite (Se(IV)) and selenate (Se(VI)) accumulation and used X-ray absorption spectroscopy to identify the accumulated form of selenate, as well as possible chemical intermediates during the transformation of these two oxyanions. When introduced during the lag phase, the presence of selenite increased the duration of this phase, as previously observed. Selenite introduction was followed by a period of slow uptake, during which the bacteria contained Se(0) and alkyl selenide in equivalent proportions. This suggests that two reactions with similar kinetics take place: an assimilatory pathway leading to alkyl selenide and a slow detoxification pathway leading to Se(0). Subsequently, selenite uptake strongly increased (up to 340 mg Se per g of proteins) and Se(0) was the predominant transformation product, suggesting an activation of selenite transport and reduction systems after several hours of contact. Exposure to selenate did not induce an increase in the lag phase duration, and the bacteria accumulated approximately 25-fold less Se than when exposed to selenite. Se(IV) was detected as a transient species in the first 12 h after selenate introduction, Se(0) also occurred as a minor species, and the major accumulated form was alkyl selenide. Thus, in the present experimental conditions, selenate mostly follows an assimilatory pathway and the reduction pathway is not activated upon selenate exposure. These results show that R. metallidurans CH34 may be suitable for the remediation of selenite-, but not selenate-, contaminated environments.  相似文献   
Long-term immune control of viral replication still remains a major challenge in retroviral diseases. Several monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have already shown antiviral activities in vivo, including in the clinic but their effects on the immune system of treated individuals are essentially unknown. Using the lethal neurodegeneration induced in mice upon infection of neonates by the FrCas(E) retrovirus as a model, we report here that transient treatment by a neutralizing MAb shortly after infection can, after an immediate antiviral effect, favor the development of a strong protective host immune response containing viral propagation long after the MAb has disappeared. In vitro virus neutralization- and complement-mediated cell lysis assays, as well as in vivo viral challenges and serum transfer experiments, indicate a clear and essential contribution of the humoral response to antiviral protection. Our observation may have important therapeutic consequences as it suggests that short antibody-based therapies early after infection should be considered, at least in the case of maternally infected infants, as adjunctive treatment strategies against human immunodeficiency virus, not only for a direct effect on the viral load but also for favoring the emergence of an endogenous antiviral immune response.  相似文献   
'Type III secretion' (T3S) refers to a secretion pathway that is common to the flagellae of eubacteria and the injectisomes of some gram-negative bacteria. Flagellae are rotary nanomachines allowing motility but they contain a built-in secretion apparatus that exports their own distal components to the distal end of the growing structure where they polymerize. In some cases they have been shown to export non-flagellar proteins. Injectisomes are transkingdom communication apparatuses allowing bacteria docked at the surface of a eukaryotic cell membrane to inject effector proteins across the two bacterial membranes and the eukaryotic cell membrane. Both nanomachines share a similar basal body embedded in the two bacterial membranes, topped either by a hook and a filament or by a stiff short needle. Both appear to be assembled in the same fashion. They recognize their substrate by a loose N-terminal peptide signal and the help of individual chaperones of a new type.  相似文献   
We report the characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, ups1, isolated on the basis of reduced expression of phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase, a tryptophan biosynthetic enzyme. ups1 also exhibits defects in a wide range of defence responses. After infection with Pseudomonas syringae or Botrytis cinerea, the expression of genes regulated by both the salicylic acid and jasmonic acid/ethylene pathways is reduced in ups1 compared with wild type. Camalexin accumulation in ups1 is greatly reduced after infection with these two pathogens, as well as after amino acid starvation or oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated gene expression is also compromised in ups1 indicating that this mutant is defective in signalling pathways activated in response to both biotic and abiotic stress. The fact that all three major defence signalling pathways are disrupted in ups1, together with the oxidative stress phenotype, leads us to suggest that UPS1 is involved in ROS signal transduction.  相似文献   
The importance of the cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus in marine ecosystems in terms of abundance and primary production can be partially explained by ecotypic differentiation. Despite the dominance of eukaryotes within photosynthetic picoplankton in many areas a similar differentiation has never been evidenced for these organisms. Here we report distinct genetic [rDNA 18S and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing], karyotypic (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis), phenotypic (pigment composition) and physiological (light-limited growth rates) traits in 12 Ostreococcus strains (Prasinophyceae) isolated from various marine environments and depths, which suggest that the concept of ecotype could also be valid for eukaryotes. Internal transcribed spacer phylogeny grouped together four deep strains isolated between 90 m and 120 m depth from different geographical origins. Three deep strains displayed larger chromosomal bands, different chromosome hybridization patterns, and an additional chlorophyll (chl) c-like pigment. Furthermore, growth rates of deep strains show severe photo-inhibition at high light intensities, while surface strains do not grow at the lowest light intensities. These features strongly suggest distinct adaptation to environmental conditions encountered at surface and the bottom of the oceanic euphotic zone, reminiscent of that described in prokaryotes.  相似文献   
A novel strategy consisting of cleavable Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag (cICAT) combined with MASCOT Distiller was evaluated as a tool for the quantification of proteins in "abnormal" patient plasma, prepared by pooling samples from patients with acute stroke. Quantification of all light and heavy cICAT-labelled peptide ion pairs was obtained using MASCOT Distiller combined with a proprietary software. Peptides displaying differences were selected for identification by MS. These preliminary results show the promise of our approach to identify potential biomarkers.  相似文献   
Histone H2A ubiquitination is a bulky posttranslational modification that occurs at the vicinity of the binding site for linker histones in the nucleosome. Therefore, we took several experimental approaches to investigate the role of ubiquitinated H2A (uH2A) in the binding of linker histones. Our results showed that uH2A was present in situ in histone H1-containing nucleosomes. Notably in vitro experiments using nucleosomes reconstituted onto 167-bp random sequence and 208-bp (5 S rRNA gene) DNA fragments showed that ubiquitination of H2A did not prevent binding of histone H1 but it rather enhanced the binding of this histone to the nucleosome. We also showed that ubiquitination of H2A did not affect the positioning of the histone octamer in the nucleosome in either the absence or the presence of linker histones.  相似文献   
The processing of exogenous Ags is an essential step for the generation of immunogenic peptides that will be presented to T cells. This processing relies on the efficient intracellular targeting of Ags, because it depends on the content of the compartments in which Ags are delivered in APCs. Opsonization of Ags by the complement component C3 strongly enhances their presentation by B cells and increases their immunogenicity in vivo. To investigate the role of C3 in the targeting of Ags, we compared the intracellular traffic of proteins internalized by complement receptor (CR) and B cell receptor (BCR) in B lymphocytes. Whereas both receptors are able to induce efficient Ag presentation, their intracellular pathways are different. CR ligand is delivered to compartments containing MHC class II molecules (MHC-II) but devoid of transferrin receptor and Lamp-2, whereas BCR rapidly targets its ligand toward Lamp-2-positive, late endosomal MHC-II-enriched compartments through intracellular vesicles containing transferrin receptor. CR and BCR are delivered to distinct endocytic pathways, and the kinetic evolution of the protein content of these pathways is very different. Both types of compartments contain MHC-II, but CR-targeted compartments receive less neosynthesized MHC-II than do BCR-targeted compartments. The targeting induced by CR toward compartments that are distinct from BCR-targeted compartments probably participates in C3 modulation of Ag presentation.  相似文献   
We had previously observed that drastic increases in protein consumption greatly modified hepatic protein anabolism in rats, but the confounding effects of other macronutrient changes or a moderate protein increase to generate the same modifications have not yet been established. This study examined the metabolic and hormonal responses of rats subjected to 14-day isoenergetic diets containing normal, intermediate, or high-protein levels (NP: 14% of energy, IP: 33%, HP: 50%) and different carbohydrate (CHO) to fat ratios within each protein level. Fasted or fed rats (n = 104) were killed after the injection of a flooding dose of (13)C-valine. The hepatic protein content increased in line with the dietary protein level (P < 0.05). The hepatic fractional synthesis rates (FSR) of protein were significantly influenced by both the protein level and the nutritional state (fasted vs. fed) (P < 0.0001) but not by the CHO level, reaching on average 110%/day, 92%/day, and 83%/day in rats fed the NP, IP, and HP diets, respectively. The FSR of plasma albumin and muscle did not differ between diets, while feeding tended to increase muscle FSR. Proteolysis, especially the proteasome-dependent system, was down-regulated in the fed state in the liver when protein content increased. Insulin decreased with the CHO level in the diet. Our results reveal that excess dietary protein lowers hepatic constitutive, but not exported, protein synthesis rates, independently of the other macronutrients, and related changes in insulin levels. This response was observed at the moderate levels of protein intake (33%) that are plausible in a context of human consumption.  相似文献   
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