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The evolution of perissodactyls (rhinoceroses, tapirs, and horses) has been well studied primarily because of their extensive fossil record. Nevertheless, controversy persists regarding relationships of some of the extant taxa, reflecting inconsistencies between molecular and morphological studies. Here we examine the phylogenetic relationships of 16 living perissodactyl species by concatenating two mitochondrial and nine nuclear genes, and we estimate their divergence times using a relaxed Bayesian molecular clock approach. Our analyses recovered the monophyly of the suborders Ceratomorpha and Hippomorpha, and the families Rhinoceratidae, Tapiridae, and Equidae. We supported the early divergence of the Indian rhinoceros in the late Oligocene (26 Mya) relative to the Sumatran and African rhinoceroses, and the split of caballine (domestic horse and Przewalski's wild horse) and noncaballine equids (zebras and African and Asiatic asses) in the Pliocene (4 Mya). An important implication of this study is that Equus asinus, the African wild ass was found to be the sister taxon of Asiatic asses and zebras, diverging from the common ancestor with caballine horses 2 Mya. Rates of chromosome rearrangements were also evaluated in perissodactyls, placing a notably high rate of variation amongst equids, particularly within the zebra clade. The robust phylogenetic results presented here are relevant in terms of understanding the evolutionary history of this highly threatened group of mammals. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1289–1303.  相似文献   
Association studies utilize the action of recombination over numerous generations to identify loci that underlie quantitative traits. We use a candidate‐gene association approach, segregation analyses and analyses of local linkage disequilibrium (LD) to evaluate the potentially causal effects of molecular variation at PIF4 (PHYTOCROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4) on ecologically important traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. A preliminary analysis of sequence diversity in 14 natural genotypes revealed one intermediate‐frequency replacement polymorphism at PIF4. A sample of 161 natural accessions was genotyped at PIF4 and screened for average length of early internodes, inflorescence length, days to flowering and flowering interval (days between bolting and flowering) under high‐ and low‐density environments to test for genotype‐phenotype associations. PIF4 was associated with early internode lengths, while the PIF4× treatment interaction was associated with flowering interval in the panel of 161 accessions. Further, in a set of recombinant inbred lines that segregate for the PIF4 polymorphism, nucleotide substitutions at PIF4 co‐segregated with early internode lengths, days to flowering and fruit set, suggesting that cryptic population structure in the association‐mapping panel and attendant LD with a physically distant locus do not account for the observed association. Finally, in a panel of pseudochromosomes from 20 re‐sequenced genotypes, LD appeared to decay rapidly in the immediate vicinity of PIF4, suggesting that flanking loci contribute little to the observed association. In sum, the results suggest that PIF4 causally affects early internode lengths on the primary inflorescence, potentially via effects on reproductive timing and that these traits in turn affect fitness.  相似文献   
1. Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss [Walbaum]) is commonly stocked as a sport fish throughout the world but can have serious negative effects on native species, especially in headwater systems. Productive fish‐bearing lakes represent a frequently stocked yet infrequently studied system, and effects of trout in these systems may differ from those in headwater lakes. 2. We used a Before‐After Control‐Impact (BACI) design to determine how stocked trout affected assemblage‐level and taxon‐level biomass, abundance and average length of littoral invertebrates in a stocked lake relative to three unstocked control lakes in the boreal foothills of Alberta, Canada. Lakes were studied 1 year before and for 2 years after stocking. Because characteristics of productive fish‐bearing lakes should buffer impacts of introduced fish, we predicted that trout would not affect assemblage‐level structure of littoral invertebrates but might reduce the abundance or average length of large‐bodied taxa frequently consumed by trout. 3. Relative to the unstocked control lakes, biomass, but not abundance, of the littoral invertebrate assemblage was affected indirectly by trout through increases of some taxa after trout stocking. At the individual taxon‐level, trout stocking did not affect most (23 of the 27) taxa, with four taxa increasing in abundance or biomass after stocking. Only one taxon, Chironomidae, showed evidence of size‐selective predation by trout, being consumed frequently by trout and decreasing significantly in average length after stocking. 4. Our results contrast with the strong negative effects of trout stocking on invertebrate assemblages commonly reported from headwater lakes. A combination of factors, including large and robust native populations of forage fish, the generalised diet of trout, overwinter aeration, relatively high productivity and dense macrophyte beds, likely works in concert to reduce potentially negative effects of stocked trout in these systems. As such, productive, fish‐bearing lakes may represent a suitable system for trout stocking, especially where native sport fish populations are lacking.  相似文献   
In spite of more than a decade of research on noninvasive genetic sampling, the low quality and quantity of DNA in noninvasive studies continue to plague researchers. Effects of locus size on error have been documented but are still poorly understood. Further, sources of error other than allelic dropout have been described but are often not well quantified. Here we analyse the effects of locus size on allelic dropout, amplification success and error rates in noninvasive genotyping studies of three species, and quantify error other than allelic dropout.  相似文献   
This paper addresses current issues regarding the diagnosis and management of binge eating disorder (BED). Controversies in diagnosis include the lack of empirically validated criteria, the lack of a universally recognized operational definition of a "binge episode", and the lack of age-appropriate assessment instruments in light of growing reports of BED among children and adolescents. For adults with BED, several pharmacological and behavioral treatments have shown promise in reducing binge frequency and related psychological symptoms of disordered eating (i.e., disinhibition, hunger, depressed mood). Second-generation antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy are among the most widely studied treatments. However, no behavioral interventions have demonstrated efficacy with respect to weight loss (which is a critical concern for many BED sufferers who are overweight). Furthermore, randomized controlled trials for BED have been plagued by high drop out and placebo response rates, as well as by insufficient follow-up after active treatment ends to determine long-term outcomes. Therefore, the long-term utility of the various intervention strategies studied thus far remains unclear. More research is needed on innovative medications and behavioral treatments that explore novel modalities to reduce the subjectively reinforcing properties of binge eating. In addition, expanded use of information technologies may be particularly instrumental in the treatment of patients who experience marked shame, denial, and interpersonal deficits, or who face limited access to specialty care. Ultimately, examining BED within the broader context of the current obesity epidemic will be an important area of study.  相似文献   
A two-fold increase in polyadenylate [poly(A)] content occurs between fertilization and the two-cell stage in sea urchin zygotes. In this report the role of this cytoplasmic polyadenylation process in the provision of binding sites for poly(A)-associated proteins during early development of Lytechinus pictus is evaluated. Protein-associated poly(A) sequences, from ribonuclease-treated, post-mitochondrial supernatants of various developmental stages, were collected by nitrocellulose filtration and quantified by 3H-poly(U) complex formation. The proportion of protein-associated poly(A) rose from about 27% to about 60% of the total poly(A), on a nucleotide basis, during the period between fertilization and the eight-cell stage. However, the actual increase in number of poly(A) sequences associated with protein was more extensive, about 2.5-fold, since protein-associated poly(A) sequences average about 45 nucleotides longer than free poly(A). The protein-associated poly(A) of eggs and zygotes is found in two types of protease-sensitive complexes which sediment at 8–12 S and 15–20 S. The 8–12 S complex appears to be selectively increased in amount following fertilization. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the poly(A) protein complex fraction indicates the presence of 87,000 and 130,000 molecular weight polypeptides in both eggs and zygotes. It is concluded that quantitative, but not qualitative, alterations in the proportion of protein-associated poly(A) accompanies post-fertilization cytoplasmic polyadenylation in sea urchin zygotes. The attachment of specific proteins to the 3'terminus of maternal RNAs may be involved in their subsequent activities during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Among several other factors, body size has been found to influenceegg production in several species of hermaphroditic snail. Wetested whether this relationship between body size and egg productionexists in Helisoma trivolvis, a freshwater hermaphroditic species.We isolated 50 H. trivolvis from a laboratory population, measuredshell diameter, and monitored egg production for seven weeks.We found a positive relationship between body size and totalnumber of eggs produced, as well as body size and number ofeggs per egg mass. When body size and egg production are linked,it should be adaptive for larger individuals to act as femalesand smaller individuals as males. Since body size is relatedto female fecundity in this species, the relative size of snailsshould determine, at least in part, which individual acts asmale and which as female during copulation. However, the relationshipbetween body size and egg production is not nearly as strongas it is in other snail genera. Other factors such as age, genotypeand previous experience may be important in determining egg-layingcapacity and therefore gender choice in this species. In addition,we found a negative relationship between growth during thisperiod and egg production. This relationship has been foundin other pulmonates, and is evidence of resource allocationtradeoffs. (Received 3 August 2004; accepted 2 August 2005)  相似文献   
As climate is a key agro‐ecosystem driving force, climate change could have a severe impact on agriculture. Many assessments have been carried out to date on the possible effects of climate change (temperature, precipitation and carbon dioxide concentration changes) on plant physiology. At present however, likely effects on plant pathogens have not been investigated deeply. The aim of this work was to simulate future scenarios of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on grape under climate change, by combining a disease model to output from two general circulation models (GCMs). Model runs corresponding to the SRES‐A2 emissions scenario, characterized by high projections of both population and greenhouse gas emissions from present to 2100, were chosen in order to investigate impacts of worst‐case scenarios, among those currently available from IPCC. Three future decades were simulated (2030, 2050, 2080), using as baseline historical series of meteorological data collected from 1955 to 2001 in Acqui Terme, an important grape‐growing area in the north‐west of Italy. Both GCMs predicted increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation in this region. The simulations obtained by combining the disease model to the two GCM outputs predicted an increase of the disease pressure in each decade: more severe epidemics were a direct consequence of more favourable temperature conditions during the months of May and June. These negative effects of increasing temperatures more than counterbalanced the effects of precipitation reductions, which alone would have diminished disease pressure. Results suggested that, as adaptation response to future climate change, more attention would have to be paid in the management of early downy mildew infections; two more fungicide sprays were necessary under the most negative climate scenario, compared with present management regimes. At the same time, increased knowledge on the effects of climate change on host–pathogen interactions will be necessary to improve current predictions.  相似文献   
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