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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is intimately associated with insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia, whereas many of the mechanisms underlying this association are still poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) and markers of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the liver of rats subjected to neonatal monosodium l-glutamate (MSG)-induced obesity. At age 120 days old, the MSG-obese animals exhibited hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, insulin resistance, and liver steatosis, while the control (CTR) group did not. Analysis using fast protein liquid chromatography of the serum lipoproteins revealed that the triacylglycerol content of the very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles was twice as high in the MSG animals compared with the CTR animals. The expression of ER stress markers, GRP76 and GRP94, was increased in the MSG rats, promoting a higher expression of X-box binding protein 1 (XBP-1), protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), and MTP. As the XBP-1/PDI/MTP axis has been suggested to represent a significant lipogenic mechanism in the liver response to ER stress, our data indicate that hypertriglyceridemia and liver steatosis occurring in the MSG rats are associated with increased MTP expression.  相似文献   
Evaluation of three indices for biofilm accumulation on complete dentures Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of three complete denture biofilm indices (Prosthesis Hygiene Index; Jeganathan et al. Index; Budtz‐Jørgensen Index) by means of a computerised comparison method. Background: Clinical studies into denture hygiene have employed a large number of biofilm indices among their outcome variables. However, the knowledge about the validity of these indices is still scarce. Materials and methods: Sixty‐two complete denture wearers were selected. The internal surfaces of the upper complete dentures were stained (5% erythrosine) and photographed. The slides were projected on paper, and the biofilm indices were applied over the photos by means of a scoring method. For the computerised method, the areas (total and biofilm‐covered) were measured by dedicated software (Image Tool). In addition, to compare the results of the computerised method and Prosthetic Hygiene Index, a new scoring scale (including four and five graded) was introduced. For the Jeganathan et al. and Budtz‐Jørgensen indices, the original scales were used. Values for each index were compared with the computerised method by the Friedman test. Their reproducibility was measured by means of weighed κ. Significance for both tests was set at 0.05. Results: The indices tested provided similar mean measures but they tended to overestimate biofilm coverage when compared with the computerised method (p < 0.001). Agreement between the Prosthesis Hygiene Index and the computerised method was not significant, regardless of the scale used. Jeghanathan et al. Index showed weak agreement, and consistent results were found for Budtz‐Jorgensen Index (κ = 0.19 and 0.39 respectively). Conclusion: Assessment of accuracy for the biofilm indices showed instrument bias that was similar among the tested methods. Weak inter‐instrument reproducibility was found for the indices, except for the Budtz‐Jørgensen Index. This should be the method of choice for clinical studies when more sophisticated approaches are not possible.  相似文献   
This study presents data on behavioural acts performed by the Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus in southern Brazil, and compares these with the behaviours previously reported for other populations. Focal observations of individuals were conducted in the municipality of Santa Maria, in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The sampling was done in 2-hour sessions, between January and March of 2007. A total of 20 behavioural acts, grouped in seven categories, were identified and described: locomotion (N = 5 acts), grooming (N = 4), intra-specific behaviour (N = 2), inter-specific behaviour (N = 3), foraging (N = 2), reproduction (N = 2) and rest (N = 2). Among the observed behaviours were acts that are not described in the literature such as greeting of offspring and some feeding acts. Regarding the use of habitat, we observed that this species has a preference for water or aquatic macrophytes, which is contrary to other reports. In the analysis of behavioural daily variation, overall behavioural categories did not vary significantly throughout the day, whereas we observed a significant difference in the use of categories during the periods 11:00 am–1:00 pm, 1:00–3:00 pm and 5:00–7:00 pm. The contrasting data between studies indicate that the variation between habitats and ecological interactions may generate different selective pressures on the behaviour of G. chloropus.  相似文献   
The microorganisms associated with sugary Brazilian kefir beverage were investigated using a combination of culture-dependent and -independent methods. A total of 289 bacteria and 129 yeasts were identified via phenotypic and genotypic methods. Lb. paracasei (23.8%) was the major bacterial isolate identified, followed by Acetobacter lovaniensis (16.31%), Lactobacillus parabuchneri (11.71%), Lactobacillus kefir (10.03%) and Lactococcus lactis (10.03%). Saccharomyces cerevisiae (54.26%) and Kluyveromyces lactis (20.15%) were the most common yeast species isolated. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the microbiota was dominated by lemon-shaped yeast cells growing in close association with Lactobacillus (long and curved). Some lactic acid bacteria detected by sequence analysis of DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) bands were not recovered at any time through fermentation by plating. Conversely, DGGE fingerprints did not reveal bands corresponding to some of the species isolated by culturing methods. The bacteria Acetobacter lovaniensis and the yeast Kazachstania aerobia are described for the first time in sugary kefir. During the 24 h of fermentation, the concentration of lactic acid ranged from 0.2 to 1.80 mg/ml, and that of acetic acid increased from 0.08 to 1.12 mg/ml. The production of ethanol was limited, reaching a final mean value of 1.24 mg/ml.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to investigate the role of the antioxidant enzymes in salt tolerance comparing the salt-sensitive (Pérola) and a salt-tolerant (Pitiúba) cultivar of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Salt stress (100 mM NaCl for 8 d) reduced the leaf growth rate more in the sensitive cultivar. The salt-induced decrease in the relative water content, Na+ accumulation and increase in leaf electrolyte leakage was similar in both cultivars. Salt stress induced a higher increase in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and phenol peroxidase (POX) in the tolerant cultivar than in sensitive one.  相似文献   
The underlying mechanisms mediating the use of multiple host plants were investigated in Parrhasius polibetes (Lycaenidae), a florivorous and facultative myrmecophilous butterfly. Plant traits such as presence of ant–treehopper associations as a source of enemy-free space, flower bud dimensions, toughness, thickness, trichomes, and the corresponding performance and wear of P. polibetes mandibles were examined for three natural hosts: Schefflera vinosa (Araliaceae), Pyrostegia venusta (Bignoniaceae) and Luehea grandiflora (Malvaceae). Parasitism levels of larvae found on the three hosts were also determined. Almost all Luehea had ant–treehopper associations, and all larvae found on this host were non-parasitized. Parasitism was low in larvae found on Schefflera, half of which hosted ant–treehopper associations. No ant–treehopper association was found on Pyrostegia, where parasitism was significantly higher compared to other hosts. In the laboratory, P. polibetes performed well on Schefflera, followed by Pyrostegia. No larvae survived when fed with Luehea. Flower buds of Luehea were thicker and tougher than those of Schefflera and Pyrostegia. Indeed, mandibles of larvae reared on Luehea showed substantial wear, whereas those reared either on Schefflera or Pyrostegia presented no significant damage. Additionally, we suggest that co-occurrence with ant–treehopper associations on a plant provides parasitoid-free space for P. polibetes larvae. Our results support the hypothesis that ecological trade-offs among host plants (i.e., food quality and enemy-free space) promote polyphagy in natural populations of P. polibetes. Host morphological traits seem to play a relevant role in P. polibetes performance. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the costs of polyphagy in a myrmecophilous butterfly.  相似文献   
A male of Lutzomyia araracuarensis (Morales & Minter) and possibly six females of this same species were found in the northeastern area of Manacapuru county, Amazonas State. Samples were collected using light traps CDC, from April 2003 to June 2004.  相似文献   
In this study, we have analyzed the specific contribution of the cortical radial glia (RG) for gap junctional communication (GJC) within the postnatal subventricular zone (SVZ). To specifically target RG as source of dye‐coupling in situ, we have developed a new technique that involves direct cell loading through the processes that reach the pial surface, with a mix of gap junction permeant (Lucifer yellow, LY) and nonpermeant (rhodamine‐conjugated dextran 3 KDa, RD) fluorochromes, the latter used as a marker for direct loaded cells. Tissue sections were analyzed for identification of directly loaded (LY+RD+) and coupled cells (LY+RD–) in the SVZ. Directly loaded cells were restricted to the region underlying the pial loading surface area. Coupled cells were distributed in a bistratified manner, along the outer dorsal surface of the SVZ and aligning the ventricle, leaving the SVZ core relatively free. Blocking GJC prior to pial loading greatly reduced dye coupling. Phenotypic analysis indicated that coupling by RG excludes neuroblasts and is mostly restricted to cells of glial lineage. Notwithstanding, no corresponding restriction to specific cell phenotype was found for two connexin isotypes, Cx43 and Cx45, in the postnatal SVZ. The extensive homocellular cell coupling by RG suggests an important role in the regulation of neurogenesis and functional compartmentalization of the postnatal SVZ. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2012  相似文献   
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