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Recent attempts at projecting climate change impacts on biodiversity have used the IUCN Red List Criteria to obtain estimates of extinction rates based on projected range shifts. In these studies, the Criteria are often misapplied, potentially introducing substantial bias and uncertainty. These misapplications include arbitrary changes to temporal and spatial scales; confusion of the spatial variables; and assume a linear relationship between abundance and range area. Using the IUCN Red List Criteria to identify which species are threatened by climate change presents special problems and uncertainties, especially for shorter‐lived species. Responses of most species to future climate change are not understood well enough to estimate extinction risks based solely on climate change scenarios and projections of shifts and/or reductions in range areas. One way to further such understanding would be to analyze the interactions among habitat shifts, landscape structure and demography for a number of species, using a combination of models. Evaluating the patterns in the results might allow the development of guidelines for assigning species to threat categories, based on a combination of life history parameters, characteristics of the landscapes in which they live, and projected range changes.  相似文献   
The life‐history strategies of some species make them strong candidates for rapid exploitation of novel habitat under new climate regimes. Some early‐responding species may be considered invasive, and negatively impact on ‘naïve’ ecosystems. The barrens‐forming sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii is one such species, having a high dispersal capability and a high‐latitude range margin limited only by a developmental temperature threshold. Within this species’ range in eastern Australian waters, sea temperatures have increased at greater than double the global average rate. The coinciding poleward range extension of C. rodgersii has caused major ecological changes, threatening reef biodiversity and fisheries productivity. We investigated microsatellite diversity and population structure associated with range expansion by this species. Generalized linear model analyses revealed no reduction in genetic diversity in the newly colonized region. A ‘seascape genetics’ analysis of genetic distances found no spatial genetic structure associated with the range extension. The distinctive genetic characteristic of the extension zone populations was reduced population‐specific FST, consistent with very rapid population expansion. Demographic and genetic simulations support our inference of high connectivity between pre‐ and post‐extension zones. Thus, the range shift appears to be a poleward extension of the highly‐connected rangewide population of C. rodgersii. This is consistent with advection of larvae by the intensified warm water East Australian current, which has also increased Tasmanian Sea temperatures above the species’ lower developmental threshold. Thus, ocean circulation changes have improved the climatic suitability of novel habitat for C. rodgersii and provided the supply of recruits necessary for colonization.  相似文献   
Under ecologically realistic environmental conditions, the water-use efficiency (WUE) of Peperomia scandens , a CAM plant, was higher than that of the C3 congener P. obtusifolia . This difference has been attributed to differences in stomatal activity between C3 and CAM plants, coupled with differences in the evaporative demand of the atmosphere during which the stomata are open. This explanation has apparently not, however, been experimentally tested. Thus, WUEs were compared in these species in two experiments in which the atmospheric evaporative demand was identical (or nearly so) during the period of stomatal opening (i.e. during the night for the CAM plant and during the day for the C3 species). In both experiments, the WUE of the CAM species was higher than that of the C3 species. These results suggest that factors other than differences in atmospheric environmental conditions must also be responsible for the observed differences in WUE. Because CO2 uptake rates of the CAM species were substantially lower than those of the C3 species, the lower WUE in the CAM species resulted primarily from lower transpiration rates. Lower rates of water loss in P. scandens , relative to rates in P. obtusifolia , were ascribed, in part, to lower stomatal densities. Thus, leaf morphological differences, in addition to differences in atmospheric evaporative demand, help to explain the high WUE typically measured in CAM plants.  相似文献   
The genetic population structure of a large, wide-ranging marsupial, the red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus ) was assessed using sequence and haplotype frequency data of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from locations across the species range in Australia. Results from sequence data revealed extensive haplotype diversity within the red kangaroo (32/34 sequences were unique). Sequence diversity was distributed within rather than between geographical regions across the species range. Genetic connectivity across the range of the species has therefore been maintained over the long term. On a smaller within-region scale, significant genetic structuring was evident from heterogeneity of haplotype frequencies amongst sampling sites. The geographical scale of panmictic populations differed across the continent with more restricted genetic populations occurring in areas with greater topographic and habitat complexity. We propose that these differences in area of genetic populations are the result of population responses to limiting ecological factors during drought.  相似文献   
MtDNA sequencing was used to investigate the genetic population structure of Litoria pearsoniana, a wet forest-restricted hylid frog, endemic to southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales, Australia. L. pearsoniana is regarded as endangered under Queensland legislation. Significant genetic divergence among populations of frogs from different rainforest isolates was identified, but the lack of reciprocal monophyly among adjacent isolates suggests this is the result of a relatively recent disruption to gene flow. A paired catchment study within a single rainforest isolate, the Conondale Range, revealed no substantial genetic structuring, indicating the occurrence of terrestrial dispersal among nearby streams either in the recent past or currently. Two major reciprocally monophyletic clades of mtDNA alleles were identified. These corresponded to two geographical regions separated by the Brisbane River valley; one consisting of the Conondale and D’Aguilar Ranges, and the other of the southern isolates in the Main, Border and Gibraltar Ranges. Sequence divergence between the two regions was more consistent with a late Miocene or Pliocene rather than late Pleistocene separation, and is similar to that found among phylogeographic divisions of rainforest reptiles and amphibians in north Queensland rainforests. The molecular evidence for long-term separation of these two regions is corroborated by the pattern of species turnover in the distributions of species of rainforest-restricted amphibians and reptiles. Bioclimatic modelling suggests that appropriate conditions for L. pearsoniana would have been restricted to isolated refuges in each phylogeographic division under cooler and drier climates, such as predicted for the last glacial maximum. Currently isolated montane areas may have been connected transiently during the past 2000 years. Identification of long-term zoogeographic divisions among southeast Queensland rainforest herpetofauna has important implications for conservation and management. Conservation management of L. pearsoniana should be applied at the scale of major rainforest isolates and the conservation status of the species should be assessed independently north and south of the historical division.  相似文献   
The excised, hooked bean hypocotyl was the system used to determine wheiher the ‘auxin- and gibberellin like’ effect of the lipoidal pollen extract, Brass in-complex (Br), were mediated through, or independent of, auxin and gibberellin. The morphogenetic events of hook opening and hypocotyl elongation in this system are regulated by auxin and gibberellin, respectively. Brassin complex, like IAA, elicited a book closure in (he dark and retarded its opening in red light. This effect was synergized by T1BA, IAA and the presence of the auxin-producing organs, the epicotyl and cotyledons. Br-elicited hook closure was inhibited by the antiauxin. PCIB. Both GA3 and Br totally reversed the light inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. The GA3-effect, but nol the Br elicited elongation, was overcome by Ancymidol. Hypocotyl elongation was partially inhibited by TIBA and PCIB. suggesting a possible auxin involvement also in this effect of Br. Br may elicit its growth responses through an effect on endogenous auxin levels, In this way it is different from other lipoidat growth regulators, such as the oleanimins which require the presence of exogenous growth regulators for activity.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. Perch were sampled for their stomach contents at regular intervals throughout 24 h from June until October in 1973 and from February 1975 until January 1976. They were found to feed on benthic organisms from November until April, on benthos and plankton during May and June and on perch fry and zooplankton from July until October. Perch over a wide size range feed on similar prey. Fish showed great variability in the weight of their stomach contents. A method based on a points system was developed to estimate the weight of food in the stomach for a given weight of fish at a known time. A diel feeding pattern which varied with the season was apparent from these data. Rates of gastric evacuation were assumed to be exponential and were calculated from the drop in night-time stomach content weights when food intake was assumed to be zero. The rates ranged from 0.18 mg h−1 at a mean water temperature of 11°C in May to 0.35 mg h−1 at a mean water temperature of 17°C in July. Assuming that food consumption followed a linear rate of intake, the standard Bajkov method was considered an adequate model to calculate daily food consumption. Daily food consumption (mg dry weight) was calculated for 150 g perch for all months of the year (November to April and September and October being combined). A second series of values was calculated making corrections for the time spent in the fishing gears when food intake was zero but gastric evacuation continued. Daily food consumption figures for 150g male perch based on Winberg's hypotheses (1956) and growth data showed no significant differences from this second series of values, when both were expressed in energy terms. When certain assumptions have been tested, growth data and Winberg's equations together may be a suitable method for calculating an energy budget for the Windermere perch population.  相似文献   
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