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The parentage of polyploid Sorbus species in the British Isles was investigated using plastid DNA microsatellites. Four hundred and fifty-three samples from 30 taxa were screened using six microsatellite fragments, which gave 28 haplotypes. The haplotypes formed groups clearly related to the ancestral diploids Sorbus aria , Sorbus aucuparia , and Sorbus torminalis . Species in the Sorbus aria group all had Aria haplotypes (with the exception of one English S. aria ), species in the Sorbus anglica group had an Aucuparia haplotype, and species in the Sorbus latifolia group had a Torminalis haplotype. Sorbus intermedia had an Aucuparia haplotype. This indicated that the hybridization events that led to the formation of species in the S. anglica and S. latifolia groups usually did so with S. aria s.l . as the pollen-donating (paternal) parent. The polyploids S. anglica , Sorbus bristoliensis , Sorbus croceocarpa , Sorbus decipiens , Sorbus devoniensis , Sorbus hibernica , Sorbus lancastriensis , Sorbus leptophylla , Sorbus leyana , Sorbus minima , Sorbus rupicola , Sorbus subcuneata , Sorbus vexans , Sorbus whiteana , Sorbus wilmottiana , and three unnamed taxa may each be derived from a single maternal lineage. The polyploids Sorbus eminens , Sorbus porrigentiformis , and S. latifolia have multiple maternal lineages. The two primary diploid hybrids S . ×  thuringiaca and S . ×  vagensis have arisen many times independently.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 291–304.  相似文献   
Owing to their role as vectors of malaria parasites, species of the Anopheles maculipennis complex (Diptera: Culicidae) Meigen were intensively studied in the past, but with the disappearance of malaria in Germany in the middle of the last century, the interest in this field of research declined. A comprehensive ecological analysis of the current species distribution for Germany is lacking. Between 2010 and 2013, a total of 1445 mosquitoes of the An. maculipennis complex were collected at 72 different sites in Germany. The samples comprise 722 single individuals as well as 723 individuals in 90 pools of up to 25 mosquitoes. All samples were analysed with newly developed species‐specific qPCR assays for the identification of the four German species using nucleotide differences within the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) ribosomal DNA. All gathered data were used for species distribution modelling. The overall prevalence of An. messeae s.l. was highest with 98.89% of all pools; An. daciae with 6.93% of all individuals and An. messeae s.s. with 69.53%. The prevalence of the other two species was relatively low: An. maculipennis s.s. with 13.30% of all individuals (6.67% of all pools) and An. atroparvus with 1.80% of all individuals (1.11% of all pools).  相似文献   
The hydraulic conductance of the leaf lamina (Klamina) substantially constrains whole‐plant water transport, but little is known of its association with leaf structure and function. Klamina was measured for sun and shade leaves of six woody temperate species growing in moist soil, and tested for correlation with the prevailing leaf irradiance, and with 22 other leaf traits. Klamina varied from 7.40 × 10?5 kg m?2 s?1 MPa?1 for Acer saccharum shade leaves to 2.89 × 10?4 kg m?2 s?1 MPa?1 for Vitis labrusca sun leaves. Tree sun leaves had 15–67% higher Klamina than shade leaves. Klamina was co‐ordinated with traits associated with high water flux, including leaf irradiance, petiole hydraulic conductance, guard cell length, and stomatal pore area per lamina area. Klamina was also co‐ordinated with lamina thickness, water storage capacitance, 1/mesophyll water transfer resistance, and, in five of the six species, with lamina perimeter/area. However, for the six species, Klamina was independent of inter‐related leaf traits including leaf dry mass per area, density, modulus of elasticity, osmotic potential, and cuticular conductance. Klamina was thus co‐ordinated with structural and functional traits relating to liquid‐phase water transport and to maximum rates of gas exchange, but independent of other traits relating to drought tolerance and to aspects of carbon economy.  相似文献   
The brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis; Osteichthyes: Salmonidae) is a phenotypically diverse fish species inhabiting much of North America. But relatively few genetic diagnostic resources are available for this fish species. We isolated 41 microsatellites from S. fontinalis polymorphic in one or more species of salmonid fish. Thirty‐seven were polymorphic in brook charr, 15 in the congener Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and 14 in the lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush). Polymorphism was also relatively high in Oncorhynchus, where 21 loci were polymorphic in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and 16 in cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) but only seven and four microsatellite loci were polymorphic in the more distantly related lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), respectively. One duplicated locus (Sfo228Lav) was polymorphic at both duplicates in S. fontinalis.  相似文献   
Primers for five polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the midget faded rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis concolor), a rare subspecies of western rattlesnake (Crotalus viridus) found only in parts of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. Five polymorphic microsatellites were isolated, four of which had relatively high levels of diversity (eight to nine alleles). We found only two departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and they occurred in different loci, so null alleles are likely not a problem. Moreover, we found that no two loci were linked. These loci will be applicable for population genetic analysis and perhaps analysis of paternity and mating systems.  相似文献   
The cranial anatomy of the plagiosaurid temnospondyl Plagiosuchus pustuliferus, from the Middle Triassic of Germany, is described in detail on the basis of a newly discovered skull and mandibular material. The highly derived skull is characterized by huge orbitotemporal fenestrae, a reduction of the circumorbital bones – the prefrontal, postfrontal and (probably) postorbital are lost – and the expansion of the jugal to occupy most of the lateral skull margin. Ventrally the extremely long subtemporal vacuities correlate with the elongate adductor fossa of the mandible. The dentition is feebly developed on both skull and mandible. Ossified ?ceratobranchials and ‘branchial denticles’ indicate the presence of open gills clefts in life. The remarkably divergent cranial morphology of P. pustuliferus highlights the extraordinary cranial diversity within the Plagiosauridae, probably unsurpassed within the Temnospondyli. Specific structural aspects of the skull – including an extremely short marginal tooth row, feeble dentition and an elongated chamber for adductor musculature – together with evidence for a hyobranchial skeleton, suggests that P. pustuliferus utilized directed suction feeding for prey capture. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 348–373.  相似文献   
The Cavitron spinning technique is used to construct xylem embolism vulnerability curves (VCs), but its reliability has been questioned for species with long vessels. This technique generates two types of VC: sigmoid ‘s’‐shaped and exponential, levelling‐off ‘r’‐shaped curves. We tested the hypothesis that ‘r’‐shaped VCs were anomalous and caused by the presence of vessels cut open during sample preparation. A Cavitron apparatus was used to construct VCs from samples of different lengths in species with contrasting vessel lengths. The results were compared with VCs obtained using other independent techniques. When vessel length exceeded sample length, VCs were ‘r’‐shaped and anomalous. Filling vessels cut open at both ends with air before measurement produced more typical ‘s’‐shaped VCs. We also found that exposing segments of 11 woody species in a Cavitron at the pressure measured in planta before sampling considerably increased the degree of embolism above the native state level for species with long vessels. We concluded that open vessels were abnormally more vulnerable to cavitation than intact vessels. We recommend restricting this technique to species with short conduits. The relevance of our conclusions for other spinning techniques is discussed.  相似文献   
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