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ABSTRACT. Pupal attendance by adult males of the crabhole mosquito, Deinocentes cancer Theobald, was videotaped in the laboratory. The relationship between pupal attendance time and the sex and age of the attended pupa was clarified by quantitative analysis of the videotapes. Male D. cancer distinguish between male and female pupae if the pupae are within approximately 14 h of eclosion and males spend significantly more time attending such female pupae. The attendance time of female but not of male pupae increased exponentially as they approached eclosion.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. A centrifugation procedure for removing Tetrahymena from mass cultures is described. This method offers the following advantages: (a) inexpensive apparatus, (b) the short period of time required for harvesting large numbers of cells, (c) lack of cellular damage, (d) the ability to obtain proven dilution with regard to the culture fluid, (e) nearly quantitative recovery of the cells, and (f) the ease of assembling and disassembling the apparatus for cleaning.  相似文献   
Abstract: Intensive pine (Pinus spp.) management is a dominant form of forest management in the southeastern United States. Previous research has shown that managed pine forests provide suitable habitat for eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris), but little research has examined seasonal habitat selection for female wild turkeys from a landscape perspective, particularly within managed pine landscapes. Therefore, we used a long-term (1986-1993) data set to describe seasonal habitat selection by female wild turkeys, using an information-theoretic approach from a landscape perspective, on an intensively managed pine landscape. Habitat use patterns during preincubation and autumn-winter were indicative of female wild turkeys moving between a bottomland hardwood-agricultural field complex during autumn-winter and upland managed pine stands during the remainder of the year. During spring and summer, female wild turkeys used landscapes primarily composed of intensively managed pine, including thinned and burned stands and roadsides. Our results confirm results of short-term, stand-based habitat analyses on our study area. We recommend variable fire return intervals of 3 to 7 years to improve habitat conditions for wild turkeys within intensively managed pine forests. Further research is needed to examine management actions, such as thinning, prescribed fire, and herbicide use, within the context of wild turkey use of intensively managed pine landscapes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Although nest predation is often the single largest source of mortality in avian populations, manipulative studies to determine predator impacts on nest survival are rare, particularly studies that examine impacts of mid-size mammalian predators (hereafter, mesopredators) on nest survival of shrub-nesting birds. We quantified nest survival and identified nest predators of shrub-nesting songbirds within 4 large (approx. 40-ha) exclosures and 4 control sites within a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem. During 2003–2006, we located and monitored 535 shrub nests (222 with videography) for 4,804 nest-days to quantify daily nest survival and document predation events. We found no support for a treatment effect, suggesting mesopredators had little impact on daily nest survival (0.9303 in controls and 0.9260 in exclosures) of shrub-nesting songbirds. For the 5 most commonly monitored species, daily nest survival within species was constant. Our analysis suggested that shrub nests were most vulnerable during the nestling stage and presence of cameras on nests increased survival with the increase in survival being more pronounced during the incubation stage. We filmed 107 nest predation events, identifying predators at 88 nests. Of these 88 nests, snakes caused 33%, red imported fire ants (hereafter fire ants, Solenopsis invicta) 28%, raptors 17%, corvids 8%, mesopredators 6%, and small mammals 8% of nest predations. Cause-specific nest predation in controls and exclosures did not differ from expectation, providing evidence that compensatory predation did not occur. Nest predators differed from expectation with regard to nest stage; fire ants and raptors only depredated nests during the nestling stage. Presence of cameras had no effect on nest abandonment. Fire ants were the most prevalent nest predator, and nest predation by fire ants was only observed on nestlings, potentially reducing likelihood of renesting. Magnitude and timing of fire ant predation suggests that fire ants may be the most influential nest predator of shrub-nesting birds within the longleaf pine ecosystem. Our data suggest that controlling mesopredators will have no effect on nest success of shrub-nesting birds within longleaf pine forests.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A new starvation procedure permitted the study of early events in a protozoon's growth cycle. Growing cultures of Tetrahymena that differed from non-growing cultures by one variable were produced by adding histidine to cells deprived of that amino acid in an otherwise complete medium. Alterations of the nucleotide pools were examined in +His and in -His cultures in the period preceding RNA synthesis by cells in +His medium. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis provided a balance sheet for the difference in purine compounds in the two cultures. The change in rNTP levels occurred only when the cells were resuspended in a fresh medium and was not a function of cell density. These observations point to the presence of a factor(s) in the old medium that inhibits the energy charge increase in rNTP and in purine accumulation.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The constantly changing shape and surface area/volume ratio of Chaos and Amoeba provide sufficient evidence for continuous membrane activity during locomotion, endocytosis, and cell division. Factors influencing membrane intake and renewal are discussed on the basis of data from tracer experiments and from studies on fine structure. The concept of permanent pinocytosis as an essential part of locomotion is discussed, together with the differences between induced and permanent pinocytosis and the factors which might be responsible for the “induction” of permanent pinocytosis. The large saprobiotic ameba, Pelomyxa palustris differs from Chaos and Amoeba in membrane distribution. P. palustris is generally monopseudopodial, and changes in its shape are more limited. The mucous coat, less pronounced in this species, is most prominent at the very active uroid, the site of endocytosis. The membrane renewal cycle in Pelomyxa has not been studied to date.  相似文献   
Cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis in a non-nutrient buffer degrade RNA and excrete hypoxanthine, uracil and orthophosphate. Glucose addition leads to the retention of a portion of the purine, pyrimidine, and orthophosphate by the cells; however, the hexose has little influence on the RNA level. Acetate supplementation has no effect on RNA degradation or on the distribution of the catabolic products between the cells and the environment. Interruption of oxidative phosphorylation by 2,4-dinitrophenol results in an increase in RNA degradation. This action is annulled by the glycolytic substrate, glucose, but not by acetate. A combination of iodoacetic acid and glucose blocks glycolysis and increases cellular RNA loss which can be reversed by the addition of the citric acid cycle substrate, acetate. These findings suggest that the available cellular energy supply in starved cells is sufficient to regulate the rate of RNA degradation. Disruption of ATP generation by the appropriate inhibitors, however, allows the demonstration of the importance of energy-yielding reactions in the determination of the amount of nucleic acid loss. It appears that glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are equally efficient in sustaining the regulatory process. RNA synthesis during starvation conditions is a discontinuous process with a sharp rate change after 30 min of incubation. 2,4-Dinitrophenol inhibits [2-14C] uracil incorporation into the nucleic acid. Glucose does not annul the inhibition of synthesis in contrast to the influence of the hexose on RNA degradation. This observation demonstrates that the synthetic and degradative processes are not directly coupled. Glycogen synthesis and RNA degradation appear to compete for the available energy supply and respond in a similar fashion to the metabolic inhibitors and carbon sources.  相似文献   
Brassica plants, with a combination of chloroplasts encodingtriazine resistance and mitochondria encoding cytoplasmic malesterility, offer new opportunities for hybrid seed production.Such plants can be grown as a random mixture with a male parent,thereby allowing more effective pollen transfer for greaterefficiency of hybrid seed production. Harvested seed consistsof hybrid seed from the ‘female’ parent, which istriazine-resistant, and non-hybrid, triazine-sensitive seedresulting from self pollination of the ‘male’ parent. This study demonstrates that triazine-sensitive broccoli (BrassicaoleraceaL. var.italica) progeny can easily be eliminated byallowing the seed to imbibe a solution of 10 g l-1atrazine overnightthen drying-back the seed for subsequent germination. Such atreatment prevents triazine-sensitive broccoli from developingbeyond the cotyledon stage following germination, and remainseffective for at least 3.5 years after seed treatment. The growthof triazine-resistant broccoli plants is unaffected by thisseed treatment. Atrazine; Brassica oleracea; broccoli; hybrid seed; triazine resistance; seed treatment  相似文献   
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