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Longitudinal studies of T cell immune responses during viral infections in humans are essential for our understanding of how effector T cell responses develop, clear infection, and provide long-lasting immunity. Here, following an outbreak of a Puumala hantavirus infection in the human population, we longitudinally analyzed the primary CD8 T cell response in infected individuals from the first onset of clinical symptoms until viral clearance. A vigorous CD8 T cell response was observed early following the onset of clinical symptoms, determined by the presence of high numbers of Ki67(+)CD38(+)HLA-DR(+) effector CD8 T cells. This response encompassed up to 50% of total blood CD8 T cells, and it subsequently contracted in parallel with a decrease in viral load. Expression levels of perforin and granzyme B were high throughout the initial T cell response and likewise normalized following viral clearance. When monitoring regulatory components, no induction of regulatory CD4 or CD8 T cells was observed in the patients during the infection. However, CD8 as well as CD4 T cells exhibited a distinct expression profile of inhibitory PD-1 and CTLA-4 molecules. The present results provide insight into the development of the T cell response in humans, from the very onset of clinical symptoms following a viral infection to resolution of the disease.  相似文献   
The vaccinia virus DNA polymerase is inherently distributive but acquires processivity by associating with a heterodimeric processivity factor comprised of the viral A20 and D4 proteins. D4 is also an enzymatically active uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG). The presence of an active repair protein as an essential component of the polymerase holoenzyme is a unique feature of the replication machinery. We have shown previously that the A20-UDG complex has a stoichiometry of ~1:1, and our data suggest that A20 serves as a bridge between polymerase and UDG. Here we show that conserved hydrophobic residues in the N' terminus of A20 are important for its binding to UDG. Our data argue against the assembly of D4 into higher order multimers, suggesting that the processivity factor does not form a toroidal ring around the DNA. Instead, we hypothesize that the intrinsic, processive DNA scanning activity of UDG tethers the holoenzyme to the DNA template. The inclusion of UDG as an essential holoenzyme component suggests that replication and base excision repair may be coupled. Here we show that the DNA polymerase can utilize dUTP as a substrate in vitro. Moreover, uracil moieties incorporated into the nascent strand during holoenzyme-mediated DNA synthesis can be excised by the viral UDG present within this holoenzyme, leaving abasic sites. Finally, we show that the polymerase stalls upon encountering an abasic site in the template strand, indicating that, like many replicative polymerases, the poxviral holoenzyme cannot perform translesion synthesis across an abasic site.  相似文献   
Mucus glycoproteins (mucins) were extracted from human cervical pregnancy mucus by 6 M-guanidinium chloride in the presence of proteinase inhibitors. Purification was subsequently achieved by isopycnic density-gradient centrifugation in CsCl/ guanidinium chloride gradients. The purified macromolecules represented approx. 85% of the total and were devoid of nucleic acids and proteins, as judged by analytical density-gradient centrifugation, disc electrophoresis and u.v. spectroscopy. Sedimentation-velocity centrifugation revealed a single unimodal peak with S20,W 50.1S in 0.2M-NaCl and 37.0S in 6 M-guanidinium chloride. Molecular weights obtained by light-scattering were 9.7 X 10(6) and 5.9 X 10(6) in 0.2M-NaCl and 6 M-guanidinium chloride respectively. The chemical analyses were typical of those of epithelial mucins. The macromolecules contained approx. 20% (w/w) of protein, and 65% (w/w) was accounted for as carbohydrate. Serine and threonine constituted 32 mol/100 mol and proline 10 mol/100 mol of the amino acids. The major sugars found were N-acetylglucosamine (12.8%), N-acetylgalactosamine (9.7%), galactose (18.7%), sialic acid (15.0%) and fucose (7.5%).  相似文献   


Host genetics has been shown to play a role in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), which is the most economically important disease in the swine industry. A region on Sus scrofa chromosome (SSC) 4 has been previously reported to have a strong association with serum viremia and weight gain in pigs experimentally infected with the PRRS virus (PRRSV). The objective here was to identify haplotypes associated with the favorable phenotype, investigate additional genomic regions associated with host response to PRRSV, and to determine the predictive ability of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) based on the SSC4 region and based on the rest of the genome. Phenotypic data and 60 K SNP genotypes from eight trials of ~200 pigs from different commercial crosses were used to address these objectives.


Across the eight trials, heritability estimates were 0.44 and 0.29 for viral load (VL, area under the curve of log-transformed serum viremia from 0 to 21 days post infection) and weight gain to 42 days post infection (WG), respectively. Genomic regions associated with VL were identified on chromosomes 4, X, and 1. Genomic regions associated with WG were identified on chromosomes 4, 5, and 7. Apart from the SSC4 region, the regions associated with these two traits each explained less than 3% of the genetic variance. Due to the strong linkage disequilibrium in the SSC4 region, only 19 unique haplotypes were identified across all populations, of which four were associated with the favorable phenotype. Through cross-validation, accuracies of EBV based on the SSC4 region were high (0.55), while the rest of the genome had little predictive ability across populations (0.09).


Traits associated with response to PRRSV infection in growing pigs are largely controlled by genomic regions with relatively small effects, with the exception of SSC4. Accuracies of EBV based on the SSC4 region were high compared to the rest of the genome. These results show that selection for the SSC4 region could potentially reduce the effects of PRRS in growing pigs, ultimately reducing the economic impact of this disease.  相似文献   
Ribosomal biogenesis involves the processing of pre-ribosomal RNA. A deficiency of some ribosomal proteins (RPs) impairs processing and causes Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA), which is associated with anemia, congenital malformations and cancer. p53 mediates many features of DBA, but the mechanism of p53 activation remains unclear. Another hallmark of DBA is the upregulation of adenosine deaminase (ADA), indicating changes in nucleotide metabolism. In RP-deficient zebrafish, we found activation of both nucleotide catabolism and biosynthesis, which is consistent with the need to break and replace the faulty ribosomal RNA. We also found upregulation of deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) synthesis – a typical response to replication stress and DNA damage. Both RP-deficient zebrafish and human hematopoietic cells showed activation of the ATR/ATM-CHK1/CHK2/p53 pathway. Other features of RP deficiency included an imbalanced dNTP pool, ATP depletion and AMPK activation. Replication stress and DNA damage in cultured cells in non-DBA models can be decreased by exogenous nucleosides. Therefore, we treated RP-deficient zebrafish embryos with exogenous nucleosides and observed decreased activation of p53 and AMPK, reduced apoptosis, and rescue of hematopoiesis. Our data suggest that the DNA damage response contributes to p53 activation in cellular and zebrafish models of DBA. Furthermore, the rescue of RP-deficient zebrafish with exogenous nucleosides suggests that nucleoside supplements could be beneficial in the treatment of DBA.KEY WORDS: Ribosomal protein deficiency, Rps19, Rpl11, p53, ATR, RNR, Chk1, ATP, AMPK, Exogenous nucleosides  相似文献   
Resin flow differed significantly among three of six clones of lodgepole pine seed orchard trees, but did not differ among the clones categorized as susceptible or resistant to attack by the Douglas-fir pitch moth. A stepwise regression analysis identified δ-3-carene, cyclohexene, and α-terpinolene as significant compounds, explaining 49.9% of the variation in the number of attacks per tree. δ-3-Carene alone explained 41.8% of the variation in the regression, and analysis of variance showed that resistant clones consistently had high relative amounts (>17.9%) of this compound, whereas susceptible clones had low amounts (<10%). The significant effect by cyclohexene and α-terpinolene in the stepwise regression appeared to be due to a correlation between α-terpinolene and δ-3-carene in several clones, and that cyclohexene was only present in one clone, rather than any discernable biological relationship. Limonene co-eluted with β-phellandrene, so its role must be determined by additional study.  相似文献   
5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a metabolic stress sensor present in all eukaryotes. A dominant missense mutation (R225Q) in pig PRKAG3, encoding the muscle-specific gamma3 isoform, causes a marked increase in glycogen content. To determine the functional role of the AMPK gamma3 isoform, we generated transgenic mice with skeletal muscle-specific expression of wild type or mutant (225Q) mouse gamma3 as well as Prkag3 knockout mice. Glycogen resynthesis after exercise was impaired in AMPK gamma3 knock-out mice and markedly enhanced in transgenic mutant mice. An AMPK activator failed to increase skeletal muscle glucose uptake in AMPK gamma3 knock-out mice, whereas contraction effects were preserved. When placed on a high fat diet, transgenic mutant mice but not knock-out mice were protected against excessive triglyceride accumulation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Transfection experiments reveal the R225Q mutation is associated with higher basal AMPK activity and diminished AMP dependence. Our results validate the muscle-specific AMPK gamma3 isoform as a therapeutic target for prevention and treatment of insulin resistance.  相似文献   
Positive assortative mating (PAM) can enhance the additive genetic variance in a breeding population(BP). This increases the potential for gains in the production population (PP, selected subset of the BP) for recurrent selection programs in forest trees. The assortment of mates can be either: (1) by individual tree rank across the whole BP (PAM), or (2) trees of similar rank can be merged into larger hierarchical groups and then mated randomly within group ("open"-nucleus breeding,NB). The objective of this study was to compare PAM and NB in quantitative terms. The NB simulation model assumed two tiers (nucleus, main) with unrestricted migration between the tiers. Clonal tests were used to predict breeding values and test resources per mate were kept constant for all mates. Both gain and diversity were combined into a single selection criterion, "group-merit selection." Alternatives were compared over five breeding cycles by considering genetic gain and diversity in a selected PP established in a seed orchard. The assortment of mates in both alternatives enhanced additive variance and increased the additive effect in the BP, leading to additional gain in the PP. Gains generated under PAM always exceeded gains under NB. Thus, the main message from this study is that PAM in both the short- and long-term results in more gain at any target level of diversity in the PP (the breeder's target) than is achieved by the NB alternative. The optimum size of the nucleus varies with the desired level of seed orchard diversity. At lower target diversity, smaller nucleus sizes are favorable, while larger sizes result in more gain when seed orchard diversity is considered more important.  相似文献   
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