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The factors influencing the migration of gall stones are ill understood. Altogether 331 patients undergoing cholecystectomy were studied prospectively. The diameters of the cystic and common bile ducts and of stones in the gall bladder and bile ducts were measured. Increasing pressure was applied to the freshly excised gall bladder in an attempt to evacuate stones through the cystic duct. Stones passed in 33 (60.0%) of patients with choledocholithiasis, 45 (67.2%) of patients with pancreatitis, and 7 (3.2%) of patients without either pancreatitis or choledocholithiasis. Stones migrated in 6 (3.0%) who had a normal cystic duct diameter (less than or equal to 4 mm) and in 46 (32.5%) with a duct over 4 mm diameter. Common bile duct stones were often larger than the diameter of the cystic duct and when reintroduced into the gall bladder would not migrate. The passage of debris (less than or equal to 1 mm) through the cystic duct bore no relation to the presence or absence of choledocholithiasis or a dilated cystic duct. Small stones (1-4 mm diameter) must migrate to initiate and facilitate further migration; some must increase in size in the common bile duct. Increased biliary pressure consequently dilates the duct system retrogradely, allowing larger stones to follow. Patients at risk of stone migration and thereby pancreatitis and jaundice have large ducts that can be detected by ultrasound assessment.  相似文献   
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms distinguish ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Basidiomycetous fungi, two saprophytes and three mycorrhizal, were used to assess the specificity of DNA hybridization for distinguishing genera from one another. Interspecific comparisons were done with several isolates of mycorrhizal fungi,Laccaria bicolor andL. laccata, collected from diverse geographical sites. The DNAs were digested with four restriction nucleases and separated by gel electrophoresis into patterns of DNA fragments called restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The RFLPs were hybridized with a radioactively-labeled DNA probe encoding Basidiomycetous ribosomal RNA genes. The five genera were discernable using both unprobed and probed RFLPs. Hybridization of probe DNA with RFLPs was isolate-specific for all nine Laccaria isolates examined. The reclassification of aL. bicolor isolate is supported, demonstrating that hybridization of RFLPs offers an additional tool for taxonomy of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The method may have field application for distinguishing known isolates if their DNA fingerprints are previously ascertained and are distinct from RFLPs of indigenous organisms.  相似文献   
In mammals, dihydroorotase is part of a trifunctional protein, dihydroorotate synthetase, which catalyzes the first three reactions of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. Dihydroorotase catalyzes the formation of a peptide-like bond between the terminal ureido nitrogen and the beta-carboxyl group of N-carbamyl-L-aspartate to yield heterocyclic L-dihydroorotate. A variety of evidence suggests that dihydroorotase may have a catalytic mechanism similar to that of a zinc protease [Christopherson, R. I., & Jones, M. E. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 3358-3370]. Tight-binding inhibitors of the zinc proteases, carboxypeptidase A, thermolysin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme have been synthesized that combine structural features of the substrates with a thiol or carboxyl group in an appropriate position to coordinate a zinc atom bound at the catalytic site. We have synthesized (4R)-2-oxo-6-thioxohexahydropyrimidine-4-carboxylate (L-6-thiodihydroorotate) and have found that this analogue is a potent competitive inhibitor of dihydroorotase with a dissociation constant (Ki) in the presence of excess Zn2+ ion of 0.17 +/- 0.02 microM at pH 7.4. The potency of inhibition by L-6-thiodihydroorotate in the presence of divalent metal ions decreases in the order Zn2+ greater than Ca2+ greater than Co2+ greater than Mn2+ greater than Ni2+; L-6-thiodihydroorotate alone is less inhibitory and has a Ki of 0.85 +/- 0.14 microM. 6-Thioorotate has a Ki of 82 +/- 8 microM which decreases to 3.8 +/- 1.4 microM in the presence of Zn2+. Zn2+ alone is a moderate inhibitor of dihydroorotase and does not enhance the potency of other inhibitors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Fetuin derivatives with enzymatically altered oligosaccharide units were tested for their ability to inhibit pertussis toxin-mediated agglutination of goose erythrocytes and the binding of 125I-labeled fetuin to pertussis toxin-coated polystyrene tubes. Fetuin oligosaccharides were sequentially degraded by treatment with: neuraminidase (asialofetuin) followed by beta-galactosidase (asialoagalactofetuin) and, lastly, with beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase (asialoagalacto-a[N-acetylglucosamino]fetuin). Asialofetuin retained only 19 and 53% of the inhibitory activity of native fetuin in the hemagglutination and 125I-fetuin binding assays, respectively. Asialoagalactofetuin showed no further reduction of inhibition in the hemagglutination system and, instead, resulted in partial recovery of inhibition in the 125I-fetuin-pertussis toxin binding assay. Asialoagalacto-a[N-acetylhexosamino]fetuin showed a further decrease in ability to inhibit pertussis toxin binding in both assays. The inhibitory activity of asialoagalactofetuin could be restored to that of native fetuin by adding back D-galactose with UDP-Gal:D-glucosyl-1,4-beta-galactosyltransferase, followed by the addition of terminal sialic acid residues with CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid:beta-D-galactosyl-1,4-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamine-alpha-2,6-N- acetylneuraminyltransferase. The data suggested that a requirement for pertussis toxin binding to fetuin may be the presence of acetamido-containing sugar groups in the nonreducing terminal position of fetuin's oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
Single- (whole-cell patch) and two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques were used to measure transient (Ifast) and sustained (Islow) calcium currents, linear capacitance, and slow, voltage-dependent charge movements in freshly dissociated fibers of the flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscle of rats of various postnatal ages. Peak Ifast was largest in FDB fibers of neonatal (1-5 d) rats, having a magnitude in 10 mM external Ca of 1.4 +/- 0.9 pA/pF (mean +/- SD; current normalized by linear fiber capacitance). Peak Ifast was smaller in FDB fibers of older animals, and by approximately 3 wk postnatal, it was so small as to be unmeasurable. By contrast, the magnitudes of Islow and charge movement increased substantially during postnatal development. Peak Islow was 3.6 +/- 2.5 pA/pF in FDB fibers of 1-5-d rats and increased to 16.4 +/- 6.5 pA/pF in 45-50-d-old rats; for these same two age groups, Qmax, the total mobile charge measurable as charge movement, was 6.0 +/- 1.7 and 23.8 +/- 4.0 nC/microF, respectively. As both Islow and charge movement are thought to arise in the transverse-tubular system, linear capacitance normalized by the area of fiber surface was determined as an indirect measure of the membrane area of the t-system relative to that of the fiber surface. This parameter increased from 1.5 +/- 0.2 microF/cm2 in 2-d fibers to 2.9 +/- 0.4 microF/cm2 in 44-d fibers. The increases in peak Islow, Qmax, and normalized linear capacitance all had similar time courses. Although the function of Islow is unknown, the substantial postnatal increase in its magnitude suggests that it plays an important role in the physiology of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Amplification of DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) offers a highly sensitive and specific method for detecting DNA sequences in biological samples. We applied this technology to develop an assay for the P. carinii dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene. This assay was found to be sensitive enough to detect as little as 1 organism-'equivalent' of DHFR DNA. In rats with experimentally-induced P. carinii pneumonia, DHFR DNA amplification demonstrated the presence of pulmonary P. carinii 2 wk prior to the onset of histopathological changes. When rat serum was analyzed by PCR, serum P. carinii DNA was found in 5 of 14 experimental rats. Finally, P. carinii DNA was detected in the serum of 7 of 18 patients (39%) with AIDS and active P. carinii pneumonia. These results suggest that circulating serum P. carinii DNA can be detected frequently in the course of pulmonary infection and may represent a blood-borne phase of infection. The PCR detection of P. carinii DNA provides a useful tool to study the natural history of P. carinii infection and may offer a non-invasive diagnostic procedure in some patients with P. carinii pneumonia.  相似文献   
A computer simulation model was used to predict the dynamics of survival and conjugation of Pseudomonas cepacia (carrying the transmissible recombinant plasmid R388:Tn1721) with a nonrecombinant recipient strain in simple rhizosphere and phyllosphere microcosms. Plasmid transfer rates were derived for a mass action model, and donor and recipient survival were modeled as exponential growth and decay processes or both. Rate parameters were derived from laboratory studies in which donor and recipient strains were incubated in test tubes with a peat-vermiculite solution or on excised radish or bean leaves in petri dishes. The model predicted donor, recipient, and transconjugant populations in hourly time steps. It was tested in a microcosm planted with radish seeds and inoculated with donor and recipient strains and on leaf surfaces of radish and bean plants also growing in microcosms. Bacteria were periodically enumerated on selective media over 7 to 14 days. When donor and recipient populations were 10(6) to 10(8) CFU/g (wet weight) of plant or soil, transconjugant populations of about 10(1) to 10(4) were observed after 1 day. An initial rapid increase and a subsequent decline in numbers of transconjugants in the rhizosphere and on leaf surfaces were correctly predicted.  相似文献   
We have studied the potassium currents of rat pituitary pars intermedia cells kept in primary culture using whole-cell recording with patch pipettes. The potassium current recorded with hard-glass pipettes is mainly carried by voltage-dependent channels that show slow inactivation in the presence of 0.5 mM internal EGTA. Fast "inactivation" of the potassium current is seen with patch pipettes fabricated from soft glass (soda glass or potash lead glass), and is probably caused by block of the potassium channels by di- or multivalent cations released from the glass.  相似文献   
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