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Urban landscapes often expose wildlife populations to enhanced edge effects where the biotic and abiotic attributes of native ecosystems have been significantly altered. While some species may respond favourably to edges, there are likely to be varying negative consequences for many forest‐dependent species. In particular, marsupial gliders are influenced by changes in forest composition and structure near edges due to highly specific feeding and nesting requirements, and a high reliance on tree cover to traverse a landscape. We addressed this problem using the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) in the fragmented urban landscape of southeast Queensland, Australia. Analysis of variance was applied to determine differences in habitat resources and structure in relation to glider presence and trap success rates in forest fragment interiors compared with road (minor & major) and residential edge habitats. We postulate that an increased presence of squirrel gliders in sites adjacent to minor road and residential edges may be due to the availability of additional resources and/or varying dispersal opportunities. Conversely, forest fragment interiors contain a higher abundance of nest hollows and large trees, together with a greater floristic species richness providing more reliable seasonal foraging sources, which may explain the greater trap success rates of squirrel gliders in these sites. We conclude that while forest fragment interiors provide habitat suitable for year‐round use by greater numbers of squirrel gliders, the conservation value of some edge habitats that provide additional resources and dispersal opportunities should not be underestimated for forest‐dependent mammals; however, each edge type must be assessed individually.  相似文献   
A theoretical model has been developed for predicting the extent of bone adaptation as a function of exercise level. The model works by estimating the amount of fatigue damage which will occur for a given cyclic strain. This allowed us to predict that there would be a difference in the strengths of bones taken from sedentary individuals compared to those from more active individuals. The predicted difference, expressed as the ratio of the fatigue strengths of the two bones, was 1.53.

Experimental tests were carried out using bones from chickens, comparing those kept in battery cages (who are unable to engage in any strenuous activity) with those kept in normal free-range conditions. A finite element model was used to ensure that the in vitro fatigue tests were conducted at strain levels within the physiological range. Significant differences in both static and fatigue strength were found for the radius and tibia bones. These differences could be accurately predicted by the theoretical model, after a slight difference in weight between the two groups was allowed for. Additional evidence for these predictions can also be found in the literature. This work supports the concept that bone adaptation is driven by the need to optimise fatigue damage accumulation.  相似文献   
1. Between the 1950s and 1990s the southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina underwent large decreases in population size throughout most of its breeding range in the Southern Ocean. While current population estimates suggest a recent recovery, some breeding populations have continued to decrease in recent years (Macquarie and Marion Islands), others have either remained stable (South Georgia, Kerguelen and Heard Island) or have increased (Peninsula Valdés, Argentina). 2. Intrinsic hypotheses for patterns of regional decline include factors that are affected by density-dependent mechanisms: (i) paucity of males, (ii) population ‘overshoot’ and (iii) pandemic disease. Extrinsic hypotheses include (iv) predation, (v) competition with fisheries concerns, (vi) interspecific competition, (vii) environmental change and (viii) human disturbance. Of the eight hypotheses proposed and examined here, we conclude that three can be discounted (i, v, viii), three are unlikely, but may require more testing (ii, iii, iv) and two are plausible (vi, vii). 3. The interspecific competition hypothesis is difficult to test because it requires the simultaneous monitoring of species that overlap directly with elephant seals, many of which have not been identified or little is known. However, an analysis of the relationship between log variance and log abundance (Taylor's power law) for populations of southern and northern elephant seals suggests that interspecific competition is not a significant factor in the decline of the southern elephant seal. 4. The hypothesis that decreases in southern elephant seal populations between the 1950s and 1990s were caused by the environmental change is the easiest to test and most plausible of the hypotheses. We propose a framework by which to test this hypothesis to determine how food availability affects individual survival.  相似文献   
1. Oligotrophic Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand, is used for hydroelectric power generation and the lake levels are manipulated within an operating range of 3 m. There was concern that rapidly changing water levels adversely affected the littoral zone by decreasing light availability in two ways: local turbidity caused by shoreline erosion at low water levels; and decreased light penetration to the deep littoral zone caused by high water levels in summer. 2. The littoral zone was dominated by native aquatic plants with vascular species to 6 m and a characean meadow below this to 16 m. The biomass and heights of the communities in the depth zone 0–6 m were reduced at a site exposed to wave action relative to those at a sheltered site. However, the community structure below 6 m was similar at exposed and sheltered sites. The lower boundary of the littoral zone was sharply delimited at 16 m and this bottom boundary remained constant throughout the year despite large seasonal changes in solar radiation and the 3 m variation in lake level. 3. There was evidence that the deep-water community consisting of Chara corallina had adapted physiologically to low-light conditions. Net light saturated photosynthesis (CO2 exchange) per unit chlorophyll a (Chl a) was reduced to 1.7 μg C (μg Chl a)?1 h?1 at the lower boundary, half of that recorded at 5 m. The concentration of Chi a per gram of biomass (dry weight), was considerably greater at the lower boundary than higher in the profile [c. 7 mg Chl a (g dry wt)?1 at 16 m vs. 4 mg Chl a (g dry wt)?1 at 5 m]. Chl b also increased with depth and there was no change in the ratio of Chl a and Chl b with increasing depth. The saturation light intensity (Ik) of the community at the lower boundary was only 78 μmol photons m?2 s?1. Photosynthetic parameters (Ik and α) as well as the Chl a content remained relatively constant throughout the seasonal and short-term changes in radiation. 4. The photosynthetic characteristics of the littoral community were therefore not greatly affected by the lake level change caused by the present hydroelectric operations. However, the sharpness of the lower boundary and its extreme shade characteristics imply that the deep-water community would be sensitive to any further changes in underwater light availability.  相似文献   
The persistence of rainforest patches at Fray Jorge National Park (FJNP) in semiarid Chile (30°40′S), a region receiving approximately 147 mm of annual rainfall, has been a source of concern among forest managers. These forests are likely dependent on water inputs from oceanic fog and their persistence seems uncertain in the face of climate change. Here, we assessed tree radial growth and establishment during the last two centuries and their relation to trends in climate and canopy disturbance. Such evaluation is critical to understanding the dynamics of these semiarid ecosystems in response to climate change. We analyzed forest structure of six forest patches (0.2–22 ha) in FJNP based on sampling within 0.1 ha permanent plots. For the main canopy species, the endemic Aextoxicon punctatum (Aextoxicaceae), we used tree‐ring analysis to assess establishment periods, tree ages, growing trends and their relation to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), rainfall, and disturbance. The population dynamics of A. punctatum can be described by a continuous regeneration mode. Regeneration of A. punctatum was sensitive to different canopy structures. Growth release patterns suggest the absence of large scale human impact. Radial growth and establishment of A. punctatum were weakly correlated with rainfall and ENSO. If water limits forests patch persistence, patches are likely dependent on the combination of fog and rain water inputs. Forest patches have regenerated continuously for at least 250 years, despite large fluctuations in rainfall driven by ENSO and a regional decline in rainfall during the last century. Because of the positive influence on fog interception, forest structure should be preserved under any future climate scenario. Future research in FJNP should prioritize quantifying the long‐term trends of fog water deposition on forests patches. Fog modeling is crucial for understanding the interplay among physical drivers of water inputs under climate change.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Uniformly 14C-labeled pyrimidine ribonucleosides and orotic-6-14C acid were fed to growing cultures of Ochromonas malhamensis and the radioactivity appearing in RNA and DNA was determined. The carbon skeletons of uridine and cytidine were incorporated intact into all of the pyrimidine nucleotides from RNA and DNA. Incorporation of radioactivity into the purine nucleotides was negligible. The evidence supports the conclusion that deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis in this organism proceeds via a pathway involving the direct reduction of the corresponding ribonucleosides or ribonucleotides. An important role for a trans-N-deoxyribosylase in deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis here appears to be ruled out.  相似文献   
Abstract. The mosquito sampling efficiency of CDC miniature light-traps, relative to night-biting collections, was evaluated indoors at two sites in coastal Tanzania. We found that the total number of anophelines captured overnight by light-traps (hung beside a bednet in use) was 1.23 times the number of anophelines captured by human-bait collections. This relationship was not affected significantly by changes in the mosquito density, order of trapping method, date of sampling, or number of household occupants. Malaria sporozoite rates were twice as high among mosquitoes captured by light-trap as compared to those captured by night-biting collection. This was attributed to the tendency of light-traps to capture a larger proportion of gravid mosquitoes, which also had high sporozoite rates. The differences in sporozoites rates according to abdominal stage indicates that unfed mosquitoes captured by light-traps may define more precisely the human-biting activity and sporozoite rates as seen by night-biting collections. Our study shows that light-traps, when used in combination with night-biting collections, can be an effective and sensitive means for measuring human-biting activity and the sporozoite rate.  相似文献   
High densities of introduced herbivores can damage sensitive ecosystems, increase the risk of extinction of native biota, and host and spread disease. An essential step in managing large ‘feral’ animal populations is to quantify how they use habitats so that management interventions, such as culling, can be targeted to reduce densities and to minimize migration into areas from which animals have been removed. An effective method to quantify animal movements is by measuring landscape‐scale genetic population structure. We describe the genetic population structure of one of Australia's more destructive introduced mammals – the Asian swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). We collected 524 skin samples from buffalo across their range in the Northern Territory of Australia. Allelic diversity in the Northern Territory population was low compared to those reported from populations in their native Asian habitats. The Australian population is tentatively made of three subpopulations; Melville Island, Eastern Arnhem and Central‐Western Arnhem populations. The Melville Island population is represented by a single cluster, while the Eastern Arnhem population has three clusters and the Central‐Western Arnhem population seven clusters. We found some support for isolation by distance across all the sampled populations, but little evidence for this relationship when comparing the two well‐mixed mainland meta‐populations. Despite their small founder populations and limited genetic variation, the persistence of buffalo in Australia has likely been aided by release from high predation, parasitism and disease typical of their native habitats.  相似文献   
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