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Bdelloid rotifers and nematodes in a small Italian stream   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUMMARY. The bdelloid rotifers and nematodes of a small clean watercourse in the area surrounding the Po river near Parma have been studied. The samples were collected at two sites 400 m apart. The species found in twelve collections of benthos between May 1977 and June 1978 were eighteen belonging to Bdelloidea and forty-seven to Nematoda (Tylenchida have not been considered). Nearly all the bdelloid species were oligosaprobic or beta-mesosaprobic; the Shannon index of diversity was 3.0 at the first site and 2.4 at the second. Among the Nematoda the dominant species were Paraplectonema pedunculatum and Paraphanolaimus anisitsi which were not previously recorded for Italy. Nearly all nematodes are microphagous; predators represent only 10% of collected specimens. Polluted water indicator species (Secernentia group) were only 3.5% of the total nematodes recorded. Most rotifers and nematodes did not show seasonal fluctuations in numbers. The two sampling sites do not seem to have substantial differences in the taxocoenosis of Rotifera and Nematoda; their percentage of similarity is 69% and 79% for the two classes respectively.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effects of platelet-activating factor (PAF), at doses ranging from 10−6 M to 10−10 M, on cell growth and on cell differentiation of Herpetomonas muscarum muscarum were investigated. Cell differentiation was evaluated by both light and electron microscopy. At the concentrations used, PAF did not interfere with the protozoan growth. However, parasites grown in the presence of PAF (10−6 M) were significantly more differentiated than those grown in the absence of PAF, since the first day of culture. On the first two days of culture, PAF doses ranging from 10−10 M to 10−7 M, did not significantly interfere with the differentiation of these parasites, although after the third day of culture, all PAF doses used significantly increased the protozoan differentiation. Specific PAF receptor antagonists totally abrogated (WEB 2086 and WEB 2170)or significantly decreased (BN 52021) PAF effect on cell differentiation. These findings indicate PAF triggers the process of cell differentiation in Herpetomonas muscarum muscarum and suggest these parasites have receptors for PAF.  相似文献   
Amphibians in the south-western United States are currently experiencing population declines. Causal explanations for these population changes as well as the implementation of sound management practices requires an understanding of the genetic structure of natural amphibian populations. To this end, we estimated genetic differences within and among seven isolated populations of northern leopard frogs, Rana pipiens , from Arizona and southern Utah using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. Fourteen arbitrarily designed primers detected 38 polymorphic loci in 85 individual frogs. Three types of population structure were observed in this study. (i) Two populations showed low genetic diversity ( D = 0.10 and 0.04) and may have been established by relatively recent events. (ii) Two were not genetically distinct and exhibited a high degree of within-population diversity ( D = 0.35). The possibility of gene flow between these populations is high due to their geographical proximity and their shared genetic structure. (iii) Three populations were genetically distinct from each other and the other populations, and exhibited intermediate within-population variation ( D = 0.19, 0.17, 0.14). Genetic distances among the seven populations ranged from 0.00 to 0.20, suggesting that some of these leopard frog populations are genetically distinct. Although based on relatively small samples, these data suggest that leopard frog populations in the south-west are likely to represent unique genetic entities worthy of conservation. The management implications of these results are that isolated leopard frog populations should be evaluated on an individual basis to best preserve them.  相似文献   
Complex genitalia are ubiquitous among arthropods, but little attention has been given to the fact that the evolution of such elaborate structures may have led to biomechanical constraints that hinder their usage. In the rove beetle, Aleochara tristis, the male's intromittant organ consists of a long flagellum that is more than twice the body length. It is introduced into the spermathecal duct of the female during copulation. The flagellum apparently functions as a guiding rod for a tube growing from the spermatophore that the male deposits in the female's genital chamber. The extraordinary length of the intromittant organ poses a unique physical challenge for the male. During its retraction from the female after mating, the flagellum is under considerable tension. Any sudden release of this tension would result in the flagellum becoming severely entangled, preventing the male from mating again. In response to this novel physical challenge, males have apparently evolved a specialized behavioural adaptation that prevents entanglement after copulation. While retracting the flagellum from the female, the male secures it between a wing shoulder and the pronotum ('shouldering'), holding it taut for about one half of its length. This allows the stepwise retraction of the flagellum from the female and allows it to be retracted back into the male's body in an orderly fashion. This is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of a behavioural adaptation that has evolved to ameliorate the biomechanical problems caused by exaggerated genital morphology.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 307–312.  相似文献   
In this research report, we present findings on drinking among drug users from a larger multimethod study of the public health consequences of emergent, changing, and understudied drug-related behavioral patterns among street drug users in Hartford, CT. Although drinking and illicit drug use traditionally have been studied in anthropology as separate cultural domains, this conceptual division has hindered examination of the significant level of drinking among street drug users, the motivations for heavy drinking in this population, and the public health consequences of mixing alcohol and other drugs, including drug relapse.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic and kinetic determinations of the activity of lactate dehydrogenase in murine erythroleukaemic (MEL) cells, sampled at 1min intervals, reveal distinct oscillations in the activity and amount of active isozyme. Both oscillations have periods in the range of 2–6min (probably less) and both appear to be rhythmically modulated with respect to period, amplitude and mean. The oscillations also occur in cell-free systems, a fact which throws doubt on the value of studies where it is assumed that such preparations have constant composition.  相似文献   
  • 1 The metapopulation metaphor is increasingly used to explain the spatial dynamics of animal populations. However, metapopulation structure is difficult to identify in long‐lived species that are widely distributed in stochastic environments, where they can resist extinctions. The literature on mammals may not provide supporting evidence for classic metapopulation dynamics, which call for the availability of discrete habitat patches, asynchrony in local population dynamics, evidence for extinction and colonization processes, and dispersal between local populations.
  • 2 Empirical evidence for metapopulation structure among mammals may exist when applying more lenient criteria. To meet these criteria, mammals should live in landscapes as discrete local breeding populations, and their demography should be asynchronous.
  • 3 We examined the literature for empirical evidence in support of the classical criteria set by Hanski (1999 ), and for the more lenient subset of criteria proposed by Elmhagen & Angerbjörn (2001 ). We suggest circumstances where metapopulation theory could be important in understanding population processes in mammals of different body sizes.
  • 4 The patchy distribution of large (>100 kg) mammals and dispersal often motivate inferences in support of a metapopulation structure. Published studies seldom address the full suite of classical criteria. However, studies on small mammals are more likely to record classic metapopulation criteria than those on large mammals. The slow turnover rate that is typical for medium‐sized and large mammals apparently makes it difficult to identify a metapopulation structure during studies of short duration.
  • 5 To identify a metapopulation structure, studies should combine the criteria set by Hanski (1999 ) and Elmhagen & Angerbjörn (2001 ). Mammals frequently live in fragmented landscapes, and processes involved in the maintenance of a metapopulation structure should be considered in conservation planning and management.
Cold water woodland streams, where terrestrially derived organic matter fuels aquatic food webs, can be affected by increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, as these are predicted to lead to increases in water temperature and decreases in organic matter quality. In fact, elevated CO2 (580 ppm) decreased the initial phosphorus concentration of birch litter by 30% compared with litter grown under ambient conditions (380 ppm). Here, we first assessed the effect of differences in litter quality on mass loss, microbial colonization and conditioned litter quality after submersion in a mountain stream for 2 weeks. Leaching did not change the relative differences between litter types, while fungal biomass was two fold higher in elevated litter. We then offered this litter (conditioned ambient and elevated) to a stream detritivore that was kept at 10 and 15 °C to assess the individual and interactive effects of increased temperature and decreased litter quality on invertebrate performance. When given a choice, the detritivore preferred elevated litter, but only at 10 °C. When fed litter types singularly, there was no effect of litter quality on consumption rates; however, the effect of temperature depended on individual size and time of collection. Growth rates were higher in individuals fed ambient litter at 10 °C when compared with individuals fed elevated litter at 15 °C. Mortality did not differ between litter types, but was higher at 15 °C than at 10 °C. Increases in temperature led to alterations in the individual body elemental composition and interacted with litter type. The performance of the detritivore was therefore more affected by increases in temperature than by small decreases in litter quality. However, it seems conceivable that in a future global warming scenario the simultaneous increases in water temperature and decreases in litter quality might affect detritivores performance more than predicted from the effects of both factors considered individually.  相似文献   
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