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The intracellular distribution of K+ and Na+ ions has been determined by compartmental analysis of isotope exchange. The simultaneous measurement of electrical potentials allowed us to show that the distribution of K+ was close to thermodynamic equilibrium while the internal concentration of Na+ was well below the value predicted for the equilibrium. The efflux of Na+ was more sensitive to temperature than its influx. Both ouabain and variations in the external levels of KCl produced weak and inconsistent effects, observations which would emphasize the difference between the Na+ extrusion mechanism of plants and animals. The Na+ extrusion system of Acer cells ceased to be functional in Na+-depleted cells but recovered its function if the cells were placed in 10 mM NaCl, which suggests that the extrusion system was induced by the level of internal Na+ ions.  相似文献   
After [3H] thymidine injection to new-hatching Drosophila melanogaster females the migration of labelled egg-chambers through the ovarioles was studied by autoradiographies of the ovaries at daily intervals. The growth duration of egg-chambers which progressed during the first 48 hr was 24 hr longer than the growth duration of chambers progressing thereafter. This temporary delay of ovarian activity was related to endocrine modifications occuring in female during this s period and particularly to a JH-ecdysone interaction.  相似文献   
The stomatal index of the trifoliate leaves of the Cowpea isa function not only of the total radiation received but alsoof variations in radiation during the 6 d preceding the majorphase of the unfolding of the leaf lamina. Hence, for sun plantsa whole day in the shade can cause a decrease in the stomatalindex provided this day occurs during the period defined above.For shade plants it is shown that a single day of high lightintensity during this critical period will cause an increasein the stomatal index. The latter is thus a characteristic foreach individual leaf. It is postulated that the site of photoperceptioncontrolling the stomatal index is located in the expanded adultleaves. Excision and transfer of still unfolding leaves to aculture medium partially prevents the influence of the olderexpanded leaves on the stomatal index of the excised leaf.  相似文献   
In the largest group of extant turtles, the Testudinoidea, the acquisition of an aquatic or terrestrial way of life has occurred within two clades, allowing the study of homoplasy linked to environment (commonly named convergence). Here we appraise the respective importance of two sources of morphological variation: a major cladogenetic event and a major environmental shift (aquatic vs. terrestrial). The repeatability of the same evolutionary process (environmental change) allows an assessment of the weights of both natural selection and phylogenetic constraints on several morphological features of the shell. These sources of morphological variance on the complex shell structure were studied using geometric morphometrics. We depict the morphological variation of three parts of the turtle shell: epidermal carapace, bony carapace, and plastron. In the three structures, we found that both phylogeny and environment were significant sources of morphological variation, and geometric morphometrics allowed the pattern of morphological variation due to each effect to be assessed. The assessment of the homoplasy due to environment and of the pattern of morphological variability suggests that the carapace has undergone similar morphological changes between aquatic and terrestrial environments within the two clades. The radiation of the Testudinoidea is interpreted as an adaptive radiation.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 485–501.  相似文献   
The effects of blue light on the growth and development of differentbranches were studied to determine if variations in the bluelight supply modified the horizontal spread of white clover.Cuttings of white clover (‘Huia’) were grown for56 d in two controlled chambers under conditions similar exceptfor level of blue light (BL). The horizontal spread of whiteclover was characterised by the phyllochron, internode lengthand branching or flowering of different axes. The responsesto a reduction in BL were different according to axis degree:(1) on the main axis, lowering BL slightly decreased the phyllochronand had no effect on internode length or stolon length; (2)on older primary branches, it decreased their phyllochron, butreduced stolon length due to a reduction in internode length;(3) on secondary branches, it increased the phyllochron anddecreased internode length, triggering a strong reduction instolon length (up to 54%). Moreover, an increase in BL reversedthese effects. The switch to lower BL or higher BL had no effecton internode length of primary branches, but triggered changesin internode length of the main axis. These differential effectsof variations in BL on the morphogenesis of different branchesare discussed in relation to the clonal integration of variationsin light composition. Changes in the horizontal spread of whiteclover induced by BL could play a role, combined with responsesto low red:far-red ratio and low photosynthetic photon flux(PPF) in the strategy of horizontal colonisation and shade-avoidanceof white clover.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Blue light, branching, horizontal spread, morphogenesis, phyllochron, plant development, plant morphology, stolon growth,Trifolium repensL., white clover.  相似文献   
FAVARGER, C. & NIETO FELINER, G., 1988 On the races of Arenoria tetraquetra L. (Caryophyllaceae). The caryological study of some Betic populations of Arenaria tetraquetra northwards from Sierra Nevada has proved that they are polyploids ( 3x, 4x, 5x ). Even though their Rowers are pentamerous, they differ from the Nevadean Arenaria tetraguetra subsp. amabilis (2x ) not only by the chromosome number but also by the micromorphology of the seed coat and the hairiness of the stem internodes. They also differ from Arenaria tetraquetra subsp. tetraquetra , the Rowers of which are tetramerous and the degree of polyploidy higher (6x in the Pyrenees, 7x in the Sierra de Pela eastwards from Sierra de Guadarrama). The authors proposed to give a subspecific status to such Betic polyploid populations with a new combination. They suggest a hypothesis to explain the evolution of the A. tetraguetra polyploid complex.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Although habitat attributes of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies have been described for central and northern portions of the species' geographic range, little is known about these associations at the southern edge of this species' distribution. Because high-quality habitats are expected to be scarcer at the edge of the species' geographic range, different patterns of habitat selection might emerge in these populations. We analyzed habitat selection by black-tailed prairie dogs in a human-disturbed mosaic of desert grasslands and shrublands in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico. We contrasted 151 used and 133 unused habitat units producing 11 case-control logistic regression models to explain site occupancy by prairie dogs with different combinations of environmental variables. Prairie dogs from Chihuahua occupy sites similar in most respects to sites in more northern regions, although these prairie dogs appear to be more tolerant of increased shrub density and reduced herbage cover. We found that site occupancy was best modeled by positive effects of soil moisture level, cover of forbs, cover of unpalatable vegetation, cover of bare ground, and amount of prairie-dog colony area within 1 km and by the inverse of altitude, shrub density, herbage height, and amount of hostile habitat within 1 km. The 2 most significant variables were herbage height and shrub density, which might reflect the prominent role that visibility plays in habitat selection by prairie dogs. In contrast, we found weak evidence that human features have significant impacts on site occupancy by prairie dogs. Our results support the prediction that environmental conditions of sites used by prairie dogs in edge regions partially differ from those observed in more northern latitudes. We suggest that reserve managers focus conservation efforts on areas with short vegetation, low density of shrubs, and high herbage cover, conditions that could be promoted by controlled burns, herbage mowing, and mechanical removal of shrubs.  相似文献   
SIGNIFICANT changes in RNA metabolism have been described during early sea urchin development. Until recently the only detectable class of RNA synthesized during cleavage stages was that with a low G + C base composition and heterogeneous sedimentation properties (DNA-Jike RNA)1. The genes for nucleolar ribosomal RNA (26S and 18S) were believed to become active only following gastrulation2–4 and the products of nuclear transfer RNA (4S) genes were first detected at the mesenchyme blastula stage5. Any label in the 4S region of sucrose gradients of RNA from the cleavage stages of embryogenesis was interpreted as reflecting the turnover of the pCpCpA region of pre-existing transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules.  相似文献   
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