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Subjective nasal obstruction is common among users of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). The aim of this study was to measure the acute effect of CPAP on nasal resistance and nasal symptoms in awake normal subjects. Twenty-four healthy CPAP-naive adults [8 men, 16 women; mean age 30 yr (SD 14)] underwent a randomized controlled crossover study comparing nasal CPAP (8 cmH(2)O) for 6 h on one occasion and the control condition (nasal mask without CPAP) on the other. Nasal resistance measurements (posterior active rhinometry) before and after the test exposure were similar on both test days. Nasal resistance during CPAP exposure [2.04 cmH(2)O.l(-1).s (SD 0.72)] was significantly lower than that of the control [2.67 cmH(2)O.l(-1).s (SD 1.07)]: mean difference 0.66 cmH(2)O.l(-1).s, 95% confidence interval 0.19-1.13 cmH(2)O.l(-1).s. The gradient in pressure from CPAP mask to posterior naris during CPAP exposure varied from 1.6 to 2 cmH(2)O but was not significantly different between time points. Subjective nasal symptom scores and peak nasal inspiratory flow rates did not change significantly on either test day. We conclude that in awake CPAP-naive normal subjects, acute CPAP exposure is associated with a reduction in nasal resistance compared with the control condition, but it is not associated with an immediate post-CPAP change in subjective or objective nasal resistance.  相似文献   
Genetic data collected on co-operatively breeding Neolamprologus pulcher groups from Lake Tanganyika revealed mixed parentage in 80% of the groups examined. A case (1/11) of shared maternity was detected where a subordinate female bred alongside the dominant female in a social group. Extra-pair paternity was assigned to other dominant males who held their own social groups, but subordinate males were not found to father young in any group (0/9).  相似文献   
A new class of 2-substituted benzoxazole carboxamides are presented as potent functional 5-HT(3) receptor antagonists. The chemical series possesses nanomolar in vitro activity against human 5-HT(3)A receptors. A chemistry optimization program was conducted and identified 2-aminobenzoxazoles as orally active 5-HT(3) receptor antagonists with good metabolic stability. These novel analogues possess drug-like characteristics and have potential utility for the treatment of diseases attributable to improper 5-HT(3) receptor function, especially diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D).  相似文献   
The growing use of molecular systematics in conservation has increased the importance of accurate resolution of taxonomic units and relationships. DNA data relate most directly to genealogies, which need not have perfect relationships with species limits and phylogenies. We used a multilocus gene tree approach to elucidate the relationships between four endangered Central American iguanas. We found support for the proposition that the described species taxa correspond to distinct evolutionary lineages warranting individual protection. We combined gene trees to estimate a phylogeny using Bayesian Estimation of Species Trees (BEST), minimizing deep coalescence, Species Trees from Average Ranks (STAR), and traditional concatenation. The estimate from concatenation conflicted with the other methods, likely owing to the disproportionate effect of mtDNA on concatenated analyses. This illustrates the importance of appropriate treatment of multilocus sequence data in phylogenetics. Our results indicate that these species have gone through recent and rapid speciation, resulting in four closely related narrow-range endemics.  相似文献   
Finite element methods have been applied to evaluate in vivo joint behavior, new devices, and surgical techniques but have typically been applied to a small or single subject cohort. Anatomic variability necessitates the use of many subject-specific models or probabilistic methods in order to adequately evaluate a device or procedure for a population. However, a fully deformable finite element model can be computationally expensive, prohibiting large multisubject or probabilistic analyses. The aim of this study was to develop a group of subject-specific models of the patellofemoral joint and evaluate trade-offs in analysis time and accuracy with fully deformable and rigid body articular cartilage representations. Finite element models of eight subjects were used to tune a pressure-overclosure relationship during a simulated deep flexion cycle. Patellofemoral kinematics and contact mechanics were evaluated and compared between a fully deformable and a rigid body analysis. Additional eight subjects were used to determine the validity of the rigid body pressure-overclosure relationship as a subject-independent parameter. There was good agreement in predicted kinematics and contact mechanics between deformable and rigid analyses for both the tuned and test groups. Root mean square differences in kinematics were less than 0.5 deg and 0.2 mm for both groups throughout flexion. Differences in contact area and peak and average contact pressures averaged 5.4%, 9.6%, and 3.8%, respectively, for the tuned group and 6.9%, 13.1%, and 6.4%, respectively, for the test group, with no significant differences between the two groups. There was a 95% reduction in computational time with the rigid body analysis as compared with the deformable analysis. The tuned pressure-overclosure relationship derived from the patellofemoral analysis was also applied to tibiofemoral (TF) articular cartilage in a group of eight subjects. Differences in contact area and peak and average contact pressures averaged 8.3%, 11.2%, and 5.7% between rigid and deformable analyses in the tibiofemoral joint. As statistical, probabilistic, and optimization techniques can require hundreds to thousands of analyses, a viable platform is crucial to component evaluation or clinical applications. The computationally efficient rigid body platform described in this study may be integrated with statistical and probabilistic methods and has potential clinical application in understanding in vivo joint mechanics on a subject-specific or population basis.  相似文献   
Investigation of the Vpu protein of HIV-1 recently uncovered a novel aspect of the mammalian innate response to enveloped viruses: retention of progeny virions on the surface of infected cells by the interferon-induced, transmembrane and GPI-anchored protein BST-2 (CD317; tetherin). BST-2 inhibits diverse families of enveloped viruses, but how it restricts viral release is unclear. Here, immuno-electron microscopic data indicate that BST-2 is positioned to directly retain nascent HIV virions on the plasma membrane of infected cells and is incorporated into virions. Virion-incorporation was confirmed by capture of infectivity using antibody to the ectodomain of BST-2. Consistent with a direct tethering mechanism, we confirmed that proteolysis releases restricted virions and further show that this removed the ectodomain of BST-2 from the cell surface. Unexpectedly, enzymatic cleavage of GPI anchors did not release restricted virions, weighing against models in which individual BST-2 molecules span the virion and host cell membranes. Although the exact molecular topology of restriction remains unsolved, we suggest that the incorporation of BST-2 into viral envelopes underlies its broad restrictive activity, whereas its relative exclusion from virions and sites of viral assembly by proteins such as HIV-1 Vpu may provide viral antagonism of restriction.  相似文献   
On 10 northern Australian properties, the number of calves sired (calf output) by individual bulls in multiple-sire matings was measured by DNA typing for paternity. There were 235 bulls (92 Santa Gertrudis, 25 5/8 Brahman and 119 Brahman) from 37 multiple-sire mating groups. Number of bulls in groups ranged from 2 to 25 and ages of bulls ranged from 2 to 5 years. Mating periods were for 3-12 months and bull mating percentages were 2.5-6%. In all, there were 4251 calves tested and the resolution of paternity ranged from 92.5 to 100% and averaged 97.7% across all sites. This included 9.9% of calves with no potential sires in any of the mating groups. Of the 235 bulls mated, 58% sired 10% or less calves in each of their respective mating groups with 6% not siring any calves. In contrast, 14% sired over 30% of the calves in each of the respective mating groups. When bulls were mated in groups of 8-24, the maximum percent of calves sired by individual bulls was 26+/-7% (mean+/-S.D.) with a range 11-36%. However, when bulls were mated in groups of 2-7, the maximum percent of calves sired by individual bulls was 59+/-19% with a range 24-94%. Calf output of bulls was moderately repeatable across years at four of five sites. Multiple regression models relating pre-mating measures of physical, seminal and behavioural traits to calf output were developed for the three breed groups. In all, only 138 of the 235 bulls were included in the models (40 Santa Gertrudis, 24 5/8 Brahman and 74 Brahman). Sheath and testicular traits, such as scrotal circumference and testicular tone, were generally not related to calf output, the exceptions being sheath depth in Brahman bulls which was negatively related (P<0.05) and scrotal circumference in 5/8 Brahmans which was positively related (P=0.08) to calf output. Dominance was only included in the 5/8 Brahman model but there was no significant relationship between dominance hierarchy and calf output. Semen motility was only related (P<0.05) to calf output in 5/8 Brahmans. However, measures of semen quality based on spermatozoa morphology were important contributors to calf output in the Santa Gertrudis and Brahman models where percent normal spermatozoa was positively related (P<0.01) to calf output. In Santa Gertrudis and Brahman bulls, measures of sexual behaviour in the serving capacity test were related to calf output. In Santa Gertrudis, these were for the number of displays of sexual interest (P<0.05), and mounts (P<0.01), but not number of serves, whilst in Brahman bulls, libido score was positively related to calf output (P<0.05). The models only explained 35-57% of the variation in calf output.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of surface waters of two Dutch moorland pools and of incident precipitation, was monitored from 1982 to 1990. For this period, sulfur and water budgets were calculated using a hydrochemical model developed for well-mixed non-stratifying lakes. Total atmospheric deposition of S decreased significantly after 1986 at both locations. A model describing the sulfur budget in terms of input, output and reduction/oxidation processes predicted a fast decrease of pool water SO4 2− concentrations after a decrease of atmospheric input. However, SO4 2− concentrations in the surface water was lowered only slightly or remained constant. Apparently a source within the lake caused the unexpectedly high SO4 2− concentrations. The possible supply of SO4 2− from the sediment through regulation by (K-)Al-SO4 containing minerals or desorption of SO4 2− from positively charged surfaces in the sediment was evaluated. Solubility calculations of pore water with respect to alunite, basaluminite and jurbanite indicated that SO4 2− concentration was not regulated by these minerals. It is suggested here (1) that desorption of SO4 2− from peaty sediments may account for the estimated SO4 2− supply provided that the adsorption complex is periodically recharged by partial oxidation of the upper bottom sediments and (2) that because of exposure of a part of the pool bottom to the atmosphere during dry summers and subsequent oxidation of reduced S, the amount of SO4 2− may be provided which complements the decreasing depositional SO4 2− input. In future research these two mechanisms need to be investigated.  相似文献   
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