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A DNA transformed mouse cell line, generated by the microinjection of a pBR322 plasmid containing the herpes thymidine kinase (tk) gene, was observed to exhibit a high frequency of DNA rearrangement at the site of exogenous DNA integration. The instability in this cell line does not appear to be mediated by the tk inserts or the immediately adjacent mouse DNA, but instead may be a consequence of the larger host environment at the chromosomal site of tk insertion. Results obtained from restriction analysis, in situ chromosome hybridizations, and cesium chloride density-gradient fractionations indicate that the tk inserts are organized as a single cluster of direct and inverted repeats embedded within pericentromeric satellite DNA. To determine the molecular identity of the flanking host sequences, one of the mouse-tk junction fragments was cloned, and subsequent restriction and sequence analyses revealed that this DNA fragment consists almost entirely of classical mouse satellite DNA. On the basis of these observations, we suggest that the instability in this cell line may reflect the endogenous instability or fluidity of satellite DNA.  相似文献   
We determined the effects of infusion of prostacyclin (PGI2) and 6-alpha-carba-PGI2 (6-cPGI2), a stable PGI2 analogue, on pulmonary transvascular fluid and protein fluxes after intravascular coagulation induced by thrombin. Studies were made in control awake sheep prepared with lung lymph fistulas (n = 6) and in similarly prepared awake sheep pretreated with either 6-cPGI2 (n = 5) or PGI2 (n = 5). Both prostacyclin compounds (500 ng X kg-1 X min-1) were infused intravenously. All groups were challenged with 80 U/kg thrombin. Pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), pulmonary lymph flow (Qlym), lymph protein clearance (Qlym X lymph/plasma protein concentration ratio), and neutrophil and platelet counts were determined. In vitro tests assessed sheep neutrophil chemotaxis and chemiluminescence and platelet aggregation. In both 6-cPGI2 and PGI2 groups, the increases in Qlym after thrombin were less than those in the control group. The increase in lymph protein clearance in the 6-cPGI2 group was the same as that in control, whereas the increase in clearance in the PGI2 group was reduced. PVR and Ppa increased to a greater extent in the 6-cPGI2 group than in the control group, whereas the increases in PVR and Ppa were inhibited in the PGI2 group. Neutrophil and platelet counts decreased after thrombin in PGI2 and 6-cPGI2 groups, as they did in the control group. Neither 6-cPGI2 altered neutrophil chemotaxis induced by thrombin and chemiluminescence induced by opsonized zymosan. Both prostacyclin compounds inhibited platelet aggregation induced by ADP or thrombin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Square arrays and their role in ridge formation in human lens fibers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Square arrays in human lens fibers were studied with freeze-fracture and thin-section TEM. In superficial fibers a number of patches of square array particles in the P face and pits in the E face are found in the smooth membrane. In the deeper cortex and the nucleus, fiber cells have undulating membranes and many ridges. Numerous patches of the particles (P face) are distributed in the concave regions, and the pits (E face) in the convex areas of the bumpy membrane. In most ridges, patches of the particles occur at regular intervals in the "valley" portion, while the pits are on the "crest" portion of ridges. Also, continuous square arrays having the same "valley" location as the regularly arranged patches are found in areas with extensive ridge patterns. The overlapping of the outer portions of two adjacent square arrays is found on the sides between the "crest" and the "valley" of the ridges. Structurally, square arrays are located in a nonjunctional part of the membrane; in an orthogonal crystalline arrangement; and with a particle size of about 6 nm and center-center spacing about 6.4 nm. They are structurally different from gap junctions found in the lens fibers. Thin-section studies reveal two types of cellular contacts: thin pentalamellar structures (about 12-13 nm in overall thickness) associated with the ridge patterns are believed to be square arrays; thick heptalamellar structures (about 16-17 nm in overall thickness) with a narrow gap in between the two central laminae are believed to be gap junctions. This study strongly suggests that square arrays are specifically involved in ridge formation in human lens fibers.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of cobra venom factor (CVF) on the changes in pulmonary hemodynamics and transvascular fluid and protein exchange following thrombin-induced pulmonary microembolism. Studies were made in unanesthetized sheep prepared with lung lymph fistulas. The animals received tranexamic acid (100 mg) to suppress fibrinolysis and were then challenged with an intravenous infusion of alpha-thrombin (80 U/kg). Control-thrombin challenged sheep were compared with the CVF-treated sheep challenged with the same thrombin dosage. CVF treatment (187 U X kg-1 X day-1 for 4 days) decreased the total hemolytic complement activity by 45% of control. Thrombin infusion in control sheep increased the mean pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and lymph protein clearance (pulmonary lymph flow X lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio, Clym). Thrombin infusion in CVF-treated sheep produced smaller increments in Ppa, PVR, and Clym. Pulmonary lymph obtained from control-thrombin and CVF-thrombin sheep induced migration of granulocytes obtained from normal unchallenged sheep. The granulocytes obtained from CVF-treated sheep responded relatively less to the migratory and O-2-generating stimuli (i.e., zymosan-treated serum, pulmonary lymph from sheep after thrombin challenge, and plasma from sheep after CVF treatment) compared with normal granulocytes. The attenuation of the thrombin-induced increases in Ppa, PVR, and lung transvascular fluid and protein exchange by CVF treatment may be the result of impaired function of granulocytes.  相似文献   
Treatment of glucose-grown L6 rat myoblasts with rabbit or sheep anti-(L6-rat myoblast) antibody for 35 min or glucose starvation for at least 8 h results in a 2-fold increase in the Vmax. of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (dGlc) and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose uptake. In both cases, apparent transport affinities were not affected. Furthermore, once stimulation has occurred, further increases in hexose uptake could not be produced. Assays of antibody binding to whole cells suggested that the antibody is not internalized but remains bound on the cell surface. To elucidate the site and mechanism of antibody action, plasma-membrane vesicles from L6 cells were prepared. Anti-L6 antibody was found to cause a time- and dosage-dependent stimulation of dGlc transport in these vesicles. Maximum activation was achieved after 30 min exposure. This antibody-mediated activation could be inhibited by treatment of vesicles with various proteinase inhibitors. Treatment of vesicles with trypsin was also found to activate dGlc transport to levels observed with antibody. These results are virtually identical with those obtained with whole cells and suggest that antibody-mediated activation of hexose transport results from interaction of antibody with a specific membrane component(s).  相似文献   
A simple immunoassay has been developed which can be used in the isolation of particular gene(s) from a clone bank of recombinant plasmids. A clone bank of the DNA is constructed with a plasmid vector and maintained in Escherichia coli. The recombinant clones were filtered onto a hydrophobic grid membrane and grown up into individual colonies, and a replica was made onto nitrocellulose paper. The bacterial cells were then lysed with chloroform and the proteins were immobilized onto the nitrocellulose paper. The nitrocellulose paper is then reacted with a rabbit antibody preparation made against the particular antigenic product to detect the recombinant clone which carries the corresponding gene. The bound antibodies can be detected easily by a colorimetric assay using goat anti-rabbit antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. Positively reacting clones can be recovered from the master hydrophobic grid membrane filter for further characterization. We proposed to call this method "colony ELISA blot" and described the isolation of the genes coding for the soluble antigens of Pasteurella haemolytica using this method.  相似文献   
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