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Nitrogen (N) deposition is widely considered an environmental problem that leads to biodiversity loss and reduced ecosystem resilience; but, N fertilization has also been used as a management tool for enhancing primary production and ground cover, thereby promoting the restoration of degraded lands. However, empirical evaluation of these contrasting impacts is lacking. We tested the dual effects of N enrichment on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning at different organizational levels (i.e., plant species, functional groups, and community) by adding N at 0, 1.75, 5.25, 10.5, 17.5, and 28.0 g N m?2 yr?1 for four years in two contrasting field sites in Inner Mongolia: an undisturbed mature grassland and a nearby degraded grassland of the same type. N addition had both quantitatively and qualitatively different effects on the two communities. In the mature community, N addition led to a large reduction in species richness, accompanied by increased dominance of early successional annuals and loss of perennial grasses and forbs at all N input rates. In the degraded community, however, N addition increased the productivity and dominance of perennial rhizomatous grasses, with only a slight reduction in species richness and no significant change in annual abundance. The mature grassland was much more sensitive to N‐induced changes in community structure, likely as a result of higher soil moisture accentuating limitation by N alone. Our findings suggest that the critical threshold for N‐induced species loss to mature Eurasian grasslands is below 1.75 g N m?2 yr?1, and that changes in aboveground biomass, species richness, and plant functional group composition to both mature and degraded ecosystems saturate at N addition rates of approximately 10.5 g N m?2 yr?1. This work highlights the tradeoffs that exist in assessing the total impact of N deposition on ecosystem function.  相似文献   
Constructions composed of faeces are rare in insects, but occur in certain leaf-beetle clades. Members of the subfamily Cryptocephalinae share a complex behavioural and morphological synapomorphy, involving portable faecal cases that house the immature stages. A maternally initiated egg case is expanded and enlarged through four larval stadia, then sealed to provide a pupal chamber from which adults eventually emerge. We analyse and compare faecal-case architecture in ten taxa of the cryptocephaline genus Neochlamisus , and assess structural variation within a life cycle, between different 'host forms' of Neochlamisus bebbianae , and among species. These cases proved to be comprised primarily of faeces, with plant trichomes representing the only common secondary component. General architectural trends reflected variation in shape, faecal texture, and the incorporation and density of trichomes. Deviations of the Neochlamisus case from a simple geometrical gnomon reflect the changing body size of the animal, differential application of faeces, and shifts in the orientation of the carriage of the case. Neochlamisus cases are presumably energetically costly to produce, carry, and maintain, and some adaptive hypotheses of case evolution are proposed. Additionally, literature on case morphology in other camptosomates is reviewed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 315–351.  相似文献   
1. Palaeolimnological data were used to investigate drivers of the community of primary producers in Lake Mattamuskeet, North Carolina, U.S.A. This is a large, shallow lake with two basins currently dominated by phytoplankton and macrophytes. The two basins were divided in 1940 by the building of a roadway across the lake, which also corresponded with the divergence in their ecosystem state. 2. Photosynthetic pigments, organic matter and nutrients (P, N, C, S) were analysed in sediment cores from each basin to reconstruct the primary producer community over the past c. 100 years. We sought to answer two questions. First, what changes to the ecosystem resulting from the building of the roadway caused the development of different primary producer communities in the two basins? Second, why have the alternative ecosystem states persisted despite a variety of human perturbations since 1940? 3. K‐means cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to identify three sediment types based on photosynthetic pigment data: sediments indicating low productivity (low pigment concentrations), sediments associated with macrophytes (chlorophyll a and b) and with phytoplankton (alloxanthin and aphanizophyll). In addition, other palaeolimnological proxies measured, such as loss on ignition, total phosphorus, total organic carbon/total nitrogen and other nutrients, were different in post‐1940 sediments within the two basins. 4. These differences suggest characteristics, such as nutrient cycling, water depth and other physical changes resulting from roadway construction, combined to establish and maintain the differing communities of primary producers in the two basins. Furthermore, Fe/S dynamics and waterfowl herbivory probably contributed to the development of the two ecosystem states.  相似文献   
1. Determined by landscape structure as well as dispersal‐related traits of species, connectivity influences various key aspects of population biology, ranging from population persistence to genetic structure and diversity. Here, we investigated differences in small‐scale connectivity in terms of gene flow between populations of two ecologically important invertebrates with contrasting dispersal‐related traits: an amphipod (Gammarus fossarum) with a purely aquatic life cycle and a mayfly (Baetis rhodani) with a terrestrial adult stage. 2. We used highly polymorphic markers to estimate genetic differentiation between populations of both species within a Swiss pre‐alpine catchment and compared these results to the broader‐scale genetic structure within the Rhine drainage. Landscape genetic approaches were used to test for correlations of genetic and geographical structures and in‐stream barrier effects. 3. We found overall very weak genetic structure in populations of B. rhodani. In contrast, G. fossarum showed strong genetic differentiation, even at spatial scales of a few kilometres, and a clear pattern of isolation by distance. Genetic diversity decreased from downstream towards upstream populations of G. fossarum, suggesting asymmetric gene flow. Correlation of genetic structure with landscape topography was more pronounced in the amphipod. Our study also indicates that G. fossarum might be capable of dispersing overland in headwater regions and of crossing small in‐stream barriers. 4. We speculate that differences in dispersal capacity but also habitat specialisation and potentially the extent of local adaptation could be responsible for the differences in genetic differentiation found between the two species. These results highlight the importance of taking into account dispersal‐related traits when planning management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   
A density-based load estimation method was applied to determine femoral load patterns. Two-dimensional finite element models were constructed using single energy quantitative computed tomography (QCT) data from two femora. basic load cases included parabolic pressure joint loads and constant tractions on the greater trochanter. An optimization procedure adjusted magnitudes of the basic load cases, such that the applied mechanical stimulus approached the ideal stimulus throughout each model. Dominant estimated load directions were generally consistent with published experimental data for gait. Other estimated loads suggested that loads at extreme joint orientations may be important to maintenance of bone structure. Remodeling simulations with the estimated loads produced density distributions qualitatively similar to the QCT data sets. Average nodal density errors between QCT data and predictions were 0·24 g/cm3 and 0·28 g/cm3. The results indicate that density-based load estimation could improve understanding of loading patterns on bones.  相似文献   

Exact locations of spawning areas used by marine fishes are needed to design marine reserves and estimate spawning stocks. The location of spawning areas of soniferous fishes such as weakfish Cynoscion regalis can be determined by means of passive hydroacoustic surveys. We conducted nocturnal hydrophone surveys at 12 locations in Pamlico Sound in May of 1996 and 1997. Digital audio tapes were made of weakfish “purring” sounds, the tapes were analyzed spectrographically and compared with ichthyoplankton surveys taken at the same stations and times. All weakfish “purring” sounds were recorded at stations near inlets. Maximum sound pressure levels recorded after sunset were 127 dB (re 1 (μPa) for individual weakfish, but reached a maximum of 147 dB when weakfish and other fish were producing sounds simultaneously. The maximum distance that an individual weakfish “purr” can be detected above the background sound, assuming a cylindrical spreading model, is approximately 50 m. There was a strong association (r = 0.78) between the log10— transformed abundance of early-stage sciaenid-type eggs and maximum sound pressure levels, with the greatest numbers occurring at the inlet stations. These results suggest that passive hydroacoustic surveys can be used to delimit spawning areas for conservation and management purposes.  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 16 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica juncea and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. Sixteen primer pairs were assessed for polymorphism in all genomes of the diploid and amphidiploid Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, considerable polymorphism and high transferability across species, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of brassicas.  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 24 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica napus and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, genome specificity and considerable polymorphism, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of wild Brassica populations and commercial Brassica germplasm.  相似文献   
1. The extent to which individuals are parasitised is a function of exposure to parasites and the immune response, which in ectotherms may be associated with temperature. 2. We test the hypothesis that seasonal variation in ectoparasite burden is driven by temperature using an extensive mark‐release‐recapture study of adult Coenagrion puella (L.) (Zygoptera) as a model system. Mite counts were taken both at capture and on a subset of subsequent recaptures over two entire, consecutive breeding seasons. 3. Emergence date was the most significant factor in determining individual differences in mite burden, and mean counts for individuals emerging on the same days showed strong unimodal relationships with time of season. Subsequent recounting of mites on a subset of individuals showed that patterns of loss of mites were similar between seasons. 4. While temperature did not significantly affect mite burdens within seasons and ectoparasite prevalence was very similar across the two seasons, intensity of infection and rate of mite gain in unparasitised individuals were significantly higher in the cooler season. 5. We demonstrate that, while temperature may modulate the invertebrate immune response, this modulation does not manifest in variations in mite burdens in natural populations.  相似文献   
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